A big piece of the puzzle is being largely unmentioned/ignored here. Please make time to study the works of Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka and others who have very thoroughly shown what a scam the entire field of virology is and that not one single of the dozens of so-called viruses has yet to be shown to actually exist. It's all a scam from the very beginning when you go back far enough and look at the methods of every single experiment claiming "viruses", which those mentioned above have all done. Once enough people look deeply into this, no more fake pandemics based on fake invisible particles.

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Tom Cowan and all of WestonAPrice.org. Tom and Sally Fallon-Morell wrote a great book on the virus that you can look up.

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You stated that very well. I’m very surprised that the TTAC people are not on board with the fact that there are no viruses. We only get sick from environmental poisons, junk food and toxic relationships.

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They will be destroyed by God just as God destroyed Evil in Biblical Times. I will stick to using certain Vitamins, Zinc and essential Supllements to keep my Immune System strong. The CDC and Big Pharma are of Satan and can go to Hell along with Satan.

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You get a lot of zinc from grass fed meat and liver. You get a lot of other good vitamins from liver as well. You just MUST make sure to have vitamin C, NAC and quercetin in bovine gelatin capsules in the house while they are available and take no shots. Like Dr. Zev Zelenko said (but you also need to combine it NAC and quercetin): https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-11-09-dr-zelenko-zinc-bullet-kills-covid-virus.html

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Support your local ranchers and farmers, People!

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Am I ready for another man-made pandemic? Somewhat, I think. Or at least I'm aware enough to have told my stepdaughter NOT to get the cat chipped in the expectation that it might get the cat killed by bird-flu inspectors at some point. Not too long ago here in the UK they started to make you register domestic chickens, so I knew something was up then. Non-compliance has worked well for some of us so far, and I recommend it.

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Support all your local farmers and ranchers and fishermen, get to know them.

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Say no to any additional false lockdowns. I'm not going to do it and if it becomes mandatory then those who have caused this massive crime in America deserve a quick trial and then sentence them to execution because that's what they are doing to this country. "Remember Covid" will be my battle cry.

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Rapture ready.

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better watch JOHN RICH w Tucker

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But .. but ..there will be no rapture! The following link is a long read but an interesting one. Are the vaccines the prophesied Mark of the Beast? How the Rothchilds turned the church upside down.


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Listen to God’s Word, not man.

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Well, if they wanna bring cancer to the masses (again), we might have the answer... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/horse-paste-a-major-cancer-killer

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horse paste + fenbendazole.

research Joe Tippins protocol.

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Actually, Fenbendazole is the veterinary formula, and it works. However, Mebendazole is the human version. Yes, like Ivermectin, there is a veterinary formula and a human formula, in the form of pills.

Excellent progress against cancer is being made using using Ivermectin in high dose, on conjunction with Mebendazole. I'm seeing the results over and over, except in those with the vax-induced "turbo cancers". They do not respond to conventional treatment, and are hyper aggressive, killing the patient too fast. There isn't time, in too many cases, for the above therapies to be effective. If it is caught at stage one or two, that's the best chance of containing it. After stage 3, it becomes difficult, and stage four will most likely be terminal. It's tragic, but that's what we are seeing day after day now.

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I didn't comply the first time so you know I won't comply this time--no shots, no masks and I will NOT be locked down.

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my husband had his second Moderna vaccine and had seizures a d blood clots, on a ventilator for 2 weeks . After extubation wS very confused and weakened. Sent home only to have had repeated episodes of respiratory symptoms and covid positives. Had another episode of sepsis and was on a ventilator another week. Been the worse 3 years of our lives. He passed away in April. All starting with the vacunnes

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I'm saddened by your story, Marilyn. Bless you and yours.

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Forewarned is forearmed. Many thanks. Meanwhile, and quite insanely, water buffalo in the Northern Terrirtory are to be shot out along with cattle. Buffalo are not even slightly related to cattle so this is pointless as a bird flu measure. I am working on this one.

My efforts in this regard are hamstrung slightly by a melanoma of the eye. I am consuming 30 apricot kernels per day, applecider vinegar/baking soda, red capsicum, garlic, magnesium, ginger, cayenne pepper, ghee, tumeric, fatty/oily fish, acai berries, and parsley. Salads each meal. Can you recommend anything else? Thanks, Tony Ryan tonyryan43@protonmail.com

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Winning the War on Cancer by Sylvie Beljanski is a FANTASTIC book! Her father was able to take natural plant compounds, do tons of research with them, have dozens of drs use them succesfully to treat and cure patients, to kill cancer stem cells. The website for the supplements is


My husband is currently taking Prostabel from this company, as it has the 2 top compounds together in it. We are waiting to get blood work done monday to see how it is helping, but I have noticed already improvement with his energy! To me, after taking so many "smaller" supplements ( which were helping as well!), this is our next big step.

He is taking the apricot kernels as well, along with a tincture for your liver, mushroom tincture, supplements recommended by Hans Neiper (book The Curious Man...another great read!). You are taking a lot of fantastic things already! Way to go! On youtube, the Biblical Nutritionist is a great help with anti cancer foods. The book How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLellan was interesting as well. I hope something from my ramblings will be helpful! 🙏

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Your post is now secure on my hard drive and I will follow up on your advice. Keep in touch and let me know how your husband recoveres. This may prove to be a good forum to exchange notes, which is the missing element on this subject, or so it seems to me. Many thanks, Amanda.

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Many cancer studies on the Ray Peat Forum say pure aspirin, plus the fenbendazole as stated here. (PHD R.Peat passed last Nov but his biochem students worldwide keep the forum going). Go to member Haidut for cancer posts collection

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Yes, pure aspirin or white willow bark is not the stuff that Bayer and Monsatan make.

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So how/where dors one get pure aspirin? I'm in Europe BTW. Thanks 😃

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Look up white willow bark online. You want it organic and in bovine gel caps if possible. You will have to find out which sites in Europe and near your home you can buy it.

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Thank you!

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Thanks, but a few days before the cancer was diagnosed I completed 100 days of Ivermectin (Human dose). I am kinda wary of that stuff now.

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But natural aspirin sounds promising. Thanks guys, this is the place to make good friend.

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Brand Pharmbest. Bottle of 1000 for about$11. I got on a 3month auto delivery. Totally chewable and not unpleasant. Now I use it in my diy topical, for gardening, cut flowers, so many things

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Don't forget the NAC amino acid,

And do a 3 week parasite cleanse and heavy metal detox

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I believe that liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries were open as well.

Because... reasons.

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This is a health emergency right? A viral pandemic right? So how come they can plan as far ahead as October from July?

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This article makes me think that the obstacle to their control are the people who are aware and won't comply with their mandates. In order to rid the world of these "rebels" the just need to create a device that really does need a vaccine for protection.

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Correction...Next Man-Made SCAMDEMIC! 😜

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