11 Shots fired | 3 Different Locations | Patsy | Eyewitness Accounts | Video Proof | 3 Letter Agencies | Lies, Coverups, Betrayal | All You Need to Know NOW & What Really Happened in Bethel Park, PA ⚠
That head of the service that recently resigned was a chosen patsy taking the heat for whoever organised it and retiring to the Seychelles or wherever on the proceeds. No red shoes for her.
Likely the second man on the watertower was there to murder the assassin. I think Cookes was just there as the distraction. Now the FIB has all the evidence they need to destroy.
It's no longer the good old days for the clowns. Their main problem is people seeing the light coming out of the woodwork. There must be a layer of pavement plodders that know things, they will be thinking along the lines of acts of God, some will.
Also what in this world is this "dumb broad" allowed to be appointed Directer of the SecServ with importance of literally world altering events in to prevent in their very hands:
"Directers" of anything should be only of involved men phyically proven beyond any doubt as actual players in the field and superb strategist's = kinda like NFL/NHL/NBA, Green Beret etc...
Tony, if you can explain and justify suffering, then you can ask God that question. God has used deeply flawed people throughout history to shape our collective story. King David comes to mind. A murderer, adulterer, thief, liar, poet, king, repentant, lineage of Christ, the only perfect son of God and Redeemer from this confused world of dark and light. Regarding the fire fighter, he has an immortal soul that while lost to his family (a real tragedy) he is not lost to eternal life which God has now called him to.
This user considers their self a "cultural-Christian" as opposed to anything hardcore "religious", as mass organized "religion" doesn't work. IMHO, there is no such "Divine Interference", at least in the physical sense. Per a FEE article from a couple of years ago: "God-is-a-libertarian". IMHO, Mankind is supposed to return to Source on its own and Source is smart enough to know that such artificial market interference just doesn't work; that such central-planning and worship and returns on such worship defeats the purpose of having free-will and living life; that Source knows basic Austrian/Misesian Economics in that "there is no accounting for the final destination of a good", "the State and the market are incompatible with one another", and "value is subjective in the eyes of the consumer (which all are, whether or not they are producers and/or distributors)". One of the "Seven Hermetic Principles" is that, "The universe is holographic and dualistic; as above, so below". There are many lessons that many do not learn simply by looking inward (where Salvation is said to come from, per the great quote from "The Shawshank Redemption") that can be used to understand that which is outward, and vice versa. IMHO, there are parasitic, communist aliens, just as there are Democrips, that there are monarchic and/or minarchist aliens, a la Rebloodlicans, and there are aliens that are proponents of free markets, a la libertarians/AnCaps. "Human" races have been star-seeded here from elsewhere, such as the Negroids/blacks from the Sirius-B star system, and Pacific Asians who model their huts in the shape of their ancestral starship that brought them here. IMHO, there are central-planning "neo-Atlanteans" who wish to continue to pervert "humanity" as revenge for The Great Flood that nearly wiped them all out, and they've been building a system of control for centuries! "Vril-ya", "Targ", "Draconians", "Annunaki" (look at the late JacobRothschild's skull shape), it makes no real difference. One is either a statist or is a AnCap. To each their own, but trying to pin deaths on Divine Will is folly and counter-productive, IMHO.
Tony... If you are not aware that every single one of us has an expiration date, you might be in a precarious place spiritually. Believers do not look at death as happenstance. And although Cory's chair is still empty, and his family will grieve and miss him for their lifetimes, they will be reunited if they are also saved by the shed blood of JESUS.
Nor do we think that those who succumb tragically every day are "targeted" (after all, GOD is not FBI!) The Bible states clearly "TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION"
When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raised his hand to his ear. Even if you'll claim that they were only acting, I ask you this; Why would there be 3 to 4 different shooters, in 3 to 4 separate locations, firing live rounds into a crowd just to fake Trump being shot? Logic implies that this was an actual coordinated hit on Trump which was fortunately unsuccessful.
You should know better than to apply that word towards any person. There is no need to resort to immature name calling or insults. You can disagree and think a person may have their mental capacities questioned but using the R word says more negative feelings about you than the other person.
Well Kim stay on the porch if you can't run with the big dogs. This is fight club. I don't have time for people that can't understand what's going on. But have a nice day... Chip
"retard" is a perfectly neutral word. It means "slow to learn". Most people are "retarded" in some areas of necessary operation. I call myself a "techtard" as a made-up label because, while I can ultimately grasp technical details and execution, I am much slower than most others. People who are mentally retarded will be able to learn the skill they are working on, "disabled" people cannot (or refuse to) learn.
If you research the word 'retard' it just means 'slow down' or slow. Not a bad word, just another example of the brainwashing to make it a bad word. We can't all be geniuses and the last five years have shown us there is a vast majority of the retard/slow in our society...and still going strong!
Wowee!! Cool! Do you have a language police BADGE too? And has your mommy made you a uniform? If someone's language makes you uncomfortable... pretend you're a grown adult and pass on by.
You're welcome Teena. But I would suggest to you that fight club is no place for emotional women. Come to the party ready to fight or don't come at all. You and Kim are the perfect examples of why women should not be allowed in politics. In fact I would say that women and other incompetent DEI hires are what is destroying what's left of the USSA... Chip
I am sorry Chip, I think maybe I misunderstood what your comment was referring to, I don't know what the fight club is. Maybe what you responded to was a removed comment? Now not sure what your retard alert was about? I am thinking now it may have been about the incompetence of Donald Trumps protection on Saturday. I took your comment as directed at the clear evidence of the attempted assasination could not have happened by this lone shooter. I agree that there was incompetent protection in place to protect Former President Trump. But they were put there intentionally and some were there to aid in the assassination as well. I wish it was a matter of retardation, but retards are not capable pure meditated evil.
President Trump was winning, Biden was terribly going down in public perception after the debate and democrat donors were asking for him to step down for two weeks before the event, but Trump needed to orchestrate a horrific show like that? Have you considered the motive in your hypothesis?
Excellent rundown.. You and Mike Adams are on the right track, do not let up. There are treasonous elements in our government and society that need to be rooted out and eliminated with extreme prejudice.
This is alarming. The commercial makes it seem this investment company is helping students with grants, etc... although what they are really doing is indoctrinating these children under mind control and using them for sting operations. Gee gats!
Absolutely correct and it can and IS being done technologically on mass scale , that is what cell phones/5g are for watch everything from Sabrina Wallace of Odessey
This is not the link but one of many of hers to understand whole tech situation, many on Odysee Sabrina Wallace , brilliant , used to work in these areas targeted individual tells it like it is ,
Including our retirement $. Saddens me that them & vanguard is in a lot of our retirement funds and I for one don't want this. I have voiced this to my guy who I've trusted to roll over my employer 401 k investment to different accounts.
There is no difference between the corrupted agencies , gov, and Blackrock ,Vanguard ect ect THE OWNERS control the puppets and dictate policies and events.
And MSM had a photographer that bragged about his high speed camera shot of a bullet whizzing by Trumps head .. imagine that would have been a highly sensitive shot if the bullet had met its full target for all the evil people of the world to share and display on their walls eh ? This includes the lady videographer behind Trump in the black cap .. no emotion just started filming with her phone .. these people need to be questioned of what they knew.
How many people and what sort of apparatus would it take to capture such a thing at a distance and how would one man possibly put every setting just tippy top?
First thing is the time it takes for the shooter to say ready-Now!
No: Wait for it..., Ready?
Allow for the bullet to reach the target and have the shutter on an high speed camera capturing it?
Seriously an amateur making his fist kill on a hot roof?
This is something for every amateur detective to play out with his pals on Youtube over the next election cycle.
With all the varieties of speeds and reactions involved, I bet it takes days of rehearsal.
If you havent, this was an extremely interesting read ( Link ), especially related to symbolism! From Pepe's substack this AM .( if he's a reliable source, only read a few of his stacks )
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Thank you Father in Heaven
Please, expose and provide the discernement needed
with the providence where You root out the enemies of truth
and right living, all in reverence of Your name and throne!
May ALL the enemies fail and fall against their own devices
Remember, this was the "enhanced" security detail that was assigned to Trump *after* they received intelligence that Iran was actively trying to kill him. If that "enhanced" story helps the other versions of stories they're telling us. They're actually trying to convince us that Trump's security was *heightened* after Iranian activities became known. And a 20yo high school loser outsmarted, overpowered, better strategerized the heightened Secret Service protection that was deployed as soon as they learned the Iranian plans. Yeah. Sure. Not. None of it is truthful. None of it. What are they hiding? What truth are they hiding? They're obviously, provably lying. Believe nothing they say. They are liars.
I feel like I’m starting to see through the darkness, the mirror has cracked. We are well into a civil war!! Not Democrats against Republicans but constitutional Americans against the entrenched deep state military industrial complex, the CIA and a whole host of operatives beginning with that odious Victoria Nuland. No matter whether Trump wins or Kennedy wins, the war will just escalate. I will back any President who goes after them. And in the meantime, I suggest that the House arrest and interrogate Nuland for her veiled threat!!!
Yep , but its even deeper and uglier , they will not and have not given the American voters ANY choice that is not deep state controlled for a very long time all elections still rigged. DJT is one of them , so is his VP PICK I have sent expose on JD VANCE TO ALL bad news all the way .
There isn't a way out of this that doesn't involve us getting right with God. Trump/No Trump. Until we, all wanting something better than this slo-mo dystopia that's unfolding around us get right with God, Almighty, it will continue to get worse, just a little slower under Trump. We have to get right with God and help our loved ones and community get right with God.
We're not going to outsmart, outplan, overpower, reach in and snatch our freedom back by just selecting a new leader. We learned after 2015-16 Brexit-Trump and 2020 Trump that's not how it works. All of the systems of man's laws are corrupt, broken, serving the wicked. God, and God alone will be our salvation. When we get right with him and not a moment sooner.
It has nothing to do with " nihilistic doom. " what a childish judgement , we go nowhere without the truth , if your so immature to handle finding out things that threaten your comfort zone , dont come here where some have done real research. This country was under attack and subversion from the beginning. a large number of what you call "founding fathers ' were Brit agents and Kings men. We were never completely free from economic control from Brit empire , controlled by Black Nobility families, Vatican and Jesuits, ect ect. Modern restructured Illuminati was formed on July 4th , 1776 does that ring any bells with you? And dont tell me what I should stop. Maybe you should stop the ignorance, and do some real research. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING about doom , thats your perspective.
Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to Baal" -> must stand up despite the "luke warm" Country Club churches & preachers in America now a thankless Materialistic & Heddonistically run cultural society...!
What was the source of the claim "that Iran was actively trying to kill him"?
Because blaming it on Iran would serve only Neocons, Zionists and Israel and their purposes for ticking off the last stable country on the PNAC list (Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran) and fomenting a greater war in the region.
And now there is a report that Crooks had encrypted 'phones connected to Israeli elements.
If the encrypted phones aren't enough (or are not corroborated): Those stock market shorts on DJT should be the 'smoking gun'.
Heck if I know. Is one of the many stories that came out of the regime since. A house of mirrors, throw everything against the wall, see what sticks? Who knows. Just more lies. And one that makes them look even worse. As if that's possible.
I am not an American nor do I live in the US. When Trump was president I thought he was a buffoon.
Now I realise who he really is and what he stands for and believe that he the ONLY candidate who is capable of running the country.
This attempt on his life has made him stronger and that whoever orchestrated it will realise that people will turn to Trump instead of away from him. They failed miserably in what they set out to do and if Trump does not win the 2024 elections then something is seriously afoot.
Tragic event for sure but he is NOT what you think him to be, controlled opposition for certain , I can prove all this, and will debate anyone anytime on all this . Look at the VP pick , as bad as it gets
Well he is definitely cabal , [the JD VANCE PICK SHOWS THAT] but after complete investigations into what is known at this point , and hinted at for a long time . I dont see this as fake or staged, yes they are after those who believe in him and want real change in America and know the truth of what is happening in various degrees. But he also has real deep state enemies and democrap party/big tech enemies as well , and THEY do sometimes sacrifice their own for the agendas , which in this case is to inflame civil war, demoralize the other side, leave no option for those supporters to vote for even in rigged elections. in short distraction , chaos, and demoralization. Real bullets were fired, real bystanders died or were wounded, no sniper is good enough to near miss like that, and THAT SMIRKING, NON PANICKED LADY filming in baseball cap directly behind and ALL OTHER AGENCY IMPLICATING EVIDENCE tells me all I need to know. DJT among his other failures refused to turn loose ALL agency implicating info on JFK /RFK assassinations , now that has come back to bite him in the ass. JFK was cabal choice, his old man a partner, his election was rigged, HE WENT ROGUE, they sacrificed him . REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE ARE INTO BLOOD SACRIFICES. They have targeted DJT as well as all Americans..
Wheels within wheels this show is really between satan and Jesus. In the end their father wins. Imagine all this is about correcting an errant son. I hope it isn't and that satn is due to be removed adfter the thousand years.
sun tzu art of war ... divide confuse, make arguments among your enemies, divert their attention from the real danger ,,, w e f world tyranical govt,, digital money , destroy the united states constitution , poison everything air water food medicine , poison our dna , etc etc full steam ahead , while everyone is distracted by this psy op .... good God please enlighten our darkness and show us and help us deal with evil according to your gracous wisdom
All of us saw this coming. It wasn't an "if" it was a "when." Personality disordered people with evil agendas will stop at nothing to serve their aims. The attempt was not at all surprising to me~ mortifying, yes... but not surprising. My friends and I have been anticipating that an attempt to stop Trump by ANY means has always been on the table. I pray daily, of his safety and the safety of his family members... and I am by NO means a religious gal.
Yes, anyone with eyes to see should have foresaw this.
This heinous act was only possible because Trump ignored what happened to John F. Kennedy.
And just like the fox guarding the hen house (see Fridays' funnies), it probably isn't the wisest choice to entrust your life to those that want you dead!
I do not think that most people are aware of all the prior attempts on his life, such as in Jan. 2021 with the failed drone attack; or when the armed FBI special agent Barry Lee Bush was caught in Trump Towers trying to sneak pass security.
No guessing there, the dems have repeatedly said they will stop at nothing. They are rats trapped in the corner. They have scraped the bottom of the barell and have nothing more to lose.
I'm betting they have even more sinister plans before the election.
Wow quite a mini bio on you NO SHORTAGE of personality disorders to see is there ?, yes I saw all this long ago and even made podcasts on it , contact me much info to share. SK
Likely because they have what "they want " more precisely with JD VANCE so DJT will likely get in then be removed and JD VANCE BROUGHT IN . see my comments
I'm sure that this has been covered elsewhere in the comments, but the identification of Crooks was a feat of magic in itself. FBI stated that he was not carrying any identification, so they had to resort to DNA matching to confirm who he was. They also stated that he has no prior arrest record--so how does a kid in a rural county in PA wind up in the feds' DNA database? Very very little about this makes sense, which means we're being lied to at every turn.
Yes but there are MANY ways to get DNA IN DATA BASE , Everyone who took a fake PCR test may have given them this , in many states cops have been doing random road blocks and taking DNA SAMPLES , and many medical procedures, and even given it to CCP/ CHINA as well
Fine, but let's not add to the "theories." Dear Feds: please tell us how Crooks's DNA wound up in your searchable database, and how long the matching process took. I am only concerned with evidence here, not with finding a way to conveniently explain something without facts supporting it.
They collected a sample from the sloped roof after the alleged shooter being shot, ran it down to the black SUVs that were running and standing by, put it on ice, sped to the nearest facility to run the super duper accurate analysis, which the results were compared to millions and millions of records, all under 2 hrs. What is the issue? Surely someone has video of this? Someone has video of Crooks shooting right?
A lot of people have done genetic searches on themselves with apps like 23 and me, Ancestry and so forth. If they checked his DNA and got anywhere close and paired that with his father reporting him missing with his AR15 then it gets a lot easier to narrow the possibilities.
I believe Crooks is not dead. Shot with a tranq gun. Obama's deep state is behind all this. He wants a 4th term and won't get it with Trump. This was as much a set up as 9-11 when two buildings were hit with planes, and three buildings fell. Imagine that! If Trump had been killed, they wouldn't be pushing Joe to quit.
Crooks is dead. They don’t care about sparing him if your scenario were so. Obama’s deep state being behind it and Obama wanting a 4th term? That’s believable. I will bet he was hoping to eek another 4 years out of Joe.
The photo of some agent of SS or FBI hosing down the roof says it all. You just don't wash down critical evidence so casually. Moreover, would either one of those agencies have little concern about "gittin' their picture took"? I gotta cast my vote for "scam".
Yep. Exactly. Enough so that it would have delayed, or postponed the election, brought martial law, and anarchy. I believe they only wanted to wound him as a warning. I also believe crooks wasn't the one who fired the wounding shot. There was someone on top the water tower. Obama's deep state wants to create chaos so the globalists can waltz in and take over. He is working for them. Not America.
Let's assume it was only meant to be a wound. His head turning at the last split second was anticipated? It's a bit of a stretch to think that someone could have sent a bullet to WOUND him with his position. It looked like it was meant to take out Trump with a brain stem shot. CNN made their grand appearance at a Trump rally to capture the hit, and someone carrying a camera capable of extremely high shutter speeds to capture every frame of anticipated gore. And capturing (supposedly) the contrail of the bullet?
Why else would a camera with such high shutter speed be needed for a typical rally? Why was CNN suddenly interested in a Trump rally? There's too many oddities to think it was mean to wound him.
Yes, CNN has been known to harass, persecute and possibly “take care “ of people whom they consider an adversary , specially those exposing the crimes being committed by the big pharma Cartels. Dr. Rashid Buttar, who died in May of last year, claimed to have been poisoned after an interview at CNN, ( possibly in the break room?), and Dr. Mercola was hunted down by one of their Achor Women while he was bicycling. You raise some very important observations. Thank you.
There were other "appearances" of CNN that appear to show close ties/collusion with the FBI. They would include the FBI showing up at James O'Keefe's home (or was that the NYTimes?), and the arrest of Peter Navarro. The raid on that family man's home relating to protesting at an abortion agency.
Wake up the globalist agendas sweep in NO MATTER who gets in or no election , no nation has yet stopped anything yet , resistance is building but nothing stopped yet military are involved in ALL
I keep saying the main driver of this may be the globalists. BlackRock shorts both DJT *& Rumble the day before the shot? BlackRock owns the AGR building?
We can stop it but we all have to work together at the same time. Here’s how: withdraw all money from banks and withhold your tax payments until we win the right to assign our tax dollars for or not for every spending proposal. Government only functions because we let them use our money. If we stop letting them spend it for things we don’t want, we can stop them cold. A bloodless civil war. It’s our money. Every year with every tax return, government agencies would get an accountability report card in the form of funding. Budgets would shrink or swell based on performance. If this were already a feature of our “democracy “, the DOJ and FBI would be stripped to the bone and many would be gone. A reformation would be underway or they would find themselves out on the street next year!!
And will likely be anyway no way to stop it now , "they" can only continue with more heavy handed tyranny and continuing agendas , they have just started , are not finished , desperate or defeated or in retreat as MANY think , but more and more waking up , aware and getting active in the fight , that is the only way we survive. They have their controlled opposition , and plans stacked many layers deep . JD VANCE and VP choice is proof , dont be fooled again.
Please show us who is then and operating all these agendas, including engineered global food famine, global geoengineereing, Transhumanist/post human agenda , and 5.3 billion supposedly taken the first round of death shots with only minor pressure and very flimsy information. Supernatural beings or saviors dont count in this discussion, they may be or not depending on beliefs. But is up to us to solve our problems, besides they seem to be a day late and a dollar short.
Im not blackpilled or any thing in any box, just decades of knowledge and research and experience as to what we are really up against , hope , and hopelessness and or denial are not the way to go , seeing things as they are is the way to begin, then appropriate action with sufficient power and focus. Just saying a slogan like " we will get through this" does what? I challenged your reply to show us who is in charge and now show us meaningful solutions to "get through this" Show us what you have to offer .
With all that we have experienced in the last ten years, all the obfuscation of previous government employees, the many incidents of lies told, the stakes are so high now that the deep state, the left, the dems cannot take any chances because many will end up in prison. They must eliminate the threat . This presentation was very well done. There is little doubt now that the intention was to eliminate an obstacle. Unfortunately for them it did not work because the one who is finally in charge of every thing did not allow it. God is in charge here.
If you go to Mike Adams Natural News in one of the frames where he analyses the shots you can actually see a bullet midair, about 2 feet past Trump's ear. There was deffinitely bullets flying at the time.
The photo that supposedly shows a bullet would have to had to have a camera that had such a high shutter speed that few photographers even have that level of technology let alone have it along for an outdoor event (unless they knew it was going to be "exciting"!). Then to be snapping at the exact time is totally improbable, meaning the probability of getting that shot is so low it is not believable. Anyone can photoshop in a streak. Plus there are many pictures floating around that show Trump later in the day or the next day and no damage to his ear. It was after these were seen and now removed that he started wearing the ear diaper. 27 July only 14 days after the injury is a good picture of Trump with Netanyahu, all proud and smiles, no ear diaper and no scars, no scabs no nothing on his ear. Wray is now saying they think it was shrapnel indicating the FBI doesn't think a bullet went in that direction either. It was staged. It was fake blood. Look closely at the blood, there is no damage to his ear. He's the best of the best in his field.
Amazing Read. Thank you.
At that moment he turned his head- something shifted in the universe. God is good. Not for whomever else is responsible for this heinous act., though.
Truth will be told!
I agree. They will all be accountable to God one day and it won’t be pretty. God always gets the last word.
That head of the service that recently resigned was a chosen patsy taking the heat for whoever organised it and retiring to the Seychelles or wherever on the proceeds. No red shoes for her.
Likely the second man on the watertower was there to murder the assassin. I think Cookes was just there as the distraction. Now the FIB has all the evidence they need to destroy.
It's no longer the good old days for the clowns. Their main problem is people seeing the light coming out of the woodwork. There must be a layer of pavement plodders that know things, they will be thinking along the lines of acts of God, some will.
Also what in this world is this "dumb broad" allowed to be appointed Directer of the SecServ with importance of literally world altering events in to prevent in their very hands:
"Directers" of anything should be only of involved men phyically proven beyond any doubt as actual players in the field and superb strategist's = kinda like NFL/NHL/NBA, Green Beret etc...
Tony, if you can explain and justify suffering, then you can ask God that question. God has used deeply flawed people throughout history to shape our collective story. King David comes to mind. A murderer, adulterer, thief, liar, poet, king, repentant, lineage of Christ, the only perfect son of God and Redeemer from this confused world of dark and light. Regarding the fire fighter, he has an immortal soul that while lost to his family (a real tragedy) he is not lost to eternal life which God has now called him to.
This user considers their self a "cultural-Christian" as opposed to anything hardcore "religious", as mass organized "religion" doesn't work. IMHO, there is no such "Divine Interference", at least in the physical sense. Per a FEE article from a couple of years ago: "God-is-a-libertarian". IMHO, Mankind is supposed to return to Source on its own and Source is smart enough to know that such artificial market interference just doesn't work; that such central-planning and worship and returns on such worship defeats the purpose of having free-will and living life; that Source knows basic Austrian/Misesian Economics in that "there is no accounting for the final destination of a good", "the State and the market are incompatible with one another", and "value is subjective in the eyes of the consumer (which all are, whether or not they are producers and/or distributors)". One of the "Seven Hermetic Principles" is that, "The universe is holographic and dualistic; as above, so below". There are many lessons that many do not learn simply by looking inward (where Salvation is said to come from, per the great quote from "The Shawshank Redemption") that can be used to understand that which is outward, and vice versa. IMHO, there are parasitic, communist aliens, just as there are Democrips, that there are monarchic and/or minarchist aliens, a la Rebloodlicans, and there are aliens that are proponents of free markets, a la libertarians/AnCaps. "Human" races have been star-seeded here from elsewhere, such as the Negroids/blacks from the Sirius-B star system, and Pacific Asians who model their huts in the shape of their ancestral starship that brought them here. IMHO, there are central-planning "neo-Atlanteans" who wish to continue to pervert "humanity" as revenge for The Great Flood that nearly wiped them all out, and they've been building a system of control for centuries! "Vril-ya", "Targ", "Draconians", "Annunaki" (look at the late JacobRothschild's skull shape), it makes no real difference. One is either a statist or is a AnCap. To each their own, but trying to pin deaths on Divine Will is folly and counter-productive, IMHO.
Tony... If you are not aware that every single one of us has an expiration date, you might be in a precarious place spiritually. Believers do not look at death as happenstance. And although Cory's chair is still empty, and his family will grieve and miss him for their lifetimes, they will be reunited if they are also saved by the shed blood of JESUS.
Nor do we think that those who succumb tragically every day are "targeted" (after all, GOD is not FBI!) The Bible states clearly "TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION"
No, but the secret service sure did! Atheist suck! Trump Haters suck!
Why would you comment such an unkind and unnecessary statement?
People have an absolute right to be completely wrong... but tossing out a death wish like it's birdseed is ALSO COMPLETELY WRONG!
This is a heartless, gutless and cowardly/treasonous remark. How good do you feel in your soul if you really have one??? REVOLTING !!!!
The truth hurts.
When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raised his hand to his ear. Even if you'll claim that they were only acting, I ask you this; Why would there be 3 to 4 different shooters, in 3 to 4 separate locations, firing live rounds into a crowd just to fake Trump being shot? Logic implies that this was an actual coordinated hit on Trump which was fortunately unsuccessful.
Lol bud. Just stop. You arent fooling anyone
Retard alert...
You should know better than to apply that word towards any person. There is no need to resort to immature name calling or insults. You can disagree and think a person may have their mental capacities questioned but using the R word says more negative feelings about you than the other person.
Well Kim stay on the porch if you can't run with the big dogs. This is fight club. I don't have time for people that can't understand what's going on. But have a nice day... Chip
"retard" is a perfectly neutral word. It means "slow to learn". Most people are "retarded" in some areas of necessary operation. I call myself a "techtard" as a made-up label because, while I can ultimately grasp technical details and execution, I am much slower than most others. People who are mentally retarded will be able to learn the skill they are working on, "disabled" people cannot (or refuse to) learn.
If you research the word 'retard' it just means 'slow down' or slow. Not a bad word, just another example of the brainwashing to make it a bad word. We can't all be geniuses and the last five years have shown us there is a vast majority of the retard/slow in our society...and still going strong!
Calling someone by that term is meant to imply 70 or less IQ
Wowee!! Cool! Do you have a language police BADGE too? And has your mommy made you a uniform? If someone's language makes you uncomfortable... pretend you're a grown adult and pass on by.
Thanks for alerting us to your mental status.
You're welcome Teena. But I would suggest to you that fight club is no place for emotional women. Come to the party ready to fight or don't come at all. You and Kim are the perfect examples of why women should not be allowed in politics. In fact I would say that women and other incompetent DEI hires are what is destroying what's left of the USSA... Chip
I am sorry Chip, I think maybe I misunderstood what your comment was referring to, I don't know what the fight club is. Maybe what you responded to was a removed comment? Now not sure what your retard alert was about? I am thinking now it may have been about the incompetence of Donald Trumps protection on Saturday. I took your comment as directed at the clear evidence of the attempted assasination could not have happened by this lone shooter. I agree that there was incompetent protection in place to protect Former President Trump. But they were put there intentionally and some were there to aid in the assassination as well. I wish it was a matter of retardation, but retards are not capable pure meditated evil.
President Trump was winning, Biden was terribly going down in public perception after the debate and democrat donors were asking for him to step down for two weeks before the event, but Trump needed to orchestrate a horrific show like that? Have you considered the motive in your hypothesis?
You suck
Man I heard the wind blow before lol😂
I agree with you also.
Wonderful breakdown and analysis! Thank you.
Excellent rundown.. You and Mike Adams are on the right track, do not let up. There are treasonous elements in our government and society that need to be rooted out and eliminated with extreme prejudice.
Do not rule out the globalist element--BlackRock showing up in too many places.
Did anyone notice the shooter is in a Blackrock commercial? https://youtu.be/hjmLqoGRqNo
Yes--that's what brought BlackRock into focus. They likely singled out the kid as a suitable patsy for their plot.
This is alarming. The commercial makes it seem this investment company is helping students with grants, etc... although what they are really doing is indoctrinating these children under mind control and using them for sting operations. Gee gats!
Absolutely correct and it can and IS being done technologically on mass scale , that is what cell phones/5g are for watch everything from Sabrina Wallace of Odessey
Really? Do you have the link?
This is not the link but one of many of hers to understand whole tech situation, many on Odysee Sabrina Wallace , brilliant , used to work in these areas targeted individual tells it like it is ,
also look for everything from Dr Ana Maria , Mihalchea, I have know her for years
He's not the first...they use the same 'actors' all the time.
Yes I did but you mean the patsy .
Including our retirement $. Saddens me that them & vanguard is in a lot of our retirement funds and I for one don't want this. I have voiced this to my guy who I've trusted to roll over my employer 401 k investment to different accounts.
There is no difference between the corrupted agencies , gov, and Blackrock ,Vanguard ect ect THE OWNERS control the puppets and dictate policies and events.
Ya mean satan?
No I was not speaking to that level ,just the human /semi human owners and their puppets and minions in all fields.
I wonder who is head of the Rothschildsthe real head. Not the one we all know about.
Same one that told Jesus-
"All the Kingdoms of the world are mine, I'll give them to you if you bow down and worship me"
The head of the Luciferians is Lucifer hisself = same guy now-!!!
First of the Trump Rallye's live streamed by CNN and other MSM.....and the " just a coincidence list " keeps growing.
And MSM had a photographer that bragged about his high speed camera shot of a bullet whizzing by Trumps head .. imagine that would have been a highly sensitive shot if the bullet had met its full target for all the evil people of the world to share and display on their walls eh ? This includes the lady videographer behind Trump in the black cap .. no emotion just started filming with her phone .. these people need to be questioned of what they knew.
She definitely does but dont hold your breath , if she is agency it will never happen she will suddenly get a job reassignment to Africa or Ukraine.
How many people and what sort of apparatus would it take to capture such a thing at a distance and how would one man possibly put every setting just tippy top?
First thing is the time it takes for the shooter to say ready-Now!
No: Wait for it..., Ready?
Allow for the bullet to reach the target and have the shutter on an high speed camera capturing it?
Seriously an amateur making his fist kill on a hot roof?
This is something for every amateur detective to play out with his pals on Youtube over the next election cycle.
With all the varieties of speeds and reactions involved, I bet it takes days of rehearsal.
Remember the coincidence list after JFK was shot?
These people love symbols. Symbols are teraphim to them. Things that are supposed to bring luck on dangerous missions.
If you havent, this was an extremely interesting read ( Link ), especially related to symbolism! From Pepe's substack this AM .( if he's a reliable source, only read a few of his stacks )
I want that played at every dancing nurse execution.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Thank you Father in Heaven
Please, expose and provide the discernement needed
with the providence where You root out the enemies of truth
and right living, all in reverence of Your name and throne!
May ALL the enemies fail and fall against their own devices
Let it be so, through Jesus Christ
Remember, this was the "enhanced" security detail that was assigned to Trump *after* they received intelligence that Iran was actively trying to kill him. If that "enhanced" story helps the other versions of stories they're telling us. They're actually trying to convince us that Trump's security was *heightened* after Iranian activities became known. And a 20yo high school loser outsmarted, overpowered, better strategerized the heightened Secret Service protection that was deployed as soon as they learned the Iranian plans. Yeah. Sure. Not. None of it is truthful. None of it. What are they hiding? What truth are they hiding? They're obviously, provably lying. Believe nothing they say. They are liars.
Failed Black op! DC infiltrated with many who want to change the destiny of our great nation.
Yes but its ALL been in motion a very long time we are no longer a great nation , we are an occupied , bankrupt , at war in all levels former nation.
I feel like I’m starting to see through the darkness, the mirror has cracked. We are well into a civil war!! Not Democrats against Republicans but constitutional Americans against the entrenched deep state military industrial complex, the CIA and a whole host of operatives beginning with that odious Victoria Nuland. No matter whether Trump wins or Kennedy wins, the war will just escalate. I will back any President who goes after them. And in the meantime, I suggest that the House arrest and interrogate Nuland for her veiled threat!!!
Yep , but its even deeper and uglier , they will not and have not given the American voters ANY choice that is not deep state controlled for a very long time all elections still rigged. DJT is one of them , so is his VP PICK I have sent expose on JD VANCE TO ALL bad news all the way .
Look. Stop the nihilistic doom. None of the Founding Fathers were perfect. Lincoln wasn't perfect.
There isn't a way out of this that doesn't involve us getting right with God. Trump/No Trump. Until we, all wanting something better than this slo-mo dystopia that's unfolding around us get right with God, Almighty, it will continue to get worse, just a little slower under Trump. We have to get right with God and help our loved ones and community get right with God.
We're not going to outsmart, outplan, overpower, reach in and snatch our freedom back by just selecting a new leader. We learned after 2015-16 Brexit-Trump and 2020 Trump that's not how it works. All of the systems of man's laws are corrupt, broken, serving the wicked. God, and God alone will be our salvation. When we get right with him and not a moment sooner.
Amen! Pray for a return to righteousness and all else will follow! 100% agree.
It has nothing to do with " nihilistic doom. " what a childish judgement , we go nowhere without the truth , if your so immature to handle finding out things that threaten your comfort zone , dont come here where some have done real research. This country was under attack and subversion from the beginning. a large number of what you call "founding fathers ' were Brit agents and Kings men. We were never completely free from economic control from Brit empire , controlled by Black Nobility families, Vatican and Jesuits, ect ect. Modern restructured Illuminati was formed on July 4th , 1776 does that ring any bells with you? And dont tell me what I should stop. Maybe you should stop the ignorance, and do some real research. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING about doom , thats your perspective.
Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to Baal" -> must stand up despite the "luke warm" Country Club churches & preachers in America now a thankless Materialistic & Heddonistically run cultural society...!
Thank you for proving my point e actly.
Fat chance.
What was the source of the claim "that Iran was actively trying to kill him"?
Because blaming it on Iran would serve only Neocons, Zionists and Israel and their purposes for ticking off the last stable country on the PNAC list (Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran) and fomenting a greater war in the region.
And now there is a report that Crooks had encrypted 'phones connected to Israeli elements.
If the encrypted phones aren't enough (or are not corroborated): Those stock market shorts on DJT should be the 'smoking gun'.
Heck if I know. Is one of the many stories that came out of the regime since. A house of mirrors, throw everything against the wall, see what sticks? Who knows. Just more lies. And one that makes them look even worse. As if that's possible.
that's how they were going to pay him [not]
& keep praying for discernment , every one
I am not an American nor do I live in the US. When Trump was president I thought he was a buffoon.
Now I realise who he really is and what he stands for and believe that he the ONLY candidate who is capable of running the country.
This attempt on his life has made him stronger and that whoever orchestrated it will realise that people will turn to Trump instead of away from him. They failed miserably in what they set out to do and if Trump does not win the 2024 elections then something is seriously afoot.
If I was an American, I’d vote Trump.
Tragic event for sure but he is NOT what you think him to be, controlled opposition for certain , I can prove all this, and will debate anyone anytime on all this . Look at the VP pick , as bad as it gets
Agreed! DTJ is part of the cabal! And... this recent event was not what people think at all! It was carefully staged to fool Christians big time! Remember what he said: They are not after me, they are after you! Precisely! They are not after him because he is one of them. Read more here: https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/p/i-call-bullshit-20-why-would-team?publication_id=2238819&post_id=146689889&isFreemail=true&r=33uuga&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Well he is definitely cabal , [the JD VANCE PICK SHOWS THAT] but after complete investigations into what is known at this point , and hinted at for a long time . I dont see this as fake or staged, yes they are after those who believe in him and want real change in America and know the truth of what is happening in various degrees. But he also has real deep state enemies and democrap party/big tech enemies as well , and THEY do sometimes sacrifice their own for the agendas , which in this case is to inflame civil war, demoralize the other side, leave no option for those supporters to vote for even in rigged elections. in short distraction , chaos, and demoralization. Real bullets were fired, real bystanders died or were wounded, no sniper is good enough to near miss like that, and THAT SMIRKING, NON PANICKED LADY filming in baseball cap directly behind and ALL OTHER AGENCY IMPLICATING EVIDENCE tells me all I need to know. DJT among his other failures refused to turn loose ALL agency implicating info on JFK /RFK assassinations , now that has come back to bite him in the ass. JFK was cabal choice, his old man a partner, his election was rigged, HE WENT ROGUE, they sacrificed him . REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE ARE INTO BLOOD SACRIFICES. They have targeted DJT as well as all Americans..
DJT was in on it.
nothing hit his ear. Read what Dr. Rima said above. And then he went and lied at the convention of blood being "everywhere."
Psy op!
Bullschitt. Stop it.
maybe you should think again
Wheels within wheels this show is really between satan and Jesus. In the end their father wins. Imagine all this is about correcting an errant son. I hope it isn't and that satn is due to be removed adfter the thousand years.
Cool... thank you!
Thank you for posting this. I’m impressed that you did I’ve been a fan of Ty and Charlene since they did The Ttuth About Cancer. Bravo Dr Malone.
Fascinating! Thank you for the info!
Thank you press on the good fight
sun tzu art of war ... divide confuse, make arguments among your enemies, divert their attention from the real danger ,,, w e f world tyranical govt,, digital money , destroy the united states constitution , poison everything air water food medicine , poison our dna , etc etc full steam ahead , while everyone is distracted by this psy op .... good God please enlighten our darkness and show us and help us deal with evil according to your gracous wisdom
Self assembly nanotechnology has now been deployed in the blood of all people, via the COVID19 bioweapons, geoengineering, food, water etc. Making people aware so they can do something about their contamination status, remains and important effort to ensure the survival of our species. Mortality rates everywhere are on the rise and I know that part of what is causing this is the self assembly nanotechnology in people’s blood. Read more here: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/covid19-bioweapons-and-geoengineering?publication_id=956088&post_id=146855203&isFreemail=true&r=33uuga&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
thank you ...https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=masru+emkoto&atb=v223-1&iax=videos&ia=videos.... masru emoto book and vids ....messages in water .... i read ....its later than we think but we are stronger than we know
Now is the time to be particularly aware that "they" will try it again.
All of us saw this coming. It wasn't an "if" it was a "when." Personality disordered people with evil agendas will stop at nothing to serve their aims. The attempt was not at all surprising to me~ mortifying, yes... but not surprising. My friends and I have been anticipating that an attempt to stop Trump by ANY means has always been on the table. I pray daily, of his safety and the safety of his family members... and I am by NO means a religious gal.
Yes, anyone with eyes to see should have foresaw this.
This heinous act was only possible because Trump ignored what happened to John F. Kennedy.
And just like the fox guarding the hen house (see Fridays' funnies), it probably isn't the wisest choice to entrust your life to those that want you dead!
I do not think that most people are aware of all the prior attempts on his life, such as in Jan. 2021 with the failed drone attack; or when the armed FBI special agent Barry Lee Bush was caught in Trump Towers trying to sneak pass security.
No guessing there, the dems have repeatedly said they will stop at nothing. They are rats trapped in the corner. They have scraped the bottom of the barell and have nothing more to lose.
I'm betting they have even more sinister plans before the election.
before, during, after ,
Wow quite a mini bio on you NO SHORTAGE of personality disorders to see is there ?, yes I saw all this long ago and even made podcasts on it , contact me much info to share. SK
Likely because they have what "they want " more precisely with JD VANCE so DJT will likely get in then be removed and JD VANCE BROUGHT IN . see my comments
I'm sure that this has been covered elsewhere in the comments, but the identification of Crooks was a feat of magic in itself. FBI stated that he was not carrying any identification, so they had to resort to DNA matching to confirm who he was. They also stated that he has no prior arrest record--so how does a kid in a rural county in PA wind up in the feds' DNA database? Very very little about this makes sense, which means we're being lied to at every turn.
Yes but there are MANY ways to get DNA IN DATA BASE , Everyone who took a fake PCR test may have given them this , in many states cops have been doing random road blocks and taking DNA SAMPLES , and many medical procedures, and even given it to CCP/ CHINA as well
Fine, but let's not add to the "theories." Dear Feds: please tell us how Crooks's DNA wound up in your searchable database, and how long the matching process took. I am only concerned with evidence here, not with finding a way to conveniently explain something without facts supporting it.
They collected a sample from the sloped roof after the alleged shooter being shot, ran it down to the black SUVs that were running and standing by, put it on ice, sped to the nearest facility to run the super duper accurate analysis, which the results were compared to millions and millions of records, all under 2 hrs. What is the issue? Surely someone has video of this? Someone has video of Crooks shooting right?
We will never get a factual or truthful answer how they got this match, Im just saying many have given this info whether they know this or not
A lot of people have done genetic searches on themselves with apps like 23 and me, Ancestry and so forth. If they checked his DNA and got anywhere close and paired that with his father reporting him missing with his AR15 then it gets a lot easier to narrow the possibilities.
I believe Crooks is not dead. Shot with a tranq gun. Obama's deep state is behind all this. He wants a 4th term and won't get it with Trump. This was as much a set up as 9-11 when two buildings were hit with planes, and three buildings fell. Imagine that! If Trump had been killed, they wouldn't be pushing Joe to quit.
Crooks is dead. They don’t care about sparing him if your scenario were so. Obama’s deep state being behind it and Obama wanting a 4th term? That’s believable. I will bet he was hoping to eek another 4 years out of Joe.
The photo of some agent of SS or FBI hosing down the roof says it all. You just don't wash down critical evidence so casually. Moreover, would either one of those agencies have little concern about "gittin' their picture took"? I gotta cast my vote for "scam".
I think it would have been a civil war
Yep. Exactly. Enough so that it would have delayed, or postponed the election, brought martial law, and anarchy. I believe they only wanted to wound him as a warning. I also believe crooks wasn't the one who fired the wounding shot. There was someone on top the water tower. Obama's deep state wants to create chaos so the globalists can waltz in and take over. He is working for them. Not America.
Let's assume it was only meant to be a wound. His head turning at the last split second was anticipated? It's a bit of a stretch to think that someone could have sent a bullet to WOUND him with his position. It looked like it was meant to take out Trump with a brain stem shot. CNN made their grand appearance at a Trump rally to capture the hit, and someone carrying a camera capable of extremely high shutter speeds to capture every frame of anticipated gore. And capturing (supposedly) the contrail of the bullet?
Why else would a camera with such high shutter speed be needed for a typical rally? Why was CNN suddenly interested in a Trump rally? There's too many oddities to think it was mean to wound him.
Maybe so. Yet, the whole thing walks and talks like a script. Especially with the facts you brought up.
Yes, CNN has been known to harass, persecute and possibly “take care “ of people whom they consider an adversary , specially those exposing the crimes being committed by the big pharma Cartels. Dr. Rashid Buttar, who died in May of last year, claimed to have been poisoned after an interview at CNN, ( possibly in the break room?), and Dr. Mercola was hunted down by one of their Achor Women while he was bicycling. You raise some very important observations. Thank you.
There were other "appearances" of CNN that appear to show close ties/collusion with the FBI. They would include the FBI showing up at James O'Keefe's home (or was that the NYTimes?), and the arrest of Peter Navarro. The raid on that family man's home relating to protesting at an abortion agency.
Didn't they show up at Roger Stone's arrest too?
Here's a video that discusses some of the "staged" claims with physical tests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtJA9xuzAFE
Agree accept I really think it was meant to kill him not just wound him
Wake up the globalist agendas sweep in NO MATTER who gets in or no election , no nation has yet stopped anything yet , resistance is building but nothing stopped yet military are involved in ALL
I keep saying the main driver of this may be the globalists. BlackRock shorts both DJT *& Rumble the day before the shot? BlackRock owns the AGR building?
No its is about creating and inflaming civil war , which is inevitable no matter how you slice it .
We can stop it but we all have to work together at the same time. Here’s how: withdraw all money from banks and withhold your tax payments until we win the right to assign our tax dollars for or not for every spending proposal. Government only functions because we let them use our money. If we stop letting them spend it for things we don’t want, we can stop them cold. A bloodless civil war. It’s our money. Every year with every tax return, government agencies would get an accountability report card in the form of funding. Budgets would shrink or swell based on performance. If this were already a feature of our “democracy “, the DOJ and FBI would be stripped to the bone and many would be gone. A reformation would be underway or they would find themselves out on the street next year!!
And will likely be anyway no way to stop it now , "they" can only continue with more heavy handed tyranny and continuing agendas , they have just started , are not finished , desperate or defeated or in retreat as MANY think , but more and more waking up , aware and getting active in the fight , that is the only way we survive. They have their controlled opposition , and plans stacked many layers deep . JD VANCE and VP choice is proof , dont be fooled again.
"They" are not in charge
Please show us who is then and operating all these agendas, including engineered global food famine, global geoengineereing, Transhumanist/post human agenda , and 5.3 billion supposedly taken the first round of death shots with only minor pressure and very flimsy information. Supernatural beings or saviors dont count in this discussion, they may be or not depending on beliefs. But is up to us to solve our problems, besides they seem to be a day late and a dollar short.
Ah, blackpilled. No sweat - we'll get through this.
Im not blackpilled or any thing in any box, just decades of knowledge and research and experience as to what we are really up against , hope , and hopelessness and or denial are not the way to go , seeing things as they are is the way to begin, then appropriate action with sufficient power and focus. Just saying a slogan like " we will get through this" does what? I challenged your reply to show us who is in charge and now show us meaningful solutions to "get through this" Show us what you have to offer .
No planes hit any building in 911 including PENTAGON dig deeper
The only building actually hit was the pentagon and whatever hit that building had no wings at the point of impact. As per your post, "dig deeper".
Yes that is what Im saying as well .
I saw with my own eyes two planes fly into the twin towers. Let’s not convolute reality anymore than it already is.
somebody's dead. Maybe not Crooks judging from the corpse...sorta like Jeffrey Epstein?
With all that we have experienced in the last ten years, all the obfuscation of previous government employees, the many incidents of lies told, the stakes are so high now that the deep state, the left, the dems cannot take any chances because many will end up in prison. They must eliminate the threat . This presentation was very well done. There is little doubt now that the intention was to eliminate an obstacle. Unfortunately for them it did not work because the one who is finally in charge of every thing did not allow it. God is in charge here.
No one shot Trumps ear.
If you go to Mike Adams Natural News in one of the frames where he analyses the shots you can actually see a bullet midair, about 2 feet past Trump's ear. There was deffinitely bullets flying at the time.
Pray tell, how do you know this, and what do you believe happened? Teleprompter glass...?
Of course not, it was the gun that did the evil deed.
What is shown in photo of bullet trail could not be the one that hit Trump way too low in trajectory. Maybe what hit others.
The photo that supposedly shows a bullet would have to had to have a camera that had such a high shutter speed that few photographers even have that level of technology let alone have it along for an outdoor event (unless they knew it was going to be "exciting"!). Then to be snapping at the exact time is totally improbable, meaning the probability of getting that shot is so low it is not believable. Anyone can photoshop in a streak. Plus there are many pictures floating around that show Trump later in the day or the next day and no damage to his ear. It was after these were seen and now removed that he started wearing the ear diaper. 27 July only 14 days after the injury is a good picture of Trump with Netanyahu, all proud and smiles, no ear diaper and no scars, no scabs no nothing on his ear. Wray is now saying they think it was shrapnel indicating the FBI doesn't think a bullet went in that direction either. It was staged. It was fake blood. Look closely at the blood, there is no damage to his ear. He's the best of the best in his field.