FYI This is another reminder to all that our TTAC Substack channel is NOT a hangout and posting board for trolls who just want to spread misinformation, lies, and hate. There are some who disagree with us and share their beliefs in a civil manner wanting to understand, communicate, and find common ground ... and in these cases we welcome a healthy discussion and debate. Real communication where we consider others point of view is good in a free society and we believe what is best for all will win and the losing point of view will fall away in the light of truth. But there must be civility, kindness, understanding, and love. Our platorms are NOT a playground for the orcs. You will be banned if you come into our Substack only to attack, spread division, anger, and strife. Do that on your own platforms, Substacks, and social media. You have been warned. You are welcome and have a nice day. 😉

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I have been bated by one of these trolls multiple times today in an attempt to ramp up anger and conflict. My final response was to BLOCK them!

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And so far to my knowledge not a single Trump supporter has looted or burned their city down.

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But they did storm the Capital?

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Jul 17
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Geez, you’ve really swallowed the propaganda. The Whitmer “kidnapping” was a hoax perpetrated by the FBI. Pelosi’s attacker was actually a leftist. And the J6 narrative is a complete sham being used to neutralize dissidents.

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Show me the names of those who died.. on J6 .. think you will find one woman who was shot at point blank by a fat cop from behind a locked door… show me the names…

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What I would expect from a brain washed individual who appears to lack critical thinking…you watch too much leftist news channels…

Only democrats seem to want to kill their opposition… GOP just want to find the best solutions… is that notcehay you want too?

The riots started the moment the FBI started firing rubber bullet rounds into a peaceful crowd which occurred almost 40 minutes before Trump got to a microphone… you are being played because you are easy to fool.. good luck trying to work out the difference between the real truth and delusional mindguff.

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Jul 17
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Because it is the narrative the Left Media wants to portray.

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...who donated to a Democrat organization.

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Doesn't change the fact he was registered Republican! ;)

I love in MO and have a MO driver's license. Does mean when in a different state I live in that state? If I spend money there, I'm STILL from MO! 😁

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I was a Democrat who was listed in my state as a Republican so I could vote in local elections. It is called hedging your bets so you have SOME control over the nominees.

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That's a ridiculous comparison, and if you don't know that , I'm wasting my time responding to you.

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Maybe he liked Nicky Haley. lol

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Your gullibility to the lies of the MSM is equalled only by your ignorance.

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More liberal BS. Lying like Biden.

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Wow you really have drunk the Kool-aid.

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Jul 17
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Stage managed by Pelosi etc or are you blind as well as egging stupid?

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Which the Ds started and caused.

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Jul 17
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Here are a bunch of articles by G. Edward Griffin's team. I totally trust the writing on his site much more than the lame news on Legacy Media stations: https://needtoknow.news/?s=january+6%2C+2021+and+the+dems

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Jul 17
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I don't agree.

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Jul 17
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COUP, no guns, no bombs, not even a knife.

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Jul 17Edited
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Even if it was strong language from Trump, he did not tell people to go out and shoot people or attack them in any way. And he is right, they are dangerous and the word vermin describes many of them very well. There is no "lock" on language, and we are all free to use words as we see fit.

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The Ds on the other hand, like upstanding Obama (NOT) go to those countries and tell the leaders how much he hates the US. As a President and former, Americans voted for you and you have the nerve to denigrate them! Maybe he should sell his homes and move to North Vietnam.

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What a great commentary that is spot on! This is what needs to be said and understood by the public, especially the voting public!

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Thank you for such a thoughtful and well written article. God Bless you and people who are against such hateful rhetoric

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Accurate 100% and horrifying to see the depth of the evil. God intervened and as we seek Him and pray, we will see more answers to our prayers!!! We call on Jesus, our Savior and Lord!

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Jul 17Edited

Wonderful article! And to all those spewing such hatred. Get a mental health check up, please. You are not okay.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is real!

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Jul 17
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Your argument has 2 glaring weaknesses:

1. Yale

2. Psychiatrist.

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Jul 17
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Maybe you should find one, much work to be done.

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Brandy Lee? Nobody respects Yalurs anymore. That’s where the brainwashing is completed .

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Jul 17
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God bless you.

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Sounds like you have an incurable case of TDS. I will pray for you that one day you will see the truth!

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Well written and all the truth about the double standard of today's political sides!!! I support your platform of truth about the lies we have been subjected to for years concerning our health and well-being!!! Thank you again and again!! It's time we come together and might I say push back against the moralless society that has erupted through the hatred of one man!!! Never stop Ty & Charlene! Yahuahs blessings upon you both!

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Jul 17
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You may need some of your naturopath medicine yourself.

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Thank you for continuing to spread the truth about the cancer that is destroying this country. The cancer is the Leftist ideology and all the lies and misinformation about Trump. Keep speaking the truth and never let the small number of Trump haters stop you!

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Unfortunately, I fear it’s not just leftists that suffer from TDS. I’ve been surprised by the attempted assassination denialism I have seen just on Substack and from people I assume are not leftists. I believe they would be more defined as medical freedom types, although I wouldn’t presume to paint all medical freedom types with this TDS brush. It appears WARP Speed has warped some people’s ability to view the events of July 13 rationally and they, like some on the left, are implying it was all political theater. It appears Trump may be coming to see the light in terms of vaccines , given the discussion between RFK and Trump that was “leaked”. Personally, I don’t think DJT would ever have mandated the shots, so I can only hope these non-leftist TDS people wake up and realize we have a definitive choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

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Exactly! Trump never mandated anything including vaccines. On the other hand, Biden mandated vaccines and people lost their jobs and some lost their lives from the vax. I also saw that leaked video which does not reflect well on RFK because he leaked a private conversation. But it made Trump look better since he has realized the problems of the vaccines. While I am unvaxxed, I never blame Trump for Warpspeed because he was told by the doctors and scientists that it was safe and effective. He was lied to by Fauci and Big Pharma. Trump wanted to save people but he is not a doctor or a scientist who can understand the science of the dangerous vaccines. People need to wake up and realize that and vote for Trump because 4 more years of Democrat rule means many more mandates are coming!

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I agree with you that these folk have not seen or read

the TRUTH. In fact as I understand it Trump was not for the va but his intentions were misconstrued and his true intentions were grossly mishandled. I leatned this about the time i heard about the leaked phone conversation. I am not sure if it was in it or in discussion about that time.

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Jul 17
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If Kennedy was not for militarized AI and replacing half of the military with it, not for abortion, not for social housing and wages, and not against 2A. I would vote for him. But he is.

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100%! When you do the research on RFK, you would realize he is a far left Democrat who is posing as a moderate Independent. But he is a radical environmentalist who supports the Green New Deal and he will keep gas and energy prices through the roof and keep the inflation of Bidenomics going. Plus RFK supports killing babies with late term abortions. Hello No!

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Don't forget the carbon pipeline.

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Please pray for discernment my fellow citazen. Seek Truth. Pray and ask for Truth

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Thank you. You guys are the best. I will share with my friends and family.

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Good article. These Trump Haters are immature little weasels. They need a good dose of God in their life.

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It amazes me how ignorant people are. Look around you. The Capital Hill riot was freedom loving Americans marching to their Capital to peacefully protest. The government and others were planted insurrectionist in the crowd who violently attacked without guns, without bombs without so much as knife. Many elderly men and women went to jail, no bail, no charges, no hearings. Yet antifa and anti-everything our country stands for burned down cities, murdered, rapped and destroyed people's lives and kamala Harries raised money to bail them out of jail and NOTHING EVER HAPPENED TO THEM.

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So disgusting and disheartening to see that the land of the free and brave is now completely swamped with people full of hatred … bigotry and vitriol.These type are not free from stupidity…and offer nothing to their fellow countrymen…. for the future of freedom compassion or empathy.

Mass vaccination has turned those components required to differentiate between a high thinking human into one of a manic baboon.

The present leader of the free world has destroyed the economy … destabilising the dollar… and bringing you all rapidly into a world war that will kill lots of Americans … and your answer to fix this .. is to kill the only guy who can put things right… what a lot of twerps.

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What an insightful post, Ty and Charlene!

You're so right!

I just posted an article of my own on my Substack about the assassination attempt on Trump.

Here's the link in case you're interested:


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THIS was so gratifying to read because it brought together, in one place, so many things many conservatives are feeling and saying about how destructive and evil the other side has become. The black community needs to finally realize they are enabling a party that is bent on killing as many black babies as possible (Margaret Sanger's DECLARED goal). The Democrats hate life (except their own) whereas, conservatives will FIGHT to save the lives of everyone with laws and values that do just that.

President Trump's life is in danger ALL THE TIME. Yes, he is a flawed man. No one is without sin. But we need to really hold him up before God's throne for DAILY protection and pray that God will have mercy on our nation--for we surely do not deserve it.

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Love and hate cannot coexist. Hence, one can hate another only to the extent that they do not love themselves. Unfortunately that lack of self-love is on bold display not only in our country, but also in many of the comments in this post. And what does that have to do with cancer? Everything.

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These people are white, black, all other ethnicities, Hollywood stars and privileged. Educated and living in their gated communities. They have used the black, poor whites and other minority communities as commodities for years. They get their non-profit status and collect millions, dolling out crumbs to "The Community" keeping them in poverty and hopeless dependent upon the government and them. President Trump exposes them and they are scared.

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