Fantastic article. "They" are also checking temperatures in a different way, so that it seems to be hotter. They are changing the colors of charts, from green to red, to deceive people. What a scam!

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Most Christians do not stop to think God gave mankind authority over the earth, and satan has been trying to destroy humanity ever since in his efforts to seize control. It isn't really surprising that evil people endorse killing people.

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The more original text of the appropriate clause in Genesis is that God gave man 'stewardship' of the earth... much like a park ranger... to preserve and to protect..

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Isn't that precisely what people who are attempting to stop climate change are doing?

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No. The imposition of control & misery with the pretense of stewardship.

The greeniac solution is always more State control, more extraction of taxes & more impositions on individual Liberty

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No. They’re using β€œclimate changeβ€œ (climate is always changing) to push for control of the human farm. It’s a lie. It’s Mind control and social engineering.

Because humans are basically compassionate, caring and virtuous, β€œthey” use these gifts against ourselves. Just invert every feel good words or phrases and you will know their true intentions. Words are spells. Check out Jason Christoff on mind control.

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Do you have any tangible facts available that the alleged climate-change has anthropogenic causes ??? ...

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Unfortunately, in many cases, they have not stopped to consider the long term effects of their efforts. As a result, in their efforts to preserve one part, they may destroy many others. For example, in the effort to preserve the Komodo dragon, nearly all the other species native to the island have become extinct because there are too many dragons.

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This scam is proof of the dumbing down of school curriculum!

We learned about CO2, plants, and photosynthesis in third grade science! I can’t believe people are falling for this nonsense. They must not be teaching much in elementary school science.

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They aren't , but all people have to do now, even as grown-ups, is to read up on NaturalNews.com about carbon, plants and photosynthesis, weather modification, etc. Mike Adams' has been talking about this for close to the past 20 years. Schools not actually teaching is one of many reasons that parents are home-schooling their kids.

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I love NaturalNews. Surprised they’ve not been censored off the Internet.

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They have been off Fakebook for years and on their own channel that they developed.

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The Demo'rat far left is essentially a death cult; death to freedom; death to peace; death to prosperity; death to babies; death to truth; death to America. When you understand the true nature of the far left, then you understand "climate change." Man-caused climate change is a a leftwing fascist propaganda fantasy inspired by demons for the purpose of keeping us poor, regulated, ignorant, mis-informed, and at each other's throats.

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Deary me. Unbelievable. They don't need to do anything to keep you "ignorant, mis-informed, and at each other's throats". Other people have already succeeded.

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The death cult designed and orchestrated your thoughts and behavior. It’s called Social engineering or mind control. The most educated are the easiest to manipulate. See Mattias Desmet on mass formation psychosis on YouTube.

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It's all about the money. Created by one man. Al Gore.

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Of course. One of the oddest things I have ever seen, in fact, him going from US almost-president to making and promoting a documentary about the weather. Very odd indeed.

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It's all one big club and we weren't invited. George Carlin.

p.s. I wouldn't want to.

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What if he had become president?

All of this scam would have been pushed much harder much sooner...

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Yes, the petro industrial complex has a lot of money

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Thank you for your excellent article. Many of the environmental leaders are gnostics who do despise humanity.

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What exactly are "they" doing that hurts you? Trying to encourage you to be concerned about the earth?

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Under the guise of caring for the earth, β€œthey” are the ones destroying the planet with their policies, politics, wars, drugs, gender/ race agenda, etc. and living lavishly while telling us β€œuseless eaters” to restrict our consumption and care for the earth. Hypocrites!

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They are engineering a famine, and without food we will die!

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They just keep moving the chess pieces to distract people from what β€˜they’ are doing. (showers anyone?)

There’s no question that man is β€˜ruining’ the earth but there are many ways to do that….war, rape, murder etc…..When God flooded the earth it wasn’t because of CO2 emissions.

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There is a certain person who has mentioned that basically there should only be just under a billion people. Also cows are not the only ones passing methane gas. It has been implied that we humans do as well. Of course they don't include themselves in the elimination of humanity.

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In 1992 UNESCO spokesman Jacques Cousteau observed that we need to eliminate 350,000 people per day to reach a sustainable population.

Humans have a penchant for appeasing the climate gods with human sacrifice.

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Climate Change and the Environmental movement were not organic movements. True some environmental groups started that way with all sincerity – but as far as I can tell all have been captured. Like the music revolutions (rock, Jazz, and rap) they were created by the CIA and MI5 (Travistock) as was the drug culture, feminism and the Hippie Movement. Feminism had several purposes – destroy the family unit, reduce the birth rate, and create more taxable income from the working wife.

We know about the Club of Rome β€œLimits to Growth β€œ (1972) but before that was the


With introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin. 1967


This secret group of NWO parasites brainstormed on what could be use as a substitute for war – which apparently was not as effective at decreasing the population to the extent they wished.

β€œSUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR: MODELS The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.

ECONOMIC. a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life. b) A giant openend space research program, aimed at unreachable targets. c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.

POLITICAL a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.

SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL FUNCTION. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery.

MOTIVATIONAL FUNCTION. a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religions or other mythologies. c) Socially oriented blood games. d) Combination forms.

ECOLOGICAL. A comprehensive program of applied eugenics.

CULTURAL. No replacement institution offered.

SCIENTIFIC. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and / or eugenics programs.

SUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR: EVALUATION The models listed above reflect only the beginning of the quest for substitute institutions for the functions of war, rather than a recapitulation of alternatives. It would be both premature and inappropriate, therefore, to offer final judgments on their applicability to a transition to peace and after. Furthermore, since the necessary but complex project of correlating the compatibility of proposed surrogates for different functions could be treated only in exemplary fashion at this time, we have elected to withhold such hypothetical correlations as were tested as statistically inadequate. Nevertheless, some tentative and cursory comments on these proposed functional "solutions" will indicate the scope of the difficulties involved in this area of peace planning.

ECONOMIC. The social-welfare model cannot be expected to remain outside the normal economy after the conclusion of its predominantly capital investment phase; its value in this function can therefore be only temporary

The space-research substitute appears to meet both major criteria, and should be examined in greater detail, especially in respect to its probable effects on other war functions. "Elaborate inspection" schemes, although superficially attractive, are inconsistent with the basic premise of a transition to peace. The "unarmed forces" variant, logistically similar, is subject to the same functional criticism as the general social-welfare model.

POLITICAL. Like the inspection-scheme surrogates, proposals for plenipotentiary international police are inherently incompatible with the ending of the war system. The "unarmed forces" variant, amended to include unlimited powers of economic sanction, might conceivably be expanded to constitute a credible external menace. Development of an acceptable threat from "outer space," presumably in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility. The environmental pollution model does not seem sufficiently responsive to immediate social control, except through arbitrary acceleration of current pollution trends; this in turn raises questions of political acceptability. New, less regressive, approaches to the creation of fictitious global "enemies" invite further investigation.

SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL FUNCTION. Although the various substitutes proposed for this function that are modeled roughly on the Peace Corps appear grossly inadequate in potential scope, they should not be ruled out without further study. Slavery, in a technologically modern and conceptually euphemized form, may prove a more efficient and flexible institution in this area.

MOTIVATIONAL FUNCTION. Although none of the proposed substitutes for war as the guarantor of social allegiance can be dismissed out of hand, each presents serious and special difficulties. Intensified environmental threats may raise ecological dangers; mythmaking dissociated from tar may no longer be politically feasible; purposeful blood games and rituals can far more readily be devised than implemented. An institution combining this function with the preceding one, based on, but not necessarily imitative of, the precedent of organized ethnic repression, warrants careful consideration.

ECOLOGICAL. The only apparent problem in the application of an adequate eugenic substitute for war is that of timing; it cannot be effectuated until the transition to peace has been completed, which involved a serious temporary risk of ecological failure.

CULTURAL. No plausible substitute for this function of war has yet been proposed. It may be, however, that a basic cultural value-determinant is not necessary to the survival of a stable society.

SCIENTIFIC. The same might be said for the function of war as the prime mover of the search for knowledge. However, adoption of either a giant space-research program, a comprehensive social-welfare program, or a master program of eugenic control would provide motivation for limited technologies."

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Is that the updated version of Saul Alinsky's, "Rules for Radicals?"

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No it is REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN: ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE - it was a 1966 think tank group commissioned by DoD under Robert McNamara produced by Hudson Inst- which was founded by Herman Kahn of Rand Corporation. I think most or all of the participants were CFR. The purpose of the study was to analyze the different ways a government can perpetuate itself in power - how to control the citizens and prevent them from rebelling. They note in the past war has been the only reliable means to achieve that goal but no government has survived without enemies or armed conflict - war is stabilizing - so their goal was to figure out something in times of peace to keep the racket going - the above were some ideas they considered which they are using today.

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Follow the money....the petro industrial complex hates the attempt to decarbonise the atmosphere (one of the big causes of current climate change). Do you guys need to declare an interest?

To say that this is a diabolical scheme to rid the world of carbon borders on, really, the ridiculous. In the past 2 hundred years, man has been burning coal, petrol, gas, wood and pumping carbon into the atmosphere at a level never before seen in the history of the earth. The earth did very nicely without this carbon thanks. And the petro industrial complex is hardly an earth loving industry, responsible as it has been for some of the worst ecological disasters in recorded history.

This article smacks of simple partisanship - if something is supported by the Democrats or "globalists" then it must be evil, never mind that these people genuinely have the earth's best interests at heart.

You guys are just weird.

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https://youtu.be/PpcISHuSCpo Good news! You’re Climate Irrelevant!

1. CO2 contributes less than 10% to the ghg effect

2. There are over 3200 billion tons of co2 in the atmosphere

3. All of humanity generates about 35 billion tons annually (the natural exchange of co2 is around 700b-tons)

4. The US generates about 5

5. There are over 300M in the US

Math: 10%(5/3200)/300M = 1/2-trillionth.

Using 20 drops per milliliter

& 2,500,000 liters per Olympic pool

1trillion drops = 20 pools.

Your co2 footprint is the equivalent of 1/2 of 1 drop in 20 Olympic swimming pools of drops.

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See video documentary β€œPlanet of the Humans” by Michael Moore. It will answer some of your questions. It’s very compelling.

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It's almost as if some group is trying to alter EARTH'S atmosphere , to be more compatible with their own physiology.

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Thank you to you and Mike. I just listened to Mike's sermon on this today and then I see this newsletter. Phenomenal!

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Without carbon we would not exist because life on Earth depends on it.

Without carbon we do not eat.

Without carbon no lumber.

Without carbon there would be no steel for your automobile.

And I could go on.

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I don't think you understand the issue. No one's trying to "ban" carbon. They're just trying to reduce the amount emitted by our coal, petrol and gas power stations (which didn't exist 200 years ago).

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Eliminating the use of the solars energy stirred in hydrocarbons will accomplish nothing for climate while putting millions in immediate danger from dependence on a fragile electric grid. Estimates death toll of a repeat of the 1859 carrington event is upwards of 40million deaths

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Washington state governor passed a bill to ban gas and natural gas. Please watch β€œPlanet of the Humans” by Michael Moore on the truth electrifying the world.

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Are you not listening to them? Zero carbon by 2050. Zero means none.

The carbon they want to get rid of is us!

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200ppm is about where plants stop growing. The greeniac co2 goals are essentially famine & plague.

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"Follow the Science". Where have we heard that BS before? Hmmmmm Most people throw God to the curb. Humans did NOT create this Planet but they sure as hec are hell-bent on destroying it. Give them more tax money, that'll fix the problem. Yea, right! Its never worked, ever!

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It is very clear that reduction of carbon amounts to reduction of life. Even more striking is the disparity between the portrayed necessities and the measures presented to get there. Even is we believe the necessity (reduce carbon emissions), some measures proposed are completely ineffective, while other measures could be taken that the mainstream blatantly ignore. More on that here:


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I wrote this comment to a few of my friends who I sent this email to: Essentially they plan to kill us - and the masses (like us!) continue to sleep!

We apparently haven't had enough stupidity yet. Just eat bugs!

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