Whoever told your mother to stay in an abusive marriage was dead wrong and not a well catechised Catholic (even if it was a priest). The Cathollic Church states you do not have to stay with an abusive spouse, or an alcoholic spouse or the like. You are permitted to divorce in those situations.
Whoever told your mother to stay in an abusive marriage was dead wrong and not a well catechised Catholic (even if it was a priest). The Cathollic Church states you do not have to stay with an abusive spouse, or an alcoholic spouse or the like. You are permitted to divorce in those situations.
Why would you even refer to the church? The church is not God's representative. They have blood on their hands.
God word is a personal letter to every human alive on how to get through life. Imagine the Bible is now available in more than 1000 languages! This is where we go to find the truth. Hebrews 13;4 let marriage be honorable among all. If not what is God's advice on divorce?
Matthew 19;9... grounds for divorce
Malachi 2; 15-16 ....do not deal treacherously with your wife.....
God allowed divorce on certain grounds to the Israelites. He was not in favor of it but he allowed it under certain circumstances.
tretcheary , adultery, failure to provide for the family, spiritual and physical harm were accepted as good reasons for divorce.
Failure to apply the golden rule... to treat others as you wish to be treated. Both parties need to apply that equally.
If you check; THIS IS EARTH and nothing is perfect as only God is perfect. The bride of Jesus is the church and since the church is of both Jesus and the Earth; it is imperfect. ALL ORGANIZATIONS ON EARTH HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.
Beyond Church; divorce is both a Family and Social matter...It influences both tremendously and is NEVER to be taken lightly. To this day, there are few resources to help women; especially with children, to leave abusive marriages regardless of religious orientation.
The bride of Christ is not the church but those who he has selected to rule as Kings and Priests. They know who they are. We do not all qualify even if we are basically good people. Not all are deeply spiritual. Not all are deeply humble, not all are truly teachable. Not all would accept correction as Peter did. Not all would be as bold and faithful, but also dedicated to truth in the face of certain death as Paul was.
The church is simply an organization for the purpose of management. Too much focus on money and popularity and not enough on truth and actual reading of Gods word. It will be on the podium and it will be in the hand as they pace back and forth, but when you leave you are as empty as before you entered.
True spirituality comes from sincere study and Bible reading, fervent daily prayer and putting into action what you learn. Making the fruit of the spirit visible in your life as an example to all around you.
Read Galatians 5;22 ( fruits of the spirit)
Matt 7; 20 ( how to recognize a truly spiritual person)
Matt 21;43 ( Jesus response to the religious leaders in his day)
and again Matt 23; 2-13 ( Jesus description...who does it fit?)
The bride of Christ is mentioned in Revelation 14;1 .....first fruits, no deceit, without blemish.
"Jn 14:6 Jesus said to him, тАЬI am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."
Through Jesus Christ; all can be first fruits...The Bride.
All human creatures are sinners; thus Confession and Repentance seeking forgiveness through the blood of Jesus is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for all as none can go before the Father with sin. THIS ALONE IS THE KEY TO HEAVEN FOR CREATURES. Sincere study is helpful and when Jesus is our friend and has our dedication; study is requisite...But, not all human read to this day and they when they've had the knowledge and option of choosing loyalty to Jesus and choose to follow him the the best of their ability; THEY TOO ARE BRIDES.
'The Bride' is 'The Church' and the actual 'Church' is 'The Body of Christ'. Not all claiming to be CALLED as refering to 'Holy Orders' is actually 'Called'. Certainly, Kings and Queens are NOT called by God nor given privilege to govern and rule over anybody when they can't even rule and govern themselves. THEY'RE THE EVIL ONES OF THE HELL...Almost always.
Those selected Kings, Queens, Peers and many of those of any church used as their agents most certainly were NOT placed by God. In the days when choosing the Books consisting of the Library of the Bible, those of the Monarchy and many of the Church Councils and Synods were NOT CHOSEN BY GOD; but by Satan/Lucifer and themselves.
Many are now known by the population as the group coming to be called 'The Venetian Black Nobility' and known by many other identifications in ancient times past. Many were among those present in Jerusalem murdering and also witnessing Jesus to begin with among both claiming to be Jews as well as Gentiles and Pagans WHICH THEY REMAIN ALL THESE 2000 YEARS LATER.
Since the resurrection the actual church is each and every body (THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) dedicated, loyal to, willing to grown in the spirit; to the Lamb of God and there will be many in heaven in the highest realms shocking to most lesser souls on Earth when we all make it to heaven. Some, humans believed the worst well be judged by God as the best and the best not even present at all.
Only Jesus knows those actually his own as both behavior and words can be ploys for both 'The Old Man' as well as the Demonic displayed among the Sadducees and Parasees..
There are many people actually studying Jesus and The Bible for purposes other than spiritual Growth...Becoming Priests and other types of clergymen...People studying and behaving in the day for God and at night or in basements, caves and attics, are in actuality for other than for Jesus. Appearances are often deceiving.
Mother, and her family were well catechized...Her Grandmother had divorced in 1914 and was viewed a scandalous woman in her parish.
Mom's experience happened decades ago and THAT was the standard. In all the years as a Psychologist with all socioeconomic backgrounds, religions and cultures...THAT was the standard across societies.
During the 70's it changed in metropolitan areas quicker and in rural regions less quick. Even today, women stay in abuse while forming a plan to leave and a majority still don't leave until there is a partner; usually a man, waiting for them in the background. The church has come a distance in supporting divorce in the abusive situations; but there are those continuing to oppose it. Even now, there remains few resources to help women with children to escape these circumstances.
Since when? I was told almost exactly the same thing in 1971. The Catholic Church is a cult for followers of Satan. The priests listen to their leader (the pope) who is in with the elites for a one world order and openly says itтАЩs ok for homosexuals to marry in the Catholic Church. And convicted priests of molesting children are given a slap on the hand and put in a retirement home which Catholics pay for instead of being put in prison. He is not following GodтАЩs laws.
The priests are just as bad. Most are homosexuals and pedophiles & most nuns are gay and lesbians. Where does it say in the Bible that that is acceptable? I grew up in the Catholic Church and went to Catholic schools and saw much of this with my own eyes. In fact many kids I knew, both male and female were molested by priests and nuns. IтАЩve left the Catholic Church when I was old enough to realize what was really going on and I follow God, a real God. Not through a devious priest who doesnтАЩt practice what he teaches, but instead is gathering up souls for satan.
The Catholic Church does not permit divorce. It would allow for separation for a period of time to try to heal differences. In certain cases a marriage may be annulled if it was never deemed to be a marriage in the first place.
They overstep. Funny they had no problem working with Hitler to exterminate the innocents. They actually collaborated with him much as they do today when it suits their political agenda.
There were some Priest's helping the Nazi's; especially in the lands of invasion...
AS THERE ARE SOME PRIESTS AND MINISTERS IN OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS RIGHT NOW LOYAL TO THE BLACK NOBILITY bringing this infidel One/New World Religion they plan to call Christlam as Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions on Earth. Bergoglio is no Catholic or Christian of any kind...He's a Freemason Nazi as a child of a Nazi/Fascist Father leaving Italy as a Fascist to settle in Argentina.
I don't mean to upset you but think logically. Gods word is the standard, the law we should live by if we want to please him and remain in his memory when we die, whenever that is. Its a serious situation with long term consequences. So I must ask how do you remain affiliated to a church that agrees with same sex marriage and condones homosexuality and protects pedofiles? Gods law is above mans law. 1 Corinthians 6;9 Paul writes...do not be misled.........will not inherit Gods Kingdom. Very plain and simple and yet the churches defy this law for mass public opinion. look at Mark 7; 13 Jesus speaking... you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down vs14-15 but the things that come out of a man are the things that defile him.vs 20 (he continues to hammer the point) ....That which comes out of a man defiles him for from inside out of the heart of men come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murder, acts of adultery etc.....( Jesus coupled all this sins as being so serious it could cost your life. I do think this is worth pondering.)
I am not "affiliated" to the anti-Catholic or counterfeit church led today by the man who calls himself Francis but belong to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church instituted by Christ. The church led by Francis is another heretical sect and that is why those in it are pedophiles and approve of the most God-hating and sinful things man can do.
I beg to differ - the church is against re-marriage after a divorce. However, it has created a way around that with annulment of the marriage if it can be shown that the 2 adults entered into the marriage with at least one of them having a lack of capacity or lack of consent in addition to other reasons. The catechism (2382-2386) states that "Civil divorce might be necessary for the protection and care of the spouses and their children". Back in 1914 divorce was a Cultural scandal looked down upon by nearly all religions and society.
You are citing a catechism of the Novus Ordo church which is not the true, Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo church was born in Vatican II and teaches a false religion as all other invented sects.
So really isn't annulment just a fancy word for divorce? Because I can't find annulment in the Bible. I find divorce and the only way one is released from it is when their spouse dies. Otherwise it says they are committing adultery if they remarry. Or they can be divorced because of sexual immorality.
I've been divorced and remarried so I am not calling anyone out. Just curious as to how the church can decide who to annull and who not to. Because according to the Bible the ones who have had their marriages annulled may not be aware of the adultery by remarrying. Or is that explained? Maybe it's just my Bible that doesn't say annulled because of different authors. I don't know. This question is not directed at any one person. I struggle daily so please don't be mean. I am just trying to get clarification.
Teresa many are in your position. What's done is done in the past. What matters is the present and the future. Being aware that one may have made an error and now its time to do better and be positive. If it worries you, by all means take it up in sincere prayer. Focus on what you can change in your life. Make some personal time to read the Bible daily. Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are very soothing. Think about this. King David was a chosen ancestor of Jesus. Son of Jesse. All because of God's promise to Abraham that because of him, all the earth would be blessed. Actually God was paving the way for his only begotten son ( who was with him in Heaven at that time) to come to earth and restore true worship and offer himself as a perfect human sacrifice to balance the scale of justice, Adams wilful sin.
Imagine now David was this special one chosen, he sees Bathsheba and sins with her, then sends her husband to the front line where he is killed. She falls pregnant and that baby dies. How disappointed God was and all his heavenly family are watching. Including Satan. But David was deeply repentant after being exposed by the prophet Nathan. He realized the cost. But he never left off serving, praying, reminding himself how fragile and human he was and how deeply he depended on God's mercy. He could have been removed. But something in David was deeply good and honest and so all his writings are included in the Holy Scriptures as inspired words to us from the heavenly author. Examples like this were recorded for us. No doubt David was loved by his heavenly father. He had protection when his eldest son tried to kill him in a coup. He had protection when hunted by Saul. And he was an integral part in the ancestry of Jesus through Mary. What a wonderful privilege. So let the past go and work on the present and future.
God's view on immorality and when divorce is scriptural is clear. Death and adultery. Then remarriage is acceptable. There is no shortcut. But this is also not the World's' view. I mentioned earlier that there were other reasons, they qualified for divorce to protect the innocent party, but did not necessarily mean the innocent party could remarry until the situation changed and the offending party remarried.
An annulment is a procedure in the Catholic Church by which a marriage can be declared invalid on certain conditions (such as having made a promise to be open to children and then changing oneтАЩs mind, or not consummating a marriage). In the case of annulment the person is free to marry again in the Catholic Church.
Whoever told your mother to stay in an abusive marriage was dead wrong and not a well catechised Catholic (even if it was a priest). The Cathollic Church states you do not have to stay with an abusive spouse, or an alcoholic spouse or the like. You are permitted to divorce in those situations.
Why would you even refer to the church? The church is not God's representative. They have blood on their hands.
God word is a personal letter to every human alive on how to get through life. Imagine the Bible is now available in more than 1000 languages! This is where we go to find the truth. Hebrews 13;4 let marriage be honorable among all. If not what is God's advice on divorce?
Matthew 19;9... grounds for divorce
Malachi 2; 15-16 ....do not deal treacherously with your wife.....
God allowed divorce on certain grounds to the Israelites. He was not in favor of it but he allowed it under certain circumstances.
tretcheary , adultery, failure to provide for the family, spiritual and physical harm were accepted as good reasons for divorce.
Failure to apply the golden rule... to treat others as you wish to be treated. Both parties need to apply that equally.
If you check; THIS IS EARTH and nothing is perfect as only God is perfect. The bride of Jesus is the church and since the church is of both Jesus and the Earth; it is imperfect. ALL ORGANIZATIONS ON EARTH HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.
Beyond Church; divorce is both a Family and Social matter...It influences both tremendously and is NEVER to be taken lightly. To this day, there are few resources to help women; especially with children, to leave abusive marriages regardless of religious orientation.
The bride of Christ is not the church but those who he has selected to rule as Kings and Priests. They know who they are. We do not all qualify even if we are basically good people. Not all are deeply spiritual. Not all are deeply humble, not all are truly teachable. Not all would accept correction as Peter did. Not all would be as bold and faithful, but also dedicated to truth in the face of certain death as Paul was.
The church is simply an organization for the purpose of management. Too much focus on money and popularity and not enough on truth and actual reading of Gods word. It will be on the podium and it will be in the hand as they pace back and forth, but when you leave you are as empty as before you entered.
True spirituality comes from sincere study and Bible reading, fervent daily prayer and putting into action what you learn. Making the fruit of the spirit visible in your life as an example to all around you.
Read Galatians 5;22 ( fruits of the spirit)
Matt 7; 20 ( how to recognize a truly spiritual person)
Matt 21;43 ( Jesus response to the religious leaders in his day)
and again Matt 23; 2-13 ( Jesus description...who does it fit?)
The bride of Christ is mentioned in Revelation 14;1 .....first fruits, no deceit, without blemish.
"Jn 14:6 Jesus said to him, тАЬI am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."
Through Jesus Christ; all can be first fruits...The Bride.
All human creatures are sinners; thus Confession and Repentance seeking forgiveness through the blood of Jesus is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for all as none can go before the Father with sin. THIS ALONE IS THE KEY TO HEAVEN FOR CREATURES. Sincere study is helpful and when Jesus is our friend and has our dedication; study is requisite...But, not all human read to this day and they when they've had the knowledge and option of choosing loyalty to Jesus and choose to follow him the the best of their ability; THEY TOO ARE BRIDES.
'The Bride' is 'The Church' and the actual 'Church' is 'The Body of Christ'. Not all claiming to be CALLED as refering to 'Holy Orders' is actually 'Called'. Certainly, Kings and Queens are NOT called by God nor given privilege to govern and rule over anybody when they can't even rule and govern themselves. THEY'RE THE EVIL ONES OF THE HELL...Almost always.
Those selected Kings, Queens, Peers and many of those of any church used as their agents most certainly were NOT placed by God. In the days when choosing the Books consisting of the Library of the Bible, those of the Monarchy and many of the Church Councils and Synods were NOT CHOSEN BY GOD; but by Satan/Lucifer and themselves.
Many are now known by the population as the group coming to be called 'The Venetian Black Nobility' and known by many other identifications in ancient times past. Many were among those present in Jerusalem murdering and also witnessing Jesus to begin with among both claiming to be Jews as well as Gentiles and Pagans WHICH THEY REMAIN ALL THESE 2000 YEARS LATER.
Since the resurrection the actual church is each and every body (THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) dedicated, loyal to, willing to grown in the spirit; to the Lamb of God and there will be many in heaven in the highest realms shocking to most lesser souls on Earth when we all make it to heaven. Some, humans believed the worst well be judged by God as the best and the best not even present at all.
Only Jesus knows those actually his own as both behavior and words can be ploys for both 'The Old Man' as well as the Demonic displayed among the Sadducees and Parasees..
There are many people actually studying Jesus and The Bible for purposes other than spiritual Growth...Becoming Priests and other types of clergymen...People studying and behaving in the day for God and at night or in basements, caves and attics, are in actuality for other than for Jesus. Appearances are often deceiving.
Mother, and her family were well catechized...Her Grandmother had divorced in 1914 and was viewed a scandalous woman in her parish.
Mom's experience happened decades ago and THAT was the standard. In all the years as a Psychologist with all socioeconomic backgrounds, religions and cultures...THAT was the standard across societies.
During the 70's it changed in metropolitan areas quicker and in rural regions less quick. Even today, women stay in abuse while forming a plan to leave and a majority still don't leave until there is a partner; usually a man, waiting for them in the background. The church has come a distance in supporting divorce in the abusive situations; but there are those continuing to oppose it. Even now, there remains few resources to help women with children to escape these circumstances.
Since when? I was told almost exactly the same thing in 1971. The Catholic Church is a cult for followers of Satan. The priests listen to their leader (the pope) who is in with the elites for a one world order and openly says itтАЩs ok for homosexuals to marry in the Catholic Church. And convicted priests of molesting children are given a slap on the hand and put in a retirement home which Catholics pay for instead of being put in prison. He is not following GodтАЩs laws.
The priests are just as bad. Most are homosexuals and pedophiles & most nuns are gay and lesbians. Where does it say in the Bible that that is acceptable? I grew up in the Catholic Church and went to Catholic schools and saw much of this with my own eyes. In fact many kids I knew, both male and female were molested by priests and nuns. IтАЩve left the Catholic Church when I was old enough to realize what was really going on and I follow God, a real God. Not through a devious priest who doesnтАЩt practice what he teaches, but instead is gathering up souls for satan.
The Catholic Church does not permit divorce. It would allow for separation for a period of time to try to heal differences. In certain cases a marriage may be annulled if it was never deemed to be a marriage in the first place.
They overstep. Funny they had no problem working with Hitler to exterminate the innocents. They actually collaborated with him much as they do today when it suits their political agenda.
SOME collaborated...NOT THE VATICAN.
There were some Priest's helping the Nazi's; especially in the lands of invasion...
AS THERE ARE SOME PRIESTS AND MINISTERS IN OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS RIGHT NOW LOYAL TO THE BLACK NOBILITY bringing this infidel One/New World Religion they plan to call Christlam as Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions on Earth. Bergoglio is no Catholic or Christian of any kind...He's a Freemason Nazi as a child of a Nazi/Fascist Father leaving Italy as a Fascist to settle in Argentina.
Lies. How easily people keep promoting whatever lies they hear.
No offense intended but you need to do some research. Lucia is right
No Lucia is not right. I am so sick of the same lies told about the Catholic Church that have been told for centuries.
I don't mean to upset you but think logically. Gods word is the standard, the law we should live by if we want to please him and remain in his memory when we die, whenever that is. Its a serious situation with long term consequences. So I must ask how do you remain affiliated to a church that agrees with same sex marriage and condones homosexuality and protects pedofiles? Gods law is above mans law. 1 Corinthians 6;9 Paul writes...do not be misled.........will not inherit Gods Kingdom. Very plain and simple and yet the churches defy this law for mass public opinion. look at Mark 7; 13 Jesus speaking... you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down vs14-15 but the things that come out of a man are the things that defile him.vs 20 (he continues to hammer the point) ....That which comes out of a man defiles him for from inside out of the heart of men come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murder, acts of adultery etc.....( Jesus coupled all this sins as being so serious it could cost your life. I do think this is worth pondering.)
I am not "affiliated" to the anti-Catholic or counterfeit church led today by the man who calls himself Francis but belong to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church instituted by Christ. The church led by Francis is another heretical sect and that is why those in it are pedophiles and approve of the most God-hating and sinful things man can do.
Check out the movie The Black and the Scarlet.
I beg to differ - the church is against re-marriage after a divorce. However, it has created a way around that with annulment of the marriage if it can be shown that the 2 adults entered into the marriage with at least one of them having a lack of capacity or lack of consent in addition to other reasons. The catechism (2382-2386) states that "Civil divorce might be necessary for the protection and care of the spouses and their children". Back in 1914 divorce was a Cultural scandal looked down upon by nearly all religions and society.
You are citing a catechism of the Novus Ordo church which is not the true, Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo church was born in Vatican II and teaches a false religion as all other invented sects.
This is much easier attained at this time.
When women and children are in danger; it's now fairly simple to end the marriage even in the Catholic Church....AS IT SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
For alcoholism, Porn Addition and such...Some sins/Demons are more often beaten than others and 'Seperation' is the first step towards dissolution.
When the addict fails to end the active addiction; the divorce/annulment is granted.
So really isn't annulment just a fancy word for divorce? Because I can't find annulment in the Bible. I find divorce and the only way one is released from it is when their spouse dies. Otherwise it says they are committing adultery if they remarry. Or they can be divorced because of sexual immorality.
I've been divorced and remarried so I am not calling anyone out. Just curious as to how the church can decide who to annull and who not to. Because according to the Bible the ones who have had their marriages annulled may not be aware of the adultery by remarrying. Or is that explained? Maybe it's just my Bible that doesn't say annulled because of different authors. I don't know. This question is not directed at any one person. I struggle daily so please don't be mean. I am just trying to get clarification.
Teresa many are in your position. What's done is done in the past. What matters is the present and the future. Being aware that one may have made an error and now its time to do better and be positive. If it worries you, by all means take it up in sincere prayer. Focus on what you can change in your life. Make some personal time to read the Bible daily. Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are very soothing. Think about this. King David was a chosen ancestor of Jesus. Son of Jesse. All because of God's promise to Abraham that because of him, all the earth would be blessed. Actually God was paving the way for his only begotten son ( who was with him in Heaven at that time) to come to earth and restore true worship and offer himself as a perfect human sacrifice to balance the scale of justice, Adams wilful sin.
Imagine now David was this special one chosen, he sees Bathsheba and sins with her, then sends her husband to the front line where he is killed. She falls pregnant and that baby dies. How disappointed God was and all his heavenly family are watching. Including Satan. But David was deeply repentant after being exposed by the prophet Nathan. He realized the cost. But he never left off serving, praying, reminding himself how fragile and human he was and how deeply he depended on God's mercy. He could have been removed. But something in David was deeply good and honest and so all his writings are included in the Holy Scriptures as inspired words to us from the heavenly author. Examples like this were recorded for us. No doubt David was loved by his heavenly father. He had protection when his eldest son tried to kill him in a coup. He had protection when hunted by Saul. And he was an integral part in the ancestry of Jesus through Mary. What a wonderful privilege. So let the past go and work on the present and future.
God's view on immorality and when divorce is scriptural is clear. Death and adultery. Then remarriage is acceptable. There is no shortcut. But this is also not the World's' view. I mentioned earlier that there were other reasons, they qualified for divorce to protect the innocent party, but did not necessarily mean the innocent party could remarry until the situation changed and the offending party remarried.
An annulment is a procedure in the Catholic Church by which a marriage can be declared invalid on certain conditions (such as having made a promise to be open to children and then changing oneтАЩs mind, or not consummating a marriage). In the case of annulment the person is free to marry again in the Catholic Church.
Thank you. I do appreciate you taking the time to explain. I like learning about other denominations that worship Our Father in Christ.
All the best.
It is not true the Catholic Church permits divorce. If parties are declared never validly married, which is rare, they are granted an annulment.