Ty and Charlene

Thank You for your long commitment to sharing news that not only is true, it is heartfelt.

Thank You.🙏



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PLEASE LIST THE AMOS MILLER FUND RAISER FOR HIS LEGAL DEFENSE: Thank you, Ty and Charlene, for this article supporting Amos Miller and access to raw dairy and other healthy foods. It would be even more helpful if you let people know about the GiveSendGo account raising money for Amos Miller's legal defense. The title of the fund raiser is "Amos Miller under attack AGAIN" by Chris Hume. Best Wishes, Gary Roush, Miami Chapter Leader, Weston Price Foundation.

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Thank you very much for all that you do!!!!

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Everyone remember what happens when we stand up to tyranny and shout truth from the rooftops. Covid polices were revoked because we were not silent. Let this be no different. Poisoning us with our food from Big Food and Big PHARMA should be just as grievous a crime. This man is an unsung hero.

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Shouting from the rooftops = standing up to tyranny? Please tell me what tyranny has ever been toppled by this? Right, it's two things: 1) a childish wish-fulfillment fantasy, & 2) a myth cowards who refuse to stand up to tyranny made up to claim that shouting AT EACH OTHER on social media IS fighting for freedom. That way they can lie to themselves that they've done all they can.

Tell me who on this list http://allaregreen.us/ you think will be first to voluntarily refuse THOSE AMOUNTS of $ "because Daddy always listens to us when we get angry?" & on what issues? GMOs? Been decades. Oil pipelines? No.

Cancer cures, freedom from illegal mandates, BASIC human rights? I can't WAIT to hear the list of All The Things I somehow missed that were resolved by allowing everyone to continue while you only shouted.

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This is ALARMING! May the Lord interviene and defend. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are saved! People need to be able to eat at their own risk! We do extreme sports at our own risk, we dirve cars and trucks at our own risk. The Government has no right to remove the healthy foods from the people. Look at the Trash the FDA approves!

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Such evil. What has the world come to? America has turned into a thug-ocracy. I wish people would wake up. Then this would all end.

@Julia Anderson: What happened in the 1940s? Why do you pick that date?

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Canada is worse

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My question is why are you drinking milk? As an informed adult with the legal right to decide, I'm curious what is it about cow's or goat's milk that you think benefits your human body? I'm for food sovereignty, and I'm from Maine, where I buy Amish food products year round. But still, why milk, raw, pasteurized (and thank God for science, so why not), almond, rice, oats, or any other ridiculous food fad? Children benefit from milk , the milk that comes from their own biological mothers. The dairy industry brainwashed you long before raw milk was a hot topic.

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There was no “Dairy industry” thousands of years ago, for that is how long people of most cultures have been drinking milk. Or eating curds, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream etc. etc.

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I happen to like the taste of raw milk as a drink, and in my coffee. And it has fat in it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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That type of fat is good for you.

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How do?

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How so rather…

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We are not in a God-given right s society any longer; we lost it in the 1940’s with big pharma control of many entities who make decision, insurance companies denying much needed products and our courts operated by the B A R British accreditation Registry…the attorneys are all in this foreign entity created by a communist. De facto court system not de jur

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Seems very likely that Big Pharma has a stake in this fight. Of course if people can't access raw cow, goat or sheep milk easily, they'll have to buy the more medicated or artificial commercial products made by Big Ag and Pharm. (Remember that often half and half cream was actually a petroleum product?)

I mean, the very idea that we be allowed to grow and produce non-toxic food is anathema to these capitalists on steroids.

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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Profit over health. Consumers should have freedom of choice.

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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Horrifying news

I have been fighting for my good raw milk all my entire life and I was born in 1940. Oh my soul and body. This is very truly personally upsetting. I live in the state of Maine now where I started. I did not realize that individual beautiful farmers are still putting up with such an atrocious Horrifying never minded prejudice, mindset as this oh dear.

I am passing it on to God and everybody.

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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

A gross violation of basic human rights supposedly protected by our written constitution. These lawless agencies in violation of basic law should be held strictly accountable for this coercive oppression. Sure would be nice to live in a truly free country instead of one that just gives lip service to the concept while violating it regularly, because they believe they can.

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That is so true. We are experiencing the same kind of fascistic BS in Canada too. No law can be written unless some elite group of wealthy degenerates gets their cut!

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Yes, I'm afraid it's global, that's why they call those wealthy degenerates "globalists." It's the most damaging virus that has spread across the world and needs some strong medicine of some kind.

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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Thank you, Ty and Arlene. We are here in support of Amos Miller

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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

support Amos!


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Mar 13Liked by The Truth About Cancer

Its terribly what the FSIS and FDA are in so much corruption & money interest. Let US people decide what kinds of foods we choose to eat!!!

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