The stakes have never been higher. Trump must seize this opportunity to unite with Kennedy, proving his commitment to protecting our nation from a looming disaster.
I’ve been saying it all along Kennedy should be the head of HHS. It’s his passion and he knows so much! He should have been before and my husband would still be here!
I totally agree on so many levels of what you have shared here.
In my opinion, though, however like unlikely it may seem, what I think would be the most extraordinary show of true leadership and love of country by Trump would be for him to endorse Rfk and find a way forward from that angle.
I suggest this because, as anyone who truly listens to Rfk speak wld know, Rfk has the ability to articulate from the heart, all of the issues with such genuine, personal integrity and vision that Trump simply could not compare to.
Trump has the heart, but hasn’t quite mastered a nature harmony of expression. Rfk has dealt with his personal Demons, so he has nothing to prove. That is a huge difference.
I do think Trump on a deep level has a lot of respect for Rfk too and knows that he is truly here for the good of America and the world.
And I honestly feel Trump is tired and he really needs to look after his own health. Rfk already has health prioritised.
Either way a strategic RFK-TRUMP teams alliance is, I believe, the most beneficial way forward, simply because of the extreme social media and news manipulation the Dems are doing.
I totally agree with what you are saying here Michele, however I could not imagine Trump would be willing to do this. If he would it would be quite extraordinary though!!! A reasonable alternative is what this article is about and certainly will be great if Trump and RFK, Jr. form a strong alliance.
The reason Trump would not drop out and endorse RFK is not what you think. The reason is RFK is not on the ballot in many states and therefore he has no chance of beating Kamala Harris in electoral college. The Democratic Party has been fighting RFK in court to keep him off the ballot in multiple states. If Trump dropped out, it would guarantee a Kamala Harris win and communism in the US. So that is why Trump would never drop out. But now there is a rumor that RFK might drop out and endorse Trump. Their alliance would be the best thing for this country and RFK would be a hero. He will also play a big role in a Trump administration. So that is a win-win situation. If RFK forms an alliance with Trump, we must unite behind Trump to defeat Kamala's communism in November!
While I agree with you that Trump and RFK should join forces, I disagree that Trump should be the one to drop out and endorse RFK. Trump at 78 years of age is mentally sharper than 20 year olds. The man is doing rallies after rallies and giving hour-long speeches every time, showing he is certainly not tired. Trump has the experience of being President and when he was President, the economy was booming and the world was at peace. These are 2 issues that RFK has no experience with. So it makes much more sense for RFK to be the HHS secretary and focus solely on public health and vaccines. Let Trump save the US economy and create jobs and prevent WW3 from happening. So RFK has to drop out and endorse Trump to form a winning alliance.
You are perfectly entitled to have that opinion TC. Many of those points I agree with too. I like and respect many things that Trump stands for and is doing.
At the same time if you look at the details of policy, from global economics to actually fixing the American economy, and restoring health and Vitality to the American people and future generations, Rfk has nailed it 10 times more precisely then Trump I think.
Trump has started to talk virtually copy a number of Rfk‘s policies the last two months and that has been interesting to watch. When people have asked Rfk about that, he has simply acknowledged it very humbly and said that he’s just honoured if Trump likes his policies that much that he’s starting to share them as well.
He’s quite open to that because he has faced his own Demons on a deeply spiritual level, and he has nothing to prove. A level of emotional and spiritual maturity that we have not seen for some time in politics.
I stand for Harmony and and proactively supporting people who are willing to go beyond their own personal assumptions of how they think things should look in order to step into what is truly possible that will actually nurture and facilitate long-term recovery and harmony for all. Including Trump. 😉
Even though I'm a Trump supporter since 2016, I have followed RFK's work and respect what he has done for the environment and children's health. That's why I think he should lead this nation on public health policy in a Trump administration. I think it's a perfect fit for him. And like I said, the reason I believe President Trump is the president we need at this moment in time is because the world is on fire. We are on the verge of a world war. We need a strong leader who has proven to be a peacemaker in foreign policy in order to prevent WW3. Trump's economic and energy policies delivered economic prosperity during his first term. It was the greatest economy in US history before the pandemic hit. So that's why it makes perfect sense to have him lead our economic revival once again.
And as of today, I read that RFK is going to make a big announcement on Friday, possibly to drop out and endorse Trump and serve in the Trump administration. If that is true, that is the alliance this country needs to defeat Kamala Harris's marxism and communism. It would make me respect RFK even more for him to do the right thing for this country. We might disagree on a couple of issues, but for the love of this country, we must unite this November and vote for Trump to save this country.
It’s also given RFK an extraordinary opportunity to showcase true, what I call, ‘harmony leadership’.
Hopefully RFKs deeper knowledge and understand of the mRNA poison will get heard by Trump sooner rather than later becos focussing research and $$ on ‘personalised mRNA cancer shots’ over educating people to live healthy again and taking poisons out of agriculture, food, water and air, I think is maddness.
I'm real glad everything went according to how I envisioned it back then. RFK jr as HHS secretary gives us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fix what is wrong with the health agencies and the chronic disease epidemic in America. I would not worry about personalized mRNA vaccines because RFK jr is in charge of health policy. I trust that he will do the right thing and take the poison out of food and vaccines. (Plus, I strongly believe mRNA cancer vaccines will fail miserably because cancer is too complex for mRNA technology.) Trump is the right President for this point in time and he has fulfilled many of his promises. He's the only President in U.S. history to do what he said he would do. So we just need to be patient and let him and his cabinet plus Elon Musk fix this country. Ignore the Fake News. The future is bright!
Your presentation of Kamala Harris "snatching up patents" is poorly done and detracts from the rest of sincerity of the article. "Snatching" the patents away from researchers that used government money to do the research and take a salary and then receive the royalties....they should be taken away so the taxpayers would benefit from what their dollars paid for, government paid for/government owned. Always take the high road and you will remain credible. You really shot yourself in the foot.
Why is no one other than Naomi Wolf talking about the Biden and Harris campaigns ignoring FEC rules and regulations? This is totally illegal. Anyone who has ever run for an elected office k oes there are rules in place that must be followed.
Exactly what I posted last night on X/Twitter. This whole switcheroo is completely illegal and has disenfranchised everyone who voted for Biden—-Harris is set to be nominated without getting a SINGLE vote, which is about the same number of votes she got before dropping out BEFORE the Iowa caucus
This campaign is operating outside the law and the fact that no one can do anything proves as a country we are BROKEN ! We have been broken ever since Obama set up a base of operation complete with stone wall after exiting the White House. He never ever surrendered Presidency . Didn't realize at the time, but it has become very clear he spit in the eye of the American people and the elected Donald Trump and we are seeing more of the same now !
They are constantly breaking the law and since they own the Justice system and many Federal judges, it could be a waste of time. There are so many battles, so many fires to put out, so much corruption going on, it’s important we pick our battles and, perhaps you’re right, maybe this is a battle we should pick.
FEC is toothless. The DNC and RNC are corporations and it was ruled that they can do whatever they want after the DNC shafted Bernie. We are screwed and the corporate elites know it. Lawlessness and power rule.
I have a better idea…since Trump already had his shot and dropped the ball, was rolled by his bureaucrats on Covid, caved on the Vaccine Commission to Gates and Pfizer pressure and payments (and rightly lost RFK’s trust), is still bragging about the warp-speed vaccines that “saved lives”, cares more about himself and his ego than our country, and is beholden to way too many corporate elites (look at his donors), he does not deserve to be president again.
Give the new guy a chance! The one who has fought for Americans and won for 40 years and truly puts people over politics and country over party, has shown how presidential he is and would make a far better president to protect our rights and the Constitution. There is no comparison.
I can’t take Trump seriously. Even though he’d be better than Kamala, he is nowhere near as good as RFK. RFK has put his heart, soul, mind, savings and everything he has into this uphill battle as an independent, with negative help from the media and zero help from Trump. He’s run an incredible grassroots campaign. Trump has just rallied and partied and called Kamala names. He’s not running a real campaign because he’s not a serious person. If Trump said he wouldn’t debate without RFK being included, people would see who the better candidate on the debate stage is, and he doesn’t want that because he’s in it for himself, not for us.
Trump is part of the uniparty, which is the overarching problem; he’s still part of the deep state. No way I’m voting for that, nor would most Kennedy supporters, I don’t believe.
Trump should drop out and endorse Kennedy! And I guarantee Trump wouldn’t want a cabinet position and I don’t believe Kennedy would want one in Trump’s admin. at this point either. Even though there are some similar policies, as people, they couldn’t be more different.
TTAC, make it about Kennedy if you care about medical freedom, other rights and our country!!! Trump should drop out and endorse RFK.
The comments on Trump are ignored without the need for comment.
The praise for RFK Jr. is justified but ignores the political reality.
The system is set up to cripple third party candidates. At this late date RFK Jr. is still struggling to get on the ballot in some states including a legal challenge from NY.
Entrenched Democrats, particularly those installed in the Democrat party which has obviously been hijacked some time ago by Gloabalist/WEF functionoids and puppets, are make it difficult, if not impossible, for RFK Jr. to succeed.
The sooner this realization happens, the sooner some alliance can be arranged mutually beneficial to both sides. The alternative is an United States similar to the situation that Great Britain and Canada are in now.... a dire situation in which their Governments appear to have turned against their own citizens in a mad dash for total control. Civil war in these countries, and others in like situations, is a real possibility. Harris MUST be defeated or the last independent branch of Gov. will be the Supreme Court, which, no surprise, is currently under attack by Democrats.
Currently over 50% of Americans identify as Independents. He only needs about 5 % of votes from each party to win. His popularity is growing exponentially. Over a million people so far have signed petitions to get him on the ballot. There is no struggle there. He only has a few states left to get on the ballot. That's not completed yet as there are different timelines in each state for that effort. No surprise that the news covers none of this. But he absolutely has a solid chance to win the presidency.
Absolutely delusional! A winner will need 75M+ votes…1M signatures is truly meaningless. A Trump/RFK Jr ‘alliance’ would be perfect. The ppl voting for RFK, are prob not going to vote for Dems, as he has been totally ostracized by a party he and his family had popularized these last 50-60 years! And as already said, the Trump voters, like me, that question his stance on the ‘health’ of our country, will have some real hope for change in our healthcare delivery system.
The infiltration and subversion of our gov. "health" agencies (pause for laughter to subside...) by both industry and WEF sympathizer Authoritarians is astounding.
Agencies like FDA or CDC that were supposed to serve the public were, instead, turned into Authoritarian ministries with dictates, edicts, bans and censorship of promising research if it dared challenge the prevailing pseud-science. Dangerous bioweapon and viral "gain of function" research was outsourced to foreign countries or funneled through third party orgs or companies.
"News" media have completely abandoned fundamental principles of good journalism in order to support these subversions and, in fact, participate in what Archbishop Vigano correctly calls a "Global Coup".
This all sounds like "Conspiracy Theory" except, unfortunately, it is not a theory and is really happening.
I think Kamala would win because Trump has done the most work for getting himself out there. Trump has a very loyal base and RFK would only help Kamala and that would be the end forever!!!
Yeah, that's an absolutely solid extrapolation of factors regarding the most realistic probability. It's always surprising to see what a distorted perspective, which too many people have, regarding what they believe, rather than simply doing their own due diligent research about the narrative over DJT. She, the commentary above, appears to be very well versed about Jr. But lacks factual knowledge about DJT. For example: failed to recall the fact, that from the beginning the USG, essentially, ”the swamp” or more precisely, the deep state charged DJT for Russian collision that was based upon fabrications that were proven false. I could give more examples but you and the better informed here know the rest of the kangaroo court impeachment proceedings and she even forget about literally everything other than the last thing that you've described perfectly. I think her arguments would have been more of not one if she and others had diligently researched or simply recalled more accurately, the same as they did for Jr. . They'd be more informed - themselves.
100% agreed. RFK has no chance of winning due to the Democratic Party fighting to keep him off the ballot in several states. Trump is the only candidate who can defeat Kamala Harris and her communist agenda. Hopefully, RFK gets behind Trump tomorrow and that would be a game changer for this election.
Disagree. RFK doesn't have the relationships with the foreign countries. They are afraid of Trump because he is a really tough negotiator which he learned from NY Real Estate which is the toughest to do!
Plus, RFK, although likable is pro abortion and against 2nd Amendment. I don't think he'd be tough enough on crime either. Too Liberal.
I think what you saw in Trump's first term was called EXPOSURE. Can't say I care for it , but maybe it was the only way to wake up America. It was like the first Civil War that in the end exposed who was of good intent and who was purely evil . It wasn't a North South thing. Like today it is not a Democrat/ Republican thing .The North had its sweat shops who enslaved human beings (which in history is glossed over) and the South had its plantations who enslaved human beings . Trump is about PEACE and building the U.S.A. and not growing wars! Kennedy is about growing a very real HEALTH SYSTEM THAT GROWS AND SUPPORTS LIFE . Sadly Kennedy has too many Hollywood "Evil" connections, but he has the potential for GREAT GOOD and together the U.S.A. could be restored and the world saved !
I respectfully disagree with your opinion about President Trump. He has sacrificed a luxurious life because he loves our country. I think with RFK joining him is a great thing. Something has to be done to stop big pharma from continuing to take advantage of taxpayers. Congress is being run by Lobbyists and big pharma is a major one. Congress are now millionaires because they're being paid by Lobbyists. We can't trust our Congress to be the public servants they were elected to be because the greed is too great. Lobbyists need to be banned and our Congress needs to be representing us instead of themselves. I think President Trump has more leadership than any other candidate and this union with RFK is a win for our country as well as President Trump.
This is the momentum that will turn this Titanic away from the looming Iceberg of Totalitarianism. Nothing is perfect but Totalitarianism kills the people, the spirit and mind.
Thank you gor naming it correctly: totalitarianism, which may happen in any system. These people described as communists are neoliberals and capitalists. There’s no communism here. The parasitic elite are trying to impose a financial fascist totalitarian regime. Neo tecno feudalism and slavery. Corporate government control with stakeholder capitalism and communitarianism.
Umm.. I think Trump may be working with Big Pharma and has already turned down Kennedy's offer to work with him when Trump was seated as President. Also Trump has only endorsed his warp speed death shots despite the deaths and disabilities associated with his shots. Also Trump wants 5G, and heck even 6G, but just not near where he lives. I know Trump has done some good things in the past, but we got to look at facts.
Dee, based on your comment you didn't read the entire article and you didn't watch Nicole's interview. Read, watch, and then comment. I think you will be encouraged.
Really hard to watch and listen to her…annoying voice and she is really not all that well-versed in many of the topics she’s trying to address. She knows NOTHING about monetary policy, for one. The best way to initially curb inflation is to stop spending and stop printing money, period.
Off the subject but they say I have a few spots of cancer in my peritoneal cavity. They are recommending HIPEC. Who is the best HIPEC doc in the country?
Reading the comments reveals much what people don't know or understand about Kennedy. Get educated quickly and STOP creating your beliefs and convictions from news hook line articles or trolls. Look at Kennedy's record and listen, listen, listen to him speak about his stance on issues. Joe Rogan is onboard BUT Regardlessly.... that still is irrelevant. Do your own research. Even the Apostle Paul said, "you only look at the surface of things" while admonishing the church leaders for their shallowness back in the day. This is WHY nobody wants to DEBATE him, he's crazy equipped and has gears that none of the other candidates have.. PERIOD
Donald Trump is not stupid and Kennedy is a true American albeit an old style liberal one with no place to go. Furthermore one of the agencies that most needs to be re-imagined (rebuilt from the ground up?) is FDA. I know who many of Trump’s people are and he needs somebody in that position so, yes I think that would be a good fit. Trump’s people are both friendly and logical enough to work with him. Bottom line, yes I agree!
A Trump Kennedy alliance is the best! Thank you for writing the truth. May it be so! May our wonderful former President Trump be open to this alliance.
I totally agree with you. I had the same thought, and you have nicely explained what a great move it would be for Trump. My concern is that Trump's ties to Big Pharma are stronger even than his common sense and dedication to the public welfare. He should do it, I hope and pray he does it and will be overjoyed and encouraged if he does. But I doubt he will. I am voting for him, even tho he has his problems, and HHS NIH CDC and FDA are just 4 of them.
Yes, Trump does have ties to Big Pharma, indeed. I have never been a Trump fan, but I certainly am no Biden-Harris fan either. If Trump would not exaggerate so much and tell lies, I would be more encouraged by him. Kennedy is my choice, but if he hooks up with Trump, it will have to be Trump :) If this is the case, I would only hope Trump and Kennedy can work together to start healing this country .
From what Nicole's interview above states, Trump knows he blew it with covid and has learned his lesson. To see him open to an RFK appointment makes that even more true in my mind.
If Trump knows he blew it with covid then why did he hire a pharma lobbyiest for his campaign manager and take over a million from Pfizer.? Trump still says that his operation warped speed covid clot shot was good and even brags about getting ventilators which had about a 90% failure rate !
Would not trust Trump for a moment that he'd follow thru with RFK in charge of health. He jerked even less away the last time. And despite that I will vote for RFK b/c he is the best of the 3, not a chance I will vote for Trump either. (Or Kamala.)
Trump/Kennedy is a great idea!
I’ve been saying it all along Kennedy should be the head of HHS. It’s his passion and he knows so much! He should have been before and my husband would still be here!
I vote 💯% yes!
Me 2
I totally agree on so many levels of what you have shared here.
In my opinion, though, however like unlikely it may seem, what I think would be the most extraordinary show of true leadership and love of country by Trump would be for him to endorse Rfk and find a way forward from that angle.
I suggest this because, as anyone who truly listens to Rfk speak wld know, Rfk has the ability to articulate from the heart, all of the issues with such genuine, personal integrity and vision that Trump simply could not compare to.
Trump has the heart, but hasn’t quite mastered a nature harmony of expression. Rfk has dealt with his personal Demons, so he has nothing to prove. That is a huge difference.
I do think Trump on a deep level has a lot of respect for Rfk too and knows that he is truly here for the good of America and the world.
And I honestly feel Trump is tired and he really needs to look after his own health. Rfk already has health prioritised.
Either way a strategic RFK-TRUMP teams alliance is, I believe, the most beneficial way forward, simply because of the extreme social media and news manipulation the Dems are doing.
An interesting few months ahead that is for sure…
I totally agree with what you are saying here Michele, however I could not imagine Trump would be willing to do this. If he would it would be quite extraordinary though!!! A reasonable alternative is what this article is about and certainly will be great if Trump and RFK, Jr. form a strong alliance.
I hear you!
The reason Trump would not drop out and endorse RFK is not what you think. The reason is RFK is not on the ballot in many states and therefore he has no chance of beating Kamala Harris in electoral college. The Democratic Party has been fighting RFK in court to keep him off the ballot in multiple states. If Trump dropped out, it would guarantee a Kamala Harris win and communism in the US. So that is why Trump would never drop out. But now there is a rumor that RFK might drop out and endorse Trump. Their alliance would be the best thing for this country and RFK would be a hero. He will also play a big role in a Trump administration. So that is a win-win situation. If RFK forms an alliance with Trump, we must unite behind Trump to defeat Kamala's communism in November!
While I agree with you that Trump and RFK should join forces, I disagree that Trump should be the one to drop out and endorse RFK. Trump at 78 years of age is mentally sharper than 20 year olds. The man is doing rallies after rallies and giving hour-long speeches every time, showing he is certainly not tired. Trump has the experience of being President and when he was President, the economy was booming and the world was at peace. These are 2 issues that RFK has no experience with. So it makes much more sense for RFK to be the HHS secretary and focus solely on public health and vaccines. Let Trump save the US economy and create jobs and prevent WW3 from happening. So RFK has to drop out and endorse Trump to form a winning alliance.
You are perfectly entitled to have that opinion TC. Many of those points I agree with too. I like and respect many things that Trump stands for and is doing.
At the same time if you look at the details of policy, from global economics to actually fixing the American economy, and restoring health and Vitality to the American people and future generations, Rfk has nailed it 10 times more precisely then Trump I think.
Trump has started to talk virtually copy a number of Rfk‘s policies the last two months and that has been interesting to watch. When people have asked Rfk about that, he has simply acknowledged it very humbly and said that he’s just honoured if Trump likes his policies that much that he’s starting to share them as well.
He’s quite open to that because he has faced his own Demons on a deeply spiritual level, and he has nothing to prove. A level of emotional and spiritual maturity that we have not seen for some time in politics.
I stand for Harmony and and proactively supporting people who are willing to go beyond their own personal assumptions of how they think things should look in order to step into what is truly possible that will actually nurture and facilitate long-term recovery and harmony for all. Including Trump. 😉
Even though I'm a Trump supporter since 2016, I have followed RFK's work and respect what he has done for the environment and children's health. That's why I think he should lead this nation on public health policy in a Trump administration. I think it's a perfect fit for him. And like I said, the reason I believe President Trump is the president we need at this moment in time is because the world is on fire. We are on the verge of a world war. We need a strong leader who has proven to be a peacemaker in foreign policy in order to prevent WW3. Trump's economic and energy policies delivered economic prosperity during his first term. It was the greatest economy in US history before the pandemic hit. So that's why it makes perfect sense to have him lead our economic revival once again.
And as of today, I read that RFK is going to make a big announcement on Friday, possibly to drop out and endorse Trump and serve in the Trump administration. If that is true, that is the alliance this country needs to defeat Kamala Harris's marxism and communism. It would make me respect RFK even more for him to do the right thing for this country. We might disagree on a couple of issues, but for the love of this country, we must unite this November and vote for Trump to save this country.
Agree with your vantage point totally
I missed this comment altogether somehow?!
Great that this is how it’s happened hey.
It’s also given RFK an extraordinary opportunity to showcase true, what I call, ‘harmony leadership’.
Hopefully RFKs deeper knowledge and understand of the mRNA poison will get heard by Trump sooner rather than later becos focussing research and $$ on ‘personalised mRNA cancer shots’ over educating people to live healthy again and taking poisons out of agriculture, food, water and air, I think is maddness.
I'm real glad everything went according to how I envisioned it back then. RFK jr as HHS secretary gives us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fix what is wrong with the health agencies and the chronic disease epidemic in America. I would not worry about personalized mRNA vaccines because RFK jr is in charge of health policy. I trust that he will do the right thing and take the poison out of food and vaccines. (Plus, I strongly believe mRNA cancer vaccines will fail miserably because cancer is too complex for mRNA technology.) Trump is the right President for this point in time and he has fulfilled many of his promises. He's the only President in U.S. history to do what he said he would do. So we just need to be patient and let him and his cabinet plus Elon Musk fix this country. Ignore the Fake News. The future is bright!
If by Mentally Sharp, you mean lying liar, then you are correct. The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. By Bandy Lee and
Your presentation of Kamala Harris "snatching up patents" is poorly done and detracts from the rest of sincerity of the article. "Snatching" the patents away from researchers that used government money to do the research and take a salary and then receive the royalties....they should be taken away so the taxpayers would benefit from what their dollars paid for, government paid for/government owned. Always take the high road and you will remain credible. You really shot yourself in the foot.
Why is no one other than Naomi Wolf talking about the Biden and Harris campaigns ignoring FEC rules and regulations? This is totally illegal. Anyone who has ever run for an elected office k oes there are rules in place that must be followed.
Exactly what I posted last night on X/Twitter. This whole switcheroo is completely illegal and has disenfranchised everyone who voted for Biden—-Harris is set to be nominated without getting a SINGLE vote, which is about the same number of votes she got before dropping out BEFORE the Iowa caucus
This campaign is operating outside the law and the fact that no one can do anything proves as a country we are BROKEN ! We have been broken ever since Obama set up a base of operation complete with stone wall after exiting the White House. He never ever surrendered Presidency . Didn't realize at the time, but it has become very clear he spit in the eye of the American people and the elected Donald Trump and we are seeing more of the same now !
They are constantly breaking the law and since they own the Justice system and many Federal judges, it could be a waste of time. There are so many battles, so many fires to put out, so much corruption going on, it’s important we pick our battles and, perhaps you’re right, maybe this is a battle we should pick.
FEC is toothless. The DNC and RNC are corporations and it was ruled that they can do whatever they want after the DNC shafted Bernie. We are screwed and the corporate elites know it. Lawlessness and power rule.
I have a better idea…since Trump already had his shot and dropped the ball, was rolled by his bureaucrats on Covid, caved on the Vaccine Commission to Gates and Pfizer pressure and payments (and rightly lost RFK’s trust), is still bragging about the warp-speed vaccines that “saved lives”, cares more about himself and his ego than our country, and is beholden to way too many corporate elites (look at his donors), he does not deserve to be president again.
Give the new guy a chance! The one who has fought for Americans and won for 40 years and truly puts people over politics and country over party, has shown how presidential he is and would make a far better president to protect our rights and the Constitution. There is no comparison.
I can’t take Trump seriously. Even though he’d be better than Kamala, he is nowhere near as good as RFK. RFK has put his heart, soul, mind, savings and everything he has into this uphill battle as an independent, with negative help from the media and zero help from Trump. He’s run an incredible grassroots campaign. Trump has just rallied and partied and called Kamala names. He’s not running a real campaign because he’s not a serious person. If Trump said he wouldn’t debate without RFK being included, people would see who the better candidate on the debate stage is, and he doesn’t want that because he’s in it for himself, not for us.
Trump is part of the uniparty, which is the overarching problem; he’s still part of the deep state. No way I’m voting for that, nor would most Kennedy supporters, I don’t believe.
Trump should drop out and endorse Kennedy! And I guarantee Trump wouldn’t want a cabinet position and I don’t believe Kennedy would want one in Trump’s admin. at this point either. Even though there are some similar policies, as people, they couldn’t be more different.
TTAC, make it about Kennedy if you care about medical freedom, other rights and our country!!! Trump should drop out and endorse RFK.
The comments on Trump are ignored without the need for comment.
The praise for RFK Jr. is justified but ignores the political reality.
The system is set up to cripple third party candidates. At this late date RFK Jr. is still struggling to get on the ballot in some states including a legal challenge from NY.
Entrenched Democrats, particularly those installed in the Democrat party which has obviously been hijacked some time ago by Gloabalist/WEF functionoids and puppets, are make it difficult, if not impossible, for RFK Jr. to succeed.
The sooner this realization happens, the sooner some alliance can be arranged mutually beneficial to both sides. The alternative is an United States similar to the situation that Great Britain and Canada are in now.... a dire situation in which their Governments appear to have turned against their own citizens in a mad dash for total control. Civil war in these countries, and others in like situations, is a real possibility. Harris MUST be defeated or the last independent branch of Gov. will be the Supreme Court, which, no surprise, is currently under attack by Democrats.
Currently over 50% of Americans identify as Independents. He only needs about 5 % of votes from each party to win. His popularity is growing exponentially. Over a million people so far have signed petitions to get him on the ballot. There is no struggle there. He only has a few states left to get on the ballot. That's not completed yet as there are different timelines in each state for that effort. No surprise that the news covers none of this. But he absolutely has a solid chance to win the presidency.
Absolutely delusional! A winner will need 75M+ votes…1M signatures is truly meaningless. A Trump/RFK Jr ‘alliance’ would be perfect. The ppl voting for RFK, are prob not going to vote for Dems, as he has been totally ostracized by a party he and his family had popularized these last 50-60 years! And as already said, the Trump voters, like me, that question his stance on the ‘health’ of our country, will have some real hope for change in our healthcare delivery system.
Exactly correct !!
The infiltration and subversion of our gov. "health" agencies (pause for laughter to subside...) by both industry and WEF sympathizer Authoritarians is astounding.
Agencies like FDA or CDC that were supposed to serve the public were, instead, turned into Authoritarian ministries with dictates, edicts, bans and censorship of promising research if it dared challenge the prevailing pseud-science. Dangerous bioweapon and viral "gain of function" research was outsourced to foreign countries or funneled through third party orgs or companies.
"News" media have completely abandoned fundamental principles of good journalism in order to support these subversions and, in fact, participate in what Archbishop Vigano correctly calls a "Global Coup".
This all sounds like "Conspiracy Theory" except, unfortunately, it is not a theory and is really happening.
So very well written. THANK YOU !
I think Kamala would win because Trump has done the most work for getting himself out there. Trump has a very loyal base and RFK would only help Kamala and that would be the end forever!!!
Yeah, that's an absolutely solid extrapolation of factors regarding the most realistic probability. It's always surprising to see what a distorted perspective, which too many people have, regarding what they believe, rather than simply doing their own due diligent research about the narrative over DJT. She, the commentary above, appears to be very well versed about Jr. But lacks factual knowledge about DJT. For example: failed to recall the fact, that from the beginning the USG, essentially, ”the swamp” or more precisely, the deep state charged DJT for Russian collision that was based upon fabrications that were proven false. I could give more examples but you and the better informed here know the rest of the kangaroo court impeachment proceedings and she even forget about literally everything other than the last thing that you've described perfectly. I think her arguments would have been more of not one if she and others had diligently researched or simply recalled more accurately, the same as they did for Jr. . They'd be more informed - themselves.
100% agreed. RFK has no chance of winning due to the Democratic Party fighting to keep him off the ballot in several states. Trump is the only candidate who can defeat Kamala Harris and her communist agenda. Hopefully, RFK gets behind Trump tomorrow and that would be a game changer for this election.
Disagree. RFK doesn't have the relationships with the foreign countries. They are afraid of Trump because he is a really tough negotiator which he learned from NY Real Estate which is the toughest to do!
Plus, RFK, although likable is pro abortion and against 2nd Amendment. I don't think he'd be tough enough on crime either. Too Liberal.
Wrong on both counts - get educated before making statements about RFK Jr please! Check his website for accurate information:
Strange you only get one like.
I guess the truth hurts.
I think what you saw in Trump's first term was called EXPOSURE. Can't say I care for it , but maybe it was the only way to wake up America. It was like the first Civil War that in the end exposed who was of good intent and who was purely evil . It wasn't a North South thing. Like today it is not a Democrat/ Republican thing .The North had its sweat shops who enslaved human beings (which in history is glossed over) and the South had its plantations who enslaved human beings . Trump is about PEACE and building the U.S.A. and not growing wars! Kennedy is about growing a very real HEALTH SYSTEM THAT GROWS AND SUPPORTS LIFE . Sadly Kennedy has too many Hollywood "Evil" connections, but he has the potential for GREAT GOOD and together the U.S.A. could be restored and the world saved !
I respectfully disagree with your opinion about President Trump. He has sacrificed a luxurious life because he loves our country. I think with RFK joining him is a great thing. Something has to be done to stop big pharma from continuing to take advantage of taxpayers. Congress is being run by Lobbyists and big pharma is a major one. Congress are now millionaires because they're being paid by Lobbyists. We can't trust our Congress to be the public servants they were elected to be because the greed is too great. Lobbyists need to be banned and our Congress needs to be representing us instead of themselves. I think President Trump has more leadership than any other candidate and this union with RFK is a win for our country as well as President Trump.
Very good. See the comment I just posted as well.
This is the momentum that will turn this Titanic away from the looming Iceberg of Totalitarianism. Nothing is perfect but Totalitarianism kills the people, the spirit and mind.
Thank you gor naming it correctly: totalitarianism, which may happen in any system. These people described as communists are neoliberals and capitalists. There’s no communism here. The parasitic elite are trying to impose a financial fascist totalitarian regime. Neo tecno feudalism and slavery. Corporate government control with stakeholder capitalism and communitarianism.
Exactly what is happening!
Having Robert Kennedy the head of Dept Health and Human Services would be the best appointment Trump could make.
RFK would be a wonderful blessing to Trump and Liberty.
I Agree and Believe it is the only way Forward to have any chance of saving Our Country from becoming a complete Disaster !
Umm.. I think Trump may be working with Big Pharma and has already turned down Kennedy's offer to work with him when Trump was seated as President. Also Trump has only endorsed his warp speed death shots despite the deaths and disabilities associated with his shots. Also Trump wants 5G, and heck even 6G, but just not near where he lives. I know Trump has done some good things in the past, but we got to look at facts.
Dee, based on your comment you didn't read the entire article and you didn't watch Nicole's interview. Read, watch, and then comment. I think you will be encouraged.
Really hard to watch and listen to her…annoying voice and she is really not all that well-versed in many of the topics she’s trying to address. She knows NOTHING about monetary policy, for one. The best way to initially curb inflation is to stop spending and stop printing money, period.
I watched the whole video with Nicole and that's exactly what she said needed to happen. Maybe the "she" you were referring to was Kamala???
Yes, she being Kamala
Off the subject but they say I have a few spots of cancer in my peritoneal cavity. They are recommending HIPEC. Who is the best HIPEC doc in the country?
Reading the comments reveals much what people don't know or understand about Kennedy. Get educated quickly and STOP creating your beliefs and convictions from news hook line articles or trolls. Look at Kennedy's record and listen, listen, listen to him speak about his stance on issues. Joe Rogan is onboard BUT Regardlessly.... that still is irrelevant. Do your own research. Even the Apostle Paul said, "you only look at the surface of things" while admonishing the church leaders for their shallowness back in the day. This is WHY nobody wants to DEBATE him, he's crazy equipped and has gears that none of the other candidates have.. PERIOD
Donald Trump is not stupid and Kennedy is a true American albeit an old style liberal one with no place to go. Furthermore one of the agencies that most needs to be re-imagined (rebuilt from the ground up?) is FDA. I know who many of Trump’s people are and he needs somebody in that position so, yes I think that would be a good fit. Trump’s people are both friendly and logical enough to work with him. Bottom line, yes I agree!
I truly hope that if there is an alliance, it will keep Kamala out of the White House, so she does not further destroy this great nation.
A Trump Kennedy alliance is the best! Thank you for writing the truth. May it be so! May our wonderful former President Trump be open to this alliance.
I totally agree with you. I had the same thought, and you have nicely explained what a great move it would be for Trump. My concern is that Trump's ties to Big Pharma are stronger even than his common sense and dedication to the public welfare. He should do it, I hope and pray he does it and will be overjoyed and encouraged if he does. But I doubt he will. I am voting for him, even tho he has his problems, and HHS NIH CDC and FDA are just 4 of them.
Yes, Trump does have ties to Big Pharma, indeed. I have never been a Trump fan, but I certainly am no Biden-Harris fan either. If Trump would not exaggerate so much and tell lies, I would be more encouraged by him. Kennedy is my choice, but if he hooks up with Trump, it will have to be Trump :) If this is the case, I would only hope Trump and Kennedy can work together to start healing this country .
Trump is a con man he had the chance to do the right thing in 2016 he did not he sold out
to pharma taking over a million from Pfizer his campaign manager has ties to pharma too.
Wake up Trump can not be trusted . !!!!
From what Nicole's interview above states, Trump knows he blew it with covid and has learned his lesson. To see him open to an RFK appointment makes that even more true in my mind.
If Trump knows he blew it with covid then why did he hire a pharma lobbyiest for his campaign manager and take over a million from Pfizer.? Trump still says that his operation warped speed covid clot shot was good and even brags about getting ventilators which had about a 90% failure rate !
Would not trust Trump for a moment that he'd follow thru with RFK in charge of health. He jerked even less away the last time. And despite that I will vote for RFK b/c he is the best of the 3, not a chance I will vote for Trump either. (Or Kamala.)