The City of London's Central Bankers far excede the Rockefellers in both wealth and power and are the source of the Rockefeller affluence. The ancient VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY is the top of the Hierarchy of Evil and it was known by different names earlier in pre-history. It's created thousands of organizations to hide behind and to push t…
The City of London's Central Bankers far excede the Rockefellers in both wealth and power and are the source of the Rockefeller affluence. The ancient VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY is the top of the Hierarchy of Evil and it was known by different names earlier in pre-history. It's created thousands of organizations to hide behind and to push to the front doing its dirty work...But, it is the Shadow Govt. In modern times it is The Crown Corporation, Central Banker Family Cartel of The City of London and the Multi-National Corporatists once aligned as The Dutch/British East India Company...And, it is now an International Death Cult Network; a Mafia.
As wealth goes; they do have corporations; but the primary source of wealth is ILLICIT DRUGS AND SLAVE TRADE around the world. All happening in the Western Hemisphere and Israel is a cover for the BUILD BACK BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE to CONTROL THE POPULATION and facilitate transport of Military and Illicit Product as well as the Profits.
What if you add the wealth of all of the Globalists, not just the Rockefellers to the total and include Soros too? Will the City of London's Central Bankers still far excede this money?
I have known about them and the disasters they are making to our world trying to build pharma and getting rid of nutrition knowledge for 45 years. I don't care about their wealth, or them making more money, just their humanity. Fix Africa and other poor countries instead of trying to shoot up the whole planet with vaccines, when nutrition will work better and won't make people sick. Stop trying to make the world under 500 million people like it said on the demolished Georgia Guidestones.
The City of London's Central Bankers far excede the Rockefellers in both wealth and power and are the source of the Rockefeller affluence. The ancient VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY is the top of the Hierarchy of Evil and it was known by different names earlier in pre-history. It's created thousands of organizations to hide behind and to push to the front doing its dirty work...But, it is the Shadow Govt. In modern times it is The Crown Corporation, Central Banker Family Cartel of The City of London and the Multi-National Corporatists once aligned as The Dutch/British East India Company...And, it is now an International Death Cult Network; a Mafia.
As wealth goes; they do have corporations; but the primary source of wealth is ILLICIT DRUGS AND SLAVE TRADE around the world. All happening in the Western Hemisphere and Israel is a cover for the BUILD BACK BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE to CONTROL THE POPULATION and facilitate transport of Military and Illicit Product as well as the Profits.
What if you add the wealth of all of the Globalists, not just the Rockefellers to the total and include Soros too? Will the City of London's Central Bankers still far excede this money?
Research the Rothschilds. They are the head of it all. No one knows the extent of their wealth.
I have known about them and the disasters they are making to our world trying to build pharma and getting rid of nutrition knowledge for 45 years. I don't care about their wealth, or them making more money, just their humanity. Fix Africa and other poor countries instead of trying to shoot up the whole planet with vaccines, when nutrition will work better and won't make people sick. Stop trying to make the world under 500 million people like it said on the demolished Georgia Guidestones.