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The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy 🌿

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TONIGHT: Episode 8 of ‘A Global Quest’

Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

This episode is nothing short of groundbreaking! Get ready for an episode that’s not just informative but seriously fun to watch.

Here’s a taste of what’s in store:

✅Curative Cannabis: Discover how medical marijuana—aka “Heavenly Hemp”—is crushing cancer and preventing it from taking root.

✅A London miracle: Travel with the TTAC team to meet a man given a “terminal” diagnosis who beat the odds with hemp oil—only to be targeted by the Medical Mafia for it!

The truth about tumors: Why they’re like your body’s “check engine light” and how surgery is about as useful as smashing that light with a hammer and hoping your car will magically fix itself.

Epigenetics in action: Uncover how certain herbs and foods can flip your body’s “cancer switches” to off and turn on the “healthy switches.”

Dr. Burzynski’s brain cancer breakthrough: Visit his Houston clinic and learn about his proven “antineoplaston” treatment—and the tragic reason why it’s been kept from children by the FDA, costing lives.

Micronutrient magic: Meet two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands, who have successfully treated over 10,000 cancer patients in Europe with their unique micronutrient therapy.

Gerson Therapy uncovered: Join the TTAC team in Rosarito, Mexico, to explore Gerson Therapy and how Big Pharma has worked overtime to suppress this life-saving treatment.

And that’s just scratching the surface... Episode 8 is packed with powerful, eye-opening revelations you won’t want to miss!

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Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 8 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. 

We love you! Ty and Charlene  ​❤️​🤍💙

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