It never ceases to amaze me that when you present cold, hard facts to some people their cognitive dissonance just doesn’t allow them to be able to think critically.

Maybe a “reset” is what we need for those who are totally indoctrinated?

Great article with written & video proof!

Thank you & keep on keeping on!

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It’s a combination of extended adolescence and naïveté to why many don’t wake up to the truth: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-naivete-and-extended-adolescence

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And the shots

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In 1984, G Edward Griffin interviewed Soviet Defector Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov who explained the four stages of Marxist/Communist takeover of a nation. The process in the US had been wildly successful through stage three at that time. He stated that those programmed during stage one, of which three generations had been by that time, will absolutely refuse to accept the truth, even when shown hard evidence. He said, “Only when the military boot crushes their balls will they wake up.” Only 7 minutes long. Worth watching.


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well done overview- but even with the government docs, i can't get my husband or most people to read this-- they just don't want to know. Rosalind Peterson came to our town in FFx Ca to give the presentation she gave in front of the U.N. She had at the time the most comprehensive website on this topic- pages and pages of patents by Gates, and many others, including many military patents. More people are learning about this daily. Thank you for everything you do.

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Valeri, you mentioned Rosalind Peterson. She was a good friend and spoke in my home for a group of Eagle Forum members in Santa Rosa twice. She had such an amazing collection of pictures of chemtrails and told us what a terrible effect they had on the soil, and explained why farmers were finding aluminum oxide in their soil, affecting the plants growth. Did you know Rosalind passed away a few years ago? I think it was from cancer.

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yes - i knew her well- if it wasn't for peter kirby we would have had an anti - geoneering ordinance here in fairfax- 10 years of work down the drain because of that infiltrator-

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Valeri, As Peter Kirby has been actively exposing chemtrails for years, how is it he obstructed an anti-geoengineering ordinance? Doesn't make sense?? Not questioning you, just confused...

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Dr. Judy Wood has evidence that a hurricane was steered on 9/11:

the people who dustified the towers

wanted a source of static charge in the area

to enhance the effectiveness of the beam weapon that dustified the towers

according to the Hutchison Effect:


. the Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. In other words, the Hutchison Effect is not simply a singular effect. It is many.

The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences

in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by

high voltage sources,

usually a Van de Graff generator,

and two or more Tesla coils.

The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects,

fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood (exactly as portrayed in the movie,

"The Philadelphia Experiment"),

the anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material,

spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a sideways fashion),

and both temporary and permanent changes in the

crystalline structure and physical properties of metals.

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 1st Edition

Dr. Judy Wood (Author), Eric Larsen (Foreword)















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Hi valeri, I just commented in the post above a very similar comment here. Some people just are extremely naive or have a child like maturity about these things and just really trust their government

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Me neither mine says is BS and I’m crazy, the Skys in the U.K. are a mess every day.

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Just look up!!!

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It's a curious topic no doubt. Last time I heard the government's technology was 50 years ahead of what the public could logically perceive. Catherine Austin Fitts, former .gov employee draws similar conclusions. She mentioned that Fukushima was the same sorta thing, but her reasoning was slightly different.

Curious to read a follow up article.

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Solari.com CAF website is loaded with good info on this and many other topics

CAF was at HUD and saw the $$$ disappearing- she has a good story about the missing trillions and surmises that that might have been the start up money for the big chemtrail program rollout we see overheard

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You've lost all credibility now. I was right there with you about cancer and sometimes vaccines, but now you're simply conspiracy theorist and I am unsubscibing.

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Interesting and sad to see intelligent people recoil when they are presented with new and uncomfortable information. Dr. Kapp, here is another source for you to consider - The Dimming, a full length documentary about weather modification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY. Find the courage to watch it and maybe you will learn something you did not know.

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Wow. Listen to Nora O’Donald on 60 minutes right before your very eyes. And look up all the patents. Right there in black-and-white.

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Inform yourself and just look the hell up once in a while.

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Hard pill to swallow, isn’t it? Sometimes the patient has to undergo a healing crisis, where they stop consuming the mind poisons, and undergo a cleansing process, while they carefully experiment, and learn the truth about how they really are affected by all the elements of their environment, external, and internal. Denial is a natural response. It would be a shame if it is the end of your journey.

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Yes. In nutrition school it was suggested that we try a procedure or diet before recommending it. I am still doing that.

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How have they lost all credibility? This technology has been around since the 40s. Of course the radical leftists liberals are using it to eradicate or make it difficult for conservatives, especially in swing states like NC, to vote. The evil agenda tentacles of the left is not only deep, but unfortunately immensely widespread. People need to open their eyes and not just vote based on their Trump derangement syndrome. Open up this article and read facts about how long weather modifications/weaponization has been around, and how unusual the behaviors of these recent hurricanes are. Was it a coincidence that hurricane Ian was just as destructive when Gov DeSantis was running for reelection? And again, now we have two horrible hurricanes less than a month from another election? The combination of opening the borders to allow illegals in to vote for Kamala, and then cause two catastrophic hurricanes that have destroyed/unalived/displaced many red voters - it's got greed and power hungry, driven liberal leftists oligarch cabal fingerprints all over it.

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illegals can't vote! Did Bush created Kathrina? Think for yourself. We don't have to be influenced by the left or the right. Just use comon sence.

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The CIA created and weaponized the term Conspiracy Theory in the 70's, and because of their use of brainwashing techniques and propaganda, they were able to make people respond exactly this way :-(

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Buh bye!!

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Sharing this document for your review. Please add your inputs as comments directly in the document. Looking forward to your feedback!


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Burry your head in the sand!

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The writing in this post is very weak in the realm of science. It is jam packed with phrases like "Chemtrails are believed to be" and "the potential for dual-use applications in geoengineering is undeniable." While it contains interesting facts, it attempts to create a chain of cause and effect by stringing them all together. If they would remove all the buffoonery and efforts at persuasion and just present solid factual information it might be worth reading the whole thing. Meanwhile, I have better things to do.

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I was researching Weather Warfare and came across Bill H.R. 2977 of the 107th Congress that was passed in October 2001. It was a treaty against using all the technology they had, including for stimulating seismic disturbances. (Earthquakes)

So the law has been broken and Trump will expose it all (the swamp he will drain.) Gird your loins.

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👋 👋 👋 don't let the🎴hit you on the

🍑...on your way ➡️➡️➡️.

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Would explain a lot including people in FL having dry ice on their lawns and the northern lights we can now see in the south. This is absolute fact people and they have the parents to prove it

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I have a degree in meteorology, and I can confidently say that humans currently lack the technology to affect the weather on a large scale.

The emergence of hurricane manipulation technology would logically require fulfilling two conditions: humans being able to manipulate hurricanes and accurately predict the outcomes. At present, neither of these conditions is met.

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Did you even read the article and play the videos provided in the article? Drs have "degrees" too and many of them still don't know how to heal people and are basically just drug dealers. They also don't know much about nutrition and how it plays a crucial role in health. So, not minimizing your degree, but maybe weather modification and weaponization was left out of your curriculum, because it's a thing, it's real.

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Globally, there are likely tens of millions of qualified doctors, while those with a degree in meteorology may only number in the tens of thousands. It's nearly impossible for the government to establish another meteorology program outside of universities to train such a specific number.

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With respect, is your comment based on what you know from your training, or also based on the content of this document and its links and videos?

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The university system only teach what they want you to know and to manipulate you in to a certain direction. This has been going on for years. Why do you think it’s so easy to get into universities now.

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Chiming in here since I'm doing my PhD in solar geoengineering...

90% of the article here is absolute bullshit. Yes, weather modification is technically a thing, and yeah the US tried to weaponize it with Project Cirrus & Stormfury - is fascinating history for sure, but (un)fortunately cloud seeding with silver iodide or other cloud condensation nuclei hardly work.

The best they can do is shift rain/snow a tiny bit from where it would have otherwise already have been. It's extremely hard to get solid data which confirms silver iodide even works, and only certain (cold) clouds are amenable to it.

The amount of energy required for *large scale* weather modification though and something like steering and/or strengthening hurricanes is obscene. It's not even in the same ballpark.

Hurricanes release heat energy equivalent to a 1 Mt nuclear bomb every 20 minutes, and its total energy is easily several orders of magnitude (100x -1000x) larger than conventional nuclear weapons.

Not even the entire US air force deployed at once bombing a single hurricane would shift a hurricane track. To think we could do that with high frequency oscillations from the ionosphere or some unknown cloud seeding technique through a single aircraft is completely absurd.

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You are right; relying on basic principles of physics and chemistry can to sound judgments. In China, few people hold this view. Even with a powerful government, many do not believe that it has the ability to control the weather. In the U.S., however, many people share this belief, which is quite surprising.

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Hi there,

A patent doesn't guarantee feasibility. For solutions to complex systems, you should always remain skeptical, as they are likely impractical. I patented intratumoral injection of chlorine dioxide in 2014, but it still hasn't reached clinical trials. There are too many hurdles to overcome from patent to reality.

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Seems plausible ClO2 could heal tumors. It helps so many other ailments..but we know "they" want to keep us sick and unhealthy so "they" can have repeat customers.

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Conflicting interests.

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I don't understand; the patents you provided are owned by individuals or companies, not by the U.S. government. How do you determine that these patents are held by the U. government?

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Now imagine that they did in fact use geoengineering on Helene. They had 2 feet of water in less than 24 hours, with no warning from officials weather stations etc. There are literally thousands upon thousands of people stranded in the Appalachian mountains with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. No clean water, no food, no communications. Not to mention thousands upon thousands of livestock and agricultural property at the height of harvest GONE! Roads, electricity, bridges, dams, reservoirs all gone. Almost zero help from gov'ts. and some that has come such as FEMA has turned into a corrupt association that has stolen donated items and funds meant to go to survivors. Private citizens and companies have stepped up to the plate to help save as many as they can. There is even Helicopter companies, mule trains, goat trains of private citizens working their own time and resources to get to the highest areas through unbelievable conditions packing supplies foods and medicines to people stranded. The stories are unbelievably courageous and a stunning profile of the human spirit! Now, think for a second, if these are nafarious and intended to harm the American people and done by their own government! My god, how sinister can people get?

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once you see it you can't un-see it- one of the ways that tricksters have split us up from each other is by having 'countries' or 'colors' and pitting us against each other- the same way they are creating 'homeless' and splitting us in that way- as they empty out all means of production and end jobs, more and more people will appear to be 'disposable'- we need to see through this cloud of sickness that they are trying to create- do not support any of their nefarious aims- we are love- we are cocreators with god- we are here to do good and support each other in every way possible- do not use their inverted words- every word, every breath we take has an impact-

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Vice President Lyndon Johnson said in a 1962 speech 'if you control the weather, you control the people'

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Thank you for this excellent overview of weather modification.

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You could spend hours and hours on this site reading all about the history of weather modification!

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Boy, it is reeeaaaallllyyy going to be a lot of people with chaotic issues when they start to see what has really been going on for the last 100 or more years. I don't know that we have enough educated people to deal with it. (the mind disturbance from ones that can't accept the alteration of history and all past).

That's ok, we can only do what we can do. Thank you guys for bringing this subject to the for front, even tho it isn't about cancer cures. Maybe that's what happened.........you got out of your place. Hahahaha. Thank you for doing that.

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Anthing labeled as a "conspiracy theory" by now should be read as "something likely to be true that reveals something embarrassing to the establishment." That doesn't mean it IS true. However, looking at the many claims made by dissenters during the COVID period that were labeled as conspiracy theories which later were shown to be true, it is now well established that the label of conspiracy theory is opposite in actual meaning to its intended meaning. Namely it is a story that is likely to be true, not unlikely. Just look back over the past four years and the evidence screams out.

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It is great that you are getting this truth out there. Thank you once again. The couple of "Redacted" on YouTube talk about these things all the time.

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You are just afraid to face the truth and reality. Facts are facts and have been proven over and over again but you are still in total denial. People like you should not have doctor in front of your name.

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I think a few things were left out...like this for one.https://www.courageouslion.us/p/about-the-conspiracy-theory-of-helene And sun spots and lack of sun spots and the pole shift that is claimed to have started 10-20 years ago which hasn't happened for 178,000 years, and volcanic activity like the one in the article that dumped 126 MILLION TONS of water into the upper atmosphere. That pesky nature can do some weird things WITHOUT mans "help". Plus don't these lunatics live on the same planet? Steering a hurricane can't be quite as easy as steering a car. Call me a skeptic. And if it turns out that they ARE behind the destruction...TAKE IT TO THEM. AIM SMALL MISS SMALL. I've read a lot and see lots of failures and lots of experiments, but no real PROOF.

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What does this say about the military members who participate in this? They are complicit. You can't just say "I was following orders." A military member has the OBLIGATION to question an order that does not comply with the natural or moral law. Unfortunately, too many are not aware of this obligation - or don't care because career / money - so they uncritically carry out these orders. I'm an Air Force veteran. I blush with shame over what our government is doing to the world and most especially, our United States. Never thought I'd say this but I cannot recommend to any of my grand nieces/nephews to join the military today.

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