
Shockingly in the first few minutes after posting this Substack about the attempted assassination of President Trump, we got 5 horrible, hateful comments about DJT and J6. If you cannot be civil and considerate to the President and his family during this time, don't bother commenting here. We will not allow this Substack (or any other) be overtaken by people who are only here to spread hate and venom. We will remove you.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Thank you for saying this, especially at such a horrific time in our country. How can people be so rude and hurtful? This is far worse than the "fairy tale" Liberals have concocted about what really happened on January 6th. I wonder if we will ever get the real truth about what really happened then, as well as Saturday's attempted assassination? Once again, the FBI is not doing their job responsibley. Both these incidents could have been prevented had they done what they should have. We can no longer depend on this corrupt agency to do what they were entrusted to do. God help us. Prayers continue for President Trump who has been tormented since he first announced he was running for POTUS. They have done everything but crucify him just because he loves our country so much. II Chronologicals 7:14. 🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

In a way, I was always glad that RFK Jr, was not granted Secret Service protection. I would not trust the inner workings of the deep state if he were granted that protection. In my opinion, RFK Jr is better off procuring his own private sources of protection. This world needs a lot of prayers right now. Please do your part in this matter.

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The devil is busy

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This is a shame.

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Thanks for sharing, and thanks for standing with, President DJ Trump and lifting up truth and rightgeousness.

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President Trump was totally dishonest concerning the Covid 19 hoax, the fake poisonous injections etc! He is responsible for so many deaths, injuries and more…..

Please see www.vaticancatholic.com for more important and critical information! Thank you and God bless America 🇺🇸

Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ 🙏 xx

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Justice and righteousness shall prevail as God Himself will see to it!

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Why do you believe “our” creator should intercede in such events?

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"The core message of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is a dangerous racist, sexist, authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs."

Just another example of Leftist projection, one of the Left's key propaganda methods.

At this point, I must disagree with the author. This assassination attempt was not the result of Leftist propaganda causing some hard-core Leftist or some mentally unbalanced individual to take shots at Mr. Trump. This attempt on Mr. Trump’s life has all the hallmarks of a professional hit. In addition, there are now reports there were two shooters. Finally, numerous eyewitnesses have come forward to state they saw the shooter(s) setting up on a roof in clear view and reported as much to "the authorities," who proceeded to do.... nothing. This entire event was brought to us courtesy of The Deep State.

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When did Trump EVER call for violence?

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NEVER! He is just SPOT ON bringing all their shortcomings on to surface and the TRUTH hurts them badly and since, they are the children of darkness, they can not accept the adorable humor packed with care in sense of a soft rebuke and adjust themselves, instead they go full on WAR and insult DJT and all of Us for Noticing their SHORTCOMINGS. THEY ARE THE ONES INSULTING, During the debate DJT did NOT insult, not even once, it's our lunitune poor grandpapa that lost his shorts in the middle of the debate and started being combative and insulting Trump, so this camlming down of the retoric goes for them, 1st. And you know what else? If they can't stand a little competition or heat, they best get out so folks like Trump can DO THE JOB! Anyway... right on my friend, Trump doesn't usually insult; it's just that His comebacks and "fun" irritate the heck out of those heavy hearted, nasty (and sorry, but even) ugly beings....

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Exactly how I feel. They spew what they are. Out of the heart the mouth speaks.

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He has said he doesn't know this group and is not backing them.

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NEVER - Bless him

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He doesn't need to apply any personal iotas about me. He needs to and does love his country.

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Yet, the entire country was better.

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Go crawl back under your rock.

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You are delusional. I just read everything I could find on Project 2025, and there is not the slightest hint of anything violent.

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Go seek help - you need it.

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Blame the victim 🙈

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True mental illness on display.

Have not cared for him since the 80s.

Seek help.

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One can be brainwashed with or without the MSM.

One can fast from the MSM and still be mentally ill.

One can enter a cult and lose his life. Others can enter a cult, escape, and get sucked into another cult.

Regardless, God loves all his creation, no matter how awful the thoughts and actions of some.

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Be humble before God

Love your neighbor

Learn to pray the Rosary

Pray it daily

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God bless America. Trump is chosen for such times because Courage and Faith will lead our nation back to God.

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Amen to that! He is a business man who loves our country and is not another corrupt politician. II Chronologicals 7:14! ✝️🙏🙏🙏

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You should tread very carefully.

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Your TDS has you blinded to the fact that your heroes like Biden, Obama and Clinton as well as those you may not like such as Bush all profited from political favors not available to the average citizen. Grow the hell up!

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

God Bless Trump and I am outraged by the hate by CNN and MSNBC. They have lied and constantly call Trump a nazi and dictator. These people have blood on their hands and I thank God for his divine intervention. The whitehouse has purposely denied Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr. the security they are entitled to. Again Thank God that Trump will be okay, Amen

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

The level of hate...in particular the last 4 years is insurmountable. What I am witnessing from a Canadian perspective as your neighbour to the north is very sad indeed. I pray that some sanity is restored and the American people stand even stronger in light of these recent events! God Bless my neighbours to the south!

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Praying for DJT and his family. And for the families affected by the tragedy.

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

My family is praying for President Trump and his family and for every righteous hero who stands up for goodness and justice and righteousness. God bless these people who are not cowards and fight for our nation.

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

What a special substack, and blessing s to us all. God Bless You for sharing your hearts and reminding us of our sacred connection to Christ's love.

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Thank God for Trump's safety. May he continue his aim to regain the presidency. God willing he will succeed.

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I am respectful and kind to the president. His name is Joe Biden! Donald Trump is not the president and hopefully never will be again. Although I enjoyed the Truth about Cancer info years ago your politics and conspiracy theories are such a shock to me now. Unbelievable!

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Problem is Cathy, that neither is Joe Biden the President, but yes, we can still be kind as you say.

Joe Biden is a “puppet” owned and operated behind the scenes by nefarious individuals who want to ruin our Country.

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There is currently a POTUS. That is a fact. Trump would ruin the country with a dictatorship. That would ruin USA.

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Truth is unsettling

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You will learn the real truth in time about PRESIDENT Trump. Your eyes are blinded by the darkness of this world & msm LIES. Prayers that God opens your eyes to the truth.

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Where is Trumps VP? Do you remember why we celebrate the 4th of July? We celebrate our freedom from a king. Freedom from dictatorship. Don’t fly the American flag under this traitor- he stands against everything America is supposed to be. “With liberty and justice for all”. I believe in this. Do you? PS- there is nothing hateful here, just sincere questions, which are healthy.

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Clearly you dont realize we have been under dictatorship for a long time and especially in the last 4 yrs. Biden is a corrupt puppet who also has dementia and is not fit to be in the Whitehouse! Shame on people for allowing that! People need to understand that they arent free and that more and more their rights are being taken from them. The longer we allow evil people to stay in power, the more they take from us. We had a chance to stand up to them when they pulled that Covid con on us, the purpose of which was to poison as many people as possible. Did we stand up to them? No, the majority of people were sheep. If you are going to be sheep, expect to be led to slaughter. Get your head out of the clouds (which are full of chemtrails btw) and understand that you are a slave.You are not living in a country that is run by people who believe in "liberty and justice for all." But hey, if you like being a sheep/slave, by all means support the evil doers.

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If you took the jabs and promoted them to others, then you bent your knee, gave away your bodily autonomy and took others autonomy from them by means of 'no jab no job', you are in fact verily a slave. For what is it that a slave does not have? FREEDOM OF CHOICEm FREEDOM of SPEECH and BODILY AUTONOMY.. they do not get to 'choose' what they will do, they only get to do what is 'decreed'. So yes, most people out there jabbed how ever 'unwillingly' are slaves. Because they DID bow down... for fear of something... loss of status, travel, money, job, ... FEAR made them blind and submissive. Even the super religious ones.. fear of dying. Really? When to die is to go home to Heaven? So many many blind deluded fools..

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MAGA SUPPORTERS: Retaliate with our VOTE. This environment of violence was started by the disrespect shown President Trump when he gave his first State of the Union Address. Then by the mainstream media while covering up Biden's mental condition perpetuated the lie that President Trump was a threat to Democracy and another Hitler. Black, White and all other American's MUST unite and stand together to take our country.

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The violence started when a black president was elected and a certain party couldn't stand it. And it has only escalated since then.

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Absolute baloney

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Biggest load of baloney in these comments.

And there is a ton of mentally deranged salad on here.


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I’m in independent.

Threadcrap elsewhere.

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Take your meds.

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I am so sorry you believe this lie. The white liberals that voted for OBAMA did it because they felt it would show our country differently. The people of color like myself voted for him because it was the first time anyone of color could cross that invisible line. We had to vote for this half white, half black educated community organizer who spoke well could represent us well and dispel the image of our people as lazy, overly sexually active, without integrity. The one thing we did not consider is he hates America and our Western lifestyle and Christian principals.

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Bontheia Chatman

Bontheia’s Substack

Jul 14

MAGA SUPPORTERS: Retaliate with our VOTE. This environment of violence was started by the disrespect shown President Trump when he gave his first State of the Union Address. Then by the mainstream media while covering up Biden's mental condition perpetuated the lie that President Trump was a threat to Democracy and another Hitler. Black, White and all other American's MUST unite and stand together to take our country.

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I'm not against either party, nor am I for either of these "men" we need something new, but as long as Washington is full of these good ole boys that constantly can pad their pockets by not being for the people it will continue...on both sides. It's been going on for far too long...on both sides. Neither are "for the people"

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Praise Jesus, divine intervention is REAL and God is in complete and total control! 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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Thus Trump is sanctified by his opponents, who have just shot themselves squarely in the foot. Durrr

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It has always been Trump Derangement Syndrome from the left! I wish G-d could get through the voting system scandals and more cheating.

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I'm not a sheep. Before you criticize you better ask more questions.

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Then you must be a lib. I research more than most people and don't listen to gossip. Are you still in the banking system?

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Jul 14Liked by The Truth About Cancer

It was so refreshing to read this article this morning. I appreciate your efforts.

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