Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed …
Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to Baal" -> must stand up despite the "luke warm" Country Club churches & preachers in America now a thankless Materialistic & Heddonistically run cultural society...!
Tom you know me and he's Right, only an American revival of the nations repentent heart such as was seen in the "First Great Awakening" that welded the Faith, Courage, Determination and Brilliance to form America can save it now, for yes the Luciferians have infiltrated & fooled all but the true believers = "The 7,000 that haven't bowed the knee to Baal" -> must stand up despite the "luke warm" Country Club churches & preachers in America now a thankless Materialistic & Heddonistically run cultural society...!