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Unfortunately the history of the Catholic Church is replete with demonic influences taking control and changing theological systems. The current pope immediately fitted the bill when he within a day of meeting pfizer people mandated the jab for catholics and teachers etc. They knew the problems with the jab and the ensuing probability of genocide so the question is what wants to kill off humanity? Vignano is right!

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He displayed rotten tendancies long before meeting Pfizer.

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I agree, Vignano is right. But the history of mankind and of all religions is "replete with demonic influences taking control and changing theological systems". It's not just the Catholic Church. There are many, many good Christians in the Catholilc Church.

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True Catholicism, which isn't what the man who calls himself Francis teaches or that which has been taught by the heretics since Vatican II, is the only true Christianity. The Protestant sects are all based on one or more heresies promulgated by prideful mortals.

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Vigano and Cardinal Pell were both spot on. Sadly for Pell they got him, he had a hip surgery, and it was said he had a cardiac arrest post- op. But his body arrived back in Australia , when they opened the coffin before burial they found his body in disarray, his nose brocken, his body in a terrible state after embalming. And his clothes just thrown in on top of the body. He ran a program called the Melbourne response to respond to child sex abuse claims. The team around him psychiatrist etc were probably chosen by senior laity. In the Royal commission the psychiatrist involved was named- a man I’d had one personal experience with , to do with a different matter. He was a “paid for opinion” individual. I know from my experience he would have given very destructive opinions of the victims. That reflected poorly on Pell.the MSM hounded him. The Vatican also transferred large amounts of money here, a lot can’t be accounted for. Vigano defrocked will not be enough for them!

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Viganò being defrocked was a good thing, as it had brought attention to what this Pope is doing! Viganò is a man of principles, and the pope is not. He is now free of the shackles of the Catholic “cult”.

I don’t even like to capitalize the word pope as he is simply a puppet of the deep state and not worthy of any adulation.

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It's ironic that a man within the counterfeit church, Vigano, was excommunicated by counterfeits or those who themselves are not Catholic.

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Satan wants to kill off anyone who has an inclination towards God. He will use any means to do it.

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