Almost on-the-mark with this one, but oil reserves being depleted isn't as much of a concern as the U.S. has access to plenty of oil, even if/when "American oil reserves" are fully tapped, there is still no shortage because those are (from someone with decades wearing a badge and gun), quote, "a drop-in-the-bucket").
Almost on-the-mark with this one, but oil reserves being depleted isn't as much of a concern as the U.S. has access to plenty of oil, even if/when "American oil reserves" are fully tapped, there is still no shortage because those are (from someone with decades wearing a badge and gun), quote, "a drop-in-the-bucket").
Speaking of oil, hope everyone on here (probably not "JanetTramp", but am trying not to be cynical as MarkPassio warned of being in response to right-brain-dominant naivete, and vice versa) knows that the NordStream Pipelines were sabotaged by the CIA and cuckolded Polish government, and NOT by Russia/Mr.Putin, all they had to do was shut off the power but the globalists/Deep State/"new world order" forces tried to FRAME them, because they're not playing ball with the former, and hardly ever did in their history and they want to realize ArmandHammer's dream of asset-stripping Russia and installing a puppet-government from the ashes to join in a proposed "Eastern European Union", HQ'd in either VoldemortZelenskyy's Ukraine or the aforementioned cuckolded Poland, to then later merge with other Unions across the world to bring about a One World Order headed by a "Satan" figure! The son of Z.Brzezinski and brother of MikaBrzezinski of "Morning Joe" infamy is the ambassador there and is using promises of manufacturing leaving Germany (the Anglophones-Francophones hate Germans and Russians, they are a self-hating people, and many "French" are not even real "Frenchmen", and many humans may not even be "human" beneath the skin....behind the eyeballs....) and moving to Poland and a potential reunification with Lithuania as a "carrot-on-a-stick in securing their cooperation as well as an expansion of the perverted "Roman Catholic" church into Eastern Orthodox territories! The Khazars/fake-Jews have long-despised the Eastern Orthodoxy and any remaining vestiges of the former Austro-Hungarian and Holy Roman Empires, and said people slaughtered 90,000 Byzantine Christians, and no one talks about that! /digress
Almost on-the-mark with this one, but oil reserves being depleted isn't as much of a concern as the U.S. has access to plenty of oil, even if/when "American oil reserves" are fully tapped, there is still no shortage because those are (from someone with decades wearing a badge and gun), quote, "a drop-in-the-bucket").
Speaking of oil, hope everyone on here (probably not "JanetTramp", but am trying not to be cynical as MarkPassio warned of being in response to right-brain-dominant naivete, and vice versa) knows that the NordStream Pipelines were sabotaged by the CIA and cuckolded Polish government, and NOT by Russia/Mr.Putin, all they had to do was shut off the power but the globalists/Deep State/"new world order" forces tried to FRAME them, because they're not playing ball with the former, and hardly ever did in their history and they want to realize ArmandHammer's dream of asset-stripping Russia and installing a puppet-government from the ashes to join in a proposed "Eastern European Union", HQ'd in either VoldemortZelenskyy's Ukraine or the aforementioned cuckolded Poland, to then later merge with other Unions across the world to bring about a One World Order headed by a "Satan" figure! The son of Z.Brzezinski and brother of MikaBrzezinski of "Morning Joe" infamy is the ambassador there and is using promises of manufacturing leaving Germany (the Anglophones-Francophones hate Germans and Russians, they are a self-hating people, and many "French" are not even real "Frenchmen", and many humans may not even be "human" beneath the skin....behind the eyeballs....) and moving to Poland and a potential reunification with Lithuania as a "carrot-on-a-stick in securing their cooperation as well as an expansion of the perverted "Roman Catholic" church into Eastern Orthodox territories! The Khazars/fake-Jews have long-despised the Eastern Orthodoxy and any remaining vestiges of the former Austro-Hungarian and Holy Roman Empires, and said people slaughtered 90,000 Byzantine Christians, and no one talks about that! /digress
Peace, Luv, Truth, and Anarchy!