Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Viganò
He's had enough of this non-Christian liberal Pope who hates everything we love and loves everything we hate. We've had enough, too!
Mel Gibson - [mega film maker] is best known for his iconic roles in Braveheart, The Patriot, Lethal Weapon, and for writing and directing the blockbuster movie, The Passion of the Christ. He is just as passionate in his personal life as he is on the big screen. He spends his spare time working to make this a better world for his children. When he speaks, I have learned that we should listen. There is a reason that Hollywood turned on their biggest and brightest star. He’s not one of them. And he never will be. He’s one of us, a freedom fighter who simply loves his family and wants to pass down a decent, safe, happy world to his children and grandchildren.
I met him in 2021 when we spent a 4 hour private flight talking about everything from politics to movies to the Passion of the Christ and his upcoming film, The Resurrection [the follow up to “The Passion”]. I found him to be as charming, kind, and dedicated to all that is good in the world as he is portrayed to be in his movies. I have met many celebrities and well known icons, but none of them live up to the perception of who they seem to be in the public eye and in the media like Mel does.
Mel’s passion is contagious and his charm is electric. He is a faithful father and devoted partner, and he is my friend. He is a Patriot who loves America and his family. More than anything he is devoted to Jesus Christ and is a devout Catholic.
Just days ago, Mel wrote a letter in support of Archbishop Viganò who was just “excommunicated” from the Catholic Church by Pope Francis. Why you ask? For telling the truth, much like us.
We also appreciate Carlo Maria Viganò and want to share Mel Gibson’s letter to Viganò with you. The letter in its entirely is below.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Archbishop Viganò, here are a few bits of information to help give this story context.
First, as a friend of the Trump family, this letter written and published by Viganò in 2020 encouraged us deeply. Our hearts were filled with gratitude and love for Viganò. His courage and bravery as he stood with us and with President Trump was a beacon of hope and light to our souls. We were working behind the scenes to bring Donald Trump a team of the best doctors who were healers using natural and powerful medicine to support Trump as he worked tirelessly trying to help America though the dark days of COVID. We brought DJT the first 2 natural COVID protocols, including the Zelenko protocol, to the White House in 2020. Our goal was to help bring successful alternatives and therapeutics to the toxic COVID shot Fauci was pushing. Donald wanted these alternative protocols for the American people. He never wanted the COVID shots mandated. So Viganò’s support during this time was such a blessing. You can read his letter here.
Then in 2022, my good friend, Vivian Kubrick, sent me this link to Viganò’s year end address in December 2022. This statement went viral and people in the freedom movement started listening to everything Viganò had to say.
Our good friends at the Gateway Pundit have a really great compilation of articles about all the good Archbishop Viganò has done here.
Viganò has continued to stand against the “Deep State” and the “Deep Church” as he states here:
Below is Mel Gibson’s response.
Dear Archbishop,
I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.
I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.
You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.
As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!
You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.
Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.
Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath
He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).
As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.
So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.
Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.
God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.
With admiration & undying respect.
Mel Gibson
Source: Aldo Maria Valli
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I am non Catholic and so do not follow Vatican affairs much, but recent brilliant essays from Archbishop Vigano have alerted us to an alliance apparently formed between the Pope and the technofascist WEF organization. This is more than troubling. The so called " Great Reset " and other of the WEF's master plan for world conquest and control are undemocratic, anti-humanist and subversive of fundamental christian and family values that we all share. For a Pope to embrace such an organization's ideas makes him an enemy of the people as well. With thanks to Archbishop Vigano for his courage in speaking out, to Mel Gibson for his letter, and to Ty and Charlene for posting it.