
Hi friends. I just realized that we had the comments set for our paid subscribers only on this post so I just opened it up to all subscribers. So if you wanted to comment but didn't get to comment, now is your chance. We hope you learned a little bit from this article and also hope you are signed up to watch The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest!

You can watch the trailer HERE: www.TheTruthAboutCancer.tv

Much Love to All! Charlene and Ty ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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I have a scientific, but definitely not medical education. It strikes me that during my 73 years the medical profession has gone through several evolving business models starting with a decidedly patient centric approach to the eternal sickness model. Here some times the initial treatment for something ephemeral generates lifetime illness that needs to be treated. A good, brief example being SSRIs for temporary depression.

All at once a tune title from the Movie “Easy Rider” pops into my conscious: “God D@mn the Pusher Man”!

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I have been awake & aware about cancer treatment for decades -- & my "truth" about it's dangers has also been suppressed for decades! At 17 (47 yrs ago), I was diagnosed at UCLA with rhabdomyosarcoma, a malignant facial tumor. The actions & behaviors of the radiologists & oncologists was criminal & it took my parents months before they chose to cut-the-cord on chemo & all doctor care...despite my fatal prognosis of 6 mo - 1 year to live. It made no sense that I was going to die. Yes, my health was spiraling, but from "chemo." When my mother told my oncologist we were skipping treatment, he threatened to report her & my father for "child neglect." The "evil" was deep, yet we still went cold turkey. Two months later I recovered...except for the irreversible damage from "radiation" -- I received 7 weeks (5 days a week) of radiation to the entire left side of my head & the side-, after-effects we were told would be mild were not! My story is long & need others to support & read my truth & share it! Trust me, nothing has changed & millions will continue to die from cancer is they continue to embrace the false narrative that doctors are working hard to find a cure. It's a lie! Cures exist! I hope you will read & share my book, "A Face In Time" on amazon: https://tinyurl.com/ytv966eu

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That is why people need to stop donating their money to those “ supposed “ organizations who claim they are using your hard earned money to find a cure for cancer !! They take advantage of innocent people.

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Watch documentary What The Health on Netflix. They expose the health charities as front men of Big Pharma and Big Ag as they get huge subsidies from them.

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I could not agree more!! I get chills every time I see ads or promotions for Susan Komen or St. Jude Children's Hospital -- highly disturbing!

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Thank you for telling us.

I knew to avoid chemotherapy and radiation but I was diagnosed with a cancer in early 2020 and had immunotherapy for 9 sessions until Sept that year when I realised that my facial palsy was caused by sodium nitrite (E250). Immunotherapy is just another money making scam. The NHS doctors never asked about my diet.


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Thank you for sharing! What else can we "not" trust? What we eat is never an issue in Western medicine! Neither has a doctor ever asked, "When was the last time you walked barefoot on the ground?" -- another natural, healthy way to heal /nourish your body. Thank you for the substack!

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Thank yo so much for this. I have been telling people that it is the treatments for cancer that are killing me and few can believe it. I must admit that as an RN I was shocked to realize it myself. I shook it off and am now really speaking out about how I cured myself completely with change in diet and detoxing my body with Dr Hulda Clark's recommendations in "Cure for ALL CANCERS"

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When I had thousands of dollars per quarter from GlaxoSmithKline to use to bribe, I mean buy the minds of, physicians with "science," I came to see over time how sleazy the pharmaceutical industry is.

Thankfully, Avandia wasn't my product but we were all instructed how to obfuscate the issues arising about the dangers of this drug so to keep this billion dollar a year cash cow on the market as long as possible before it was pulled. Flonase is a nasal steroid that causes cataracts. Similarly, we were instructed to minimize any concerns about this issue if physicians raised it. GSK is now being sued for this.

I called upon a physician who banned the Merck rep from his office for 6 months. The doc suspected Vioxx had to do with one of his patients getting sick. It took the doc 6 months to get a medical letter from Merck about the link of Vioxx and aseptic meningitis which was not a side effect listed in the drug's labelling called the package insert.

Big Pharma hates you. They see you as nothing more than $ signs, that is all. If your physician allows drug reps in their office, find one who does not, and is not brainwashed by drug companies.

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It is also scary how many reps are very pressurizing and coerce doctors to use their products!

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It’s more a slow brainwashing process that the industry uses. Plus, with the outrageous prices of the toxic garbage it sells, making meds unaffordable for so many people, reps carry thousands of dollars of free samples to give out to doctors so doctors want to see reps just to get samples. Plus reps buy expensive lunches for the docs & their staffs. They also put many docs on the payroll to speak. It’s such a scam.

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Ty and Charlene Bollinger, are true hero’s to mankind. I discovered their work soon after they began their quest to find answers to the “never ending war on cancer” - and they provided me with validation for my suspicions. What the pharma industry and by extension our federal health agencies, have done to our society is a manner of criminality I can comprehend but, is beyond my ability to describe. It is not hyperbole to say the United States healthcare system is owned and operated by Nazis. I thank God for Mr and Mrs Bollinger and to all the ethical natural health practitioners, who educate the public on TRUE, methods for treating illness and attaining good health.

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Yes, the Germanic Nazi roots became evident to me in 2020.

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Charlene and Ty have done amazing work. Everyone should have their book but many elderly don't or can't read long documents, so I recommend their videos. There are other documentaries such as www.anewstandardofcare.com, www.cancerseries.org by J Otto and www.theuniversalantidote.com.

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Ty and Charlene you are amazing! Thank you for All you do and have done ✅✝️❤️. As a nurse of 3+ decades I am saddened by the state of our so called medical system! They are no longer to “ help”. ( there are good ppl so please don’t miss understand me there) but the ceo cfo etc are bought and paid for! And others feel they can’t buck the “ system”. Go w/ your gut ppl. Ask Q? s Endless ones! Research 🔬 ( do it yourself). That is true science!

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Will there be transcripts for the video series??

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What you say about the Big Pharma's conspiracy is absolutely true, but I'm very disappointed with your stance on diet, the ketogenic, the very one that causes cancer. Oddly enough, you don't cover the likely causes of cancer and you don't provide actual studies that prove the keto diet heals or prevent cancer. The bulk of plant-based doctors, all reputed by their patients' cure rates,  are all unanimous in stating that 95% of cancers are caused by the consumption of the 4 poisons - meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Some go further to ban salt, oils and artificial sugar (SOS). They have peer-reviewed studies to support their position, such as the Adventist Health Study, the Oxford Epic Study, the Okinawa Diet, and the China Study. The documentary 'What The Health' features about 10 plant-based doctors who testify by their great success in preventing and curing cancer with this natural diet.

Books and documentaries that purport the plant-based diet as the healthiest:


-How Not To Die, by Dr. Michael Gregger 

-The China Study, by Dr. Collin Campbell

-The Pleasure Trap, by Alan Goldhamer, D.C.


-Forks over knives

-What The Health

-Sick, Fat And Nearly Dead





I hope these information enlightens you to the cause and cure of cancer.


Bella Da Cunha

PS: I am unsubscribing from this post as you don't tell the whole truth about cancer, and mislead people to adopt a fatal diet without backing it with peer-reviewd studies.

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Hi I just find out that I have a fibroid in my uterus and cyst in ovary. Looking for a dr .who can help me any advise greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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I have heard that cutting down on sugars and gluten have reduced fibroid size

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Than you very much

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thank you very much for ALL the information on cancer, this just reiterates what my thoughts are about "Big Pharma" I truly believe these are DEMONS, not wanting to help at all. I'm sorry I cant pay and be a subscriber. I appreciate what is available at no charge.

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Definitely a lot of treatments presented by industry derive from the desire to increase profits and not health. Some good points here.

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Thank you I bought your dvd series!!!

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