What a wonderful film

Thank you both for your time and energy

God bless you both and also all the people who spoke up for our rights

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Terrific documentary, timely and just what America and the rest of the world needs to see and appreciate.

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Thank you Ty and Charlene for this great podcast and for all your other fantastic ones.

Many Blessings to you both for all your dedication and hard work

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Hey Hazel: Save your woke garbage for Facebook

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Thank you and thank God for RFK jr. Through your efforts many people have awakened and are now ready for real change. God's blessings upon your lives...

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This movie like most just beats around the bush of truth and reality, and in no way calls out the true crimes against humanity and the individuals and corporations directly responsible, in a way that people can blatantly understand that they themselves are intentionally being made ill and killed off simply for reasons of profit and control. Were the words ‘arrested’ and ‘prosecuted’ used one time? Did I miss it?

Crimes against humanity warrant tribunals and guilt warrants the death penalty. Did I miss these words in the movie too?

Why not speak the whole truth?

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Yet another stupendous contribution to our Revolution. Charlene and Ty and their crew are among the cast of heroes during this Biblical moment. THANK YOU!!

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Excellent!! We've been following you for years. The both of you and your staff are an absolute God send! True pioneers! Thank you for all you do❤

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TTAC and TTAV should be mandatory viewing for the world! Even pHARMa might learn something. Of course, then they'd lie about it!

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So should this movie!

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Surviving Healthcare on Substack

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Contact Christian Elliot at Truewholehuman.com.


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Anything I’ve ever watched in the past from you was just a sales pitch for things and offered absolutely nothing practical for the unrich cancer patient to do

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The information we have put out for you for free is information we would have given everything we had to have so that we could have saved our mothers, fathers, grandparents, uncles, and cousins an untimely deaths at the hands of the medical doctors who also didn't know better due to censorship and propaganda. If and when you ever face something life-threatening and need us, we will be here, on standby, to help you get through it and live; unlike our relatives during the time when we didn't have any of this information, we freely give you. May God bless you richly with wisdom, light, and life, Charlene 🙏🏻 PS Perhaps you should watch our testimonial videos to see what we had to go through to bring you these life-saving films and books and blog posts: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/about-us/

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Those seminars by TTAC are free viewing at first. Take lots of notes and you can avoid buying the course.

The cost of takng control of ones health without medical involvement is expressed in hundreds of dollars. Go the medical route and you could go bankrupt. "Unrich" versus destitute, you decide.

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Yes cancer care can be confusing, even after watching the The Truth About Cancer. Some of my take aways were: knowing that there ARE alternatives to AMA cancer treatments, ie. chemo and radiation and "a hurry up and treat modality". Also through the series, I became familiar with many wonderful practitioners of whom I have been watching and listening for a decade. One of my faves Dr Toni Bark may she rest in peace. Some of the more practical cancer treatments I learned are simple and easy. Keep up on Vit D, daily Zinc, High doses of iv Vit C, eat a lot of organic vegetables, drink pure water and stay hydrated, drink vegetable juices, sugar is a major factor in cancer growth, look outside the narrative for remedies, use Frankincense for brain tumors, molds and parasites are harmful, garlic, ginger, cayeene, apple cider vinegar and most of all fasting, much much more. Keep it simple and eat real food., breathe clean air..and include God.

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Mega dose vitamin C is not expensive. Figure out your own body's bowel tolerance. No shots needed ever!

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At least now on the face front we are getting traction and RFK is just warming up. Sadly who knows what covert evil they are planning behind their backs https://youtu.be/nbtc0yHb7nQ?si=EchThmNzNJJA03sj

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who was the artist and the name of the song at the end

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Namaste! I bow to the divine in you!

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Unpacking the Lies We've Been Fed is very good. - But:

The Audio(SOUND) included in the Video is built up by spoken comments and background music.

The background music is on far too high sound level. It makes it difficult to understand the spoken comments. Regards / Wille.

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