At this point were preaching to the choir. This past month I saw 4 people die suddenly. 2 I knew personally, and 2 thru association. And some of these people STILL DONT ASSOCIATE IT WITH THE JAB. Is there some big dose of denial included in the ingredients?
I agree I have had family and friends whos personality, critical thinking and typical behaviours had changed drastically after the jab. Its heart breaking. Not just some of them but all of them. I bring it up and they get aggressive or dismissive.
True but I think its more than that. They would be open to any discussion in the past even with sensitive topics guilt , shame, blame.. Im I life coach we talk about these sensitive traumas etc regularly . After jab they became militantly combative or dismissive so odd.
Soul replacement, Trish. You see them change because they’re not the folks you knew anymore but Entities replacing the original persons you knew, usurpers using their body, that serve the huge monsters behind this.
Think how lucrative Human ignorance is. Even you who are a life coach will find what I say odd and even wacky because of all the fear porn against SPIRITuality i.e. everything that has to do with Spirits they inserted in Humanity starting centuries ago with Illuminism and $c¡ence, closing Humanity off from their Soul. They get filthy rich from this selling pills and herding the cattle towards the precipice.
But think with your 🍓Heart for just one minute — doesn’t what I said make sense and fits 💯?! They changed because not your family and friends anymore, they’re now someone else, strangers. If you can get out of the illusion of the body/form, you’ll know.
All these deaths were unnecessary if they had done the proper research BEFORE rolling it out, not after. Wait until the next scamdemic, because there is always one. People seem to forget about H1N1. Why are parents allowing their little babies to be jabbed to death to end up with cancers and everything else under the sun then cry on those St. Jude commercials? Seriously people, put your thinking caps on!
Thank you for this article. I just wrote an article on my own Substack about my frustration with the attempts to normalize the excess deaths we can all observe. Someone I know--a 41-year-old mother of two--died last week of aortic dissection. She worked in a doctor's office as a receptionist. I remember that she did not want to get the vaccine, but of course was forced to in order to keep her employment. Now 3 years later, she's dead. Americans are still dying in excess--in 2024--no less, and it's not even an election issue. I will never accept this as "normal."
Heartbreaking, jobs not mandating now, some uni's are. We need accountability. Scot Atlas tried to educate the President at the time (Trump), Birx didn't show to the meeting and he was not allowed more than 5 minutes, but Trump asked questions for 45 minutes, not enough at all, Atlas had a group of scientists meet at the Whitehouse and B & F group impeded his influence, and we know what happened. If Atlas was allowed guide the President, everything would have been different.
Trump is an enigma in many ways. I don't know what motivated many of his actions pre and during covid, and to continue to push the shots. However, it was clear that leaders who went against the covid agenda were being assassinated (Tanzania, Haiti, and other mainly African countries). I think this needs to be considered in the broader picture.
And to make matters worse, if the African countries didn’t comply they would lose their funding of many non-profits such as orphanages. Remember, covid didn’t show up in Africa until they were being forced to vax. And you can literally buy Ivermectin over the counter all over Africa which is used not just for malaria, cancer and Covid.
I read 'What the Nurses Saw' Ken McCarthy's book, what an eyeopener, I am quite clear on what happened in the hospitals and doctors offices. We have to prepare for more propaganda regarding bird flu.
Let’s all remember who was in office when Operation Warp Speed was launched in order to fast track the vaccine approval process. And that would be DJT.
You are so delusional to blame trump as he never mandated the shots, he tried to open schools and businesses and everyone cried and said he was crazy. He tried to push alternative methods of care like ivermectin and hydrochlorachin and msm and his “advisors” ripped him apart. Not to mention if he didn’t help those criminals with operation warp speed, they would have killed even more with the shots without any oversight. Trump is living rent free in your head.
The President of the most powerful country in the world didn't know that it was patented as a bioweapon in 2015? Obama knew, and had the bioweapon testing sent to China. Someone is delusional all right, but not the one you are accusing.
He has never acknowledged what he did, and it's no longer hidden . He is swimming in innocent blood, and is just as guilty as Biden, Fauci, Pfizer, and the entire cabal, all the way up to Satan! He still says to get your vaccines! He lied and people died, and continue to die exponentially.
Exactly! And he was CORRECT about Ivermectin and all that stuff, so that is proof that he knew something was wrong with it and he was trying to message that to his supporters. What did he know and when did he know it?
He didn't mandate it but how is that ANY consolation regarding all those who died (and especially their families) after being MISLED into getting the shots even VOLUNTARILY?
It was the unelected bureaucrats who bullied and coerced and mandated these horrible shots. This was all pushed from the deep state, big pharma and the medical monopoly all run by the elites for greed, control and sinister reasons.
You can’t expect lay people to know everything. Fauci, CDC, WHO, and Big Pharma are there to make sure every precaution is taken to keep us safe. If you can’t rely on the people to do their job, what are you suppose to do? Fauci was the highest paid man in governmenht, even higher than the president. He gave money to China for gain of function research but then he about it. He knew how dangerous it was. Neither president is to blame for it being a bad vaccine. There were scientists and doctors tring us the truth but they were shut down and some were even fired., the people couldn’t even get the medicine that would have helped but the pharmacists were not allowed to fill the prescriptions for Ivermectin which has been proven to be effective against Covid. Even though it’s proven to be effective and you can get it now, there are pharmacists who still won’t give it to you. We have been used in the worst experiment in history that will effect us for life. The presidents are not try to blame. Their decisions came from the experts and the experts knew what they did was wrong but did it anyway. I hope they are sued to high heaven get what they deserve for what they have done to innocent people and their families.
People have a responsibility to use their brain. My husbands job was also threatened as a doctor and we are a 1 income household. We made the decision to dig our heels in as a family to stand against vaccinations. It doesn’t absolve my sympathy for those who felt pressured to take the shot and are now suffering or dead but I don’t care to put blame on someone else when I ultimately made the choice. Because that’s exactly the problem in today’s society we want someone else to take the responsibility and the blame. It’s a sheeple mentality.
The red flags were there when CDC was talking about the vaccination BEFORE it came out. I knew something was not right. They do not come up with a vaccination that quickly. I did not get it. People don’t use their brains, you are right about that. But any doctor who saw that should have spoken up which the frontline doctors did. Good for them.
Absolutely right. Warp Speed has been used to perpetuate the narrative. Obama is another criminal. In fact, so many are criminals it would be hard to find the space to put them all. Not only in the US, Europe is equally guilty of forcing this poison on its people. What to do next ?
Lets remember Obama on his way out, he removed the moratorium on gain of function research. Not long after, Fauci issued a warning that a pandemic might take place in Trumps watch. Turned out, it was the left's bioweapon aimed at removing Trump with the help of the CCP who themselves were losing the Trade war at the time. Trump tapped Rino Pence to handle the Covid Operation and it was Pence who brought in deep state Birx, Fauci and Redfurn. From there on, Fauci took over everything who Trump was clearly unhappy with and did his best not firing Fauxci.
It was this or lock down the world for 12 years or more. What you dont understand is that this is a war were in. Sad, but there are casualties in war. This was not made during Trumps admin, it was made years before. Trump made no demands. All of the mandates came from biden.
And his reasoning for doing this was for them to insist everyone be vaccinated; however, he knew that if a treatment was available they could not force the vaccine. We would have been locked down for many more years. He made a difficult decision. The choice was each one of us. I did not. I knew it was a bad choice.
The vaccine effects are kicking in now. Sickness and death amongst my older dental patients is very noticeable now. Lost a couple of healthy buddies along the way too.
The Queensland Government threatened me with $13.5 k fine or six months in jail three years ago for not taking the jab. It was $100k or 6 months jail in Western Australia
Very few dentists didn’t succumb to the threats from their government.
The mandate was Quietly rescinded after 9 months due to “some adverse reactions “.they said.
Nobody came knocking on the door. Nobody went to court to face the charges for refusal.
I feel like reposting this article on Facebook to all those who scorned me years ago for trying to tell them the truth with back up research articles that I had found. But what’s the point. It’s too late. And those still alive got lucky. So far.
So much ignorance and stupidity you mean? So many people are so drugged up, they are unable to think analytically and put two and two together. They do what they are told, and are sheep to the slaughter.
Andrew, maybe you weren't aware of this, but the U.S. did NOT sign on to the Nuremberg code. They wanted to carry on their nefarious experiments on the American people, and gave amnesty to many of the guilty Nazi doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers. Sent directly to Fort Dietric. This info isn't well known, but it's not hidden.
I am aware of that. I just think that an international tribunal is warranted for holding the evil ones accountable for what they did. Millions have died as a result of their actions and they really need a “come to Jesus” moment.
Agreed! However they all protect one another, from the top down. Nobody has been charged, despite the evidence. They might throw a scapegoat under the bus to appease the masses, but the guilty ones are living in the lap of luxury, and the only way they will face the enormity of their crimes, will be when they come before God's judgement. Vengeance is His, and " It is a FRIGHTENING thing to stand before the Lord"!!
Eternity is a very, very long time, my friend. They will be judged to the fullest extent of the Law!
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,saith the Lord.”
The truth is that covid19 is not a virus as it never has been isolated or proven in a laboratory, and therefore just a hoax and scam. The problem is that the poison in these bio shots is the real killer not this so called covid19. I believe this needs to be made clear to all. Further research from leading scientists and health professionals will prove this point!
Yes, sure, but without the leader that allowed all of this, none of it would happen. National Security Council was in Charge- Military and it was their initiative.
Praise God! Someone who knows the DOD was in on this. You are the first person I’ve seen say anything about their involvement in creating this bioweapon kill shot besides myself.
I tried to warn my daughter, but she did not listen. I live in a nursing home, there is one woman here who is vaccine injured and every part of her body aches. She wants to die and probably will. I have a granddaughter who went to public school, she received every shot and now she is very sick. I hate the evil that has so invaded this world, like I said I tried to warn her, and even showed her films of the potential harm and deaths of these terrible shots. The public was lied to with every media sorts available to them, even childrens cartoons were in on it! I pray everyone involved in this goble crime will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law, if not in this life, then surely in the next when they meet their maker. I myself refused all the shots, and for that I was locked up in a room for two full years!
Barking up the wrong tree. It's not Pfizer and Moderna, it's the DoD who's the man behind the curtain calling the shots - literally. These are bioweapons for depopulation and pharma is shilling for the govt and maniacal folks like Bill and Melinda Gates (notorious eugenicists) funding it. See Sasha Latypova's work on substack "Due Diligence and Art" and Katherine Watt's "Bailiwick News."
Their day will come. Evil is at hand. Romans-1:28 says it all. We are in the last days of humanity. Look at the world, what do you see? Well, violent crime, violence against women and children, men of age, a military that is so WOKE, they only war we will win is 0. If you believe or believed the shot was safe, think again. We are being killed by genocide . There’s a darkness over the world, light will win.
At this point were preaching to the choir. This past month I saw 4 people die suddenly. 2 I knew personally, and 2 thru association. And some of these people STILL DONT ASSOCIATE IT WITH THE JAB. Is there some big dose of denial included in the ingredients?
I agree I have had family and friends whos personality, critical thinking and typical behaviours had changed drastically after the jab. Its heart breaking. Not just some of them but all of them. I bring it up and they get aggressive or dismissive.
They can’t bring themselves to say they were wrong.
True but I think its more than that. They would be open to any discussion in the past even with sensitive topics guilt , shame, blame.. Im I life coach we talk about these sensitive traumas etc regularly . After jab they became militantly combative or dismissive so odd.
Soul replacement, Trish. You see them change because they’re not the folks you knew anymore but Entities replacing the original persons you knew, usurpers using their body, that serve the huge monsters behind this.
Think how lucrative Human ignorance is. Even you who are a life coach will find what I say odd and even wacky because of all the fear porn against SPIRITuality i.e. everything that has to do with Spirits they inserted in Humanity starting centuries ago with Illuminism and $c¡ence, closing Humanity off from their Soul. They get filthy rich from this selling pills and herding the cattle towards the precipice.
But think with your 🍓Heart for just one minute — doesn’t what I said make sense and fits 💯?! They changed because not your family and friends anymore, they’re now someone else, strangers. If you can get out of the illusion of the body/form, you’ll know.
There's too much money involved for that to ever happen
All these deaths were unnecessary if they had done the proper research BEFORE rolling it out, not after. Wait until the next scamdemic, because there is always one. People seem to forget about H1N1. Why are parents allowing their little babies to be jabbed to death to end up with cancers and everything else under the sun then cry on those St. Jude commercials? Seriously people, put your thinking caps on!
They did do the research, they accomplished what they had planned.
Yes these potions have been in preparation for decades, well tested.
It never should have been rolled out. It was ropled out because its a bio weapon, depopulation tool. Tjats why it was rolled out.
Thank you for this article. I just wrote an article on my own Substack about my frustration with the attempts to normalize the excess deaths we can all observe. Someone I know--a 41-year-old mother of two--died last week of aortic dissection. She worked in a doctor's office as a receptionist. I remember that she did not want to get the vaccine, but of course was forced to in order to keep her employment. Now 3 years later, she's dead. Americans are still dying in excess--in 2024--no less, and it's not even an election issue. I will never accept this as "normal."
Heartbreaking, jobs not mandating now, some uni's are. We need accountability. Scot Atlas tried to educate the President at the time (Trump), Birx didn't show to the meeting and he was not allowed more than 5 minutes, but Trump asked questions for 45 minutes, not enough at all, Atlas had a group of scientists meet at the Whitehouse and B & F group impeded his influence, and we know what happened. If Atlas was allowed guide the President, everything would have been different.
Trump is an enigma in many ways. I don't know what motivated many of his actions pre and during covid, and to continue to push the shots. However, it was clear that leaders who went against the covid agenda were being assassinated (Tanzania, Haiti, and other mainly African countries). I think this needs to be considered in the broader picture.
And to make matters worse, if the African countries didn’t comply they would lose their funding of many non-profits such as orphanages. Remember, covid didn’t show up in Africa until they were being forced to vax. And you can literally buy Ivermectin over the counter all over Africa which is used not just for malaria, cancer and Covid.
I think Presidents are subject to the most propaganda from their advisors.
I read 'What the Nurses Saw' Ken McCarthy's book, what an eyeopener, I am quite clear on what happened in the hospitals and doctors offices. We have to prepare for more propaganda regarding bird flu.
Not normal, and most of us know that. And…the damage is done. There will be many more deaths to come.
Let’s all remember who was in office when Operation Warp Speed was launched in order to fast track the vaccine approval process. And that would be DJT.
You are so delusional to blame trump as he never mandated the shots, he tried to open schools and businesses and everyone cried and said he was crazy. He tried to push alternative methods of care like ivermectin and hydrochlorachin and msm and his “advisors” ripped him apart. Not to mention if he didn’t help those criminals with operation warp speed, they would have killed even more with the shots without any oversight. Trump is living rent free in your head.
The President of the most powerful country in the world didn't know that it was patented as a bioweapon in 2015? Obama knew, and had the bioweapon testing sent to China. Someone is delusional all right, but not the one you are accusing.
He has never acknowledged what he did, and it's no longer hidden . He is swimming in innocent blood, and is just as guilty as Biden, Fauci, Pfizer, and the entire cabal, all the way up to Satan! He still says to get your vaccines! He lied and people died, and continue to die exponentially.
Exactly! And he was CORRECT about Ivermectin and all that stuff, so that is proof that he knew something was wrong with it and he was trying to message that to his supporters. What did he know and when did he know it?
He didn't mandate it but how is that ANY consolation regarding all those who died (and especially their families) after being MISLED into getting the shots even VOLUNTARILY?
The blame is on those who knew it was a bad vaccine and we were subjects of their experiment including Fauci.
It was the unelected bureaucrats who bullied and coerced and mandated these horrible shots. This was all pushed from the deep state, big pharma and the medical monopoly all run by the elites for greed, control and sinister reasons.
Yes, and pushed through by their puppet minions, Trump, Biden, etc al.
You can’t expect lay people to know everything. Fauci, CDC, WHO, and Big Pharma are there to make sure every precaution is taken to keep us safe. If you can’t rely on the people to do their job, what are you suppose to do? Fauci was the highest paid man in governmenht, even higher than the president. He gave money to China for gain of function research but then he about it. He knew how dangerous it was. Neither president is to blame for it being a bad vaccine. There were scientists and doctors tring us the truth but they were shut down and some were even fired., the people couldn’t even get the medicine that would have helped but the pharmacists were not allowed to fill the prescriptions for Ivermectin which has been proven to be effective against Covid. Even though it’s proven to be effective and you can get it now, there are pharmacists who still won’t give it to you. We have been used in the worst experiment in history that will effect us for life. The presidents are not try to blame. Their decisions came from the experts and the experts knew what they did was wrong but did it anyway. I hope they are sued to high heaven get what they deserve for what they have done to innocent people and their families.
People have a responsibility to use their brain. My husbands job was also threatened as a doctor and we are a 1 income household. We made the decision to dig our heels in as a family to stand against vaccinations. It doesn’t absolve my sympathy for those who felt pressured to take the shot and are now suffering or dead but I don’t care to put blame on someone else when I ultimately made the choice. Because that’s exactly the problem in today’s society we want someone else to take the responsibility and the blame. It’s a sheeple mentality.
The red flags were there when CDC was talking about the vaccination BEFORE it came out. I knew something was not right. They do not come up with a vaccination that quickly. I did not get it. People don’t use their brains, you are right about that. But any doctor who saw that should have spoken up which the frontline doctors did. Good for them.
Trouble is, it’s still killing people
Absolutely right. Warp Speed has been used to perpetuate the narrative. Obama is another criminal. In fact, so many are criminals it would be hard to find the space to put them all. Not only in the US, Europe is equally guilty of forcing this poison on its people. What to do next ?
Lets remember Obama on his way out, he removed the moratorium on gain of function research. Not long after, Fauci issued a warning that a pandemic might take place in Trumps watch. Turned out, it was the left's bioweapon aimed at removing Trump with the help of the CCP who themselves were losing the Trade war at the time. Trump tapped Rino Pence to handle the Covid Operation and it was Pence who brought in deep state Birx, Fauci and Redfurn. From there on, Fauci took over everything who Trump was clearly unhappy with and did his best not firing Fauxci.
Exactly, and it's even quite a bit worse than that, unfortunately.
Just think about when January 13, 2020 was: BEFORE a single case of COVID was confirmed in the United States.
It was this or lock down the world for 12 years or more. What you dont understand is that this is a war were in. Sad, but there are casualties in war. This was not made during Trumps admin, it was made years before. Trump made no demands. All of the mandates came from biden.
And his reasoning for doing this was for them to insist everyone be vaccinated; however, he knew that if a treatment was available they could not force the vaccine. We would have been locked down for many more years. He made a difficult decision. The choice was each one of us. I did not. I knew it was a bad choice.
He was lied to
The vaccine effects are kicking in now. Sickness and death amongst my older dental patients is very noticeable now. Lost a couple of healthy buddies along the way too.
The Queensland Government threatened me with $13.5 k fine or six months in jail three years ago for not taking the jab. It was $100k or 6 months jail in Western Australia
Very few dentists didn’t succumb to the threats from their government.
The mandate was Quietly rescinded after 9 months due to “some adverse reactions “.they said.
Nobody came knocking on the door. Nobody went to court to face the charges for refusal.
I feel like reposting this article on Facebook to all those who scorned me years ago for trying to tell them the truth with back up research articles that I had found. But what’s the point. It’s too late. And those still alive got lucky. So far.
My realtor's father-in-law had clots removed just last week. He saw them and said he did not want to take a pic since they were so horrible.
It started in one ankle, went up thur lower abdomen and down a good way in his other leg. (A long
string attaching them. ) He still has some in his lungs and they are trying to figure out how to get rid of them.
I don't know who "they" are. bit Dr. Ardis and some of the FLCCC doctors know how to get rid of them. Check out the FLCCC website.
There day is coming soon. Hold the fort and trust in GOD. Vengeance is His.
All involved included doctors, many nurses, pharmacies, hospitals, schools and colleges.
It’s very upsetting and frustrating and they’re still people that believe the shots help them ; so much corruption
So much ignorance and stupidity you mean? So many people are so drugged up, they are unable to think analytically and put two and two together. They do what they are told, and are sheep to the slaughter.
Andrew, maybe you weren't aware of this, but the U.S. did NOT sign on to the Nuremberg code. They wanted to carry on their nefarious experiments on the American people, and gave amnesty to many of the guilty Nazi doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers. Sent directly to Fort Dietric. This info isn't well known, but it's not hidden.
I am aware of that. I just think that an international tribunal is warranted for holding the evil ones accountable for what they did. Millions have died as a result of their actions and they really need a “come to Jesus” moment.
Agreed! However they all protect one another, from the top down. Nobody has been charged, despite the evidence. They might throw a scapegoat under the bus to appease the masses, but the guilty ones are living in the lap of luxury, and the only way they will face the enormity of their crimes, will be when they come before God's judgement. Vengeance is His, and " It is a FRIGHTENING thing to stand before the Lord"!!
Eternity is a very, very long time, my friend. They will be judged to the fullest extent of the Law!
And they will be judged HARSHLY!
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,saith the Lord.”
Yup, they will stand before Him at the Great White Throne Judgement and will be without excuse.
Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon Nazi, was absorbed into the CIA to spy on Russia.
The truth is that covid19 is not a virus as it never has been isolated or proven in a laboratory, and therefore just a hoax and scam. The problem is that the poison in these bio shots is the real killer not this so called covid19. I believe this needs to be made clear to all. Further research from leading scientists and health professionals will prove this point!
Very disheartening to be on year 4 knowing exactly who, what, and why with no arrests, indictments, or convictions. There’s nothing new under the sun.
DOD was in charge, not Fauci or FDA or CDC.
They are all guilty, as well as BIG pHARMA !! and doctors/hospitals who were greedy for
money. !!
Yes, sure, but without the leader that allowed all of this, none of it would happen. National Security Council was in Charge- Military and it was their initiative.
Praise God! Someone who knows the DOD was in on this. You are the first person I’ve seen say anything about their involvement in creating this bioweapon kill shot besides myself.
Plenty of people know. Read Sasha Latypova here on Substack.
I tried to warn my daughter, but she did not listen. I live in a nursing home, there is one woman here who is vaccine injured and every part of her body aches. She wants to die and probably will. I have a granddaughter who went to public school, she received every shot and now she is very sick. I hate the evil that has so invaded this world, like I said I tried to warn her, and even showed her films of the potential harm and deaths of these terrible shots. The public was lied to with every media sorts available to them, even childrens cartoons were in on it! I pray everyone involved in this goble crime will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law, if not in this life, then surely in the next when they meet their maker. I myself refused all the shots, and for that I was locked up in a room for two full years!
Bill Gates explained that there are too many people, and vaccines are the answer. So I guess we shouldn't be surprised, right?
Bil Gates is evil and greed personified.
Barking up the wrong tree. It's not Pfizer and Moderna, it's the DoD who's the man behind the curtain calling the shots - literally. These are bioweapons for depopulation and pharma is shilling for the govt and maniacal folks like Bill and Melinda Gates (notorious eugenicists) funding it. See Sasha Latypova's work on substack "Due Diligence and Art" and Katherine Watt's "Bailiwick News."
Their day will come. Evil is at hand. Romans-1:28 says it all. We are in the last days of humanity. Look at the world, what do you see? Well, violent crime, violence against women and children, men of age, a military that is so WOKE, they only war we will win is 0. If you believe or believed the shot was safe, think again. We are being killed by genocide . There’s a darkness over the world, light will win.