This bill would be an improvement! However, no one talks about a trick Pfizer pulled around the time Warp Speed was nearing completion. They had a heavy load of lawsuits about "side effects" of a drug prescribed for some female problem. They spun off a new company to own that drug and all its liabilities, capitalizing it with about 10% of the expected liability from the then active lawsuits. When the new company ran out of money the remaining claimants were out of luck. Somehow the remaining liability needs to remain attached to the deep pockets, not the new empty pockets.
I wish that were true! Most people don’t even pay attention. They’re like lemmings going to the ocean. They just follow whatever they’re told and don’t even seek to know what is actually happening.
This is vital! Necessary! These companies are murdering and maiming people all over the planet. How is it they can get away with this? Vaccines have been known to harm people and to cause Autism for decades. I first found out in 1988 (approximately) when a colleage told me about the damage done to his son, who was just a little boy of 21/2 yrs who now was autistic. I began educating myself about vaccines then. So the knowledge was there then, yet people , many many people would not listen nor accept this reality., and still will not. Sad! A friend of mine died from the covid shot, my neighbour's wife died the next day after getting the shot, another friend of a friend's father died the day after he got the shot, a client's mother was killed by the shot., a local resaurant owner was seriously injured by the covid shot; and I am sure that if I ask people in our community there will be plenty more.
I suggest these plans should not only cover vaccines but also all innovative drugs, making manufacturers accountable for the long-term side effects of their innovative products
I had originally planned to release my vaccine Substack newsletter on the 30th of this month. I had written it yesterday, as I like to prepare my posts well in advance. However, after reading your newsletter, I’ve decided to publish mine now. My post details how I’ve been personally harmed by vaccines and how my child is currently being denied medical care because I refuse to vaccinate him. I also took the step of signing the petition for my U.S. Representative to co-sign the bill, and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. Look out for my newsletter—I'll be publishing it in the next five minutes.
If you aren't aware, join They are anti-shots and totally pro-nutrition. For only $40/year, it's one of the best causes to support, IMHO!
This bill will never pass. Members of Congress and Big Pharma are so corrupted by greed and benefitted handsomely from killing and injuring millions of people for decades that they aren't going to stop the gravy train.
IMHO: Who cares if they hate the bill. Most of us who read this newsletter, if not all, hate pharma. They have made doctors not nutrition-smart! Nutritionists end up teaching their doctors with no pay, if they even listen.
The pharmaceutical industry, as a whole and by its nature, is conflicted and significantly driven by the mighty dollar, rather than altruism.
There are many players and different games being played by the industry. We ignore these at our peril. The rap sheet of illegal activities is alarming. It seems that barely a month goes by without some pharmaceutical company in court, somewhere. Criminal convictions are common and fines tally into the billions. Civil cases, with their million-dollar settlements, are abundant too.
A 2020 peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association outlines the extent of the problem. The group studied both the type of illegal activity and financial penalties imposed on pharma companies between the years 2003 and 2016. Of the companies studied, 85 percent (22 of 26) had received financial penalties for illegal activities with a total combined dollar value of $33 billion. The illegal activities included manufacturing and distributing adulterated drugs, misleading marketing, failure to disclose negative information about a product (i.e. significant side effects including death), bribery to foreign officials, fraudulently delaying market entry of competitors, pricing and financial violations, and kickbacks.
When expressed as a percentage of revenue, the highest penalties were awarded to Schering-Plough, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Allergan, and Wyeth. The biggest overall fines have been paid by GSK (almost $10 billion), Pfizer ($2.9 billion), Johnson & Johnson ($2.6 billion), and other familiar names including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Merck, Eli Lilly, Schering-Plough, Sanofi Aventis, and Wyeth. It’s quite a list, and many of the Big Pharma players are repeat offenders.
Prosecuting these companies is no mean feat. Cases often drag for years, making the avenue of justice and resolution inaccessible to all but the well-funded, persistent, and steadfast. If a case is won, pharma’s usual response is to appeal to a higher court and start the process again. One thing is clear; taking these giants to court requires nerves of steel, a willingness to surrender years of life to the task, and very deep pockets.
For every conviction, there are countless settlements, the company agreeing to pay out, but making no admission of guilt. A notable example is the S35 million settlement made, after 15 years of legal maneuvering, by Pfizer in a Nigerian case that alleged the company had experimented on 200 children without their parent’s knowledge or consent.
Gain of function is a crime against Humanity. Fauci and the guy from University of North Carolina are responsible and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I hope and pray for the day when all the three letters agencies will be no more, like the criminal FDA which is no more than the hit man for the big pharma gangsters .
This bill would be an improvement! However, no one talks about a trick Pfizer pulled around the time Warp Speed was nearing completion. They had a heavy load of lawsuits about "side effects" of a drug prescribed for some female problem. They spun off a new company to own that drug and all its liabilities, capitalizing it with about 10% of the expected liability from the then active lawsuits. When the new company ran out of money the remaining claimants were out of luck. Somehow the remaining liability needs to remain attached to the deep pockets, not the new empty pockets.
If you think the puppets in the USG are our friends and care about protecting us then I don't think I can convince you otherwise at this point?
When everyone finds out and believes what was done to them, Vax companies won’t have to worry about this. No one will get one period. Ever again!
I wish that were true! Most people don’t even pay attention. They’re like lemmings going to the ocean. They just follow whatever they’re told and don’t even seek to know what is actually happening.
Unfortunately I think you correct. It hurts my heart.
This is vital! Necessary! These companies are murdering and maiming people all over the planet. How is it they can get away with this? Vaccines have been known to harm people and to cause Autism for decades. I first found out in 1988 (approximately) when a colleage told me about the damage done to his son, who was just a little boy of 21/2 yrs who now was autistic. I began educating myself about vaccines then. So the knowledge was there then, yet people , many many people would not listen nor accept this reality., and still will not. Sad! A friend of mine died from the covid shot, my neighbour's wife died the next day after getting the shot, another friend of a friend's father died the day after he got the shot, a client's mother was killed by the shot., a local resaurant owner was seriously injured by the covid shot; and I am sure that if I ask people in our community there will be plenty more.
Murder and maiming.
I suggest these plans should not only cover vaccines but also all innovative drugs, making manufacturers accountable for the long-term side effects of their innovative products
I had originally planned to release my vaccine Substack newsletter on the 30th of this month. I had written it yesterday, as I like to prepare my posts well in advance. However, after reading your newsletter, I’ve decided to publish mine now. My post details how I’ve been personally harmed by vaccines and how my child is currently being denied medical care because I refuse to vaccinate him. I also took the step of signing the petition for my U.S. Representative to co-sign the bill, and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. Look out for my newsletter—I'll be publishing it in the next five minutes.
If you aren't aware, join They are anti-shots and totally pro-nutrition. For only $40/year, it's one of the best causes to support, IMHO!
This bill will never pass. Members of Congress and Big Pharma are so corrupted by greed and benefitted handsomely from killing and injuring millions of people for decades that they aren't going to stop the gravy train.
Even the Republicans are so full of RINOs, biggest problem IMHO.
We have had a uniparty for decades. And that party is destroying this country.
Agree totally.
IMHO: Who cares if they hate the bill. Most of us who read this newsletter, if not all, hate pharma. They have made doctors not nutrition-smart! Nutritionists end up teaching their doctors with no pay, if they even listen.
The pharmaceutical industry, as a whole and by its nature, is conflicted and significantly driven by the mighty dollar, rather than altruism.
There are many players and different games being played by the industry. We ignore these at our peril. The rap sheet of illegal activities is alarming. It seems that barely a month goes by without some pharmaceutical company in court, somewhere. Criminal convictions are common and fines tally into the billions. Civil cases, with their million-dollar settlements, are abundant too.
A 2020 peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association outlines the extent of the problem. The group studied both the type of illegal activity and financial penalties imposed on pharma companies between the years 2003 and 2016. Of the companies studied, 85 percent (22 of 26) had received financial penalties for illegal activities with a total combined dollar value of $33 billion. The illegal activities included manufacturing and distributing adulterated drugs, misleading marketing, failure to disclose negative information about a product (i.e. significant side effects including death), bribery to foreign officials, fraudulently delaying market entry of competitors, pricing and financial violations, and kickbacks.
When expressed as a percentage of revenue, the highest penalties were awarded to Schering-Plough, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Allergan, and Wyeth. The biggest overall fines have been paid by GSK (almost $10 billion), Pfizer ($2.9 billion), Johnson & Johnson ($2.6 billion), and other familiar names including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Merck, Eli Lilly, Schering-Plough, Sanofi Aventis, and Wyeth. It’s quite a list, and many of the Big Pharma players are repeat offenders.
Prosecuting these companies is no mean feat. Cases often drag for years, making the avenue of justice and resolution inaccessible to all but the well-funded, persistent, and steadfast. If a case is won, pharma’s usual response is to appeal to a higher court and start the process again. One thing is clear; taking these giants to court requires nerves of steel, a willingness to surrender years of life to the task, and very deep pockets.
For every conviction, there are countless settlements, the company agreeing to pay out, but making no admission of guilt. A notable example is the S35 million settlement made, after 15 years of legal maneuvering, by Pfizer in a Nigerian case that alleged the company had experimented on 200 children without their parent’s knowledge or consent.
The zio-CONNING red repugnants AND the hypocritically neoliberal blue dims both tend to be high functioning alcoholics.
The Donald’s an exception to this generalization as his niece, @Mary L. Trump points out in her biography, “Too Much and Never Enough.”
“…highest penalties were awarded to(!)…”!? How about “levied upon” Faulkners?
Gain of function is a crime against Humanity. Fauci and the guy from University of North Carolina are responsible and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Someone should send notification of this bill to: Alliance for Natural Health Foundation,
434-244-0190 , They always have something interesting and important to email to Congress.
YEAH! Yes Lord!
I hope and pray for the day when all the three letters agencies will be no more, like the criminal FDA which is no more than the hit man for the big pharma gangsters .
Both laws passed by Republican administrations (Reagan in 1986 and Bush in 2005). I guess that means you should vote Democrat.
Congress’s link to the bill does not have any text. Is there a link to the text of the bill so we can understand the clauses?
Love to sign up as the consequences are felt round the world but only Americans are allowed.
This is how you make your enemies in the third world. If I am feeling in in UK I am not surprised there is hatred being generated in Syria, Lybia...