And all he said was "follow-Me", mixing Peter-and-Paul has led to a dangerous course that needs to be redirected. The "Roman Catholic" church has recently paid out, by way of Cardinal Balogney, $666 million (a curious number) in molestation lawsuits and is trying to shoulder the Eastern Orthodoxy out of the way and must be stopped!
And all he said was "follow-Me", mixing Peter-and-Paul has led to a dangerous course that needs to be redirected. The "Roman Catholic" church has recently paid out, by way of Cardinal Balogney, $666 million (a curious number) in molestation lawsuits and is trying to shoulder the Eastern Orthodoxy out of the way and must be stopped!
And all he said was "follow-Me", mixing Peter-and-Paul has led to a dangerous course that needs to be redirected. The "Roman Catholic" church has recently paid out, by way of Cardinal Balogney, $666 million (a curious number) in molestation lawsuits and is trying to shoulder the Eastern Orthodoxy out of the way and must be stopped!
Interesting number