They KNEW! The intent was to kill and injure. Where's the study on the different types of LOTS and where were they sent? I bet we see a behavior distribution pattern between red states and blue states.

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There is some evidence that the worst of the C19 shots were sent to the “red” states.

South Dakota, Tennessee and Kentucky had the highest death rates on the covid shots (death per million doses, based on VAERS data in the US). 7 of the top 10 states have more Republican than Democrat registered voters, with the other 3 being borderline “purple”

On the flip side, six of the ten lowest states (lowest death rate), are Democrat majority. Interestingly Utah, the state with the highest % of Republicans, has the lowest death rate from the C19 shots.

Source: LearnTheRisk.org, Statistics, expand the US map. You can click on the state for details or pull-up the chart by right-click, show as a table.

HowBad.Info has an interesting article on keeping the hot vaccine lots hidden from the public. Found under “Toxic Lots” link “Chance of a Bad Batch” Why Did They Choose 5% for the High Toxicity Batches ?

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Mel: Thanks LOADS! Incredible sites. That last line in that section says it all: "5% is the statistical level where chance occurrences are indistinguishable from deliberate causation."

Very much appreciate your response and I plan on passing these sites forward.

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We may hear from a drug company whistleblower someday that the “hot” covid vaccines for the mass population were distributed in a way to avoid detection.

It may reveal also that “health” departments, congress, athletes, celebrities – as much as possible are to be injected with the (benign) shots. That didn’t work 100% as there are athletes, celebrities and even some in congress that were injured from a covid shot.

From the VAERS data, Tennessee has the most C19 vaccine deaths, but is 15th in population of the US states. Calif. has over 5x the population of TN, but has less covid vaccine deaths.

Pfizer knows about scattering the “bad” (hot) vaccine batches. In 1979, 11 babies in Tennessee died of SIDS within 8 days of getting the DPT shot. An internal memo of Wyeth (now Pfizer), describes limiting the number of vials from the same lot to any city or state (So the SIDS tragedy doesn’t happen in a single region again).

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Thank you!

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The simple fact that they produced different batches of vaccines for different groups of people and did not inform the public should negate the EUA non liability issue. Someone needs to pay for all of the damage done by these different formulas for this Covid vaccine. Why has no one started a class action suit to expose this. If they didn't tell the FDA that the vaccines were different and they didn't inform the public that they were different didn't Pfizer abrogate an agreement with the government and if the FDA knew about the difference in vaccine batches wasn't it their duty to inform the public. Someone needs to pay for all of the problems this vaccine has caused or we have no justice in our country. Pfizer made billions on this vaccine. It's time for a congressional investigation into this travesty.

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I think they even used a different formula in their trials versus what was given to the public. Of course the info inserts on the jabs was left intentionally blank. I wonder if they can use that to sue also.

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This information is unbelievable & mind blowing! 😱🥹🤕

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The site HowBad.info (How Bad Is My Batch) is where the VAERS data on the C19 batches can be retrieved by lot number. Amount of deaths, disabilities, other adverse events, etc. are retrieved.

Note that the under-reporting factor for VAERS is at least 26. Multiply the numbers by 26 and you will get a more accurate figure.

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And of course VAERS will never include data on the number of ppl who developed cancer after being vaccinated.

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Wow, that's where I used to work in my first job -- Lederle Labs in Pearl River, NY, which was bought out by Pfizer years after I left. ALSO, I highly suspect my last job, which was a computer research institute doing secret gov-funded (aka tax funded) projects were also given different shots as ALL those people have had no adverse effects and none died from them. So I think they also were given the placebos so they could continue that work. (Thankfully, I retired just in time)

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So, what were the differences? The employees would have had to get placebo batches, any potential for harm for employees would have been rebelled against. It also proves Pfizer knew they were disseminating harmful shots to innocent people. How is Pfizer legally getting away with foisting this on the public? I wouldn't even be surprised if they gave more innocuous batches to countries that are underpopulated, and crammed cities received the 'killer shots.'

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We're a nation, in fact a world of sheep. Why do you say their employees would have rebelled? Did employees of other drug companies, mandated to get jabs, rebel? Soldiers? College students? Medical workers? ANY WORKERS, or ANYBODY? No. They may have given them a placebo for their own purposes, maybe to prevent damage to useful workers. But NOT because they would have rebelled.

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The reason I said that was because the email was promoting a sense of security by stating the shots were different. The Pfizer employees would have known since they were in the business of their manufacture that they were dangerous, and so they had to be assured of safety, and that could only occur by giving them different shots. They could have spilled the beans on Pfizer otherwise. These workers had leverage that no other group had. They had the recipe, that would make it easier to push back.

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If the employees were privy, I agree they'd be more likely to rebel. I don't think the rank and file had, or to this day have, any more idea than any other pharma workers. They were going to work, doing their jobs, oblivious to what was in the jabs. Sure, SOME employees knew, it didn't happen by itself. I'm surprised there's not more discussion and speculation about how we ended up with such killer jabs, and such variable lots. How it was done, by whom, at what points in production/distribution, how many knew the score, etc. One explanation is NOBODY really orchestrated anything. Just dangerous technology that never should have been used, shoddy manufacturing, crooked testing, all in the name of delivering product on time for the big bucks. I think that's possible. Also possibly a planned poisoning. Given the DOD involvement, seems likely more than sloppiness and haste for a payoff.

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I see your point, just wondering though why would they send an email specifically stating the shots for employees were different in constituents? Why even say that?

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Good question. My guess, which is exactly just a guess, is, since they aren't dumb (just bad) they know that while most employees would willingly line up for the jab anyway, a significant minority are smart enough to have reservations. Saying it was a "special batch just for them" would probably rope in at least SOME of those. Seems like a reasonable possibility, but just a guess.

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I was listening to an ex employee at Pfizer at a manufacturing facility, whistleblower, they fired her. Lots of shady stuff going on there. She said most of the employees turned a blind eye, and the ones that realized something was really off left.

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They were not vaccines. They were bioweapons. Every vaccine manufacturing company should have been fined and jailed for committing crimes against humanity. What happened to the public was NOT side effects. The deaths, the crippling, the autism, the heart attacks, clots, the miscarriages, the cancers were supposed to happen. The shot did exactly what it was formulated to do. They got away with murder. Not to mention Fauci, the wealthy slime ball, slithered away, unnoticed, unpunished for his crimes against humanity. Those vaccine manufacturing companies made a bazillion dollars and they are still making "vaccines" for fake "viruses" and "outbreaks." These are for the people who believe all of those crimes, shots and lies were legit.

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Who owns Pfizer? I thought I heard China and Germany owns Pfizer. If that is correct then Trump says he took the warp speed shots by a Chinese company. I don't think a sitting U.S. President took a shot from China and it would be treason to give the U.S. Military and it's people a bio-weapon made by communist China.

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Where does this vital information go? Will anyone be held responsible? Liable? Be prosecuted? Doubtful. It was revealed in late 2021 that certain "hot" batch sequence numbers of the vaccine were distributed worldwide. Thus the reason we witnessed thousands die rapidly after injection. Other sequence batches produced violent but not deadly reactions in various places. After that, tamer versions of the vaccine continued to be administered and these were designed to reignite dormant cancer cells or target any particular ailment a person might have had difficulty with in the past. To sum it up: the objective is to obliterate (eugenics) a percentage of human life, sooner or later, but definitely. The masses who were not awake and live in fear are paying the price of experimentation.

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Where does this vital information go? Will anyone be held responsible? Liable? Be prosecuted? Doubtful. It was revealed in late 2021 that certain "hot" batch sequence numbers of the vaccine were distributed worldwide. Thus the reason we witnessed thousands die rapidly after injection. Other sequence batches produced violent but not deadly reactions in various places. After that, tamer versions of the vaccine continued to be administered and these were designed to reignite dormant cancer cells or target any particular ailment a person might have had difficulty with in the past. To sum it up: the objective is to obliterate (eugenics) a percentage of human life, sooner or later, but definitely. The masses who were not awake and live in fear are paying the price of experimentation.

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I expect many of the shots, at least in the beginning were saline alone. Of course I'm sure the gov around the world were charged full price. When the distribution was taking place, what was being produced and what was being delivered did not match. Regardless, the saline at the beginning, no side effects, the rest of the herd relaxes, off to the slaughter house they gladly go. Here, in Canada, I think we were "rewarded". Many reported not even a sore arm post injection. Some have been constantly ill since the booster.

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Für mich ist es nun ein eindeutiges Mordkomplott gegen die Menschheit, bei der nur ausgewählte Personen ausgenommen wurden. Das die Mitarbeiter der Pharma Industrie das mit machen zeigt ihre Abhängigkeit vom Kapital!

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