Is this like the Medbeds, or healing pods we've been told about?

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Yes, they are. Put your zip code here so you can find the nearest UNIFYD Healing Center and visit to see for yourself. Remarkable technology. Let us know when you visit! https://www.unifydhealing.com/

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Got it, thank you!!!

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Is this available in South Africa?

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There are many healing modalities that have been hidden from us!! I personally love the EES system. Med beds are here and have been in use!! I personally will work with the med beds.

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The EES system is nothing like what’s portrayed on the movie Elysium and it’s not the Medbeds which are not yet available. I’m surprised you would promote this as such. A much better system for healing and raising consciousness is the Rasha as it’s the only base 12 morphogenetic frequency field generator

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Thank you.

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