I am embarrassed to say that I am guilty as charged. I read the headlines, my heart sunk, and I believed that he had caved. I was so wrong. Thank you for writing this article.

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Bobby will never cave :-) I try not to get involved in all the sausage-making -- I'm totally confident that the CDC and "health" establishment will be totally different, and better, when he's done.

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Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Anti-vaxxer here, but his statement is not wrong. If fails to mention that it takes a 95% vaxxed rate to affect community immunity, fails to mention the potential for adverse effects from the shots, that vaccine does not always confer immunity, and that shedding of the live virus is real, but it's not wrong OR pro-vax IMHO. Do you honestly believe that a wrecking ball approach (ala Trump!, where it is effective) would convince anyone that we are right? Nope, they'd dig in their heels, the message would be lost, and RFK Jr would lose credibility. The masses are still accepting that the C shots are S&E for heaven's sake. Gradual awakening by revealing facts (vaxxed still get the disease; alternative measures work) will evolve to (much needed) questions about safety and risk/benefit. Remember that most of the "literature" still supports the narrative. Decades of brainwashing cannot be undone with force. Post real research, and minds may open. We all remember how "force" worked in the not too distant past. Per Jeff Childers, give the man time to work.

"Furthermore, over 90% of MMR antibody-positive autistic sera were also positive for MBP (myelin basic protein) autoantibodies, suggesting a strong association between MMR and CNS (central nervous system) autoimmunity in autism. Stemming from this evidence, we suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12145534/

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Amen! Well said 👏

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The quote Eli Dumitru provides clearly states that MMR jabs “also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.” As you say, Fred, the jabs don’t always confer immunity, and they shed. Not infrequently, apparently. 30% of the Disney measles cases were the vaccine strain. 28% of the cases were in children too young to be eligible. So these people were NOT protected by so-called community immunity. The statement is therefore inaccurate. It is wrong.

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Not wrong - you left out the nuance: ...'contribute to community immunity.'... No-one said 'Absolutely confers total community immunity'.

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Geez, no one said that so-called community immunity protected everyone. And no one said that the risk/benefit was established. But even those of us in the NWIH camp can deny that the vaccine limited measles cases, and that some degree of community immunity can be achieved. Note that I say this as a firm anti-vaxxer.

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I recommend looking at other country’s experiences for perspective. I’m not saying that all these data are reliable, but no doubt there continue to be deaths from measles, directly or indirectly, in other parts of the world.


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I hung up on this too, as well as the subtitle. I expected him not to say this and to say things he didn't, but it's not our job to micromanage. He knows what he's doing as TTAC has expressed. I'm appreciative for the bigger perspective and am moving on, as I hope we all will, in support and trust of Bobby to know how to play the game to accomplish his/our goals. He is two weeks into the job in a den of vipers and won't get anywhere with a wrecking ball approach, that's for sure. Nuance is his specialty and we trusted him for a reason, let's keep on.

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You've repeated that paragraph 5 times now. Guess what ... We can read! Don't need endless repetition.

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I had a reflex reaction of disappointment too, its natural, given the psy-op we have been exposed to for the past five years, we fear more betrayal.

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Understood, but he needs to retain credibility or the message will be lost in blanket denial. Case in point - the C shots - the dangers are hitting them between the eyes, but they're still not seeing.

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Also, just listened to Dr. Ealy who said the tragic death of the little girl in Texas was not due to measles. She had respiratory issues independent of the virus. Yet, the media used this child's death to attack the vaccine risk aware movement.

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Absolutely true, yet many will still believe it.

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Thank you for your measured understanding and responses, it's helpful. I too, reacted and jumped to conclusions out of trauma. This was an important early learning experience for us.

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Understood! The trauma is real.

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Thanks Dr. Malone. Puts Alexander to shame. A daunting task! First RFK needs to get the fox out of the hen house. Stop regulatory capture. Put Big food on notice they need to get the chemicals.toxins out of our food supply. Reverse 1986 Vaccine act that absolved the vaccine pushers from liability and end EAU now. Biden extended it to 2029. The papers and internet publish medical propaganda and don't allow RFK vast number of articles he has written about what needs to be fix read by the readers. They are fighting to preserve the ill gotten billions that have caused so much harm. Pfizer took in 80 Billion on mRNA alone.

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I was lied too just like all the other pharmacists and physicians who were given biased medical education!

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Thank you for being accountable for your mistakes, its good to hear ppeople who have gusts enough to stand up to the truth, God bless you

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😘acknowledging mistakes are important

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Unfortunately, that statement is problematic given that the vaccine does not have an especially high effectiveness. Therefore people have only partial immunity and often are still producing viral particles, many months after vaccination, and therefore the vaccine itself actually leads to spreading of infectious cases.

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From my understanding the shedding does not produce disease replication in the receipient. It just means the part of the spike that’s created by cells following vaccination are floating around the bloodstream v]for a while until your immune system can get rid of them. They can still cause damage within the host though. I was one of the unfortunate unvaxed post menopausal women who’ve been spiked by my vaccinated husband! Both receipt of shedding spike and the virus cause me to have menopausal bleeding afterwards for a couple of months. I’ve now had Covid 3 times, mildly, and have one enlarged fibrous ovary that needs removing. It’s 100% connected to the spike.

I’ve not met anyone yet who regrets not getting vax’d by this damn thing! Best decision I ever made, no matter that it nearly cost me my marriage and several friendships!

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So sorry, and glad you are now well! My shedding comment was in reference to the live measles vaccine; some of the recent outbreaks were the the vax strain. Basic testing does not differentiate stains; need additional testing.

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Do you have a source? My understanding was that shedding of the vax strain persists only a couple of weeks. True that some kids do not develop immunity, but that number is relatively small. Natural immunity is lifelong, whereas the immunity conferred by the vaccines can be of lesser duration.

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Please read my response to you in this same thread. He's threading a fine needle here.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you - it is with deep gratitude that I thank TTAC for continuing to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny & supporting RFK, Jr. In GOD we Trust ...

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RFK Jr will not get out in front of Trump on vaccines. Despite our hopes he'd be different and independent, RFK Jr won't step into the battle over 'vaccines' unless and until his boss, Pres. Trump is ready for it.

In Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has his own thoughts and ideas about 'infectious' disease. He opposes masks, too. Shortly after he took the job in August, 2021 he went to visit legislators in the state capitol. Many were still wearing masks, especially D's. They had individual office policies requiring masks to enter. He knew they were BS, didn't want to wear them, tried to explain the science and the D legislators were angered, ruckus ensued, security got involved, ugly scene. It was widely reported. D's cried he was harming them without a mask, the media took their side - over the top medical doctor in the state. And Gov. DeSantis got involved, told Ladapo to back down and respect the individual legislator's rules.


The lesson Ladapo took from it was not to get out in front of the boss. Despite his expertise and correctness, it was a political firestorm his boss wasn't willing to fight. And that has applied to all health policies he's had since. It gets cleared by the "boss" first if it's remotely controversial.

Same for RFK Jr. This shows us that he will not get ahead of Pres. Trump on health policy. The two days between his first unofficial statement about measles and his official statement he met the political bosses of the administration. Most likely Big Pharma shill Susie Wiles, Trump's Chief of Staff. Who rightly or wrongly calculated that now wasn't the time for the vaccine debate. They are frying other fish they think are bigger and more popular.

The lesson of this story is that Pres. Trump himself isn't anti-vax. He still loves his "miracle OWS vaccine." And his closest advisors do, too. And to the degree that he'll "let Bobby run wild" it will be when/if he's willing to expend political capital to do so.

So the anger and frustration many of us have with the 'betrayal' of RFK Jr should be more appropriately directed at Pres. Trump. RFK Jr, like Joe Ladapo, serves at his boss's pleasure. And won't get out in front of his boss. Meaning any pressure campaign should be directed at Pres. Trump, not RFK Jr.

Unless and until Pres. Trump is ready and willing to take on that fight we will get more mealy-mouthed statements on 'vaccines' from RFK Jr. Who's only recourse is to resign if he disagees strongly enough. Bobby decided now wasn't the time to resign, it wasn't his hill to die on. Like Ladapo has done in Florida, live to fight another day. That's the sad reality of it. And unsurprising with a president who to this day defends OWS. And was re-elected by most on this Stack who feel betrayed by RFK, Jr, despite our opposition to OWS.

That's on us. We negotiated our opposition to the blemish that OWS is on Pres. Trump because the alternative was worse. WE'VE done what RFK Jr just did with respect to 'vaccines.' WE have more work to do to change the political calculus. That's the lesson. Change won't be coming from the top. It will need to come from us. We just have a more sympathetic person in power than we've had before who won't shut us and shout us down. But the real work will remain ours to do.

"You've convinced me. Now go out and make me do it."

- Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Obama leaned into this quote when passing his Obamacare. I opposed him, he planted a lot of ticking time bombs in his administration that have been blowing up our nation ever since. But he got this aspect of governance, leadership right, as did FDR. We have to make our leaders do our will, even those who tell us they agree with us. That's on us.


If anyone thinks that Trump/RFK Jr will "do the right thing" because they know it's right, without us making them do it then we won't be effective. And we will lose every single public policy battle we're right about and they know we're right about, because we didn't put enough public pressure on them to do the right thing. WE must *make* them do it, as FDR said.

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Your exhortation for us to make them do the right thing is exactly why this "RFK Jr. Did NOT Betray Us" article is crap. "The Truth About Cancer" needs to be pushing back on Kennedy's bad position, not pretending it didn't happen. Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is now pushing the dangerous MMR vaccine and we need to protest loudly, not pretend it's not happening.

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He (RFK) also talked about natural remedy's . he pointed out other options . He is trying to educate the public ,that they have options . With Big pHARMA , it's always drugs . he also said we are free to choose . Big pHARMA does not give the option to choose .

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I understand. Yes, he needs to hear from us too, as FDR counseled those who he agreed with. To make him do what he was already convinced to do. RFK Jr, Trump, Senators, Congressman, all who are in public policy must be pushed, 'made' to do what we wish. RFK Jr isn't a man with the power unto himself to make the changes he already supports.

I think the pushback that TTAC is saying is to moderate *how* we make RFK Jr and Trump do what we want them to do, the right thing as we see it. To say RFK Jr "betrayed" us isn't how to make any political actor do what we want them to do. It's over-the-top to an ally. Can you imagine FDR advising those who were trying to lobby him, to *make* him do what he was already convinced to do would've responded to then being told he "betrayed" those he just counseled how to effect change? Fat chance.

It's all in the *how.* And TTAC is taking issue with *how* those of us opposed to these dangerous vaccines are using terms that aren't helpful.

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Yeah. Like, try growing UP, kids ;-)

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How do you know he said that?

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I disagree with your analysis as too ignorant and short sighted, IMHO.

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I disagree with an ignorant reading by someone who doesn't understand how politics works. An ignorant reader who says FDR and Obama are ignorant and short-sighted isn't someone who's analysis carries much weight. Your use of ignorant is a form of projection. Because of your ignorance about political heavyweights who punch far above your short-sighted perspective. IMHO.

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I agree he will not get in front of Trump but he should for his integrity sake

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I feel that, too. How I think about it is more complex. Shortest, least effective but morally pure cabinet secretary ever? Or make negotiations to accomplish more for health freedom than any HHS secretary ever?

That's the complex thinking versus feeling quandary every person in positions of power makes. It's a difficult role. It's why power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The negotiations and rationalizations those given power must make. Is why the longer one stays in power and those entrusted with great power become corrupted by it. Balancing it all fairly and remaining as true to self as one can separates good leaders from bad. 95% fail.

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Dr. M. S. I think it is too early for him to take a stand, albeit I would hope that a more opportune time would not be too far into the future.

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If he gets out in front of Trump, he will probably be fired. If he stays in, he can keep working. Undoing 100 years of vaccine delusion is going to take time, skill, strategy, love and prayer.

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Not just the headline! Some lines in the article which echo Fauci. A simple correction is in order. Don’t see one yet. Not going with the same Fauci Biden lies which have killed the less well read.

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I agree. Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Kennedy is fully aware of the CONTAMINATION NOW INCLUDED IN ALL VACCINES/ANALGESICS/INSULIN and all other I.V THERAPIES. He's fully aware of the Regulatory Environment making CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY falsely legal. He's also fully aware of this current time to be 'Unrestrained WARFARE' and banning NANOTECH WEAPON WARFARE is vitally important...And no type of ban exists.

He knows all I.V./Injectable Therapies are now contaminated with Graphene, Quantum Dots, Polymers, Heavy Metals, Radiation; the Bio-Digital Convergence Soup creating Transhumanism mutilating all organic DNA on Earth to define all 'CYBORGS'.

These poisons greatly increase magnification of human beings beyond the usual 'Biofield' allowing AI MIND CONTROL/SOCIAL CREDIT SLAVERY/TORTURE WITH TARGETED INDIVIDUALS/DISEASE/DISEASE CURE AND DEATH CONTROLLING ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea has documented the research documenting this fact beyond endless patents in Govt. Patent Office documenting the poisons based in converging advanced sciences/disciplines now being forced onto all without consent.


Further; Sabrina Wallace, Internet Architect, found on Nonvaxer420 has been educating society about the Electronic Engineering providing the internal/external constant surveillance necessary to implement the BUILT BACK BETTER GLOBAL SLAVE SOCIETY worse than the worst nightmare from societies before the arrival on Earth of Jesus the Christ.


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Yes, of course Kennedy knows all of that, which is why it's appalling that he is now pushing the MMR vaccine, why it's disgusting that "The Truth About Cancer" is pretending he's not. Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

Why did they leave that out of their article? Why hide the truth?

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Why beat this drum so hard? I felt the same way, but don't believe it's productive to stay hung up on that sentence when he says "contribute" and this hardline position when the bigger picture is so much more important. As TTAC and others have said, we need to trust Bobby and give him time to work his strategy. He's been there two weeks, surrounded by sharks waiting for a misstep. He's a brilliant chess player and doesn't need to be micromanaged by those of us in the gallery. I appreciated this article and gaining better perspective on the end game.

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R-i-i-i-g-h-t... Now GROW UP, kids.

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Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Thank you! It is so irritating watching everyone freak out over a headline! I pray people begin to read the articles and Bobby’s words not someone else’s.

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Well, yes, Read Bobby's words. The quote this article left out is Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is pushing the MMR vaccine.

Don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and Read Bobby's words.

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Bobby Kennedy is a class act and a genuine and caring voice for all of us . He is a brave and strong advocate and we need to get behind him and lift him up, so that he can do what is needed on our behalf. I hope that he will quickly BAN ALL mRNA technology and any use of non-essential ingredients, such as nano gel/technologies that are, apparently now, in all 'vaccines', dental anesthesia, and beauty injections. I've noticed the chemtrails have, for the most part, disappeared. We've been poisoned for years and we need our medical insurance/ medicare to cover the detoxing of our bodies. Anyway...the low hanging fruit is to pass legislation first to protect us against the mRNA and nano technology that is being thrust upon us in most all injections of any kind and through some foods and other means. Neither has been proven to be safe, effective or needed. There has been little to no testing and the testing that has been done on animals didn't turn out well for the animals. This legislation can happen fast and is the most urgent matter. Hoping he will see my post (:

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Although I have not seen any less spraying. If anything I’ll see more around my area.

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Interesting that you have been seeing more, not less, of the chemtrails. USAID, apparently, was involved with the funding of these, in the least. This is another disclose that needs to transpire sooner than later. Nefarious substances have been rained upon us for decades now.

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they have been using vaccines on our animals (mRNA ) for many years , long before covid . and our poultry .

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That is another way to get these substances into bodies of humans, through consumption of meat and, I would imagine, veggies, as well.

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Yes, and I should have included that issue in the beginning. WEF/K. Schwab and his

cohort, N. Harari, want all living beings to be permanently altered to fit in with their very dark control grid plan. We have and continue to go through much trauma and our animal companions, wildlife and plants etc are suffering too. The chemtrails also have this cr## in it, most likely. I sure would like the trauma to end completely, for I don't believe any of us knows just how much this has been affecting us, individually, and as a society. At least we've turned a page--maybe more like a chapter.

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Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines. Not much class in that.

But don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Clearly, your mind is made up. Just for a second though, do you think that a wrecking ball approach will work with the vax "believers?" We're trying to educate and build a consensus here. His supporters attacking every perceived "fail" only hinders RFK Jr's ability to make lasting change. Just for fun, try to convince some with TDS that they are wrong. Doesn't work. The only hope is that they will eventually see the benefits of his policies.

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I don't see a ban of death/disease- causing mRNA and nano-tech as a wrecking ball. The majority of jab believers believed in the vaxxes when the jabs were actually vaccines and, yes, educating them on the drastic changes that transpired as of the last few years is the key. They would then have, after banning such, true vaccines. For those embracing science as their religion, there is not enough time to gently coax them into the truth--in my humble opinion. Many people have been maimed and died from these technologies and that has to stop, in the least, until there is a long trial of safety. Currently, as we all know, none of the current jabbies would pass the mustard.

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Thought we were discussing RFK Jr’s comment on the measles outbreak and vaccines. I agree that mRNA technologies should be halted. Totally different topic.

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I had replied below in the ' I just saw a rebuttal to this..."

Because I haven't seen or read first hand his direct comments, I am not sure; although, I saw a rebuttal through my feeds yesterday. I can't locate that rebuttal again...sorry.

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No Fred , it's very much the topic.

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I just saw a rebuttal to this yesterday, but didn't note where and the report stated that Bobby never said such and it was outing the MSM on it's reporting. I think he is asking anyone thinking of vaccination to do their research. In the last couple of years, no one should be advocating of such. Please post anything you may know on this, if you have such.

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Yes RFK say's "do your research"! He says that often ........ If anyone was doing their research, they would would never take shots or drugs .

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👏👏👏 I’m for whatever he does.

I trust each one of President Trump’s administration. They are all heavy hitters who have hit the ground running at breakneck speed. God bless them all, their families, staff and our great country.❤️

Let’s all try our best to be supportive and optimistic 🙏🇺🇸☀️

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Avoid Gateway Pundit. They always jump to the first headline and then backtrack it the next day. To me, that is propaganda just to get a reaction and get people arguing in comments.

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Gateway Pundit had it right. It's "The Truth About Cancer" that is lying by omission here. Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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He didn't write it as Ty & Charlene stated above. Please read the article again.

His response is at the bottom. Regardless, when you take the time to read, you will see he exclaimed in his quotes, he is advocating for parents to decide for their children and be educated parents about vaccine safety. This is important.

He also highly stresses nutrition. nutrition and vitamins.

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I agree.

We have way to many infiltrators on social media who are so negative and impatient.

All in God's time.

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If you support whatever our "leaders" decide to do, you are abdicating your responsibility for self governance to the King. Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines. Do you support that?

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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I have a few questions. First let me make it clear that I know that both parties are controlled by the same powerful entities so I have no preference Red or blue. Now I do have to question someone who did state that he believes Americans should follow the cdc vaccine schedule and that it is appropriate to fund a vaccine for Measles, something that has never been proven to work. And as the HHS head, when will he push to repeal the 1986 Childhood vaccine safety act and the 2005 prep act and the 1992 prescription drug user fee act repeal ? When will he hold up penalties including criminal penalties that will put people in prison for murder by medications, such as people from Pfizer, Moderna, Glaxo- Smith Kline, Merck etc. When will he attack those promoting Surgery, Chemo and radiation for cancer, when the failure rate and death rate from these are enormous? If he ignores any of these, he is not doing his job. So I would like to see his statements pertaining to these and then I have a few more questions.

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Maybe not in the 1st 2 weeks after confirmation, when the Senate will try their best to reject his supporting staff in future hearings? Did you read the article?

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As for the rest, Geez! These things will take time, and attacking him does nothing to support our cause. Do you honestly believe that people with surgically curable cancers should not have surgery? Other than the 3 Acts that you mentioned, your other positions are not as 'cut and dried' as you suggest. SMH.

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Do you have a source that supports your contention that the measles vax does not work? I'd never recommend it, but for safety reasons, not ineffectiveness. TIA!

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As I stated, I am waiting and watching. But keep in mind every thing I stated including quoting his own statements shows a man that isn’t on our side. Let’s see if he makes a complete turn around. He could start by retracting his statement about sending our tax dollars to fight the measles when the vaccines have never been proven to save a single life. Then we could move on to other things I listed.

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I too am hoping. But not going to allow untrue statements to stand uncontested.

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That is a good way to be. If everyone questioned everything, we might edge closer to the truth.

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Do you have a source? My understanding was that measles mortality declined with vaccines in the third world countries. CFR is minimal in the USA, but not so much elsewhere. TIA! Being as rabid as we all are, it's easy to throw the baby out with the bath water.

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I'm ok with that. I'm watching and waiting.

Just a note, I have sent questions to him and his cohorts without a single resonse.

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How are you contacting him? Musk said he would have links to contact specific departments, but I haven't seen them. TIA!

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Thank you Bobby. We know you're doing the right thing that we have all been praying for..

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heir selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Excellent article

All I would say is the "choice" is an illusion

Until people are told the truth about measles & the vaccination then they are just going by their "programming" & playing Russian Roulette with their child's health

Time is what we don't have

Truth needs to be spoken boldly & unapologetically because as soon as compromise starts entering then it contaminates everything

We talk about Ukraine sacrificing their young solders well the same is happening in the USA while we wait on this to play out & then it will be the next thing...

I want to believe that RFK Jr will stay true to what he said he believes & what he said he had been praying for, for 20 years but only God truly knows & in the meantime let us not exalt him

All are fallible & this is why we must put all our hope & trust in the only One who is infallible Tbe Lord Jesus Christ

He is The Great Physician & The Only True Healer

He us also The Truth & truth must be spoken at this time in its fulness

Truth is the only thing that sets people free as difficult as it us to hear but of course we must deliver truth from the motivation of love & with the Redemptive heart of the Lord

People are deceived & they are totally blind & deaf to the deception

Only the Truth (Jesus) can penetrate the deception

We thank RFK Jr for all that he has done and is doing but let's not put our hope in appointees (believe me I was exhilarated when RFK Jr became HHS Secretary) but pray unceasingly that God will intervene & reveal what needs revealing speedily

We pray for all including RFK Jr in the precious & Mighty name of Jesus🙏✝️🙏

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If JFK Jr was speaking the truth, he would tell everyone that there has never in history a proven virus. He would also tell everyone that there has never been a study proving of transmission of illness from human to human. If you are praying for RFK or the alphabet soup agencies, You are praying up the wrong tree.

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Rfk isn't a virus either. This is not how it works. In the terrain model it is the people who need to make wise choices. To go out and buy the organic food. To increase their intake of fresh fruits and herbs. To stop the anti orange juice movement in it's tracks by refusing to buy into their schemes. A top down approach simply won't work. It has to come from the bottom up. Getting educated about the great lymphatic system is one of the most important steps you can take: https://odysee.com/RobertMorse:e

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Nope, RFK is not a virus. He can be (isolated) and have all of his corrupt statements brought to light. Bottom up makes sense. Each person has to act as an individual in gaining information, checking its' truthfulness and acting in accord. People are lazy and don't want to be informed. They would love to have people at the top like Trump and RFK make their decisions for them. It certainly takes the pressure off and puts the men at the top in charge. Refusing to support the political system and the Medical system and becoming educated as you mentioned would certainly be a start.

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One thing we could do is to get the fruit and herbs into the environment of these people. To start it could be just delivery and pictures but eventually it could be actual orchards so a certain image is held consistently. Who ever was elected would be surrounded by the manifest reality reminding them of such a vibrant healthy way of living. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR_UAty1oBU

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Kate, ""Choice" is an illusion", is the most eloquent thing anyone has said thus far! Truth is the most important matter. Those wanting more "time" for compromising choice will be sorely disappointed because as you stated, "time is what we don't have", we have run out of time. Each shot is a life sentence and will leave one without hope as they face the imminent return of their Creator. You spoke your words with grace and bathed your appeal in kindness. I would to see a complete article written with the same seriousness of urgency with the rich depth of kind spirit that you have written your short comment. Thank you for your post!

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God bless you Morris🙏✝️🙏

I just wrote from my heart but I can not take credit for anything good that you said ~ I give all the praise to my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ as without Him I would not have come across as you are describing!

I feel passionately about this & I think that passion is coming from Jesus Himself

He is roaring as The Lion of Judah about what is happening to the children & to others being maimed while we "let things play out" as many are suggesting...

I stand on Matthew 10:26

The Lord is revealing it all & bringing it ALL into the light but we have to be bold too & use our voices & be all in for the Will & purpose of The Lord not ourselves...

This battle is intense & can cost alot but it is all worth it for Our Lord & Saviour

He has a Redemptive heart & we need to be freed from the deception We have been under as we have all "woken up" at some stage & but for the Grace of God there go I...

It is ultimately a Spiritual Battle with people being used as pawns by the enemy

Jesus has already Won the battle on the Cross but we have to walk it out while abiding in Him

We will be Victorious as God is delivering us but we have to pray for people to awaken to truth & be delivered from the mind programming that has been intense for so long....

Sorry it's so long but I felt I had to response to your very kind words

May the bless & keep you always🙏✝️🙏

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what's your excuse for his Zionism? For the calling for censoring "Anti-semitism"? Or him saying he supports the childhood vaxx schedule? or that he supports the MMR vaxx?

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Thank you Derrick Broze! Thank you for all of your work. Sadly we are once again reminded that way too many people will sacrifice truth on the alters of their narrative. Again, I am so grateful for all you do. Cheers.

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EXACTLY!!!! 🫡 That’s the massive six-star elephant in the room no one here has the stones to point out! RFK Jr is a completely bought-and-paid-for Z0G shill. He’s disgustingly in bed with that foul cretin Rabbi Shmuley and is now openly touting the scourge of antisemitism to be ‘a national health crisis’! A HEALTH crisis ?!?! Are you f’n kidding me?!?!


His blind fealty to Isra€l is unforgivable!

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Agree and he is the man I originally wanted for President but now admire in most ways President Trump’s post assassination attempts plans and actions! But Bobby needs to stay Bobby and not ape any of the false statements of his predecessors. It wasn’t just the headlines.

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Hi Nicole. Please explain where the scar from a "two centimeter hole" (statement by Trump's doctor five days after the "assassination attempt) is/can be seen. Then ask a high school wrestler how well the ear heals from injuries.

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great questions.

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Where in his opinion piece does he say the vaccines carry risks? I also noticed that he indicates the unvaccinated are most at risk. This coupled with his claim that operation warpspeed was an “amazing accomplishment” is enough to make me suspicious. Time will tell but politicians lie all the time.

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Agree. He simply needs to make corrections. Playing the politician and repeating Denocratic lies is exactly what clouds abs confuses. Not what we voted for.

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The way they generate a measles case involves a check list. The person has to be 'unvaccinated' and linked to another laboratory 'confirmed' case: https://mikestone.substack.com/p/measles-magic

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He stated that he supports the childhood vaccine schedule. Enough said. We've been betrayed.

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...necessary to be confirmed, and worth it. He added that he will evaluate the safety of it and everything else in our environment. Geez, people. Rome wasn't built in a day. He needs to maintain credibility. Doncha all remember how we responded to the forceful approach?

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Don’t think he said that. He said he wants all jabs to be tested for safety first.

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Yes, that's what he used to say, but now he's promoting the MMR vaccine.

Their selective quotes left out this part of Kennedy’s statement:

“Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

So, yes, Kennedy is promoting the MMR vaccines.

But, don't take my word for it. Go to the HHS website and read it yourself.

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Please stop spamming these comments with that one quote. Be courteous to others here that are not stupid and can read it one and get it. Be considerate of our time.

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One of the statements which needs correction.

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I only have 2 things to say, which are tactless because I'm so tired of it all:

1. Why are so many people fighting?

Why are so many people so dumb?

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I agree!! It’s so frustrating to read conservative posts, jumping to unfounded conclusions! RFK jr. is not a “finger to the wind” kind of man! He is incredibly principled on this subject matter. Please people, give these new Cabinet Secretaries a damn minute to find their feet!!! Many of them were confirmed 2 weeks ago. Really??? Can you only imagine the trash heaps, they are wading thru, just to get on stable ground???

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I can only imagine, it takes someone of a particular strength and commitment to take it on. Most here couldn't do it, including myself.

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Sad that this administration like 46 before it is adding to that trash heap.

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Grow up. That's not the way it works. Have some patience. He is faithful, but he must be wise. He has ricked everything to do this.

This reminds me if the days I ran political campaigns. I myself an firmly pro-life, but the bane of my campaign life was the rabid pro-lifers. Lost their tempers at every turn, their own worst enemies. When a candidate they liked got elected, despite having 100 things on his plate, make abortion his VERY 1ST ISSUE. No wisdom, patience, or knowledge of the political process ever entered their heads.

Most of you are the same, throwing temper tantrums like spoiled children, which is why, altho Im in sympathy with your goals, I never got involved with that whole movement.

Grow up, have patience. Discipline your tempers, support Bobby. HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.

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Well said, ma'am! Thank you.

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This is a wonderful thoughtful analysis. Much appreciated.

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I appreciate what you are saying and I have RFKjr 100% but what’s with the antisemitism post from today? We have the ADL for that and a lot of MAHA supporters were aghast ready to throw him to the wolves. And why is he allowing Brooke Collins to vaccinate our cows with a mRNA birdflu vax? That’s what we absolutely do not want in our food supply.

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Vaccinating and killing animals and birds for something that doesn't exist. Sounds pretty crazy to me.

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that's how big pHARMa works , they work on profit ,not health !

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Maybe , but I will believe all is well in Camelot when he cancels the state of emegency put in place by the previous admin until December 2029.....that is the priority that all of us should be concerned about ... while that's still there it's still 1984 .

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Lol!! No HHS Secretary has that authority!!

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