How Big Ag and Big Pharma Keep You Sick And Why RFK Jr. Might Finally Stop Them
TTAC Release Brand New "MUST WATCH" Official MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN Movie Explaining How America Got So Sick And Lay The Path Back To Health Again - Our Solution: RFK Jr 🇺🇸
“You are what you eat” isn’t just a cliché—it’s a warning. For decades, the unholy alliance between Big Agriculture and Big Pharma (let’s call them “Big AgPharma”) has been engineering a system where the food keeps you sick, and the drugs keep you dependent. It’s a brilliant business model—if you have no soul.
Luckily, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., now the Secretary of Health and Human Services, just might be the wrecking ball we need to smash this corrupt system.
How Big AgPharma Keeps You Hooked
Think about it: the same corporations pumping out ultra-processed, sugar-loaded, nutrient-devoid junk are the same ones raking in billions when you inevitably get sick from eating it. It’s not a coincidence—it’s a business model. Chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease don’t just happen out of nowhere. They are the predictable (and highly profitable) outcomes of a food system designed to keep you hooked on cheap, addictive, artificial garbage while depriving your body of real nutrition.
Let’s break it down. Big Ag loads up processed foods with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, refined grains, and hydrogenated oils—ingredients that hijack your brain’s reward system, leaving you craving more while slowly destroying your metabolic health. Meanwhile, Big Ag’s agricultural practices deplete the soil of essential minerals, ensuring that even real food isn’t as nutritious as it used to be. The result? Widespread nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and a population primed for illness.
Enter Big Pharma, ready to "rescue" you with a lifetime prescription. Blood pressure meds, cholesterol drugs, insulin—these aren’t cures; they’re maintenance plans. Instead of addressing the root cause (the food that’s making you sick), doctors—trained in a system funded by Big Pharma interests—reach for the prescription pad. Got acid reflux from your inflammatory diet? Here’s some proton pump inhibitors that will wreck your gut long-term. Type 2 diabetes from a lifetime of sugar overload? No need to cut carbs—just take this GLP-1 agonist and keep eating the same junk.
And the kicker? Many of the very drugs used to “treat” diet-related diseases have side effects that create new health problems—requiring even more medications. Statins increase your risk of diabetes. Proton pump inhibitors mess up your digestion and nutrient absorption. Antidepressants? Good luck getting off those without withdrawal hell. The vicious cycle ensures that once you enter the system, you stay in the system.
Big Ag makes sure you’re sick. Big Pharma makes sure you never get better. And unless you break free from their grip, you’ll keep feeding the machine—one bite, one pill, one doctor’s visit at a time.
Bought and Paid For: How Big Ag and Big Pharma Control the Narrative
Big Ag and Big Pharma don’t just control your food and medicine—they control what you think about food and medicine. These industries have spent billions ensuring that the official narrative serves their bottom line, not your health.
In 2024 alone, U.S. agribusinesses shelled out $177.8 million on lobbying efforts, making sure the laws stay in their favor. Meanwhile, Big Pharma—ever the overachiever in corruption—dropped a mind-blowing $293.7 million to keep the prescription drug conveyor belt running at full speed. Ever wonder how Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab became the golden child of Big Pharma? Maybe it had something to do with the $10 million they spent in 2024 lubricating the gears of the U.S. government. Nothing says “public health” like a fat lobbying budget!
And it doesn’t stop there. Big Ag and Big Pharma have wormed their way into the education system, ensuring that future generations stay blissfully unaware of how rigged the system really is. School textbooks push conventional farming as the gold standard, glossing over the environmental and health consequences of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs. Universities with agricultural programs? Many are glorified marketing arms for Big Ag, indoctrinating students into a system that benefits corporate giants, not farmers or consumers.
Doctors aren’t immune to brainwashing either. Big Pharma bankrolls Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses, making sure physicians are trained to prescribe the latest (and most expensive) pills rather than explore non-drug treatments. Even medical textbooks—those supposedly objective sources of knowledge—are laced with pharma-friendly content, sometimes featuring actual advertisements for drugs right next to the “educational” material.
The result? A society where food keeps you sick, and drugs keep you dependent—exactly how Big AgPharma designed it.
It’s the ultimate scam. And worse? Your tax dollars fund it.
The government subsidizes the very crops (corn, wheat, and soy) that turn into the processed junk lining grocery store shelves.
The FDA—stuffed with former industry execs—turns a blind eye while food companies pump their products full of inflammatory seed oils and artificial ingredients.
The medical establishment’s “solution”? A lifetime prescription of pills to “manage” symptoms instead of addressing the root cause.
It’s a rigged game, and your health is the currency.
Enter Health Freedom Warrior - RFK Jr.
For the first time in modern history, we have a true warrior in power—someone who isn’t a puppet for Big Ag or Big Pharma. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as Secretary of Health and Human Services, is exactly the wrecking ball we need to tear down the corrupt, profit-driven system that has put corporate greed over public health for far too long.
Big AgPharma has had a stranglehold on our food and medicine for decades, feeding us poison while cashing in on the inevitable sickness that follows. They’ve bought politicians, infiltrated regulatory agencies, and convinced millions that synthetic chemicals, GMOs, and endless prescriptions are the only way to survive. But their grip is slipping—because RFK Jr. is here to burn their rotten empire to the ground.
Imagine an HHS that:
✔️ Prioritizes real nutrition over pharmaceutical dependency—no more government food policies designed to keep you sick and medicated.
✔️ Exposes the corruption behind food and drug policies—pulling back the curtain on the backroom deals and corporate lies that dictate what we eat and how we’re treated.
✔️ Fights for consumer health instead of corporate profits—because your well-being should never be sacrificed to boost Big AgPharma’s bottom line.
This is the kind of leadership America has been starved of for decades. No more rubber-stamping toxic policies. No more revolving doors between regulatory agencies and corporate boardrooms. RFK Jr. is here to fight—and for once, the people might actually win.
RFK Jr. is shaking up the establishment, and they hate it. Big AgPharma has spent decades ensuring that sick people stay profitable. But with the right leadership and an informed public, we can flip the script.
“Unpacking The Lies We’ve Been Fed”
It’s time to break free. For far too long, we've been fed a steady diet of lies—about our food, our health, and who really benefits from keeping us sick. But the truth is coming to light. We’re pulling back the curtain on a century of deception with our explosive new documentary: “Unpacking the Lies We’ve Been Fed.” This isn’t just another film—it’s a wake-up call for America.
We teamed up with Matthew Skow, the visionary director behind
to deliver the most hard-hitting exposé yet—a fearless look at how Big Pharma, media propaganda, corporate greed, and corrupt systems have conspired to keep us unhealthy, dependent, and in the dark.But there is hope. With
now at the helm as Secretary of Health and Human Services, we finally have a chance to put health over profits and dismantle the toxic alliance between Big Ag and Big Pharma. This documentary isn’t just a film—it’s the spark that will ignite the MAHA movement.
“It’s never the wrong time to do the right thing!” Frankly I don’t know whom to attribute that quote to, but it’s do or die time. I’m fighting . . . how about you?
Thank God! 🙏🏻