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This is a heartless, gutless and cowardly/treasonous remark. How good do you feel in your soul if you really have one??? REVOLTING !!!!

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The truth hurts.

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Jul 20
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When you watch the slow-motion video of the straight on view of Trump being shot, watch the faces of the two women in the crowd directly behind him. You can tell that they saw something unsettling as they stared at Trump's head, because both of their jaws dropped open and they immediately took cover. Their response was BEFORE Trump raised his hand to his ear. Even if you'll claim that they were only acting, I ask you this; Why would there be 3 to 4 different shooters, in 3 to 4 separate locations, firing live rounds into a crowd just to fake Trump being shot? Logic implies that this was an actual coordinated hit on Trump which was fortunately unsuccessful.

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Jul 20
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Lol bud. Just stop. You arent fooling anyone

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Retard alert...

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You should know better than to apply that word towards any person. There is no need to resort to immature name calling or insults. You can disagree and think a person may have their mental capacities questioned but using the R word says more negative feelings about you than the other person.

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Well Kim stay on the porch if you can't run with the big dogs. This is fight club. I don't have time for people that can't understand what's going on. But have a nice day... Chip

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"retard" is a perfectly neutral word. It means "slow to learn". Most people are "retarded" in some areas of necessary operation. I call myself a "techtard" as a made-up label because, while I can ultimately grasp technical details and execution, I am much slower than most others. People who are mentally retarded will be able to learn the skill they are working on, "disabled" people cannot (or refuse to) learn.

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If you research the word 'retard' it just means 'slow down' or slow. Not a bad word, just another example of the brainwashing to make it a bad word. We can't all be geniuses and the last five years have shown us there is a vast majority of the retard/slow in our society...and still going strong!

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Calling someone by that term is meant to imply 70 or less IQ

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Wowee!! Cool! Do you have a language police BADGE too? And has your mommy made you a uniform? If someone's language makes you uncomfortable... pretend you're a grown adult and pass on by.

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Thanks for alerting us to your mental status.

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You're welcome Teena. But I would suggest to you that fight club is no place for emotional women. Come to the party ready to fight or don't come at all. You and Kim are the perfect examples of why women should not be allowed in politics. In fact I would say that women and other incompetent DEI hires are what is destroying what's left of the USSA... Chip

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I am sorry Chip, I think maybe I misunderstood what your comment was referring to, I don't know what the fight club is. Maybe what you responded to was a removed comment? Now not sure what your retard alert was about? I am thinking now it may have been about the incompetence of Donald Trumps protection on Saturday. I took your comment as directed at the clear evidence of the attempted assasination could not have happened by this lone shooter. I agree that there was incompetent protection in place to protect Former President Trump. But they were put there intentionally and some were there to aid in the assassination as well. I wish it was a matter of retardation, but retards are not capable pure meditated evil.

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