Media Matters just put out a hatchet piece on TTAC that is nothing more than a last-ditch attempt at getting anyone who doesn’t already know who we are and how we have contributed to saving countless lives during the past 3 decades from learning about us and breaking free from their stronghold on your health.
Worse, this hack was meant to keep new people from ever finding our life-saving content who will most assuredly die without it. As an example, we recently covered the sad story about the YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki, who censored us and then died from Turbo Cancer because she didn’t have our content on her platform that could have saved her life on her platform accessible to watch, learn, and live. She removed TTAC from our hundreds of thousands of loyal subscribers who depended on our content to continue learning how to be healthy and fight cancer. We wish we could have helped her. But it is too late for her now.
The Media Matters article is a nasty hit of rubbish, and for this, they should be sued into oblivion. It is common knowledge that this group, Media Matters, is funded by Soros and is partnered with other groups that have also gone after our integrity and good work through reports, articles, CNN hacks, and more. It is worth mentioning the effect our work has had in the world: TTAC films, NY Times bestselling books, and blog content have contributed to helping millions of people from around the world find real solutions to their health problems, and in many cases, these people who were sent home to die by their conventional doctors who didn’t know how to help them are now alive today because they watched our films or read our books or are subscribed to our content and follow us on our social media channels and learned what to do and did it!
The body of our life work has resulted in saving countless lives. But no good deed goes unpunished in today’s crooked world. Our payback for saving lives is a constant stream of attacks and smear campaigns, and they lie about us at every turn to cause honest people who are searching for real health solutions not to listen to us and be afraid to step outside of their current “Standard of Care” medicine, which clearly is not working. We are the sickest country in the world. Something has to change. And we are here to help Bobby and Donald Trump kickstart a nationwide campaign to restore health, save more lives, and pass down a healthy and bright future to our children. And whatever we can do, and however we can help to assist others to make this happen, we are going to do it.
We have filed a lawsuit against some of the legacy media partners who have formed a media cabal, calling themselves the “Trusted News Initiative.” They have stated plainly how they intended to put us out of business, using fact-checkers as their tools to wipe us out. Their solution was to ensure we would stop making money and go bankrupt, and so the money to be made would all be theirs once again.
This information about the “Trusted News Initiative” is included in our formal complaint, which we filed with Bobby Kennedy, Gateway Pundit, Children’s Health Defense, Erin Elizabeth, and others who they also targeted.
So, we are not surprised by this low-level attack. They have been doing this to us for years. But we won’t be silent. We’ll keep fighting for you. We’ll keep supporting President Trump, Bobby Kennedy, and this presidential administration. President Trump is going to win. If you haven’t yet, be sure to get out and vote! Donald Trump is going to win by a landslide. And when President Trump wins again, he promises to work hard to make America Healthy again. We believe he will, and we plan to continue helping to make that goal a reality in any way we can.
Until then, keep your eyes on Jesus and stay prayed up. God is able. Let’s go! #MAHA #MAGA
Below are our testimonies of why we do what we do. To Media Matters, watch and learn more about who you are talking about. We lost 7 close family members to the wrong treatments for their cancer. Had we known then what we know today, they may still be alive today. We would give everything we possess to have them here with us and our children. But because of our experience and great loss, countless people are alive today because of our work. May God bless us and help us to reach BILLIONS more so they can learn and live!

Charlene talks to Dan Ball about her prediction that RFK Jr would join the Trump Administration as Secretary of HHS before it happened. We nailed it! From the beginning, we have prayed for these two men to unite to help Save America! Now they have and we are here to support them both and their teams! #MAHA #MAGA 20204

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