When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raise…
When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raised his hand to his ear. Even if you'll claim that they were only acting, I ask you this; Why would there be 3 to 4 different shooters, in 3 to 4 separate locations, firing live rounds into a crowd just to fake Trump being shot? Logic implies that this was an actual coordinated hit on Trump which was fortunately unsuccessful.
When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raised his hand to his ear. Even if you'll claim that they were only acting, I ask you this; Why would there be 3 to 4 different shooters, in 3 to 4 separate locations, firing live rounds into a crowd just to fake Trump being shot? Logic implies that this was an actual coordinated hit on Trump which was fortunately unsuccessful.
Lol bud. Just stop. You arent fooling anyone