I’ve used many of these herbal remedies, at times some scary illnesses, and do testify that these are Gods amazing healers. My grandfather was a beekeeper, so have used pure natural honey on wounds- & works amazingly!

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Many thanks for this wonderful article on natural medicines. I never heard of Astralagus or Neem before. It's encouraging to learn there are so many fascinating compounds in nature! I regularly use garlic, ginger, and turmeric. However, you could have included Nigella, which was called the cure for everything except death, as far back as the Middle Ages....Black Cumin Seed.

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Doing the Impossible

For with God, nothing will be impossible.

— Luke 1:37 🙏

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I can vouch for thyme for respiratory illness,, a pinch placed in the mouth, sook it for about 5 mins and you will breathe way better. Also manuka honey clears up a cough or sore throat in a day! My dad also took a spoonful every day and never got ill.

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Imagine your town planting Neem trees everywhere and making the leaves available to everyone to make their own healthful infusions, decoctions and extracts? What a beautiful and simple idea to help keep the population healthy.

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I am very happy to recommend Thyme essential oil. I heard a herbalist speak at a forum at the Royal Showgrounds but after I left could not remember too many details as I was ill with pneumonia. I asked my naturopath in the local health food store and she said to remember the song Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel in the 70's because they sing about "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" and all of these herbs are good for the lungs. I decided that it must have been Thyme that had been spoken about, so I bought the Oil. I applied the neat Thyme Oil to my lower lungs and had it rubbed on my back (it is supposed to be diluted). After 18 months of steroids and antibiotics, I stopped coughing up phlem and in fact stopped coughing and regained my strength after 3 applications over 2 days.

I call it my miracle and a bottle of Thyme oil is always in the house and with me on trips. A recent interstate visit put me in touch with a person who had Covid. A spit swab test confirmed I had the dreaded lurgi for the first time. I applied Thyme oil which I of course had in my handbag. 24 hours later the spit test showed negative as did the following one 72 hours later. As I said, I call it my miracle and recommend it to everyone.

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All “pandemics” are man made.

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We recently used garlic oil for and ear ache/infection. It worked well! God knows what he’s doing!😃

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He gives us everything we need

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Love your comments. I did not trust Covid shots. I don’t trust if Pharma.

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I'll stick to herbs before using any big pharma drugs even OTC. Super hot cayenne tincture is a godsend for heart issues.

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You’re right about OTC. They can be just as lethal

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Let's be honest in regard to mRNA so called vaccines. They are in fact bioweapons designed to depopulate the human race sold to the US Department of Defence as Medical Countermeasures and distributed worldwide by the DOD. Everyone involved is granted immunity from prosecution under the PREP Act in conjunction with the contracts entered into between most Governments and the USA. Why else would every suit taken against Pfizer to date be dismissed on the basis of their immunity to prosecution under the PREP Act?

Forget about Big Pharma making profits by keeping you unwell. Let's understand that the US Government has granted them and their Department of Defence, a license to kill unwitting people like you and I.

Don't take these vaccines, instead use the natural products God has provided us!

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Absolutely! As Yahweh created all we ever needed to prevent and heal our bodies with, Satan would indeed see to it that the opposite would take hold! Rockefeller was used by the enemy to successfully use his money and wield incredible power within the medical community and colleges! He’d withdraw any funding and blackball anyone that dare speak of natural, God created medicine! Giving much money to those who bowed. Needless to say, they obeyed! Suppression, lies, and the propaganda that it was all quackery took over. It’s a crying shame they were believed. It’s a depopulation behemoth now that’s created untold wealth for the evil in place! Praise His Mighty Name that so many have been awakened to His truth and so much progress has been made for His Glory! There are countless other herbs and weeds that could be added to this list. Greenmedinfo.com is a wealth of information.

Sayer Ji who started it also has a Substack page. Blessings to all!

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Healing through God’s medicine……organic food near it's natural state, as much as possible! Fresh air, pure water and good wholesome food is the best remedy to good health! A healthy pregnancy, a good birth, a safe birth, ( I highly recommend Home Birth), breastfeeding until your baby decides to wean, mother❤️Child togetherness, supported by a loving protective husband, Catholic homeschooling practicing the Traditional Catholic Faith as laid out by www.vaticancatholic.com


Listen to the hundreds of Amazing videos, debates and discussions with Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond please! Take time to study and 🙏 pray for guidance and understanding! Thank you and God bless you all from Ireland

❤️ 🙏 📿 xxxx

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Thank you for all you two & others do to help, to keep us healthy, and informed. God bless you & yours.

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In the countries that allowed early treatment protocols of natural abd alternative therapies during Covid such as Budesamide and Ivermectin, the incidents of severe illness and death were far lower than countries that repressed early treatment and promoted untested experimental vaccines.

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Yes ... Brilliant essential list!

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Thanks for this and the interesting stories.

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My first question immediately after he said it! Criminals! I want my tax dollars back

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