Jul 5Liked by The Truth About Cancer

We can clean up the “ food “ now? Europeans don’t get poisoned every meal like in America.

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Amen! That’s exactly right. This food industry has gotten way out of hand. Putting poison in every damn thing we buy now.

As a matter of fact, other countries do not allow American food in their countries because of the color and additives and all sorts of chemicals that kill us. It’s against the law in their countries. I’m so sick of this S.

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I was eating organic from Walmart and Winn Dixie. We didn’t have any idea about the new Apeel coating, I lost weight. We switched to a different store Publix & they promised to not sell produce with it.

I’m chemically sensitive. There’s a lot of chemicals in American food, manipulated & called asorbic acid ( mold) etc.

I’m so thankful the chevron deal has been smashed.

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Ascorbic acid is mold??? OMG.

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A mold by-product...Yum??? Check out Perque for vitamin C. ;)

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Reading the ingredients for American food vs the same product in Europe- huge difference. They use natural dyes , we add titanium dioxide!

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Sadly we get a lot of Apeel in Spain and likely more glycophates and bee killing Monsanto 💩 than you might think … EU is hard left globalism ass gates and Schwab licking highly paid WHO WEF puppets and they hate farms farming and us eating decent food … not as bad as US granted because the people only adhere to governmental decrees that suit them - it’s a national sport and it can work in your favour! Nevertheless not as good as they would have you think! Beach chem trails a speciality followed by the high wind machine and the obligatory fires to remind us who is who …..

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I grew up in Denmark, but have lived my adult life in America. Back then we used to say, be careful with fruits and vegetables from Spain as they use a lot of pesticides. My sister in law that got horrible cancer around 1999/ 2000 was especially aware of it and kept informing me as I didn't live there. I also think Americans don't clearly understand what has been going on in Europe with covid and before. My family and old friends give me a much better picture. People glorified Sweden when they have been a globalists strong hold country for years. Stay safe as we all have to at this point!!

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Interesting, thanks

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Oh I’m shocked and saddened. Thank you for your comment.

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Yea, not exactly. Times have changed. The EU systems makes it possible. The corruption has become standard.

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Jul 5Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Thankfully the judges ruled in favor of the majority of Americans.

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3/4 of these organizations need to go bye-bye

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West Virginia vs EPA in 2021 upheld that congress cannot delegate away its decision making responsibility to any 3 letter agencies......Chevron is the SECOND ruling to validate the illegality of them. Precedent is now firmly established and the tsunami is picking up speed as it heads inland. :)

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

So, when will these deep state agencies by defunded completely? I had no idea that the Dept of Commerce, Education, Energy, Transportation, Health and Human Services and on and on... were illegal administrative federal "agencies". The list is too long so Alexander Hamilton's bureaucratic legacy will all go to hell with him and his masters the Synagogue of Satan.

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They all need to undergo an Annual Audit to determine whether their spending is appropriate. Audits would determine each agency's future viability. Until they are all accountable to the TAXPAYERS (the people providing these orgs with funding), they should be CUT OFF FINANCIALLY, ASAP. Gotta earn those hard-earned dollars by doing GOOD for the people; not acting AGAINST We the People.

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I read your comments after I posted mine. I agree wholeheartedly. On this 'Independence Day' weekend we need to remember the words of the Declaration; "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,". Simply put, it is the job of government to protect our rights, not restrict them.

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Precisely what you would put in place of agencies writing rules that implement the specifics of Federal laws is not clear to me.

That the FDA has been a captured agency is obvious. And the FAA has become ineffective in the last decade. But that's certainly not the case for the EPA or Agriculture. Are you hankering for the days, 15 years ago, when EPA's regulations against soot emissions from diesel permitted tens of thousands more deaths per year than those today? Are you saying that Congress is capable of writing the regulations at a level of detail at which they can actually be implemented?

There has to be a middle ground.

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Big Ag has destroyed food and our environment and the EPA is also captured. You need to dig deeper to see what these 3 letter agencies are doing to slowly take away our freedom and destroy our health. Dig, research, and join the resistance! :)

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We are homesteading, homeschooling and organic🤗

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What are you proposing in lieu of agencies writing the specific rules? No rules?

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Funny, but it used to be companies were very careful of their actions because public opinion is a mighty sword. There has to be a system of reporting to the public, so we can make informed decisions about what we're buying. And poisons, like Monsanto's products, need to be banned. I'm sure we can come up with something. The biggest problem is our regulatory agencies are CAPTURED... meaning they serve the bidding of their masters, the corporations, not The PEOPLE.

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No transparency; No public funding (our tax $$$'s pay for their existence).

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Not sure if, anything will change for the better. As one founding father said about our constitutional government. " It, was designed specifically for a moral and ethical people which is very doubtful.

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I have not been in an airplane since 2011 and have no intention of every flying again. May as well hire box-cutter carrying Middle Easterners to fly these jets. Guys who can't even fly a Cessna. All these alphabet soup agencies have to go. They're incompetent, murderous monsters.

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Very educational, thanks.

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Well written!!! Thankful you've shared this, so I can too. 🥳🙏🥰

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We should never have to pay for THEIR amatuer bull 💩 regulations that WE DON'T AGREE WITH anyway. Why would I pay someone to follow me around and charge me for everything THEY deem "WRONG"??? I would never. Now, they can't either!!🥳

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Very well written, Ty.

Thank you!

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- Monitors at sea were bankrupting struggling small business fishing boats.

- CDC medical mandates are damage actual health as well as economic well-being.

- Byzantine regulations and mindless compliance destroy civilizations.

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Would you consider changing the colors here? Red on blue....? Really? Do you not want us to be able to read this? How about black on white? Or dark blue writing on white?

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Great news

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RemovedJul 6
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By the way president Reagan was told by GEORGE W. BUSH who was the Head of the CIA at the time that Reagan would never see the inside of the Whitehouse unless he chose him to be his vice presidential running mate. Then a short time later Reagan was almost assassinated. I found that to be more than just a simple coincidence.

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ALL of the presidents are the sons of serpents and serving THEIR masters masters, interdimensional demons, the archons. The title means to preside so they are presiding over evil. Therefore, ALL of them advance the agenda which is what we humans have been served for 1000's of years. The GOOD NEWS is that this is The End Times, THEIR End not OURS and they know what time it is so buying bunkers and securing apartments in cities in the skies or in some DUMBS but they have no where to hide, NO WHERE TO HIDE. The Body of Christ is Awake and Justice and Natural Law SHALL PREVAIL.

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All Presidents are related and installed, except Trump

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president Reagan was complicit in this Administrative government too.

Also find it, interesting that RONALD WILSON REAGAN - has a biblical connection to the "MARK OF THE BEAST" . Has six letters in first middle and last names.

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