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They overstep. Funny they had no problem working with Hitler to exterminate the innocents. They actually collaborated with him much as they do today when it suits their political agenda.

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SOME collaborated...NOT THE VATICAN.

There were some Priest's helping the Nazi's; especially in the lands of invasion...

AS THERE ARE SOME PRIESTS AND MINISTERS IN OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS RIGHT NOW LOYAL TO THE BLACK NOBILITY bringing this infidel One/New World Religion they plan to call Christlam as Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions on Earth. Bergoglio is no Catholic or Christian of any kind...He's a Freemason Nazi as a child of a Nazi/Fascist Father leaving Italy as a Fascist to settle in Argentina.

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Lies. How easily people keep promoting whatever lies they hear.

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No offense intended but you need to do some research. Lucia is right

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No Lucia is not right. I am so sick of the same lies told about the Catholic Church that have been told for centuries.

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I don't mean to upset you but think logically. Gods word is the standard, the law we should live by if we want to please him and remain in his memory when we die, whenever that is. Its a serious situation with long term consequences. So I must ask how do you remain affiliated to a church that agrees with same sex marriage and condones homosexuality and protects pedofiles? Gods law is above mans law. 1 Corinthians 6;9 Paul writes...do not be misled.........will not inherit Gods Kingdom. Very plain and simple and yet the churches defy this law for mass public opinion. look at Mark 7; 13 Jesus speaking... you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down vs14-15 but the things that come out of a man are the things that defile him.vs 20 (he continues to hammer the point) ....That which comes out of a man defiles him for from inside out of the heart of men come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murder, acts of adultery etc.....( Jesus coupled all this sins as being so serious it could cost your life. I do think this is worth pondering.)

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I am not "affiliated" to the anti-Catholic or counterfeit church led today by the man who calls himself Francis but belong to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church instituted by Christ. The church led by Francis is another heretical sect and that is why those in it are pedophiles and approve of the most God-hating and sinful things man can do.

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Check out the movie The Black and the Scarlet.

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