Wow that is some article. I have to read it again . The Biden Harris dog and pony show is thankfully over. Hopefully Trump will bulldoze a lot of the mess

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Great post. Thank you!

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Is there any discussion about “Truth and Reconciliation” hearing the way it was handled in South Africa after apartheid? There are countless of us who have suffered from Biden/Fauci policies who will never get justice. And how many died on respirators and remdesivir incentivized with $ gladly accepted by the hospitals and administered by doctors. And I could go on.

I actually mind the pardons far less than I mind sweeping the dirt under the rug and pretending people weren’t killed for $.

Likewise with a generation of young men wiped out in the Ukraine. It was to fatten the military industrial complex. The truth needs to be told about the treasonous actions that have taken place.

Likewise with the Kennedy and King murder files. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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Thank you. Please take note that Lyme disease is a bio weapon too. The people who have the chronic version of it suffer and are denied by the government for care or even acknowledgement it exists. This includes RFK jr’s son. Listen to RFK jr’s podcast with Kris Newby. He said it’s not safe to go into the words anymore because of this. Shame on the Biden crime family.

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Fortunately, it appears that Lyme disease is another one that Ivermectin can treat cheaply and effectively. Search the archive of 2SG's Substack for more details:


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When you are chronic it’s hard to get into remission. I have used ivermectin long before people knew about it, before the pandemic. Thank you though, I know it comes from a well meaning place.

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Fuck trump lol. Rapist, bigot, nazi.!

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Bunch of false propaganda! What a waste of time.

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Why have you sent me political information? I thought this site was about alternative cancer treatments.

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Hi Don, Because of Fauci, many are dead. It was the Biden White House that put us along with our good friend, Bobby Kennedy, and others on the "Disinformation Dozen" list so that they could censor us, working with all the social media platforms and legacy media to shut us down so that you wouldn't hear about the viable options for COVID outside the jabs they pushed. We just filed a lawsuit against them all, and we are strongly supporting Robert F Kennedy, Jr for Secretary of HHS. We will work with him to ensure you will maintain your health freedoms and be able to learn the truth about cancer and vaccines rather than be spoon-fed propaganda and lies that could potentially kill you and your family members as it did 8 of our family members. God bless, Charlene

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Fuck trump.!

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I see - thanks for the reply. Just the same, in my opinion I think you will need to trust your readers to seek out and make up their own minds about the politics, just like they do about health info. I signed up to hear about cancer treatment, not political discourse. From the comments, this really splits your readership and unnecessarily causes concern.

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Brava, Charlene!

However, I'm quite puzzled that RFK, Jr did not prevent Trump from publicly backing AI mRNA cancer vaccines and has AFAIK been silent. Is he waiting to be confirmed as HHS Secretary before saying/doing anything? The optics are really bad. The disconnect between him and Trump is worrisome :(

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Trump has ordered a freeze on all regulations from the 3 organizations. 💥

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Isn't politics a big part of the problem? Doesn't Big Pharma bribe and blackmail politicians into hiding, prohibiting and lying about alternative cancer treatments?


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??? All the Western world peoples health is suffering horribly from a severe deficit of true & good information & overload of false & very bad information.

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Fauci is a disease - emblematic of the corruption in Washington that has allowed this criminal to walk freely for decades and continue to harm/kill people with his junk "science". Biden knows no shame; however his punishment will be a lasting legacy of criminality and mediocre governance. If things were right in this country, both Herr Fauci and Biden would be sentenced to long prison terms.

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It is quite obvious to which race Fauci belongs, the race that hates humanity. The race that thinks they are superior to everyone else. Let’s do genocide in a less messy way than we did in Russia in 1918.

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Is there any justice harsh enough to punish someone who has done what he has done?

If there were any justice in this world, Fauci should be placed on a ventilator -- with arms and legs fully restrained -- and administered his own favored drug remdesivir, made by his partner-in-crime Gilead Sciences, while FULLY CONSCIOUS but WITHOUT any propofol nor fentanyl to sedate him, so he will experience each and every excruciating breath until DEAD, just as he sentenced thousands upon thousands of innocents to be murdered in America's hospitals.

Hanging in the public square, a firing squad, the gas chamber, and the electric chair are much TOO MERCIFUL for him and his ilk.

"Anthony Fauci, the most prolific serial killer of all time"


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This is European mentality. The same evil, disgusting, inhumane beliefs that trafficked human beings from Africa, forced free labor, used chatle slavery, raped, murdered, lynched innocent human beings, for centuries, prevented people from reading and writing and I can go on and on. You are evil.

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"... You are evil."

Is that you Mrs. Fauci? Tell ^that^ to your husband, Mrs. Fauci. And shame on you for greenlighting so many of your husband's unethical experiments on innocent human beings, on babies forcibly pumped full of AZT, and on innocent, loving beagles.


"Christine Grady (born 1951/1952) is an American nurse and bioethicist who serves as the head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. ... Grady is married to Anthony Fauci, an American immunologist and former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health."


Can you say "Conflict of Interest"?

P.S. And if you think you saw a swastika, you had better put on your eyeglasses, so you can see the *4 syringes attached*, a symbol of how Fauci and his many evil, just-following-orders accomplices are still trying TO MURDER THE WORLD.

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Donald Trump is evil. Everyone who supports him is a person who embraces evil. This site keeps getting more and more disgusting. Let's be clear. On 1/6 /21 Trump sent a mob to the Capitol to murder his VP. No one was innocent who went there.

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"Our friend and patriot Stuart Rhodes" - that's priceless! But it's right on par with "RFK will save healthcare" , "DT will reduce the cost of energy by 50%, and eggs too", "Haitians ate our dogs", "Mexican immgrants are all criminals" - should we go on?

Is RFK going to take down big pharma? Would be great, but he wont, cuz if he tries he will be out faster than Jeff Sessions. Faucci is no saint but he is a symptom, not the problem. The same is true of DT, although he is trying his very best. To be a problem. Our friend and patriot.

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You are talking about democracy and supporting Trump you are a joke. He has pardoned 1600 convicted felon just like himself who were against democracy, Trump is divide the nation he is against to Gay’s right, discriminate immigrants what democracy you are talking about!

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Here is the most important current interview to innerstand the REAL SITUATION


Shannon Joy and Catherine Austin-FittsTechnocracy, Stargate, The Bitcoin Bailoutesp. from 38 mins.https://tube.solari.com/videos/exclusive-w-caf-technocracy-stargate-the-bitcoin-bailout/

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That is a great article. The crimes against Fauci go back to the 80's. It is especially vile since HIV does not exist nor viruses. Everyone should learn about chlorine dioxide from Dr Andreas Kalcker Substack and/or the documentary theuniversalantidote.com.

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I love CLO2!. I have used it on fire ant bites and burned fingers from fireplace with almost immediate relief of pain from the burn and no pustule formation from the ant bite. I try to always make some and keep on hand!

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Dr Andreas Kalcker (father of modern CLO2) is now on Substack and lists his protocols. Another good resource is theuniversalantidote.com.

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