
Okay, I have to say it again. We do not create and post content as your posting board to spread hate and threats of murder. I am going to ban quite a few poeple (and report)

This is a place to discuss our minds, share our hearts, and help one another. If you come here to tell us you hate us, our community memebers, or Donald Trump, you are gone. You are warned. Again.

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Since this was deleted I am re adding it. Although I see absolutely no reason this comment falls into anything you listed as not allowed above. Apparently it offended you. I don't want to be added back in, now that you showed me who you really are. I just believe others should be aware that comments are being deleted for way way less than what you described. I can only imagine that many more have also been deleted that were not in allegiance to your political opinion.

"So you can only say you hate Kamala in this group (you didn't list can't say you hate her but did list that about Trump)? You can discuss your minds, but not if you hate trump? I don't hate anyone, but this is an interesting way to "discuss our minds, share our hearts, and help one another". Seems a bit hypocritical when the post is only directed negatively about Kamala. Just a wild guess, but I thought this group was about "cancer", not political candidates. I joined this group to learn about cancer, I have family members with cancer, but instead I get an email about how bad Kamala is, interesting....

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me too. easy on the eyes

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Please forgive me for complaining about the blue background. Yes, it's difficult, but your site is worth the extra time and effort, just like you put into your articles.

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agree the blue background is awful!!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

I firmly believe that the debate between President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was highly one-sided. The two hosts of the debate, David Muir and Linsey Davis, appeared to favor Kamala Harris, as they did not fact-check many of her statements, which have been proven to be inaccurate.

For instance, Harris claimed that Trump left the country with the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, which is not accurate as the unemployment rate was 3.5% in February 2020 under Donald Trump. This was before the significant economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic raised it to 6.4% when Biden and Harris took office. Again all induced by the left. Additionally, Harris’s statement about Trump’s proposed tariffs raising prices for American families by almost $4,000 a year was based on high-end estimates from a liberal think tank.

Thank you, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, for your commitment to uncovering the truth and your dedicated service in bringing transparency to light.

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Hey Scott! It's great seeing you here on our Substack. We agree with you 100%. Love you brother! Ty and Charlene ❤️❤️

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Imagine if Cackles tried to wear those audio earrings in a meeting with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. I would definitely not want this to happen and am praying hard that it doesn't, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall if it did.

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This is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever read and obviously orchestrated by the Russians

Trump as always shows the world what a sick puppy he is

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Sep 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Russians? Putin said he’s supporting Harris. Lol

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Which part is BS?

Are you really better off now than four years ago? Are you or have you ever received entitlement payments? Rent suspension? Are your a taxpayer?

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Apparently You can't handle the truth. The only thing you know is TDS. Good luck with that....

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That’s the democrat’s only real policy. Hate Trump More. They should just put that on their yard signs. It’s all they’ve got.

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Russia, Russia, Russia.. this is all the drones have to say..the lack of intelligence is shocking to me. The truth is in your face and yet you still don't believe. You probably have pronouns too. Smh

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I really hope your comment is sarcasm. If not you have Trump Derangement syndrome and you should be shipped to a work camp in China.

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Shivaya Kilaya

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I don’t know what you’re talking about, everything reported in this article is true. Kamala definitely lied about many things during the debate.

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What? ? ? ? You can't stand the "TRUTH"? ? ? ?

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Thank you for doing such a great job showing what fraud and fiasco this so called debate really was , pure political theater but as the comment below states Trump blew it as well , always on the defensive from her lies and antics. Earlier in the week Jeffery Prather showed the world Kamala s old American Communist Party Membership card. Why doesnt Trump and the America people end this fraud right now and SHOW IT , Get her to deny it in front of everyone THEN SHOW IT. And we can all stop this insanity before they pull off ANOTHER RIGGED ELECTION and the country explodes into civil war. I have seen videos of what is going on just beneath our border that would so horrify and disgust American people , they would have hard time handling it , far worse than Haitians eating cats, dogs and geese. There are now enormous numbers of these monsters in this country thanks to Kamala . Biden , and Obama. This is an inevitable nightmare few are really comprehending yet.

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Sep 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

This was a great article. Very informative. Thank you for putting out the truth about what is going on in our political world. I will be looking forward to future postings.

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When God said that Satan is the god of this world, he wasn't lying. We can see it all around.

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I thought this was about cancer and cancer cure research. You should keep away from politics and more that that, you should keep away getting deeply involved with a politician or candidate. You should create a page/site/blog just for that, if you have to... That's just my opinion, no hate or threats of any kind :) PS: I have a feeling that just Trump supporters opinions are welcome here and all the rest are called haters... Just a feeling... let's see :)

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The "DemoCRIPs and ReBLOODlicans plan to DESTROY America. If you believe they deserve sympathy GO TO CHINA. . . .

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If YOU want to HATE American Patriots, Go to Mexico or even further from our country as far as i' am concerned.

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NO, we would call Harris supporters ignorant, brainwashed, gaslighted folks., not haters. It's beyond frustrating how people can actually support her in favor of Trump- LOOK at the facts, watch the videos. SHE is a liar. they literally lack any common sense, critical thinking skills. It's so sad. May God have mercy on us all.

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Ty & Charlene, when I read your comments around Donald Trump and his opponents, I have to wonder how you categorise yourselves. I think the work you have done on TTAC and TTAV is generally good. Very worthwhile. But your biases towards Trump are no different to CNN’s or ABC’s biases against him. (But they are supposed to represent journalism and maybe you're not trying to be journalists.)

To be clear, I think Harris as the figurehead of another 4 years of whoever is in charge of the executive branch is a bad thing for both America and the world, and I believe Trump in the oval office, for all his faults, would be a better outcome.

However, he made mistakes his last time in office and one comment he made during the debate shows that he hasn’t learned from at least one major mistake. It sounded as if he’s not even aware he made a mistake.

He defended his administration’s response to Covid and thinks they did a fabulous job. Operation Warp Speed provided a terrible outcome for the US. Those people who still think the Covid jabs (and everything built around that) were a good thing and are still taking boosters will disagree, but untold harm has been caused by those jabs. And the harm is ongoing. To take credit for facilitating all that at this stage reveals a dangerous flaw of Trump’s.

If you want to focus on highlighting Harris’ record and performance, that’s fine. But it doesn’t lend credibility to your position when you include irrelevancies such as the clip from her Spelman College speech. It is presented without any context and is therefore meaningless. You have presented it as evidence of someone who can’t handle serious issues. Maybe she can’t, but this clip doesn’t demonstrate that. Any more than Trump’s discussion around golf during his debate with Biden enables the same accusation to be levelled against Trump.

I think Trump’s performance in this debate was terrible. He gave himself “close to a 10.” That’s what I would expect from Trump, but I think he harmed his own position more than he harmed Harris’s. Her reply to the very first question provided so much ammunition for Trump, but he didn’t fire a shot. He could have – and should have - set her back on her heels right from the outset.

I think Harris sprouted lots of meaningless “feel-good” utterances and empty rhetoric. She was trying to present an uplifting message of hope. This was an emotional ploy, and many people like the idea that there is hope. People often respond and vote emotionally. So while it may have been empty rhetoric, it may have worked for her. Her claims that Trump would be pulling from the same old tired playbook were an attempt to divert attention from her doing exactly what she was accusing Trump of doing.

She’s running her campaign, unburdened by what has been. Let’s see how many Americans are fooled.

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To answer your last question : a terrifying number, perhaps a majority.

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Is “empty rhetoric” considered a lie? It might as well be in this case ! Rhetoric schmetoric….

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The big question is why Trump allowed himself to enter what was sure to be an ambush

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I don't think President Trump fears anything and more thank anything truly wants to Make America Great Again. We stand with him and Bobby Kennedy and the rest of the Freedom Fighters in this Campaign. He did what he felt was right, debating Kamala on her turf. Now we are here to defend him and hope you will help us by sharing this Subtack exposing the lies and laying out the truth with everyone you know. Blessings, Charlene #MAGA #MAHA ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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“Did you know that Linsey Davis and Kamala Harris are not just professional acquaintances? They’re sorority sisters in Alpha Kappa Alpha (ΑΚΑ). Yep, the same sorority! It’s hard to ignore how cozy that connection feels when you’re supposed to be moderating a debate.”

Explain how that whole “sorority sisters” thing works.

Linsey Davis, born October 21, 1977, is almost 47 and attended the University of Virginia

and graduate school at New York University.

Kamala Harris, born in 1964, is 60 years old and attended Howard University in Washington, D.C., and the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

Both women joined a national black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, not unusual for black college women. They certainly did not pledge the same sorority house at the same time because there is a 17 year age difference between the women, and they attended different colleges in completely different states. Stating the two are “sorority sisters”—“Yep, the same sorority!”— with a “cozy connection” implies they knew each other and were at the same sorority house at the same time. That just is not true, and you know it. Your using the-not-surprising fact that each joined a national black sorority does not make them “sorority sisters”; it makes them two black women who pledged a national black sorority well over a decade apart in two completely different states. So what? So much for your “cozy connection”.

There is enough unsavory, corrupt, and deceitful about Kamala Harris that intentionally misrepresenting her sorority non-connection to one of the moderators makes you and the entire article dishonestly exaggerated and unreliable. If you cannot honestly write about Kamala Harris’s dishonesty then you are part of the problem.

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Maybe you don’t know much about sorority life & sisters. Being sorority sisters doesn’t have to mean sisters only in the same class. Yes they may pledge together & even graduate the same year. But one e a Kappa always a Kappa & years can span between them. There’s a shared loyalty to their sorority tho they can be years apart in ages.

Knowing that system & the shared bond between sisters young & old Kamala being gently questioned with a bit of homecooking is not off the wall.

It was obvious she was favored & Trump was the kid no one liked.

Can’t defend it.

In fact it’s not based on “feelings” but on observation. And now a sworn affidavit notarized & filed states clearly that a fix was in.

If ABC & Kamala’s team wanted her to shine they messed up big time. Needing that much “help” makes her look weak.

She won’t have personal cheerleaders at her side while meeting across the table from Xi or other global leader.

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What about all the the things that are so negative and wrong about Trump. Are you just promoting Trump???

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NO ONE is perfect. Take your pick of any leader past or present in our history. You will find all flawed persons. However, are you better off now that four years ago? Do you pay taxes? Do you have relatives, especially a son or daughter , sister or brother, mother or father in the military?

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The video of the woman eating the cat is from Canton, Ohio. Her name is Allexis Ferrell, and she is an American. Her cousin called 911 and said that she was on drugs.

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Great! Now you do a thorough unbiased analysis of Trump and his outrageous stories - and maybe I’ll give you a benefit of a doubt.

Why hasn’t Trump finished the wall ?Congress stopped him ?The same way Congress stopped Biden getting his bipartisan border security?

They are not eating pets. The woman in the video is a born and bred American having an episode. I suppose. man hunting geese - when black and NOT wearing camouflage and carrying a gun in “duck dynasty” makes white folks uneasy.

Trump takes instances of incidents and makes it a story.

Ask him why he asked his cohorts in Congress to oppose a Bipartisan bill - DRAFTED BY A REPUBLICAN”. - until you can explain that - stop bleating about the border !

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I hope you like communism and tyranny because it sounds like that's what you will be voting for.

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Are you capable of addressing her points?

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Hi Ty and Charlene, My Name is Mira and I am writing from Tasmania Australia. Firstly I was one of your early purchasers to your original Truth about Cancer Series. Brilliant stuff . Opened my eyes to a lot and I have passed on the information to many others. Many thanks.

I watched the debate on TV along with millions of other Australians and yes I agree it did appear to be one-sided with the respect of the hosts. But I wish to express the way that most Australians and the contacts I have in the UK are viewing the elections and Donald Trump.

Firstly I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. In fact I know little about each party or politics in general. And yes the information I am getting is from the mass media and I have little faith in the accuracy of a lot of information but that is all I can get.

I and the general opinion of many many I have spoken to over a long period is a state of fear for USA and the follow on effects in the world . The feeling is that the GREAT USA is on the verge of another civil war. (Almost like a deliberate divide-and-conquer situation by someone or something.) Which could result in the demise of the worlds GREATEST SUPERPOWER and the risk of Russia or China taking over and doing what they will with the world unlike the usual benefactor of humankind that portrays the USA.............. And Donald Trump appears to be fueling the division of the people.

The way I and most of the Australian public I have had contact with see Donald from numerous interviews, debates etc is that he befriends and admires dictators as in Putin and Kim Jong Un. These men do not care about human life or humanity in general. AND I have fears for the USA and the world if Trump gets into power and expresses the same sentiments.

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RemovedSep 13
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That life in a woman's womb is a separate person, different DNA, blood type, etc. Choice and body autonomy? What about "Vaccination" choice?

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Kammiela sucks. Just ask Willie Brown.

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