God loves the Truth Teller. It might be hard, but the Truth Teller will always be known as heroes of humanity.

The Truth Teller knows how powerful the Truth is, and some people don't want We The People know the Truth, and they will do harm to the Truth Teller.

I pray for St Michael and his army of Truth, to protect and defend the Truth Teller.

Viva Cristo Rey

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There is a paper on PubMed about frankincense and myrrh mixture and mixed together creates a completely different c chemical compound. It was said to have once been a cure for all diseases. Also the Mary Poppins song people that used to take sweet gum oil otherwise known as turpentine to treat parasites used to put it on a spoonful of sugar because parasites love sugar.

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Is this a new global quest? I have the first one? Maybe I missed some of these interviews. If so I get something new every time. Praise God for sharing this golden information with us.

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This is incredible knowledge; this literally brings me closer to my creator. As a species, we have gone astray. And the further away we are to God and nature, the more sickness we bring upon ourselves with modern sorcery legal drug cartels

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Hi Ty & Charlene, thank you so much for your tireless work for so many years.

I invested in your work many years ago and have shared it since the beginning as well with family and friends.

What I want to ask today though is if you have any one who has translated your series into Japanese yet?

I have a community of awakening in Japan(all my work to date has been in Japanese), and am currently putting out a new program to help people break free from the years of propaganda and I have had you on my list to ask.

This is probably not the place to contact you, but I just thought I’d ask while I was here! I only found you here in substack a few weeks ago.

I love to hear from you when you get a moment because if you already do have some of the translated, I would definitely love to collaborate with them.

If you don’t, then, I will get in touch to put a plan together to get that happening with your blessing.

Thank you! 🙏💖🙏

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Do I need to be Founder Member to watch all the videos or does access come with the monthly?

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Or IMHO killed like wonderful Dr. Gonzales and many others.

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Thank you.

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