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You summed up why this topic and the letter to Vigano from Mel is so important, and why we all need to support Vigano and shine a light on the wicked Pope and how through his unchecked influenced the WEF and others will destroy all our freedoms, if we let them. All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. Thank you for speaking out and joining our fight for freedom. ❤️

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As long as we keep church and state separate and keep our social programs for the poor and ill, and keep Trump out of office so he doesn’t get the chance to turn our country into dictatorship we will be fine.

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Turn your TV off, you are listening to blatant lies. The news media has been bought by George Soros who wants to destroy the USA, as he has done to 15 other countries. Even NPR has been bought by Soros.

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Also bought by Soros, Democracy Now. Used to think they were on the side of truth.

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"PLM" is an AlexSoros psy-op just as "BLM" was/is a GeorgeSoros psy-op!

Peace, Luv, Truth, and Anarchy!

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It is obvious that Jane either has not been watching our decline over the past few years since Biden took office or is a plant. In either case these are only words and not truth…we had no wars under Trump and now WWIII is upon us; our oil reserves are being depleted so if we have to fight …we can’t; are you ready to serve? Since women will be drafted; have you been to the store lately? Seen the prices? Soon there will be more and more food shortages as eggs and chickens will be removed out of fear of illness. The dictatorship is on now and if they have their way a nuclear war will take care of things. You better hope and pray that God doesn’t separate us and our country from this world.

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Almost on-the-mark with this one, but oil reserves being depleted isn't as much of a concern as the U.S. has access to plenty of oil, even if/when "American oil reserves" are fully tapped, there is still no shortage because those are (from someone with decades wearing a badge and gun), quote, "a drop-in-the-bucket").

Speaking of oil, hope everyone on here (probably not "JanetTramp", but am trying not to be cynical as MarkPassio warned of being in response to right-brain-dominant naivete, and vice versa) knows that the NordStream Pipelines were sabotaged by the CIA and cuckolded Polish government, and NOT by Russia/Mr.Putin, all they had to do was shut off the power but the globalists/Deep State/"new world order" forces tried to FRAME them, because they're not playing ball with the former, and hardly ever did in their history and they want to realize ArmandHammer's dream of asset-stripping Russia and installing a puppet-government from the ashes to join in a proposed "Eastern European Union", HQ'd in either VoldemortZelenskyy's Ukraine or the aforementioned cuckolded Poland, to then later merge with other Unions across the world to bring about a One World Order headed by a "Satan" figure! The son of Z.Brzezinski and brother of MikaBrzezinski of "Morning Joe" infamy is the ambassador there and is using promises of manufacturing leaving Germany (the Anglophones-Francophones hate Germans and Russians, they are a self-hating people, and many "French" are not even real "Frenchmen", and many humans may not even be "human" beneath the skin....behind the eyeballs....) and moving to Poland and a potential reunification with Lithuania as a "carrot-on-a-stick in securing their cooperation as well as an expansion of the perverted "Roman Catholic" church into Eastern Orthodox territories! The Khazars/fake-Jews have long-despised the Eastern Orthodoxy and any remaining vestiges of the former Austro-Hungarian and Holy Roman Empires, and said people slaughtered 90,000 Byzantine Christians, and no one talks about that! /digress

Peace, Luv, Truth, and Anarchy!

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Janet - Trump is currently the Commander in Chief - Biden is played by an actor. You really oughta get caught up on the news. And when I say no, I don’t mean mainstream media. They’ve been lying to you for four years while we’re under COG continuation of government as Trump continues to be commander chief.

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Church & State are presently seperate. But if the Pope gets the opportunity, he and others Will blend the two, and we will have a church controlled by the STATE. And to say Trump is a problem to Democracy is untrue. If you understood the Constitution, it makes it Impossible for any One individual to become a Dictator of the USA. Trump cannot Change the Constitution. He has zero interest in that. I understand ppl belief that is his goal, but it is far from his plans and hopes for America. No one, as far as I am concerned, should use this platform to make Political posts. On this platform we should be able to control ourselves and keep on Subject.

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WHO mandated the deadly Covid shots? WHO is the dictator? It wasn't Trump!

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Your comment about Trump is not true.

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Who is this "o-u-r" of which yuh speak?

One cannot speak for another, especially without their expressed permission.

One is NOT entitled to the fruits of anyone else's labor, nor sexual-functions.

One is not entitled to anything, unless spelled out in a mutually-agreed-upon contract other than Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness!

The church (a church, as -- and this user writes this as someone raised "Roman Catholic") is just a cross between a place of business and a sanctuary, nothing more and "the State" (capitalized because it is worshipped like a Deity) is, as H.L.Mencken, the childhood crush of author and philosopher AynRand, called, "a gang of men engaged in an advance auction sale of stolen goods"! The State is illegitimate, the State is unsustainable!

The ends-justifying-the-means is an unsustainable (re: self-destructive) business model.

All "countries" are IMAGINARY and there is a difference between "America", for example, and "The United States". The first is an imaginary, abstract concept; an idea; a colloquial term used to identify a region of land or person amongst other people for the sake of brevity and argument, whereas the second is an aforementioned "gang-of-men (and women, but most women have little "real" power and are merely for show, for whoever hard the third-wave-and-beyond feminazis push their agitprop, they do not hold "the keys to the kingdom", the nuclear launch codes. All they have is social- and some genetic-engineering over the minds of sycophants who still believe in the mainstream/lamestream media and sorry excuse for "academia".

"Dictatorship"? Have yuh ever been to CIA/Azov Battaltion-backed, high-heeled (((homo-puppet))) VoldemortZelenskyy's Ukraine, where he, with his Napoleon-complex, and his sportscar-driving "wife" are BANNING Eastern Orthodox Churches, further oppressing the Russian minority populace in Ukraine and want to strike deep into the heart of Russia? How about high-heeled sociopathic-narcissist JustineCastreau's Kanadastan/China-East, whereby the PETS of trucker protestors (honk, honk, eh?!) are being targeted, "suicide" is being "assisted" for the homeless and elderly, and Christians are being barred from adoption for their (correct) views on gender, among many other perverted crimes against humanity? How about Venezuela or Cuba, whereby people are starving to death under socialism? How about North Korea (ever read "Dear Reader" by MichaelMalice?), whereby people are mass-married and their "internet" is a mere eight-websites? How about South Africa, whereby Caucasian/"white" Boer farmers/ranchers are being slaughtered by the Sirian-B/Negroid/"black"-majority government....only to then cry foul when they run out of food afterwards and have the audacity to wonder why? How about China, whereby ChairmanMao, in Stalinistic fashion, massacred MILLIONS behind a wall (something/the main point-of-contention this user has with "M.A.G.A"/Drumpf supporters and himself since he announced it in his initial campaign, but that's an argument for another time and, perhaps, place) where families cannot have more than a select number of children? How about all the banana-"republics" that the U.S. has propped-up (and select few have rebelled against and used said help against Americans afterwards) over the decades from Latin America to the middle-east? How about jolly ol' Angleland and France, whereby dissenters were guillotined and yellow-jacket protesters are attacked, coke-addled women who claim the former/late "Queen"Elizabeth were "not human" end up dead, a man with a dog who lifts his front paw into the air are both threatened, arrested, and smeared as "Nazis", a teenager is arrested for calling JennSturgeon a "Nazi", thereby confirming her dictatorial ways the English used to sing songs about never succumbing to the sword of, the homo-agents went to Russia and killed Rasputin and smeared him as a "mad monk", even to this very day in movies like that "Kingsmen" prequel tripe, and GRENADED THE CORPSES of Czar Nicholas the second's butler, cook, and maid?

This user can go on and on and on, and tries not to give into the left-brain-dominant cynicism that this "JanetTramp" isn't going to be swayed by this post, and/or others, and is just a plant working from "The Farm" in Virginia as a part of the CIA's alleged "Meme Division", and probably surfs the ilk of "imgur" and "tumblr" and "reddit", getting paid to spread F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) as a "provocateur", but this user tries to see the good in people and have faith in humanity and one CANNOT go through life thinking everyone is a scam-artist, and this user tries to achieve the balance one MarkPassio advocated for at "Anarchapulco" 2018 during his (first) "Anarchy and the Occult" presentation.

Stay safe from (if not already "Droned" by) the (if real) consumptive "Vril-ya" Gray alien parasites who only want to eat, mate, and fight/torture/kill and "Dark Triad Psychology" otherwise and its impressment upon the self-fixing free market that is called "statism"!

Peace, Luv, Truth, and Anarchy (a.k.a. anarcho-capitalism, a.k.a. the logical conclusion of libertarianism, a.k.a. voluntar(y)ism, that which is underpinned by Austrian/Misesian Economics, a.k.a. the one, TRUE Economic School, being that Marxism, Keynesianism, Frankfurt, and, yes, even classically-liberal "laissez-faire" Chicago/UCLA MiltonFriedman-backed "economics" all go too far and are, ultimately, nonsensical and self-defeating)!

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