It's troubling and sad, but we must glean the good and reject the bad. This is a tricky subject. God made salt crystals, water crystals, etc.... God tells us to meditate on His Word and to think positively (Phil 4:8). The New Agers don't give God credit or glory, and they don't seek to please God or serve Him. New Agers, like demons, use…
It's troubling and sad, but we must glean the good and reject the bad. This is a tricky subject. God made salt crystals, water crystals, etc.... God tells us to meditate on His Word and to think positively (Phil 4:8). The New Agers don't give God credit or glory, and they don't seek to please God or serve Him. New Agers, like demons, use God's creation for their own benefit and for their own gain without any regard for God at all. I believe the difference is our motives. Using frequency for healing while praising God is not wrong. Going to a witchdoctor for healing is a problem for me, but just because the witchdoctor uses water, salt, meditation, and electricity... doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong or evil. Eating steak offered to idols in their temples isn't wrong... it's just steak, but if your brother's conscience is offended, then we should help our brother think about it correctly and not eat the steak in front of him while he is getting his thinking straight. You can eat the steak privately, but our brother's heart is more important. If we don't help our brother correct his thinking, then we imprison ourselves by their conscience .... to a degree, so if we love our brother, we will do our homework to get the answers and help our brother honor the Lord correctly. I don't know your whole experience, so I can't speak directly to it, but the only spiritual entity we need to get close to is Jesus. Hopefully you can find another location or have a talk with them to access the healing technology without appealing to any fallen angels, spirit guides, extra terrestrials, etc... The steak is good.... the frequency is good, but trying to give any credit to any entity other than God is where I draw the line. I would personally probably explain my position to the practicioner and how they are actually not getting the full benefits of the technology by appealing to "spirits". The power of the Holy Spirit gives us full power and benefits of meditation, positive thinking, love, gratitude,, etc... The key is giving God all the credit, glory and honor.... in my opinion. I love you, your post, and your heart. You are precious in God's site, so please don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Seek the Lord and seek the truth, and God will give you what you need to accomplish everything He wants you to accomplish.
It's troubling and sad, but we must glean the good and reject the bad. This is a tricky subject. God made salt crystals, water crystals, etc.... God tells us to meditate on His Word and to think positively (Phil 4:8). The New Agers don't give God credit or glory, and they don't seek to please God or serve Him. New Agers, like demons, use God's creation for their own benefit and for their own gain without any regard for God at all. I believe the difference is our motives. Using frequency for healing while praising God is not wrong. Going to a witchdoctor for healing is a problem for me, but just because the witchdoctor uses water, salt, meditation, and electricity... doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong or evil. Eating steak offered to idols in their temples isn't wrong... it's just steak, but if your brother's conscience is offended, then we should help our brother think about it correctly and not eat the steak in front of him while he is getting his thinking straight. You can eat the steak privately, but our brother's heart is more important. If we don't help our brother correct his thinking, then we imprison ourselves by their conscience .... to a degree, so if we love our brother, we will do our homework to get the answers and help our brother honor the Lord correctly. I don't know your whole experience, so I can't speak directly to it, but the only spiritual entity we need to get close to is Jesus. Hopefully you can find another location or have a talk with them to access the healing technology without appealing to any fallen angels, spirit guides, extra terrestrials, etc... The steak is good.... the frequency is good, but trying to give any credit to any entity other than God is where I draw the line. I would personally probably explain my position to the practicioner and how they are actually not getting the full benefits of the technology by appealing to "spirits". The power of the Holy Spirit gives us full power and benefits of meditation, positive thinking, love, gratitude,, etc... The key is giving God all the credit, glory and honor.... in my opinion. I love you, your post, and your heart. You are precious in God's site, so please don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Seek the Lord and seek the truth, and God will give you what you need to accomplish everything He wants you to accomplish.