Could 2025 be the year we reclaim our power? Can we rise above the chaos and looming darkness and move beyond the grid of tyrannical control over our lives? Read on to find out more ...
To add to your insightful message, As we move into this year, it’s so important to stay out of fear and hold your vibration high. Visualize the Earth you want to experience and hold the energy of love and compassion.
Elon Musk was not elected but once again an oligarch will control the U.S. government via “donations” and a cushy appointment.
I feel betrayed as my teen will now have to compete against all of Pakistan/India for a job and HB1 visa scammers will continue to call anyone who opposes this the R word that makes conservatives who conserve nothing flee in horror. They would rather my son beg for a job than be called a name. MAGA means Make America Great again, not India.
I have heard this too many times now Robert. American born citizens graduate with first class engineering degrees but with a twist, the white ones, even with a summa cum laude, cannot find a job. Disgraceful!
Since you mention engineers here who graduated suma cum laude and can't find a job, I should mention also that there was an editorial in one of the industry magazines years ago saying that industry is telling academia, "You're not giving us the kind of engineers we need. We need ones who can do this, this, and this..." and academia responds, "Look, you know your field, and we know education. Leave the education to us, 'kay?", so the problem persists. It was a constant frustration for me in the years when I was hiring technicians and engineers.
I'm a self-taught electronics engineer, a circuit designer. The poor economy has made the small company I've been working for for many years need to cut way back, and they cut my hours and pay waaaaay down, so I had to find a second job. I tried online, since that's how you're supposed to do it now, but that wasn't working; so I went to an industrial park and started looking at the signs on buildings, looking for anything in electronics. I went into the first one I found, presented my resume, the CEO talked to me for a long time in the conference room, showed me around, and hired me. It's in a field of electronics that's new to me, but he liked my 40+ years of experience history so much he wanted me anyway, in spite of my age. OTOH, I've helped an engineering student in India a lot by email, and I have to say that what that engineering school was teaching was pretty worthless, and he definitely was not smart enough to be an engineer, yet he graduated somehow. Then he wanted me to write him a recommendation to be a teacher! I had to tell him that he had an awful lot to learn before he had any business teaching.
Excellent summary. Scary and sad what our world has become. Once connected people proud free healthy, have been bamboozled. I don’t want to be a Slave! Time to stand up to the tyranny of hypocrisy and lies we have been fed!
Predictions? Speculation? I think it is good to be aware of possibilities. But realize the importance of living a day at a time. It is all we really have. And THEN there is the issue of faith. Faith in the right source; Jesus Christ and "the word" that sets us free. Going forward we need to consider 3 important "words." TRUTH, COURAGE, HONOR. Isn't "their" meaning in short supply? Based on "our" faith, we need to keep those meanings active. TRUTH is even more important now. It takes COURAGE TO speak the TRUTH, and to live that TRUTH. Then there is the issue of HONOR. We HONOR our LORD by demonstrating COURAGE to speak TRUTH. We can also HONOR each other by acknowledging all of this. Let's go forward for 2025. Remember that we need to acknowledge one TRUTH BY speaking it; that Ti and Charlene have been speaking and important TRUTH; The TRUTH about Cancer. We are indeed blessed we have them.
While all of these scenarios are within the realm of possibility I seriously doubt that they will all come to fruition and in many instances will be pure fantasy. I applaud you for your thought process but admonish you conclusions as mostly wishful thinking. There appears to be a bit of haze in your crystal ball which is normal for these types of predictions. In any case I appreciate your opinions.
Very insightful article. We are in for Mr. Toad’s wild ride. As a conservative I just wish we could go back to the way things were when America was great in the first place. All the innovations, bitcoins, cyber currency and realignment of fossil fuels versus green energy makes my head spin. Furthermore I just wish I could hire AI to get rid of all of my unwanted text messages still coming in from the Republican Party.
While much of your “ prediction” is doom and gloom, we are individuals DO have a voice. Now more than ever, conservative minded individuals need to stand up , connect with local grassroots organizations to keep fighting the battle of super radical leftwing ideologies…LIES.. and what we want for America. It is a LONG list!
One comment you do not mention regarding “Climate change” is climate manipulation..a growing concern of the geo thermal trails in our skies etc. In Arizona it is more prevalent each year…and to me, VERY dangerous.
While I share your concern for everything mentioned in the blog, I honestly wonder if this is helpful for people suffering from cancer. Stress is very likely to undermine their health even further, so why publish an article like this on this medium? Maybe it would be better to start a designated channel for valuable information like this. But then again, I may be thinking inside too many boxes by stating this. I hope there's room for considerations like mine.
About selective health care and who to treat and not, this has been going on long before AI. I was rushed to hospital 35 years ago in a critical condition, I observed the procedures in the hospital as they gathered information on patients, did they have dependents, were they employed, how many children and what ages, patients were then categorised into groups and given a number corresponding to one’s worth to society. It was real alright by the way in which patients were treated, I was horrified, I thought I was in an ‘end of life’ ward.
Actually the global elites are causing "climate change" deliberately by DEWs , MASERs, weather warfare (steered that last hurricane eastward for example) , weaher manipulation, cloud seeding, chem trails, HAARP technology (from Alaska) , etc o collapse western nations and bring on their one world order global government.
Yes. But probably not in the way you think. Those of us more seasoned in “tech” remember. And “AI” smells like another cycle of the hype that inevitably falls short of the breathless but unrealistic expectations set for it. Maybe “falls short” is a little strong, but certainly “doesn’t go entirely in the widely-anticipated direction” is accurate.
As an example, in the 1980’s “expert systems” were the “AI” of the day, replacing professionals such as lawyers and doctors. You would describe your symptoms to, and receive your diagnosis from, an “expert system” without the need for a doctor. Medicine would be taken over by computers. They were right in a way, just not a good way. Doctors spend the bulk of their 6 minutes allotted to the patient with their face in a screen, following a diagnostic checklist and robotically applying the insurance-company/big pharma dictated “standard of care”, dispensing pills like an over-priced gum ball machine. The result? Costs are soaring and health (among the in-doctor-inated) is crashing. The “expertise” for the “expert system” was co-opted by those who control (directly or indirectly) the computers. I see no reason to believe that “AI” will be any different.
As for “AI” replacing CEOs? Abject nonsense. If every company has the same “AI”, how will competitive advantage be achieved? By human creativity of course, which, despite the claims of the religion of materialism, is not algorithmic as “AI” necessarily is.
My prediction is that “AI” is, very soon, going to start to show diminishing returns (and it, according to some reports, already is). It may seem to enslave us, but just think of doctors to see what that slavery looks like: the computer is not the master, it’s just the whip.
To add to your insightful message, As we move into this year, it’s so important to stay out of fear and hold your vibration high. Visualize the Earth you want to experience and hold the energy of love and compassion.
Visualisation? Vibration? Sounds like paganism / New Age stuff to me. I will stick to what the Ancient Of Days has said in His Word.
Well said brother. This well-intended article ends with a picture of the light-bearer... Cling to the Rock and endure the coming persecution for your Lord Jesus Christ.
The Truth is plain as day.
Thank you.
Yes but don’t confuse love and compassion for protecting our country number one!
GOD's blessings to TTAC - gratitude for the Truth Warriors - in GOD we Trust ...
Great assessment as always!!
Elon Musk was not elected but once again an oligarch will control the U.S. government via “donations” and a cushy appointment.
I feel betrayed as my teen will now have to compete against all of Pakistan/India for a job and HB1 visa scammers will continue to call anyone who opposes this the R word that makes conservatives who conserve nothing flee in horror. They would rather my son beg for a job than be called a name. MAGA means Make America Great again, not India.
I have heard this too many times now Robert. American born citizens graduate with first class engineering degrees but with a twist, the white ones, even with a summa cum laude, cannot find a job. Disgraceful!
Since you mention engineers here who graduated suma cum laude and can't find a job, I should mention also that there was an editorial in one of the industry magazines years ago saying that industry is telling academia, "You're not giving us the kind of engineers we need. We need ones who can do this, this, and this..." and academia responds, "Look, you know your field, and we know education. Leave the education to us, 'kay?", so the problem persists. It was a constant frustration for me in the years when I was hiring technicians and engineers.
I'm a self-taught electronics engineer, a circuit designer. The poor economy has made the small company I've been working for for many years need to cut way back, and they cut my hours and pay waaaaay down, so I had to find a second job. I tried online, since that's how you're supposed to do it now, but that wasn't working; so I went to an industrial park and started looking at the signs on buildings, looking for anything in electronics. I went into the first one I found, presented my resume, the CEO talked to me for a long time in the conference room, showed me around, and hired me. It's in a field of electronics that's new to me, but he liked my 40+ years of experience history so much he wanted me anyway, in spite of my age. OTOH, I've helped an engineering student in India a lot by email, and I have to say that what that engineering school was teaching was pretty worthless, and he definitely was not smart enough to be an engineer, yet he graduated somehow. Then he wanted me to write him a recommendation to be a teacher! I had to tell him that he had an awful lot to learn before he had any business teaching.
And then there's the possibility of the return of Jesus!
Excellent summary. Scary and sad what our world has become. Once connected people proud free healthy, have been bamboozled. I don’t want to be a Slave! Time to stand up to the tyranny of hypocrisy and lies we have been fed!
What are the prophets saying? The ones of God.
Predictions? Speculation? I think it is good to be aware of possibilities. But realize the importance of living a day at a time. It is all we really have. And THEN there is the issue of faith. Faith in the right source; Jesus Christ and "the word" that sets us free. Going forward we need to consider 3 important "words." TRUTH, COURAGE, HONOR. Isn't "their" meaning in short supply? Based on "our" faith, we need to keep those meanings active. TRUTH is even more important now. It takes COURAGE TO speak the TRUTH, and to live that TRUTH. Then there is the issue of HONOR. We HONOR our LORD by demonstrating COURAGE to speak TRUTH. We can also HONOR each other by acknowledging all of this. Let's go forward for 2025. Remember that we need to acknowledge one TRUTH BY speaking it; that Ti and Charlene have been speaking and important TRUTH; The TRUTH about Cancer. We are indeed blessed we have them.
While all of these scenarios are within the realm of possibility I seriously doubt that they will all come to fruition and in many instances will be pure fantasy. I applaud you for your thought process but admonish you conclusions as mostly wishful thinking. There appears to be a bit of haze in your crystal ball which is normal for these types of predictions. In any case I appreciate your opinions.
Very insightful article. We are in for Mr. Toad’s wild ride. As a conservative I just wish we could go back to the way things were when America was great in the first place. All the innovations, bitcoins, cyber currency and realignment of fossil fuels versus green energy makes my head spin. Furthermore I just wish I could hire AI to get rid of all of my unwanted text messages still coming in from the Republican Party.
While much of your “ prediction” is doom and gloom, we are individuals DO have a voice. Now more than ever, conservative minded individuals need to stand up , connect with local grassroots organizations to keep fighting the battle of super radical leftwing ideologies…LIES.. and what we want for America. It is a LONG list!
One comment you do not mention regarding “Climate change” is climate manipulation..a growing concern of the geo thermal trails in our skies etc. In Arizona it is more prevalent each year…and to me, VERY dangerous.
Please comment on this. Good article!
While I share your concern for everything mentioned in the blog, I honestly wonder if this is helpful for people suffering from cancer. Stress is very likely to undermine their health even further, so why publish an article like this on this medium? Maybe it would be better to start a designated channel for valuable information like this. But then again, I may be thinking inside too many boxes by stating this. I hope there's room for considerations like mine.
About selective health care and who to treat and not, this has been going on long before AI. I was rushed to hospital 35 years ago in a critical condition, I observed the procedures in the hospital as they gathered information on patients, did they have dependents, were they employed, how many children and what ages, patients were then categorised into groups and given a number corresponding to one’s worth to society. It was real alright by the way in which patients were treated, I was horrified, I thought I was in an ‘end of life’ ward.
Actually the global elites are causing "climate change" deliberately by DEWs , MASERs, weather warfare (steered that last hurricane eastward for example) , weaher manipulation, cloud seeding, chem trails, HAARP technology (from Alaska) , etc o collapse western nations and bring on their one world order global government.
“Artificial Intelligence Explodes”
Yes. But probably not in the way you think. Those of us more seasoned in “tech” remember. And “AI” smells like another cycle of the hype that inevitably falls short of the breathless but unrealistic expectations set for it. Maybe “falls short” is a little strong, but certainly “doesn’t go entirely in the widely-anticipated direction” is accurate.
As an example, in the 1980’s “expert systems” were the “AI” of the day, replacing professionals such as lawyers and doctors. You would describe your symptoms to, and receive your diagnosis from, an “expert system” without the need for a doctor. Medicine would be taken over by computers. They were right in a way, just not a good way. Doctors spend the bulk of their 6 minutes allotted to the patient with their face in a screen, following a diagnostic checklist and robotically applying the insurance-company/big pharma dictated “standard of care”, dispensing pills like an over-priced gum ball machine. The result? Costs are soaring and health (among the in-doctor-inated) is crashing. The “expertise” for the “expert system” was co-opted by those who control (directly or indirectly) the computers. I see no reason to believe that “AI” will be any different.
As for “AI” replacing CEOs? Abject nonsense. If every company has the same “AI”, how will competitive advantage be achieved? By human creativity of course, which, despite the claims of the religion of materialism, is not algorithmic as “AI” necessarily is.
My prediction is that “AI” is, very soon, going to start to show diminishing returns (and it, according to some reports, already is). It may seem to enslave us, but just think of doctors to see what that slavery looks like: the computer is not the master, it’s just the whip.
So well said thank you