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Remember, this was the "enhanced" security detail that was assigned to Trump *after* they received intelligence that Iran was actively trying to kill him. If that "enhanced" story helps the other versions of stories they're telling us. They're actually trying to convince us that Trump's security was *heightened* after Iranian activities became known. And a 20yo high school loser outsmarted, overpowered, better strategerized the heightened Secret Service protection that was deployed as soon as they learned the Iranian plans. Yeah. Sure. Not. None of it is truthful. None of it. What are they hiding? What truth are they hiding? They're obviously, provably lying. Believe nothing they say. They are liars.

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Failed Black op! DC infiltrated with many who want to change the destiny of our great nation.

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Yes but its ALL been in motion a very long time we are no longer a great nation , we are an occupied , bankrupt , at war in all levels former nation.

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I feel like I’m starting to see through the darkness, the mirror has cracked. We are well into a civil war!! Not Democrats against Republicans but constitutional Americans against the entrenched deep state military industrial complex, the CIA and a whole host of operatives beginning with that odious Victoria Nuland. No matter whether Trump wins or Kennedy wins, the war will just escalate. I will back any President who goes after them. And in the meantime, I suggest that the House arrest and interrogate Nuland for her veiled threat!!!

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Yep , but its even deeper and uglier , they will not and have not given the American voters ANY choice that is not deep state controlled for a very long time all elections still rigged. DJT is one of them , so is his VP PICK I have sent expose on JD VANCE TO ALL bad news all the way .

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Look. Stop the nihilistic doom. None of the Founding Fathers were perfect. Lincoln wasn't perfect.

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There isn't a way out of this that doesn't involve us getting right with God. Trump/No Trump. Until we, all wanting something better than this slo-mo dystopia that's unfolding around us get right with God, Almighty, it will continue to get worse, just a little slower under Trump. We have to get right with God and help our loved ones and community get right with God.

We're not going to outsmart, outplan, overpower, reach in and snatch our freedom back by just selecting a new leader. We learned after 2015-16 Brexit-Trump and 2020 Trump that's not how it works. All of the systems of man's laws are corrupt, broken, serving the wicked. God, and God alone will be our salvation. When we get right with him and not a moment sooner.

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Amen! Pray for a return to righteousness and all else will follow! 100% agree.

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It has nothing to do with " nihilistic doom. " what a childish judgement , we go nowhere without the truth , if your so immature to handle finding out things that threaten your comfort zone , dont come here where some have done real research. This country was under attack and subversion from the beginning. a large number of what you call "founding fathers ' were Brit agents and Kings men. We were never completely free from economic control from Brit empire , controlled by Black Nobility families, Vatican and Jesuits, ect ect. Modern restructured Illuminati was formed on July 4th , 1776 does that ring any bells with you? And dont tell me what I should stop. Maybe you should stop the ignorance, and do some real research. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING about doom , thats your perspective.

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Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to Baal" -> must stand up despite the "luke warm" Country Club churches & preachers in America now a thankless Materialistic & Heddonistically run cultural society...!

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Thank you for proving my point e actly.

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Fat chance.

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What was the source of the claim "that Iran was actively trying to kill him"?

Because blaming it on Iran would serve only Neocons, Zionists and Israel and their purposes for ticking off the last stable country on the PNAC list (Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran) and fomenting a greater war in the region.

And now there is a report that Crooks had encrypted 'phones connected to Israeli elements.

If the encrypted phones aren't enough (or are not corroborated): Those stock market shorts on DJT should be the 'smoking gun'.

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Heck if I know. Is one of the many stories that came out of the regime since. A house of mirrors, throw everything against the wall, see what sticks? Who knows. Just more lies. And one that makes them look even worse. As if that's possible.

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that's how they were going to pay him [not]

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