Let's get President Trump to make it available to the masses.

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It’s already available people! You can buy it at Rural King or Tractor Supply or any farm store that sells animal wormer. I dewormed my horses and goats with it for years. There are many stories about it curing even stage 4 cancer. I know a lady that takes it every week as a preventative for cancer. The dosing I’m not sure about. I did read a man’s story of being cured and he gave the dosage but it’s been a while since I read it. Seems like it was 1 gram per day but I can’t be positive about that. There are other treatments too if you will just do a deep dive and research it. Other countries have treatments that don’t include chemo and radiation. I hope RFK can get this all turned around but he has huge uphill battle. He’s going to make a lot of powerful people really angry!!!!

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I take 13 mg a dose. Thats usual adult dose. Children are 3-6mg. I give my a quarter of the pill to keep heartworm away. Pills4ever.com sells human grade tabs but yes you can take what's in tractor supply but it is harder to figure out dosing.

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Hi... How do you know which ivermectin to get. .? There's a few different ones on that website

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Dosage of Ivermectin is usually:I

Ivermectin-1 to 2 mg a day per kg of body weight. (Depending on.severity and stage of cancer). So if you weigh 90 kg you take at least 90 mg of Ivermectin. With food.

Along with 888 mg and higher of Fenben. Startin at half that dose.(443mg) . Take with a little fat.

Take a look at Dr. W. MAKIS substack. Tons of success stories. Hope for the desperate! And (of course) he is being attacked horrendously by Alberta Healthcare etc etc. For nothing. They dont even have a reason. But it only proves how real this cure is.

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THEY have a reason to stifle Dr Makis. It's called paying off big pHARMa as a way to pay back their bribes. How else to explain Alberta's provincial leader making life miserable for Makis? Money goes hand in hand with corruption when it comes to Big Pharma.

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For sure. But the few that find Dr. MAKIS and get cured in comparison to the masses they happily poison, cut, burn and kill, SHOULDNT ACTUALLY matter to them. And many of them still keep taking the Chemo or other treatment. So why are their minds so sick that they care? Because they want their victim to die not live. Just like the devil wants us to die without knowing that Jesus died for us to save us and give us life.

Sure money is behind it all.but what a sad fearful existence. If they aren't in torment yet, they will be someday.

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Yes Ivermectin works for "cancer" as Dr Bryan Ardis and Dr. Lee Merritt say cancer is misdiagnosed it's really the person has parasites. Check also with Diabetes and many other chronic issues.

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Do you think big pharmas will let Trump make it available? Lobbying is a legal way of doing corruption in the US and that's unfortunately is a parasite in modern society.

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Let RFK Jr do it...

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I also second that. Though I do not approve of Mrna shots in livestock that we eat for food. RFK Jr said something about he would allow that shot in chickens. The only reason commercial chickens get sick is because of the living conditions no matter what gov agency says. And dairy cows getting it is because? They're putting the bedding that's under laying hens into the feed for cattle. They claim chickens Sh!t and the feeding they drop is nutritious for the cows! That's so wrong no matter what animal or human for that matter. Nothing should be eating another's feces! Research it, you will find it. I grow my own food and have chickens and dairy cow. Yes rarely a chicken will catch a cold but they get quarantined and they're immune system heals them majority of the time unless the hen is not healthy which is also rare. So I know and other farmers know what's true and what's not. If anyone has ever had a parakeet or parrot they cover them at night because they can catch the sniffles. Doesn't everything though? Immune systems are amazing at healing us. ☺️

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I agree with you on all your points. I’ve had livestock most of my life (68 yrs). When they are allowed to live outdoors and eat what they are supposed to eat, animals stay pretty healthy. mRNA shot for poultry is very concerning to me too. I think RFK may be having to pick his battles. He’s a brave warrior to take on that job!

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🙏 and 🙏. They are up against so much evil

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Disgusting!! Oh so disgusting. It should be made illegal to feed animals that way! And if caught then their factory farms shut down!!

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Lobbying may be legal, but there really should be restrictions placed on it. Companies should not be able to spend more on lobbying than they do on research, safety, and other things that benefit their customers because at that point it starts to amount to bribery.

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Lobbying should be banned altogether. We've crossed the Rubicon where lobbying now equates to controlling "regulators", via pay offs and bribery, to achieve nefarious goals which only increase protection for said lobbyist's crimes, interests and profits and whose intentions are harming consumers in the process, increasing their own interests/profits, or controlling the entities which were [allegedly] "established" to serve a legitimate function. That the lobbyists have any valid function other their self interests couldn't be further from the truth. The only "lobbyist" objective/purpose now is to payoff and control those who are supposed to be the watchdogs to turn a blind eye to their intended purpose.

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Once people get a taste of iver and fenben as cancer meds big pharma will be crucified if they don't go along with these cheap drugs that work. This does not mean pharma will take this lying down, however. They will call in their markers and obstruct usage of the stuff that works, bet on it.

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It is already available..it just.requires a search and effort and a.change.of thinking...that we dont rely on or ask our doctors for help on. 😉

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Trump signed an executive order back in his first term banning lobbying. I forget for how long.

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Now you can simply buy Papaya, which is not only good for you but I learned from a. Underdeveloped country doctor take the tiny black seeds dry them and swallow them. Do not chew. Less than Iverectin. This is for parasites which Dr Byan Ardis and Dr Lee Merritt says many diagnosis are wrong. They have parasites not cancer.

Fasting kills cancer cells because they lose their food supply. Fasting is excellent for good heal in general. Free.

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God Bless. I think Trump “should” put a hold on cancer research! (That is one thing still going- someone needs to analyze it) We need to do THIS research on these low cost drugs which COSTS MUCH LESS and will probably SAVE LIVES!

Thank you for all this info!

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I just received the results of my 5th CTscan and the 9mm carcinoma that metasticized from thyroid cancer was no longer there. I used Fenbenzanole, curcuramin & CBD oil for only 1 month and IT WORKED! The location was in my submandibular region and was not operable due to the location. I ordered the Fenbenzanole from Amazon and the rest at a health store. I urge anyone who is waiting for the medical appointment and wait time, to try this in the interim. I still have to do a 3 day radiation (pill) treatment to kill off any remaining cells. But damn! It really worked

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Thinking radiation will get the "hidden" cancer cells and kill them is perhaps a pipe dream. If metastasis has occurred, you'd have to irradiate the whole body and still likely not get all the hidden cells.

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I have to because when thyroid was removed, the surgeon left alot of tissue on the thyroid bed. It cannot be tested for remaining carcinoma as the tissue pulls in uptake. The radiation will kill remaining thyroid tissue so the bed can be cleared on scans. This should have been done after the thyroid was removed but I was told it wasn't necessary. I have several animals and the radiation pill causes 3 days of possible harm to others, including animals. Considering this, I didn't get that treatment

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Thank you so much for continuing to share this information! God bless you

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Dr. William Makis' Substack has testimonials about ivermectin and Fenben. He is an oncologist and does consultations for people around the world.

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Yes! Out of Alberta, Canada, & he is xlnt! Alberta PM is currently trying to hang Dr Makis out to dry!!😡👎

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And taking his money away, no less! Just blatant thieves.

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It's all true. I've seen it firsthand. My friend was diagnosed 10 years ago with stage 4 breast cancer. She refused conventional treatment and kept herself alive for ten more years with FenBen. Needless to say, I'm a crusader for these safe and effective drugs.

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Things like this are why I feel it is so wrong that healthcare is a business. Businesses exist to make profits, anything else they do is secondary.

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Doctor Yourself people. Plenty of information out there. 2ND Smartest Guy in the World stack is a good place to start.

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But where to find the doctors who know about it and would treat you? There are alternatives but…🙁

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Easy enough to get fen-ben on your own. No doctor needed. The dose that was used by Mr. Tippens (I believe that's his name) are the packets sold to treat a 10-lb canine. You can purchase from Chewy.com. It is the same as the human form, maybe even better, as animals are far more sensitive to additives, so the canine form does not include additives. I used fen-ben as part of my treatment when I had stage-4 melanoma. All good now......

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Check Dr. William Makis Substack.. you can also book an online consultation with him. Wish you all the best

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Very highly agree!

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It's the PATIENT'S responsibility to do the research and determine what's best for then. Until people start taking responsibility for themselves, educating themselves, and acting like audits instead of sheep who seek false gods and rely on corrupt, broken systems, this depopulation and intentional harm-for-profit insanity will continue to escalate. Once a "system" has shown its' ugly face about what it is, believe it. Only you can remove yourself from the matrix created for your own demise.

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Try the allfamilypharma.com They are in Florida and they have doctor there who will prescribe it and ship it to you. They carry Ivermectin and the Fenbendazole under Benbendazole name for humans, with same ingrediency. If they are out of the Benbendazole you can order it trough Amazon.

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Just a thought. Ive recently found that Ivermectin that has been 'compounded' in USA is not as great as it sounds. It is usually always sourced from China. Then they compound it. As all Ivermectin comes from China or India. If you don't trust China, just because you really shouldn't, you can try a supplier called Ivermectin.com. They source from India. A bit pricey. And to get Fenbendazole, try a place.called Fenben.com (is a European company). Also you can try Indiamart. (A variety of.sellers) If you order from Alldaychemist, you can get Healing Pharma brand. One persons got that brand, had it tested at Spectrix Analytics, CT and it was all good. Alsp checl out what Dr. Peter McCullough Wellnees Company sells. Ask them where they source their Ivermectin. Also I now avoid buying any meds or vitamins from Amazon. Too much risk of fakes.

If you live in Canada or US and order from India, do a small order like just 2 or 3 boxes so they can mail it to.you in a plain envelope. 😉

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Alternative treatments for cancer are never covered by insurance either. The whole healthcare system needs an overhaul.

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Thank you and many Blessings to you both

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Thank you for this great article! Kaiser is trying to make me accept a risky operation for colon cancer, and when I suggested ivermectin and fendo. or mendo., the female doctor exploded at me! I mean, it was viscous! I’m determined to go your way! Thank u!

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Though I am very much interested in alternative treatments, no where do any of these articles follow up with at least a suggested protocol treatment plan. At best they say see your primary care doctor. Really? The bulk of them if not all are going to poo poo the alternative method and stear you easily back to a mainstream solution because of your current desperate cancer sickness.

So for this article to have any benefit with Ivermectin and the other recommended drugs, what is at least a suggested recommended treatment plan including how much and how long?

I have been reading these alternative healing articles for over 10 years and they ALL seem to drop the ball moving forward with a treatment plan.

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Go to: allfamilypharmacy.com They have doctor to prescribe Ivermectin and the Benbendazole which is same as Fenbendazole, and they will ship it to you. The Ivermectin suggestion is 3mg for every 35 body weight. I am 118 pounds and I take 12 mg. because 9mg would be not strong enough. So this is usually the recommended dosage.

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Been w/ Kaiser for 41 years, and they want nothing to do with this= here in SoCal!👎😡

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I think it's because these drugs are prescribed differently according to the illness and the individual. Giving out A Prescription would be a separate health category.

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Because there's liability and we live in a highly litigious culture. allfamily.com gives you the dosage requirements and sells ivermectin and fenben. It's not cheap.

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EXACTLY! Need just a recommendation.

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Big Pharma is not worried. There are millions around the world that have grown up with the present day cancer "treatment" and won't try anything else, despite the fact that most people diagnosed with cancer DO NOT recover and Big Pharma DO NOT give "guarantees" for a "Cure". And the covid proved most of the population can be SCARED into submission. :(

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All cancers show infection with parasites i.e. worms

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Big Pharma will get these stopped (just like with Covid) if talked about too much. Need underground to pass the info.

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