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Tony, if you can explain and justify suffering, then you can ask God that question. God has used deeply flawed people throughout history to shape our collective story. King David comes to mind. A murderer, adulterer, thief, liar, poet, king, repentant, lineage of Christ, the only perfect son of God and Redeemer from this confused world of dark and light. Regarding the fire fighter, he has an immortal soul that while lost to his family (a real tragedy) he is not lost to eternal life which God has now called him to.

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This user considers their self a "cultural-Christian" as opposed to anything hardcore "religious", as mass organized "religion" doesn't work. IMHO, there is no such "Divine Interference", at least in the physical sense. Per a FEE article from a couple of years ago: "God-is-a-libertarian". IMHO, Mankind is supposed to return to Source on its own and Source is smart enough to know that such artificial market interference just doesn't work; that such central-planning and worship and returns on such worship defeats the purpose of having free-will and living life; that Source knows basic Austrian/Misesian Economics in that "there is no accounting for the final destination of a good", "the State and the market are incompatible with one another", and "value is subjective in the eyes of the consumer (which all are, whether or not they are producers and/or distributors)". One of the "Seven Hermetic Principles" is that, "The universe is holographic and dualistic; as above, so below". There are many lessons that many do not learn simply by looking inward (where Salvation is said to come from, per the great quote from "The Shawshank Redemption") that can be used to understand that which is outward, and vice versa. IMHO, there are parasitic, communist aliens, just as there are Democrips, that there are monarchic and/or minarchist aliens, a la Rebloodlicans, and there are aliens that are proponents of free markets, a la libertarians/AnCaps. "Human" races have been star-seeded here from elsewhere, such as the Negroids/blacks from the Sirius-B star system, and Pacific Asians who model their huts in the shape of their ancestral starship that brought them here. IMHO, there are central-planning "neo-Atlanteans" who wish to continue to pervert "humanity" as revenge for The Great Flood that nearly wiped them all out, and they've been building a system of control for centuries! "Vril-ya", "Targ", "Draconians", "Annunaki" (look at the late JacobRothschild's skull shape), it makes no real difference. One is either a statist or is a AnCap. To each their own, but trying to pin deaths on Divine Will is folly and counter-productive, IMHO.

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