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"Jn 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."

Through Jesus Christ; all can be first fruits...The Bride.

All human creatures are sinners; thus Confession and Repentance seeking forgiveness through the blood of Jesus is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for all as none can go before the Father with sin. THIS ALONE IS THE KEY TO HEAVEN FOR CREATURES. Sincere study is helpful and when Jesus is our friend and has our dedication; study is requisite...But, not all human read to this day and they when they've had the knowledge and option of choosing loyalty to Jesus and choose to follow him the the best of their ability; THEY TOO ARE BRIDES.

'The Bride' is 'The Church' and the actual 'Church' is 'The Body of Christ'. Not all claiming to be CALLED as refering to 'Holy Orders' is actually 'Called'. Certainly, Kings and Queens are NOT called by God nor given privilege to govern and rule over anybody when they can't even rule and govern themselves. THEY'RE THE EVIL ONES OF THE HELL...Almost always.

Those selected Kings, Queens, Peers and many of those of any church used as their agents most certainly were NOT placed by God. In the days when choosing the Books consisting of the Library of the Bible, those of the Monarchy and many of the Church Councils and Synods were NOT CHOSEN BY GOD; but by Satan/Lucifer and themselves.

Many are now known by the population as the group coming to be called 'The Venetian Black Nobility' and known by many other identifications in ancient times past. Many were among those present in Jerusalem murdering and also witnessing Jesus to begin with among both claiming to be Jews as well as Gentiles and Pagans WHICH THEY REMAIN ALL THESE 2000 YEARS LATER.

Since the resurrection the actual church is each and every body (THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) dedicated, loyal to, willing to grown in the spirit; to the Lamb of God and there will be many in heaven in the highest realms shocking to most lesser souls on Earth when we all make it to heaven. Some, humans believed the worst well be judged by God as the best and the best not even present at all.

Only Jesus knows those actually his own as both behavior and words can be ploys for both 'The Old Man' as well as the Demonic displayed among the Sadducees and Parasees..



There are many people actually studying Jesus and The Bible for purposes other than spiritual Growth...Becoming Priests and other types of clergymen...People studying and behaving in the day for God and at night or in basements, caves and attics, are in actuality for other than for Jesus. Appearances are often deceiving.

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