Fine, but let's not add to the "theories." Dear Feds: please tell us how Crooks's DNA wound up in your searchable database, and how long the matching process took. I am only concerned with evidence here, not with finding a way to conveniently explain something without facts supporting it.
Fine, but let's not add to the "theories." Dear Feds: please tell us how Crooks's DNA wound up in your searchable database, and how long the matching process took. I am only concerned with evidence here, not with finding a way to conveniently explain something without facts supporting it.
They collected a sample from the sloped roof after the alleged shooter being shot, ran it down to the black SUVs that were running and standing by, put it on ice, sped to the nearest facility to run the super duper accurate analysis, which the results were compared to millions and millions of records, all under 2 hrs. What is the issue? Surely someone has video of this? Someone has video of Crooks shooting right?
Fine, but let's not add to the "theories." Dear Feds: please tell us how Crooks's DNA wound up in your searchable database, and how long the matching process took. I am only concerned with evidence here, not with finding a way to conveniently explain something without facts supporting it.
They collected a sample from the sloped roof after the alleged shooter being shot, ran it down to the black SUVs that were running and standing by, put it on ice, sped to the nearest facility to run the super duper accurate analysis, which the results were compared to millions and millions of records, all under 2 hrs. What is the issue? Surely someone has video of this? Someone has video of Crooks shooting right?
We will never get a factual or truthful answer how they got this match, Im just saying many have given this info whether they know this or not