Response to Twitter Mocker [Ian Miles Cheong] - Ian attacks Candace Owens
We've done the research. She's right! And you would be wise to listen. "Where no counsel is, the people fall: In the abundance of councilors there is victory." [Prov 11:14]
I log into Twitter to catch the latest news and see what is trending. And this tweet pops up to which, of course, I had to respond. I have been doing a lot of research on these topics lately and history in general is one of my very favorite topics.
One thing I have learned in the last 3 decades, we have been lied to about everything. A lot. And the History we have been “taught” from the beginning of our “Education” has been mostly lies, written by the victors. A set of stories they want us to believe to get us to behave, by their nefarious design, funneling us into their machine, as one of the cogs, moving the beast toward their prize, their plan, It’s rigged. It’s a snare. We’ve been duped. It’s a set up. And they win … that is … if we continue to listen to them and people like Ian who go after intellegent people who are waking up and sharing the truth with anyone who will listen. Like George Carlin said, It’s a Big Club, and you ain’t in it. It’s a ruse. The deck is stacked against us.
But we are awake and we’re not buying their official stories anymore. We’re done. We’ve been done for decades. We are here to find the truth and bring it to you. So here it is. Here’s the offensive tweet:
It's called waking up and telling the truth. Candace Owens is on a journey where she is waking up and she is sharing what she is learning with anyone who will listen. I get this. I understand her. She is a lot like me, and I am a lot like her. In this fight, we are one. And this is our power. And they know this truth, which is why they smear us, send in their “useful idiots” to attack us so that we fight each other rather than uniting to fight and stop them.
A little back history on our journey for those who might be new here to TTAC / Ty and Charlene. We woke up in the late 90’s after losing Ty’s father to the conventional cancer treatment. They cut his stomach out to “treat” the cancer and he was dead 25 days later. He bled to death from that terribly botched surgery. And then we lost 6 other family members to conventional cancer treatments which forced us into this fight for your life - bringing you the truth any way we can - books, blogs, films. But before we started our public work, we were in research and learning mode in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I distinctly remember watching “Money Masters” which is a 4 hour documentary about the Money Systems and Centralized Banking Cartel. That was our first wake up call. At the same time we were learning about the medical mafia and cancer cartel which was mind blowing.
But the real kicker and mother load which pulled us completely outside of this Matrix was when we learned 911 was an inside job in 2006 after publishing our best selling book, Cancer - Step Outside the Box. “911 Mysteries” was the bomb that shattered all our illusions that we were living in a fairly decent country with a benevolent government who worked for “We the People.”
We instantly began researching every waking moment. What we found was terrifying. For a glimpse into some of the topics we have uncovered and unmasked for you, we compiled some of it in Monumental Myths. If you don’t have a copy of that book, get one. In fact, get 10. Because you are going to want one for you and all the people you love.
That took us all the way out of their box of lies and set our feet on a new journey, one that would lead here, with you and us … together … sharing our lives, sharing the truth, and working with all our might to save America and make this a better world again, for our children, for the honor and glory of God Almighty.
When we really woke up about 911 being an inside job, understanding that our own Government was a part that terror storm, we immediately dug deeper on our mission to find out everything, to get answers and then bring them to you.
Now here’s the point, and how this ties into what Candace is now doing and Ian (and many others) attacking her and why we can’t stay on the sidelines and watch her be attacked. When we “woke up” we were doing exactly what she is doing right now. We assumed everyone would want to know the truth, so we shared everything we were learning with anyone who listen. But to our utter shock and horror, most people didn’t listen. And not only did they not listen, they mocked us. They were extremely mean, belittling. And I am not talking about strangers, I am talking about friends, people we looked up to, and even close family members. Needless to say, that was another rude awakening for us. We had now entered the “Brave New World” where most people willingly chose the lie and hated the truth and went after the truth tellers with a zeal we have rarely ever seen before this moment in our lives.
This, my friends, is where Candace Owens is right now. She has a very big platform. But the “powers that be” controlling the narrative and keeping millions of people duped, deceived with their “Bread and Circuses” will not willingly allow her to be heard. So they send their paid minions in to discredit Candace’s message. She’s a kook. She’s crazy. She’s really “lost it” now. She’s mentally unstable. She’s strange. She’s weird. And on and on it will go.
Lying Liars Lie. A lot. And they will lie about Candace so that you don’t listen to her.
But we are here to tell you to listen to her. Listen to us. And for the love of all that is good START TO RESEARCH - listen to sources you trust really care about you, people and organizations who have gotten it right time and time again. Like us! We have been telling you the truth for decades and are proven right again and again and again. Because we ARE right. And Candace is right. So get out there and share this Substack article. Share Candace’s content. Get in the fight. If we all join forces, the evil cabal working to take over the world won’t be able to. They need YOUR power. They need YOUR agreement. They need YOUR participation to take over the world. That is why they shut us down after going after us for decades. But we’re still standing and we’re still bringing YOU the truth. Together, we really have the power to shut them down and restore freedom, for our children.
But freedom is sourced in Jesus Christ. And it must be Him who turns it all around. We have a good Substack that covers the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Facebook actually censored. They hate Jesus. And there is a reason they hate him - John 3:19-20:
I keep posting this verse everywhere when we talk about freedom and turning this nation around and back toward God and goodness. Here’s the recipe for healing:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” [2 Chronicles 7:14]
We know now that most people do NOT want to hear the truth because they are more comfortable with the lies and are deeply programed by well crafted propaganda resulting in a rabid reflex to attack and mock the truth teller, like how Ian attacked Candace on this tweet. My response to his attack on Candace was this:
Let’s be very clear, the TRUTH will prevail, though it is buried beneath many layers of lies. Before seeing this attack on Candace, I was just telling my daughter that no matter how many lies penetrate the media through movies, fake news, “for hire” celebrities, the truth will never change and will always remain solid, steadfast, unmovable. It may not be easy to find in a world full of lies, but soon those lies will evaporate and the truth will remain forever. Jesus Christ is the Truth and wherever there is TRUTH, He is there. And that is where we want to be, always.
We have been mocked for sharing the truth for DECADES and threatened by members of our own government for telling the truth - they actually wrote detailed descriptions on how they were going to torture and kill our dear children back in 2007 when we shared what we were learning with our new large and growing fan base. We fled the country to keep our children safe.
As Christians, after moving away to keep our family safe, God impressed on our hearts that His everlasting arms were underneath us. He gave us confidence while removing all fear these cowardly ghouls were trying to instill in us. So we moved back home to America, and we are now FEARLESS and continue telling the truth to whomever will listen. We have MILLIONS of subscribers on our platforms. And we are only growing.
We strongly support Candace Owens as she is waking up and telling the truth now too. And we recommend that you support her. If you don’t already, find her channels and platforms and join her. Listen to her and look up the books and read them that she is reading and talking about. This is no joke. We’ve been lied to by “them” about everything. So it’s time to unlearn the lies and learn the truth that truly sets us free!
Remember, God say, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” [Hosea 4:6]
But Jesus says, “And you will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you free.” [John 8:32,36]
Candace is BEAUTIFUL and though Ian mocks her, God Almighty Who IS the Truth delights in her as she FEARLESSLY pursues and shares the truth.
I am praying for you, Ian, that you wake up and join the resistance.
Thank you Candace for using your God-given platform to share the truth in love. For the children. For the glory of God Almighty.
This message goes out into the world with so much love. To recap our journey and censorship around us for telling the truth, we are 2 of the infamous members of the "Disinformation Dozen" who have been shut down, lied about, persecuted, threatened by friends, family, strangers, CNN, AP, BBC, Washington Post, Reuters, and Legacy Media - "Trusted News Initiative" media cabal, deplatformed and severly shadow-banned on X, removed from three IG accounts, severely shadowbanned on FB (1.5 MILLION followers), removed from YouTube the day Biden called us killers for telling the truth about vaccines and COVID with hundreds of thousands of loyal subscribers and countless MILLIONS of views on our life-saving films on our “The Truth About Cancer” YouTube, removed from TTAV and TTAC Vimeo channels where we housed our films that saved so many lives, and more.
So yeah, we have been doing this for a long time. We don't fear smears campaigns, propaganda, lies, and mockery. But we DO fear what America will be for our children if we stand down to this tyranny, don't tell the truth, and allow evil to prevail.
Ian, and anyone else out there like him, STOP believing lies and start researching for yourself until you are certain you have the answer. And once you do this, JOIN THE RESISTANCE!
Speaking of Resistance, below is a picture of an event I spoke at in Kansas early on in the beginning stages of the COVID lockdowns with our good friends, Bobby Kennedy, Andy Wakefield, and Del Bigtree and other freedom fighters. We proudly and joyfully stood together without the ridiculous masks and social distancing in 2020. I am in the front to your right side of Any Wakefield. This was an iconic moment in American History. We ARE the RESISTANCE.
This is our story. And we aren't alone. There are millions more like us. Our prayer is that people like you, Ian, with big platforms that were not removed like so many other truth tellers during the great purge of online patriots - USE your platform to help Save America! Save the children! Stand up and do good!
Ian, JOIN US to save this nation. Rather than attacking Candace Owens, start to read what she is reading, begin to seriously research, and WORK WITH US! Not against us.
And for all our friends around the world who have stood with us for decades and helped us reach countless millions of souls around the world with the truth that has contributed in saving many lives, we thank you. We would not be here without each one of you. We’d love to hear from you in the comments. We be reading them.
With Love and Grateful Hearts Filled with Hope,
Ty and Charlene
PS Thank you to all our loyal subscribers who have joined us as one of our TTAC Substack Paid Members. We love you and thank God for you.
Additional Information UPDATE for those wanting to understand more about the talmud and Zionists and the difference between the Biblcial Nation of Israel and Modern Zionists who are not Jews.
The term "anti-semite" was coined by the same people who for the same reason coined "conspiracy theorist" ... to keep people from looking into and taking seriously the topic of the talmud and what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan" in Revelation 3:9: "Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue—those liars who say they are Jews but are not—to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love."
These people say they are Jews but are not. They are Zionists (they call themselves this) and are deceiving people to essentially take over the world. They own the media and governments and Central Banks and financial institutions. These Zionists are not real Jews who seek to honor our Creator God, to be clear. They have had the world’s biggest ever media campaign of propaganda to smear anyone who calls them out for doing evil things against children, people, nations, and the world.
I will be working on compiling information together into one place so you can understand the difference between the Biblical Nation of Israel and the modern nation put in place by the Rothschilds and the fake Jews who are not really Jews at all.
For now, to get you jumpstarted on your journey into a deeper understanding, here are two really good threads on X that should be a good beginning for you to learn more about what Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan:
To Linda (and anyone else who doesn't understand the difference between the Biblical Nation of Israel and modern day Zionists who are not Jews), I just read your message stating you have supported us for years and stood with us as we were attacked for telling the truth. We have had family members who attacked us from the beginning not understanding the most basic truths such as fluoride and GMOs damaging effects on our health. And vaccines, most are all up to date on the COVID shots, sadly. And then when we learned about 911 being an inside job, we thought our family would want to know, but we were attacked by them. It was such a shock to us.
Needless to say, it's a battle and we try to understand and love people where they are. We have learned that most people can't handle an overload of truth. And many can't handle any truth at all.
About our support of Candace, first, to be clear, we are not talking about people like you, honest God fearing people who are Jewish. I have many close dear friends who are Jewish and I respect and love them. The term "anti-semite" was coined by the same people who for the same reason coined "conspiracy theorist" ... to keep people from looking into and taking seriously the topic of the talmud and what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan" in Revelation 3:9: "Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue—those liars who say they are Jews but are not—to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love."
These people say they are Jews but are not. They are Zionists (they call themselves this) and are deceiving people to essentially take over the world. I am adding a little graphic that includes some of the words of the Talmud and what they believe to this Substack post, so look for it. I would put it here in this comment but images cannot be shared here. It is really terrible. But because the owners of the media and governments and Central Banks and financial institutions are Zionists (not real Jews who seek to honor our Creator God, to be clear) they have had a big media campaign of propaganda to smear anyone who calls them out for doing evil things against children, people, nations, and the world.
I will be working on compiling information together into one place so you can understand the difference between the Biblical Nation of Israel and the modern nation put in place by the Rothschilds and the fake Jews who are not really Jews at all. If you are willing, here is a Post on X that has a thread of 20 posts about this topic. It will shock you if you take the time to hit each post and watch each video included. This could be a good beginning for you to learn the difference between what you and other Jewish people believe and celebrate and what the fake posers who are really of the Synagogue of Satan as Jesus put it believe:
I am sorry you are so agitated and I hope you can come to an understanding of this deeper truth with us. I will be praying. Blessings, Charlene
Hey all! Sorry that our "comment" section here was turned off accidentally. We know many of you have tried commenting but were unable. I hope you can come back and share your thoughts with us. Blessings to you all and sending out a lot of love. ❤️