I beg to differ - the church is against re-marriage after a divorce. However, it has created a way around that with annulment of the marriage if it can be shown that the 2 adults entered into the marriage with at least one of them having a lack of capacity or lack of consent in addition to other reasons. The catechism (2382-2386) states …
I beg to differ - the church is against re-marriage after a divorce. However, it has created a way around that with annulment of the marriage if it can be shown that the 2 adults entered into the marriage with at least one of them having a lack of capacity or lack of consent in addition to other reasons. The catechism (2382-2386) states that "Civil divorce might be necessary for the protection and care of the spouses and their children". Back in 1914 divorce was a Cultural scandal looked down upon by nearly all religions and society.
You are citing a catechism of the Novus Ordo church which is not the true, Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo church was born in Vatican II and teaches a false religion as all other invented sects.
I beg to differ - the church is against re-marriage after a divorce. However, it has created a way around that with annulment of the marriage if it can be shown that the 2 adults entered into the marriage with at least one of them having a lack of capacity or lack of consent in addition to other reasons. The catechism (2382-2386) states that "Civil divorce might be necessary for the protection and care of the spouses and their children". Back in 1914 divorce was a Cultural scandal looked down upon by nearly all religions and society.
You are citing a catechism of the Novus Ordo church which is not the true, Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo church was born in Vatican II and teaches a false religion as all other invented sects.