It's baffling to me to read the comment section - seeing so many here who prefer to be lied to over knowing and living in the TRUTH. Ty and I have been telling the truth for decades now. The reason we have "TRUTH" in most of the titles of our books and films is because that is what we seek and bring to you every single day.

Remember, Jesus IS the Truth, and it's the TRUTH that sets us free.

The Bible says in Hosea 4:6: "My people perish for a lack of knowledge." We have sadly lived through the loss of 8 family members for a simple lack of knowledge. Censorship and propaganda killed them.

And CENSORSHIP & PROPAGANDA are killing many more. This is what we fight against and why we do what we do, so that you can know the truth and live a long life without having to be plundered by early death as we have had to. We know now that God allowed us to suffer, for you, to bring you the truth that could save your life. And we do so gladly.

But the medical mafia who controls most information exchange, media, governments, etc, HID our content, took down our channels, so you couldn't find us and make an informed and educated decision about your health. They wanted everyone to take their shots, their drugs - and make BILLIONS of dollars while MILLIONS of people worldwide are now dropping dead. Its a scam of epic proportions - and they "deleted" the watchmen and women from the gate so they could get in and tell you their one sided stories, bating you into their "medicine."

But we aren't going anywhere and by God's grace they WON'T beat us! We won't stop, as long as God gives us breath. We are thankful for Substack, for giving us this amazing platform to communicate with you all.

While we know many of the comments here and on our other platforms (with about 2 MILLION social media followers plus 1.2 MILLION subscribers here) are from bot or deep state shill accounts, many of the comments are from real people who are 100% ignorant of the truth and have been successfully weaponized by the purposeful digital algorithms that have destroyed all critical thinking and logic. It is heartbreaking to see so many people who could have been bright and amazing turned into weapons in the hands of the Deep State ghouls who only make fun of them, calling them "useful idiots."

But we won't give up. We are not going to stop. We press on toward the prize. Won't you come with us? Please share our content with everyone you know. Help us to save lives by spreading the truth contained in our work.

With love, Charlene and Ty 🤍🕊️

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Dearest Bolllinger family, thank you for continuing to speak the truth, whether it's regarding cancer, vaccines, or "politics" that involve us speaking up for biblical truths! Thank you for being bold, I can really tell how much you fear (respect) and love the Lord. Keep fighting the good fight. We do not light our candles and hide them under a basket. We shine light and be salt in **EVERY** area of our christian lives lived out for God's glory. It's incredible how even Christians will tell us to stay out of "politics"....because no part of my Bible says that it's ok to shine light and be salt in one area of my life, and it's ok to not shine light and be salt in other areas of my life. We represent Christ and uphold biblical values in EVERY area of our lives! Every aspect of our lives belong to our Saviour and King! When we call Christ Lord, we mean it! He is boss and in charge of EVERY area of our lives.

So again, thank you Bollinger family for following Jesus! They persecuted Christ, and they will persecute you too. But you know that already, which is why you press onward toward the prize. This earth is not our home, we are just travelling through. So we press on knowing there's something bigger and better on the near horizon. And we fight and continue speaking the saving gospel truth. Praise the Lord, take care, God bless you guys xx

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Wow thank you so much, Tristan, for your kindness and love in Christ. You are the wind beneath our wings and honey on our hearts. Being under constant fire and attack from the enemy, you tend to forget what it's like to be appreciated and loved. Thank you. God bless you brother. With love, Charlene and Ty and Bollinger fam 🤍🕊️

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Wow. I NEEDED this long article right now because I just read an article in the leftist Wonkette on substack. It is downright eye opening to read their criticism of the right/maga/Republicans. Shallow minded people doesn’t even come close enough in how the Left Liberals see themselves and the world! It’s as if they’re tiptoeing through the tulips believing Kamala’s carefree word salads are somehow the Cure All Be All for the Universe!

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Well said!

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Well said.

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Jul 29
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Oh ok, you’re not only a hate spreader but also you’re a bible basher. Got it!

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I too have been called a Bible basher, but I am not sure what it means. Am I supposed to be insulted, or put in my place, or considered a fanatic? ( that is short for fan, you know) A basher would be against the Bible, if I understand that word, but to the contrary, I believe it, love it, and love my Savior Jesus.

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Yes, a bible basher is someone who bashes the Bible, it is bad. I no longer know who i was replying to, they deleted their comment.

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How is this bias? Everything in this article is TRUTH, with videos displaying Kamala's own words. Everything is backed by video evidence, unless you're accusing TTAC of manipulating videos and doing deep-fake. Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it untrue.

And in case you didn't figure this out, the Bollingers are Christ followers....so they will be conservative. Why? Because God is conservative. We say that God is not on our side, but rather we are on God's side. You can fight against the Lord, but you do so to your own detriment. So would you rather be on the democrat side, or on God's side? Would you rather play politics, or be on God's side? You choose.

P.S. I am not saying God is a republican. What I *am* saying is that all Bible-believing, God-fearing, God-loving Christ following candidates are either republican or independent. But zero....ZERO true genuine Christ followers have ever been democrats. Find me one current democrat who adheres to BIBLCAL values (not merely claiming to follow God). You will not be successful. You will find democrats who merely claim to be christian but then support all kinds of things that go against God's word, which exposes them to be fake christians. And that's what the democrat "christians" are....only giving God lip service but spit in His face by the things they support (pro-choice/baby murder, pro-lgbt, pro-gay marriage, etc etc).

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Wow, you "know" so much! Every Christian who votes Democrat is a "fake" Christian. Wasn't omniscience a quality that God uniquely possesses? With all due respect, I suggest a long cool look in the mirror would be of great benefit.

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No, I never said every christian who *votes* democrat is a fake Christian. I said every democrat candidate who upholds principles against scripture, is a fake Christian. Their own actions expose them, and I'm just telling it as it is.

Can you as a voter, vote democrat and still follow Christ? I would pray that such a person is just ignorant, and that after receiving truth from the word of God, they will align with God's word. That's what we are as believers...we're not perfect, we make mistakes, BUT....this is the big BUT....we have a heart that genuinely desires to follow the Lord, so when we're shown to be wrong, we will change our minds (aka repent), and our actions will follow suit also.

I have no doubt some democrat supporters genuinely want to follow the Lord, but because of their lack of knowledge of scripture, they support what people tell them, rather than read the Bible for themselves. It's very telling, when only 6% of people polled in a Barna poll, admit to reading the word of God regularly. This is why we MUST stick to scripture, it is our source of truth. Otherwise we get hoodwinked and deceived into believing all sorts of lies.

Same for candidates running for office who support unbiblical values, and are merely ignorant. Should they be shown the truth of scriptures and repent, then yes, they are true believers. When I speak about all democrat candidates being fake Christians, I'm referring to those who ACTIVELY stick to their unbiblical value, when they KNOW the truth of God's word and still support such unbiblical values. I do not know of a single democrat candidate who can plead ignorance. They've all been around the block long enough to know what they're truly supporting. That's why I make the distinction between democrat candidates, versus democrat-supporting voters. The latter can simply be deceived/ignorant, so it's possible for the democrat voter to be a true christian who is merely ignorant. But the democrat running for office....nope, cannot merely plead ignorance.

Anyway Mr Millard, rather than submitting to useless sarcasm, why not accept my challenge then? Find me a single democratic candidate who upholds biblical values. Just one...find me just one democrat candidate who is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage as defined in God's word. That same candidate should also be against the woke lies of transgenderism, because God said He made male and female, that's the end of the discussion.

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No Sir, "pro-life, pro-traditional marriage" is not a "definition" coming from God. Those are human definitions, and very often they reflect the intolerance of those who sadly imagine their beliefs are based in reality. Fortunately for us, and all of creation, reality is not governed by political and tribal hatreds.

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Yes, pro-life and pro-traditional marriage do come from God. The labels and specific verbiage may not come from scripture, but the **concepts** sure do.

Going back to Genesis ch 2, God says, man shall leave his mother and father, cleave to his wife, and they shall be one. That is where marriage comes from. The social unit as defined by God's word, is the family unit consisting of a man and woman in marriage. Not all marriages result in children of course. But that is the **purpose**. Love God, love each other, rear kids, continue the human race. You can't do that with gay marriage. God does not recognise it as actual marriage.

As for pro-life, psalm 139 just about decimates all your arguments there. Also Jeremiah ch 1. From the very beginning, even in the womb, God considers each life as precious. It's not merely a blob of tissue; it's an actual human being with worth. God knows each child. Just because the child has not passed through the birth canal yet, does not make that child any less human.

I'll say this much Mr Millard. If you can show me, FROM THE BIBLE, support for your viewpoints, I will most certainly hear and consider them. The Bible=God's word, that is what we go by to know what God thinks. Anything else, is merely an opinion, and go where they belong - in the rubbish can. "My truth" or "your truth" is irrelevant. What God's word says, is what matters. I will happily discuss scripture.

I notice...you're not accepting my challenge. Hm I wonder why. Maybe it's because it's like I say....there is no such thing as a democrat candidate who follows Christ.

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God does not do "arguments". The Bible is not "God's word" - though it does give us a good clue in the opening verse.: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - this was at the beginning of all time - something we can't of course comprehend. Your head may tell you understand, but if you listen to your heart you will realize that simple gratitude for the gift of life is more in keeping than condemning others on the basis of your 'beliefs'.

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That's why you believe what you do, Mr Millard. You do not uphold the BIble as God's word. That's why your personal beliefs are "your truth", and you're vilifying people who do adhere to God's word.

You should not listen to your heart. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, why, "“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,

and desperately wicked.

Who really knows how bad it is?"

Follow your heart, listen to your heart, is the worst advice anyone can give you. Follow God, follow His word the Bible. Now THAT is great wisdom.

Also, I am not condemning anyone. You merely disagree with my quoting of scriptures, so you call it condemning. I'm just telling you what God says. If you don't believe it, and instead support all kinds of things that go against His word, then for all intents and purposes, you are condemning yourself. I don't need to do that, you're doing it to yourself already.

Truth is absolute, there is no wiggle room for personal opinion. You can argue all you want that 2+2=5, but it will never be so. Likewise, the BIble has more than proven itself to be God's word (history, archaeology, prophecy, you name it, it's 100% true and factual). So we go by what the Bible says, not personal opinions.

Earlier you purported (implied) that it's possible for a democrat to be a christian. Mr Millard, the term christian means "Christ follower". If such a person who claims to be following Christ does not adhere to the BIble, then what SHOULD that person adhere to, if not the Bible? Personal opinions, like what you are doing, Mr Millard? With all due respect, such a person is not following Christ at all, but have created a god in their own imagination, created their own values, and then imposing them on others and trying to get others to acknowledge *THEIR* truth. Sorry my friend, I'm not doing that.

Because again, the Bible is God's word, and to say again, it has proven itself to be the infallible word of God that is true in everything it says. So I will use the Bible as the yardstick of truth to measure things by. Now if you too adhere to scripture, but merely have a difference of interpretation, then well, we have something to discuss at least. We can reason from the scriptures.

But if you've dreamed up a god in your own imagination, then it's foolish to even go on with such a discussion. I'm just arguing with the wind. And I have a feeling that's exactly what's happening here.

So, if you're willing to discuss from scriptures, I will happily continue to engage you. Otherwise, I bid you a good day, and I pray that you will come to the truth of the Bible as God's word, and let *IT* speak to you what truth is, rather than dreaming up your own truths. Have a nice day Mr Millard.

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In case you didn’t realize, the “opening verse” of the Bible isn’t, “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." that’s John 1:1 which not only is not the beginning of the Bible but its not even in the Old Testament! It’s in the New Testament. The Bible actually begins with “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” - Genesis 1:1

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So in other words, all you can say is you disagree, and not address any of the points. Got it ;-) Jesus was also called ignorant and delusional by the pharisees. I'm not saying I'm Jesus, but clearly I'm in good company of being accused baselessly. Same with the Bollingers.

They give evidence for EVERYTHING they've said in this article, with clear video evidence of Kamala's damning words, and people still want to support her. Lord, help us, the deception is strong.....

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Very well put!

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Wow! Very well said!

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Tristan, it's clear that you're passionate about your beliefs, and it's important to have discussions grounded in respect and understanding. While you have strong convictions, others might see things differently based on their own values and interpretations of faith. It's crucial to remember that political views can vary widely even among people of the same faith.

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I have enjoyed your documentaries about cancer and vaccines and propaganda regarding vaccines, Big Pharma, covid and more. Your content is also corroborated by content from other professionals and people, like Del Bigtree. But I wish you would stick to that stuff and not this plainly biased coverage of the democrats, Biden and Kamala Harris. The reasoning here is so faulty, and much of it not corroborated by other dependable sources. You sound like brainwashed Trump people, which is so unfortunate because your other work shows great insight and value. How about staying out of political mudslinging and keep doing what you do well. Much of this reads like propaganda and belief and much has little to do with truth. Biden, Kamala, and Dems have their issues and problems and untruths and censorship issues, but what you are providing here is not truth, but biased, conservative, racist and frankly some of it crazy and unfounded. Don't ruin your reputations with this stuff. Please.

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Well said. Their clearly biased political propaganda makes the reader question the veracity of their writing and videos on cancer and health. As someone else has posted, the alarmist diatribe against Harris and democrats reads like it’s right out of the Russian propaganda machine designed to create division and chaos in the U.S. This is not what I signed up for. Thank you for your post.

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Since when is the truth bias? Get real ! You ppl are truly gaslit

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Wow! Do We detect an obvious TDS here? Somebody's "feelings" got hurt? Why not watch the videos and see for yourself what kind of word diarrhea spews forth? There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

And no, I'm not racist or sexist and I have no love for Trump either, but at least he speaks understandable English.

Harris isn't black, either...that's just wishful thinking.

Listen with your mind, not your fickle "feelings".

Now, let's have an article on Trump, highlighting his failures....should be a very interesting comparison, y'all. 😁

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Ya'll cannot have an article on Kamala highlighting her truths....because their isn't any. :)

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The Lord will give them a strong delusion.

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There's an 'alarmist diatribe' on both sides; this is the nature of politics. However, the facts remain. Oh, and BTW, the Russian propaganda machine is the playbook for the American Democratic Party.

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This is their website and they are more than allowed to speak however they choose and definitely speak about whatever they want to talk about Deb Stehr!! Or are you saying that FREEDOM OF SPEECH is not allowed? Additionally, WE don't sound like "brainwashed Trump people"!! We are a group, a very big group of COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!! And furthermore, if you don't care for what Ty and Charlene write about than just DON'T READ IT!!!

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Wake up. You don’t see the coup that has and is happening right under your noses-? She is totally unqualified and will usher in the complete destruction while you ignorantly tweedle your thumbs and wag your lips.

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She was only given 2 things to accomplish during this administration, uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States and oversee the border. Neither of which she was able to do. Maybe cause she didn't try them on her knees.

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Jul 29
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Trump is a proud boy! a proud racist, a proud sexiest, a proud fraud... and he's good at bringing that out of people.. nothing but hate ...

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Laura, are you or anyone you know, personally aquatinted with President Trump, ever been in the same room with him or had a personal conversation with him ? I am certain that the answer is no. Until you or someone who you know can fit into one of those categories, then I suggest you refrain from the derogatory statements that you can not back up. My paster and several others that I am aquatinted with do know him. They have spent countless hours with him , lived with and have prayed with him. He is far from perfect, but he is best option for this great Democratic Republic country we Love.

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Project 2025 is the proof.. the video footage of the comments he said.. remember " just grab a woman by her #$%" how quickly we forget... Trump is honest about who he is .. I don't need to be in a room with him or have a conversation with him, when he clearly expresses himself publicly. You and your Pastor and all the others that spent hours with him, maybe next time ask him how he shows and promotes the love of Christ to everyone, especially those that don't look like him, when he says hateful things about people of color and women... At the end of the day, it's everyone's free will and right to choose how they feel and what they agree with. I , however, as a CHRISTIAN cannot sit here and praise a man who thinks he is above the law of the land, dishonors women and hates people of color. Harris is not perfect either, but her agenda isn't designed for Black people only.. it's for EVERYONE.. because whether, black, white, pink or tan, we ALLLL bleed red.. How can you lead a diverse nation , judging others simply on their looks and backgrounds, sexual preferences and gender? That alone shows the hate he has, I don't need a conversation with him.. I'd rather not..keep defending him and while at it.. do your research on Project 2025

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I've read Project 2025 and I don't know whose butt you Project 2025 critics are pulling this crap from, but here's some excerpts that apparently need your attention:

"Four pieces of Promise"-

"1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect

our children.

2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the

American people.

3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.

4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls 'the Blessings of Liberty.'"...

And here's the more pertinent part you should focus on:

..."Equally important, the President must enforce the Constitution and laws as written, rather than proclaiming new 'law' unilaterally. Presidents should not issue mask or vaccine mandates, arbitrarily transfer student loan debt, or issue monarchical mandates of any sort." [this is exactly the opposite of the 'King Trump'/dictatorship allegations -my notation] "Legislatures make the laws in a republic, not executives. It is crucial that all three branches of the federal government respect what Madison called the “double security” to our liberties: the separation of powers among the three branches, and the separation of powers between the federal government and the states." [This directly relates to Roe V Wade, which appropriately SHOULD reside within the state legislature NOT federal- again, my notation] "This double security has been greatly compromised over the years. Vought writes that 'the modern executive branch…writes federal policy, enforces

that policy, and often adjudicates whether that policy was properly drafted and enforced.' He describes this as 'constitutionally dire' and 'in urgent need of repair,' adding: 'Nothing less than the survival of self-governance in America is at stake.'”

Our founding fathers brilliantly devised our democratic republic, and we have since bastardized it. We need to return to its original design, as is stated in Project 2025. People need to stop watching puppet so-called "news", stop listening to public rhetoric, and actually read the documents and watch actual senate hearings, etc. That's where the truth lies, not in hear-say propaganda, which is intended to polarize our populace, and sadly has been working as planned. You all are being "played", sheep being led astray. Wake up and think for yourselves!

And BTW, Neither Biden nor Harris had or has an agenda; they're not smart enough to mastermind what's been going down. They're nothing but puppets, as much as their followers have been sheep. They're there because they're weak and manipulable. They can't even formulate comprehensible sentences!! God, I can't wait for the truth to finally come out and set us free from this madness!!!!! Someday in a future classroom, if we make it that long, students will find this period of history laughable and entertaining, and marvel at how we ever survived, assuming that we do.

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Lauren, I was just going to say something much simpler than Deb did, but glad she spoke out. Can a person change? Trump used to say out loud what so many people thought and said in secret. If you are a Christian as you say you are, do you ever sin by word or thought ? Yes, as we all do. We are sinners saved by grace. We are not the judge, Jesus is. He who knows the heart. Can a man change? Can he be saved, which was not saved? All I can say now is that I as a Christian I MUST vote for the person that will protect the life of the unborn and the bodies and minds of the innocent young. Also the one who will uphold and defend Israel. Remember them, God's chosen people. Well no democrat will ever do either of those things. So Trump is the one.

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I almost feel that my time replying to your comments will just be wasted. You are correct when you say he doesn't deserve to walk into the same room as Cameltoe. Have you looked up Trump's IQ. Have you looked at his accomplishments, his total worth. Did you forget that he was President? I lived in the same state with this female as she was making her career in politics with all the strange bedfellows she could. She can't speak and make any sense. Tony delusional is a good explanation, and I am sorry that both you and she are just that. Look at the TRUTH and it shall set you free. Call upon the name of The Lord, for there is forgiveness for all who are confused, delusional, and lost.

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The Great Deception .... keep that in mind... Trump is no savior.. don't treat him as such ..the name is Lauren btw not Laura..

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Sorry Lauren

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Their reputations are already shot. The truth about cancer was insightful but the anti-vax nonsense and this Trump obsession has destroyed their credibility

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If telling the truth has destroyed their reputation in your eyes, then the only thing they can do to “save” their reputation in your eyes, is to stop telling the truth. Which they will never do. And their reputation isn’t moderated by the world, but by God Almighty. “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” - John 15:19

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"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) I love you Charity! Your love for the Truth and for God is contagious. As I have always told you, sweetheart, if we are telling the truth and standing for what is right and honoring God, and He is pleased with us, we can smile and wave goodbye to anyone going in the opposite direction. We don't live for the approval of men, but of God. ♥️

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Are you Trump Supporters? Let me know, So I can quickly unsubscribe, because Trump is a Court Documented/Proven Pedophile!!!!

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Christians, believers in Jesus Christ, must follow God. We must repent, confess our sins, turn from our evil ways so that God will see our hearts turned back to him and fix our land. We his people have been so wrong, so silent. We and God are the only hope for this Republic. He may use Trump . Otherwise this will become a 3rd world socialist or communist county.

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Trump is no savior.. knock it off

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If it wasn't for this last administration, we wouldn't need a savior, governmentally speaking!!!!

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Amen and amen, Charity!! Couldn't be said better than that!!

However, invoking God is foolishness to them, their gods are Pharmacea and power and greed, and they won't stop until they are dead. Judging from the amount of vaxxed death and destruction from the gene therapy injections, about 2/3 of the present administration will be dead and gone in the next year or so. Maybe we pure bloods should just sit back and wait? Nature will take care of it for us, I reckon.

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No PD their reputations are not shot:) they have a great big community that loves them and enjoy what they share. EVERYTHING they share. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

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On the contrary. Your TDS is showing…

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There are many, many people who are anti-vax, so that's just a matter of opinion. He's still alive, so there must be something to his cancer research. And as for Trump, a lot of people like him. That's why he got close to 50% of the vote last election.

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Truth be told it was more than 50%, but we all know how good the DNC is with burying the truth. And they will not be "unburdened by their past"; it's coming back to bite them.

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Tony, have you ever seen a Trump rally ?? Compare ant Trump rally to any kind of gathering for a democrat. If you don't immediately know the difference then please see an ophthalmologist.

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PD. Anti vaxxer comments are just ridiculous. How about pro safe vaccine? You are so ignorant. Do your own research and you will see how brainwashed you are. Once the evidence hits you in the face you will see the light. Until then, go ahead and inject your children and yourself with whatever vaccine suits you. It's a free country. If you have the vaccine what do you have to worry about?

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PD only in the dems eyes.

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There are many other sources and Doctors that not only back up what they say, but have further opened up the truth behind COVID, vaccines, and all the cover-ups. After all explain this not being the normal vaccines from dead or live virus, but one from MRNA. Man made not natural. Try looking into Dr. Wolfs information.

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Dang, the truth hurts you liberals doesn’t it? You cry foul when it goes against your own bias but are ok otherwise. Absolute hypocrisy.

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lol he couldn't highlight ONE point and counter it, just opting for the lazy blanket "racist, untruth, biased, faulty, unsourcedblablabla" with some adhoms added for good measure

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Sounds like a typical day at MSNBC, et.al.

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Sara-lee, please read the comment s that I have sent to Laura. One thing that I can say for the Godless Democrats is they love to pull that Race Card, call people names and bend the truth until it is unrecognizable.

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You subscribed to this page (I assume) for the truth about cancer, but Ty and Charlene work tirelessly to not just bring some of the truth but the whole truth. No matter who's involved. They do the research so you don't have to. And if the truth "ruins" their reputation, then America's standards aren't what they used to be. "When government laws conflict with God's commandments, we must submit to God's Word." - Romans 13:7

God bless, Charity

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I totally agree except for one point - Biden doesn't have policies, the Democratic Party has policies, and agenda. Biden isn't smart enough to have masterminded these past 4 years; he's nothing but a weak and manipulable puppet, as is Harris. We all know Trump isn't perfect, but who is? Name me one president, in the last several decades especially, who hasn't been guilty of some illegal or unethical act. I've heard it said that "bureaucracy is like a cesspool, the biggest chunks rise to the top", and the government is no exception. Trump is strong however, and a brilliant business man who can reestablish a strong economy, as he did in his last term. He has a no nonsense, "don't mess with me" persona that's necessary internationally as well as domestically. IMO Putin waited until Trump was out of office to invade Ukraine, almost immediately, and wouldn't have, had Trump remained president. The global death toll, between the wars and the "plan"demic, during the democratic administration is beyond staggering!!! Above all, we need the truth revealed and sanity returned, so the strength of our economy and this great nation can be restored. That will never happen in the democratic administraion. It will be 4 more years of continued defilement of our Founding Father's Democratic Republic, and destruction of a peaceful, united populace, from which we may never return.

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http://www.thenationreport.org/the-uss-liberty-fifty-years-of-us-cover-up/ This report is dated 2017. Left or right 1967 Israel Defense Forces murderously attacked our USS Liberty.

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Kathleen, I am confused as to why you have brought this to our attention. Yes, Israel attacked an American ship. Ever hear of friendly fire? They apologized, helped in the recovery, and made restitution for the accidental lost of lives. Do you have any idea how many times during war that we accidentally killed our own soldiers? It unfortunately happened many times. What is unexcusable is what Biden did to everyone in Afghanistan. Our soldiers, personal, fellow Americans, Loyal Afghans, dignitary, and the loss of a significant airbase, not to mention the Billions of dollars of top tech warfare, tanks, aircraft, etc that he just handed over to the enemy.

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I agree - Middle East debacle "decades" of our tax $$$. Deaths.

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Michael Piper Collins book Final Judgment

Ryan Dawson The Empire Unmasked (2017) Today we are witness to AIPAC www.opensecrets.org Pro Israel PAC donations 2024 elections. The USS Liberty - know any of the survivor's? Retribution apology? Who killed JFK & why? Ever heard of NUMEC? All due respect. Woodstock generation Granny thanks for the Constitution link.

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It's all true. Check whitehouse.gov. Mother born in Madras, India, father in St. Anne's Parish, Jamaica.

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East Indian equals Asian and Jamaican can be white, black, Asian or Indian. Indian can be all shades of color from white to black. Are we talking skin colors, tanned ot not, or are we talking Negroid????? WHO CARES !!!?? It's not the color of the skin that matters, it's the character and the heart. Her's seems black to me.

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Jul 28
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Crazy Corky( Seriously? Very descriptive name), how about you post where her parents were born then? It is also in the public records in both countries. Prove it's wrong, since you "don't think so". Put up or.....

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Yep, and so can you....so sad.

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Huge thanks that you are not afraid to write truth . People have zero idea and just believe mainstream media world wide. God help us all .

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Great essay! Sums up Kamalla perfectly.

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i vote for the prosecutor not the felon

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Jesus was charged as a "felon" also, before being crucified. I'm by no means saying Trump is a saviour or in any way like my Saviour who happens to be God, Christ Jesus. But what I am saying is that being accused of belong a felon does not make that person an actual felon.

Please do the research instead of just getting your news from the (lying) mainstream media.

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Jul 29
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And after reading and hearing about all the things that make Kamala Harris probably the WORST candidate running for president, you don't care either? Instead you fixate on bogus charges and lies smearing a person's character?

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Repeating DNC/Mainstream Media talking points does not make you look intelligent.

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Oh yeah because Trump was TOTALLY guilty, it’s not like the cards were stacked against him, and the verdict was already decided before the trail began. Or that these charges just appeared out of the blue since he’s running for office.

And Kamala TOTALLY earned her title as prosecutor, because it’s not like she ended up defending the person she was supposed to be prosecuting in the planned parenthood case. Or going on a rampage trying to prosecute ALL the black men for Marijuana offenses, even though she smoked marijuana herself. Or like she slept her way to the top!! lol ;)

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Keep up the good work. Some people just can’t handle the truth, too weak. I’m saddened that the same people who come here for the truth about cancer call criticism and facts about Kamala “propaganda.”

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Exactly. When the truth goes against their own opinions (not facts) they discredit everything that came before. Most people don't think for themselves. They don't research. The infor is out there.

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Fantastic! You have collected Kamalla Harris all in one place!

Thank you!

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What a bunch of BS........Yes Kamala is making the Russians nervous so they are writing this crap to help Putins Puppet in the election but his time is over. There is no one more morally bankrupt than Trump .

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Everything about overprosecuting the black men for Marijuana Offenses, and going to such extreme measure to incarcerate a black man for many years that wasn't guilty, has been validated here in CA. She can be quite vindictive. I am appalled how they said Biden was fine, and he wasn't. The Democrats demonstrated how well they can lie. I live in CA and not impressed how Kamala lets millions of people come streaming over the border. What if somebody was breaking into her house all the time? I am not for a lower scores when RN's are taking the licensing test just because someone has brown skin vs. white skin.

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TDS much. You have NEVER met the man or his family but feel ok passing judgement in him? You really trust the tv? WTFU

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No she isn’t making Putin or the Russians nervous. The babies she plans to murder might be nervous, but Russia is most definitely not.

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Do what now? Harris is making Putin nervous? No one makes that man nervous because he has no conscience.

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He is intent on getting Trump into the White House so Ukraine loses funding and he can take over Ukraine and he and Trump can destroy Nato

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Russia is doin very well and they are at peace.

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Where’s the truth about Donald Trump ?

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Ask the DNC/Mainstream Media. They have been working hard on “exposing” Trump even before he took office for his first term. He scares the Progressive Left/New World Order types to death.

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And put it under the guise of "destroying democracy", which, of course is the other way around. The only 'democracy' they care about is their power to control, make the rules, and schmooze with the coastal elites.

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Oooh, you libs can dish it out but sure can’t take it…

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So true!! lol 😂

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Where have you been? It's out there all over the place! And has been for several years. Constant digging up dirt, bashing, and propaganda. So turnabout is fair play.

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Certified Pedofile. Self admitted Sexual Assaulter!

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Thank you for banning the trolls. They refuse to accept the facts about Harris, who is one of the very worst Presidential candidates in history. I don't think anyone who acknowledges the reality about Harris and who she really is could ever vote for her. When she speaks, she sounds like a grammar school kid. How can anyone accept that and think she has what it takes to be President?

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It's appalling to me that people sit here and get defensive over obvious traits about that woman... then again they denied dementia joe's dementia for years until the last second when they wanted to pull their lockstep stunt

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I totally agree, so many people come to this comment section just to spread hate and division, and make this article all about Trump. It’s so sad that’s they cant just at least read the article with an open mind and then decide about their opinions. They have to come into everything with their TDS and love for the puppets and puppeteers, and then bash and hate in the comments. If you really disagree that much DON’T READ THE ARTICLE!! It’s as simple as that.

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When David Delaiden exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, Kamala was supposed to prosecute Planned Parenthood. Instead she prosecuted David Delaiden and colluded against him with Planned Parenthood. She should have at the least been disbarred and better put in jail herself.

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I lost track of how many charges Kamala tried to charge David. I am not for this 3rd trimester live organ harvesting either. They hype up abortion as the main birthcontrol.

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Despicable! how could anyone vote for this woman?

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I think her relationship thirty years ago with a married man is now irrelevant. Ad hominem attacks on a person's laughter reflex paints a mean spirited picture of the critic. She has image weaknesses in how she presents herself, compared to those who present as more composed and pithy. Your arguments would land better if the superficial and cruel remarks were omitted. You have legitimate concerns that deserve to be aired. I would say that goes for both sides.

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I didn’t just stop with Willie Brown. she was also arm candy for hip-hop artist -she was on one arm and a woman was on his other arm. She’s a morally corrupt individual in more ways than one

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She was 'arm candy' means she is a good looking person, that is not unethical. Who isn't immoral? Let those without sin cast the first stone. Immorality takes many forms.

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Most of we “immoral” ppl don’t sleep our way to the top only to be proven to be unfit for the job. She’s a national disgrace !

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Sleeping your way up implies an ongoing pattern of behaviour, I don't think that is true. Many people don't even have the opportunity to sleep their way anywhere. How can you judge someone so harshly for something that happened in her twenties? I am not pro one side or the other so I am not invested in being a party advocate. It is just the vitriol toward candidates is way over the top on both sides, it lies within the boundaries of hatred, not a shred of forgiveness for people's humanity. Intolerance causes never ending conflict.

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Get real Skeeter - she’s nothing but a political whore and the whole world knows it. But to mention just plain unintelligent ~ notice I didn’t say dumb…. lol

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I think most politicians would fall into that category, so it becomes moot because of its pervasiveness. I saw the 'word salad 'clips, but I have also seen intelligent conversation. Those clips of course will be picked to paint her in the worst possible light. It is a toss between Trump derangement syndrome and now Kamala derangement syndrome.

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Yeah it is unethical when you allow yourself to be arm candy with a man who is parading with another woman on his other arm yeah that’s an ethical and moral a corrupt

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You didn't give any context to the 'arm candy' comment. But just walking with a man on one arm, with another women on the other is not unethical in any universe.

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Morally corrupt is more appropriate than saying it’s unethical to be arm candy. , I stand corrected.

However she is very unethical too and I’m not going to waste anymore energy trying to convince you that Kamala Harris will do incredible damage to this already battered nation

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But that prediction cannot be based on hanging on someone's arm alone, or an affair thirty years ago. I am not pro or against. It seems to me that most politicians have behaved immorally. There are other avenues to explore.

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I totally agree with you on attacking someone that way re laughter. But on the contrary re her adultery. I think that relationship with a married man should be put in the spotlight. It would highlight the fact that she's as "bad" as Trump and what they accused him of. Haha. Only to prove the hypocrisy.

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It is so wrong to steal another woman's husband. No free pass there. It didn't continue as a pattern it seems, it was a long time ago, she was very young. I don't hold mistakes against people unless they did not make amends. Trump was accused of rape. I don't know if that is true a friend of mine has told me it is. I haven't researched it though.

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Totally agree.

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Fantastic Article! I hope the American people will grasp who Kamala Harris really is and not be mislead by those who wish she was someone she is not.

Keep writing and thanks for publishing on Substack.

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Thanks for this post. We need more people to share the truth about the crookedness of this person and therefore inform the voters of just what she brings to the table, certainly nothing good.

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