God bless you Bollinger Truth Warries! And God protect and propel you onward to lay the truth before our collective eyes. Thank You, Lord, For raising up modern-day Prophets to tell the unconvenient Truth when it needs to be told!

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Great article. So many questions, but so many lies for answers!

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The truth is out there, just like in the cures for cancer. You just have to dig, sniff and think about what you find.

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thankyou for speaking truth

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The people who do these things for their aggrandizement should be shipped off this planet on the first spaceship to the most desolate planet it can find. The research involved putting the puzzle pieces together correctly is admirable. All those fires mentioned showed evidence of DEW machines being used to devastate homes and businesses. I agree that the Bollingers are on point with how it coincides with the plans for SafeCities and all the rest of the agendas that have been planned for a very long time. We turn our heads away for our downfall. This is happening at a speed we can't comprehend.

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Yeah, blame china. In the meantime look at what the us military has done. They celebrated their 70th anniversary of being able to direct hurricanes this year. Even had a picture of the bomber used and the military crew.

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I'd credit the Khazarian Mafia before China. They've been murdering our young people since at least WW1.

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Me as well. I just can't fall for this constant anti-China syndrome. I've seen no evidence of malfeasance. What I have seen is US blaming any leader or country of wrong doing when the US, in fact, is the culprit.

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Yes it’s real. Thanks for Keeping the truth coming. Well said Mel.

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For all those decrying this as 'conspiracy theory' remember that there is a long, long list of examples of previous theory which became empirical fact. Also remember that the term 'conspiracy theory' was a term coined by the CIA in the aftermath of the Warren Commission’s report that President Kennedy was killed by Oswald. The use of this term was heavily promoted in the media by the CIA.


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Thank you.

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Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.

The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change

Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires


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As the research continues 3 names seem to be connected to both Smart Cities and Lithium Mining: Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street. As the saying goes “you can’t identify an enemy you can’t define.” Both in Chile and Western North Carolina it seems obvious that geoengineering was used to push people out and Lithium/Quartz etc. in. The problem is not Anthropogenic Climate Change which does not exist. The problem is these Oligarchs capitalizing profits for themselves while burdening the people with the social costs. A better world is possible if we can only wake up.

REVEALED! Chile fires CONNECTED to Lahaina Maui (02/20/2024)


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Spot on. You nailed it.

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These same kind of metal melting fires hit Santa Rosa a few years ago.

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Lahaina and Paradise too!

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And Greece too?

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Thank you T&C for speaking the hard truth about the evil in this fallen world and linking it to messages of hope and fearlessness when we are in Christ Jesus. Bless you for dedicating your lives to spreading truth!

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Extremely massive chemtrails over LA for several days before the fires and one strange massive gray cloud the day before.

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And isn’t it interesting that we haven’t seen any chemtrails now since the fires started.

I saw them for weeks before constantly daily.

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FYI. The government uses “stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI)” for chemtrails. If you search their term, you find plenty of government sources.

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LOL - yep blame it on the West's new bogeyman - China. The "powers that be" always need a bogeyman to distract the public from what is REALLY going on!

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OMG. I knew conspiracy theories were crazy and incredibly mean. But I never knew you conspiracists were as horrible as you are. And people buy into this crap. You are doing such damage such horror. Poisoning the minds and the spirit of our human race. Shame on you shame on you. Shame on you.

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Have a read, Barbra. Not for the faint-hearted, but a breakdown of a long list of 'conspiracy theories' which were in fact true. Lots and lots of evidence of government, business, and public malfeasance. Enjoy!


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Yes. And, Gates heads a lot of new city lectures, trying to hide the sun, Covid and now putting vaccines in mosquitoes to inject in people

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Barbra, 'The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open' What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy? - 6 months!

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I prefer it expressed as “What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact?” About 6 months.

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The governor is a raging narcissistic psychopath… he looked absolutely overjoyed that so much real estate was now available to him.. like he won the lottery many times over… we let megalomaniacs make the big decisions that affect us all when we only needed to make one small decision at the polling booth… get it right next time and send these charlatans out of office.

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You trust the vote?

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I trust any vote if it’s done in person with correct I.D. … postal voting is not trustworthy.

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Really, we need to help raise consciousness of this travesty (obvious to one some of us) and the vibrational level of all of us to meet these horrific challenges. They won’t stop without a lot of pushback.

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Good article and information but I don't go in for the worship of Mr Gibson

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What's Causing THESE Los Angeles Fire Anomalies?!


Unusual damage Explained


Shane's article: https://individualistanarchy.wordpres... Drive document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/128sE...


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