So you say. He also early on told us about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the DEMONIC MSM spread LIES 24/7 for their Largest Advertisers, BigPharma; they chose the "Almighty Dollar" over the lives and well-being of their viewers. The FDA, the CDC, and everyone at the top are evil and corrupt. Also, they LIED to Trump from the get-go, knowing he was an outsider. If he, as you say, got a million-dollar donation, do you really think a million dollars makes any difference to a man who donated back 100% of his salary for 4 years?
You do realize a Billion is a thousand Million right? It's like 100 bucks to you or me, unless you're a millionaire, then maybe a thousand bucks--- no big deal.
You don't understand. Trump is one with the elite. He is not the savior of the people like many want to believe. He is there for the rich and their goals.
LOL, SMH, Trump isn't and never was one of the so-called elites. Having Billions of dollars doesn't make you an 'elite,' it makes you wealthy. They look at him as a blue-collar Billionaire, not a man of pedigree or their high-status level. If he were of "them," they wouldn't spend Billions of dollars trying endlessly to destroy the man. Wake up; it's later than you think. The Islamist anti-God men are now in America, and they aren't here to assimilate! (the 100,000+ Chinese and Russian men aren't either)
That's how they work; they have a 1,000-year plan and have taken over many countries with it. They view Israel and America as the little and Big Satan. Buckle up, buttercup; Sharia Law is already in America, and these illegals being flown in by night by the pro-Islamist cabal that's now in charge are not here for the betterment of America. These are the Last Days; there is still some time to repent and pray for our nation before Judgment comes upon it. Jesus/Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by Him.
You nee to stop the class envy psyop crap of rich vs. old. Because this got old Yesterday! The rich aren’t “bad” and the poor aren’t “good.” This is about a demonic agenda of control over both the successful and rich, AND the unsuccessful and poor. And the Don is playing his assigned role. Then again, it depends upon what one considers “successful.” The most valued traits of success do not have a dollar sign attached to them.
You were doing great until your ignorance of what Zionism really is and whom the real murderers are in Israel. There is No “candidate” who has any control over anything, especially in the US. But he Will have a peace plan that he/it promises to last seven years. Do you people get this yet?
I meant who were you referring to when you stated, "But he Will have a peace plan that he/it promises to last seven years." Who is "he" in that statement?
I think she is referring to the anti-Christ. Look in a Bible in the last book... read carefully the whole of Revelation, especially chapters 4-22 to comprehend this. Many prophecies of the last days including an anti-Christ are seen.
We need Trump and a People Police Force because the Government Police is an Enormous Fraud. No more
Jose... Operations WARP Speed. He boaste that this is one of greatest achievements. Pfizer paid him a million bucks
So you say. He also early on told us about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the DEMONIC MSM spread LIES 24/7 for their Largest Advertisers, BigPharma; they chose the "Almighty Dollar" over the lives and well-being of their viewers. The FDA, the CDC, and everyone at the top are evil and corrupt. Also, they LIED to Trump from the get-go, knowing he was an outsider. If he, as you say, got a million-dollar donation, do you really think a million dollars makes any difference to a man who donated back 100% of his salary for 4 years?
You do realize a Billion is a thousand Million right? It's like 100 bucks to you or me, unless you're a millionaire, then maybe a thousand bucks--- no big deal.
You don't understand. Trump is one with the elite. He is not the savior of the people like many want to believe. He is there for the rich and their goals.
LOL, SMH, Trump isn't and never was one of the so-called elites. Having Billions of dollars doesn't make you an 'elite,' it makes you wealthy. They look at him as a blue-collar Billionaire, not a man of pedigree or their high-status level. If he were of "them," they wouldn't spend Billions of dollars trying endlessly to destroy the man. Wake up; it's later than you think. The Islamist anti-God men are now in America, and they aren't here to assimilate! (the 100,000+ Chinese and Russian men aren't either)
That's how they work; they have a 1,000-year plan and have taken over many countries with it. They view Israel and America as the little and Big Satan. Buckle up, buttercup; Sharia Law is already in America, and these illegals being flown in by night by the pro-Islamist cabal that's now in charge are not here for the betterment of America. These are the Last Days; there is still some time to repent and pray for our nation before Judgment comes upon it. Jesus/Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by Him.
You nee to stop the class envy psyop crap of rich vs. old. Because this got old Yesterday! The rich aren’t “bad” and the poor aren’t “good.” This is about a demonic agenda of control over both the successful and rich, AND the unsuccessful and poor. And the Don is playing his assigned role. Then again, it depends upon what one considers “successful.” The most valued traits of success do not have a dollar sign attached to them.
You were doing great until your ignorance of what Zionism really is and whom the real murderers are in Israel. There is No “candidate” who has any control over anything, especially in the US. But he Will have a peace plan that he/it promises to last seven years. Do you people get this yet?
Who are you referring to?
To mehbcart above comment, not you.
I meant who were you referring to when you stated, "But he Will have a peace plan that he/it promises to last seven years." Who is "he" in that statement?
I think she is referring to the anti-Christ. Look in a Bible in the last book... read carefully the whole of Revelation, especially chapters 4-22 to comprehend this. Many prophecies of the last days including an anti-Christ are seen.
Yes, you are correct.
Yes you are correct.