It all started in 1996, six months after we were married, when we took Ty’s 52 year old father, Graham Bollinger, went to the hospital with severe stomach pains. Over the course of less than a day, the prognosis morphed from “gallstones” to “advanced stomach cancer” and the doctors removed over 75% of Graham’s stomach.

The doctors told us that Dad would have about 2 years to live, if we didn’t do chemotherapy. He only lived another 25 days. He died from the surgery. He bled to death.

After Dad died, we embarked on a mission to discover all we could about cancer treatments and therapies that might have helped prolong his life. We were shocked to learn that there were multiple effective cancer treatments that may have helped him, but we didn’t have the freedom to access them in the USA.

Over the course of the next several years, we lost 6 other close family members to cancer (and its ineffective treatments), culminating with the loss of Ty’s precious mother, Jerry Bollinger, in 2004.

We’ve now been on our “mission” for over 2 decades. During that time, we’ve uncovered some shocking information – doctors are being persecuted, successful treatments have been “banned” and people are dying because they do NOT have the freedom to choose the best treatment protocol for their particular condition.

We firmly believe that if Mom, Dad, and all our other family members had access to “advanced” cancer treatments (many of which are not “allowed” in the USA), they might still be alive today. It’s now our mission to share the TRUTH with the world.

And the truth is that we should all have the freedom to choose!

… freedom to choose the best cancer treatment protocol

… freedom to say “yes” or “no” to chemotherapy

… freedom to “try” a treatment that hasn’t been “approved” by the FDA

… freedom NOT to vaccinate

Without freedom, we are no different from any of the many totalitarian dictatorships across the globe.

We will NEVER STOP fighting to protect our health freedom!

Below are 2 videos where we share our “Why” we do what we do in just a few minutes each. These are our only 2 YouTube videos up at this time. The day Joe Biden called us killers for telling the truth about vaccines, YouTube took down “The Truth About Cancer” YouTube channel where we had close to 300,000 subscribers and over 30,000,000 views on our videos and documentaries we had posted there. They had already taken down our “The Truth About Vaccines” channel. We are on Rumble, Brighteon, and Bitchute now. We are still up on Facebook here, here, and here. We are also on Twitter here. But these channels are severely censored and shadow-banned and most of our bigger Twitter channels have been suspended after the Biden WH put us on the “Disinformation Dozen” list of the 12 most dangerous people in the world for telling the truth about vaccines and COVID.

This is why we love Substack. We reached out to the Substack CEO and he and his team have been most helpful to us in getting our life saving content back online for you to have once again.

It is our honor to serve the world the TRUTH that has saved countless lives that would have perished without the information and content we have been able to produce and bring to you for ever 2 decades now!

Thanks for joining us here on our New Substack and Journey as we navigate our way around the world and back again to find the TRUTH so that we can present it to you.

Below are just a few testimonies we have received from people whose lives have changed for the better, and some even saved after watching our films or reading our content.

  1. “Thanks for all you continue to do on behalf of those committed to finding safer & immune system-honoring approaches to eliminating & preventing this disease.”

– Deb Langhans
Friday Harbor, Washington, USA

  1. “2015 started with a diagnosis of breast cancer for me. Watching The Truth About Cancer in November with my mom, a breast cancer survivor, was certainly very timely. I am glad I took notes! It was a very informative series and I am so glad I had it before. Trying to slow down a bit to focus and  make good decisions. Thank you for your work to educate people on this all too common disease.”

– Pam Covil

Subscribe to The Truth About Cancer

Cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. As long as there's breath, there's hope. We provide powerful solutions you won't find anywhere else. We share the TRUTH about CANCER and VACCINES and are the MOST CENSORED COUPLE ON THE PLANET! Join us!


Founded by Ty & Charlene Bollinger