🚨🚨 Behind the Smoke and Mirrors - from Box Cutters to Controlled Demolition - Debunking the 9/11 Fairy Tale
Let us strip away the veneer around the 911 "Official Story" so that you can see the truth. If you don't already know the truth about 911, this will SHOCK you! 👀
This article is excerpted from the book, “Monumental Myths” – We included only a small portion of the chapter on 9/11 since the entire chapter is almost 80 pages
“On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with box cutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter-interceptor.
These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single-engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.
Luckily, the news anchors knew “who dunnit” within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.” – James Corbett (the Corbett Report)
It was a dramatic, cinematic event. Everyone remembers where they were when the 9/11 event happened. I call it the 9/11 “event” instead of the 9/11 “attack” because I am not convinced it was indeed a terrorist attack, as there are just too many anomalies. Remember Lieutenant Columbo? The murderers always believed they got away with the perfect crime, except that they always make mistakes, since it’s virtually impossible to think of everything, all the finest and most intricate details of the crime. When Columbo started to sniff around the crime scene, he’d slowly realize there were inconsistencies, and it was these inconsistencies that ultimately and inevitably led him to the truth and helped him answer the question of “who dunnit.”
So, “who dunnit?” … when it comes to 9/11? Bin Laden, of course! At least that’s the official myth. If you remember, even as the World Trade Centers were burning, a stream of disinformation laying down the key official 9/11 myth was being actively being put in place via the mainstream media. We all remember the myth: the impact of the planes weakened the structures, the “intense” fires caused the collapses, and Bin Laden was the only possible suspect.
What I want to do in this chapter is to list a multitude of anomalies that just don’t make sense. Let’s not focus on whether or not the buildings fell from fire, controlled demolition, or whatever. Let’s focus on facts. One fact is that accepting the official story of the 9/11 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies, amazing coincidences, physical impossibilities, and contradictions, many of which defy the laws of the universe, the laws of physics, the laws of probability, and quite frankly, many of them just defy common sense.
Liam Scheff, my friend and colleague, painted a vivid picture of what really went down on 9/11 in his book, Official Stories. Since it was a huge inspiration to me, especially for this chapter, I’ll be quoting from it throughout.
Anomaly #1 – The Prelude, “War Games” and Put Options
On the very morning of 9/11/01, no less than fifteen war games and terror drills were being conducted by several US defense agencies, including one “live-fly” exercise using real airplanes. The Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11 (Air Force General Richard B. Myers) admitted to four of the war games in congressional testimony. These war games focused on hijacked aircraft by military fighters, which, as part of the war games, were sent hundreds of miles over the Atlantic Ocean (chasing “ghosts”) rather than intercepting actual hijacked planes.
Operation Northern Vigilance redeployed northeast sector air defense resources to northern Canada and Alaska. Operations Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian, which simulated airline hijackings and involved live radar “injects,” may have confused military and civilian personnel monitoring aircraft. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), which monitors satellites and airborne objects, was evacuated while the attack unfolded because it was conducting a plane-into-tower crash drill. This is the reason why the satellite surveillance of 9/11 has not been made available. Allegedly, there is none because, due to the NRO drill, all space-based surveillance was conveniently disabled in time for the 9/11 attacks. The Tripod II biowarfare exercise, scheduled for 9/12/01, resulted in the deployment of FEMA to Manhattan before the attack. There were many other drills: Amalgam Warrior, Global Guardian, and as my mother used to say, “oodles and gobs” more. Check them out. Do a web search. They’re there.
Just three months before 9/11 (in June 2001) there was another war game called Amalgam Virgo, which was a NORAD exercise involving a suicide pilot attacking a military installation in the USA. If you do a search for “Amalgam Virgo tactical exercises,” you should be able to find the PDF. Check out the cover! (I posted it below.)
Do you recognize the picture? Of course.
It’s the boogie man!
No, it’s Freddie Krueger!
No, it’s … it’s … Osama Bin Laden! Wow, what a coincidence!
As a result of the war games happening simultaneously while 9/11 was unfolding, air traffic controllers and radar operators didn’t know if what they were seeing on the screens were exercises or real events. According to Boston Air Traffic Control: “We need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.” Northeast Air Defense Sector replied: “Is this real world or an exercise?” Boston reiterated: “No, this is not an exercise. Not a test.”
Anomaly #2 – NORAD, the FAA and PTech
It is standard operating procedure for North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to scramble jet fighters whenever a jetliner goes off course or radio contact with it is lost. Period. No debate. It’s just what happens. Frequently. For instance, between September 2000 and June 2001, interceptors were scrambled 67 times. In the year 2000 jets were scrambled 129 times.
But routine interception procedures were not followed on September 11, 2001. Despite normal intercept times of between 10 and 20 minutes for errant domestic flights, the airliners commandeered on 9/11 roamed the skies for over an hour without interference, traveling hundreds of miles in the opposite direction of their flight plans.
There were three particular types of failures on 9/11.
Failures to Report – According to NORAD’s timeline, the FAA reported errant airliners after inexplicable delays. The FAA took 18 minutes to report Flight 11’s loss of communication and deviation from its flight plan. The FAA took 39 minutes to report Flight 77’s deviation from its flight plan.
Failures to Scramble – Interceptors were only scrambled from distant bases after long delays. Despite the fact that Flights 11 and 175 were headed for New York City, no interceptors were scrambled from nearby La Guardia, or from Langley, Virginia. Despite NORAD’s having received formal notification of the first hijacking at 8:38 AM, no interceptors were scrambled from Andrews to protect the nearby Pentagon until after it was hit at 9:37 AM.
Failures to Intercept – Once in the air, interceptors flew at only small fractions of their top speeds, assuring they would fail to intercept the airliners. According to analysis published at www.911research.wtc7.net, the two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to chase Flight 11 flew at an average of 447 mph, about 23.8% of their top speed of 1875 mph. The two F-16s scrambled from Langley to protect the capital flew at an average of 410.5 mph, about 27.4% of their top speed of 1500 mph.
I have a friend named Al who is a pilot. He told me the story about when he accidentally veered off course while flying his small jet plane. According to Al, who happens to be ex-military, it was less than 5 minutes before he had an F-15 on each wing. They actually fired a flare at him, basically warning him that if he didn’t get back on course, they were going to shoot him down.
But four jets flew off course on 9/11 for well over an hour, yet not a single F-15 or F-16 intercepted them? Maybe they were all busy chasing after “ghosts” in the Atlantic? Maybe all the F-15 and F-16 pilots were in the snack room? Or perhaps the reason was more sinister.
Anomaly #3 – Box Cutters … Really?
The official story is that the 19 Arabs hijacked four planes with nothing but box cutters and plastic knives. That’s five “terrorists” per plane (except the plane in Pennsylvania, which had four). There were anywhere from approximately 35 to 70 passengers per plane, plus the crews. Why do I say “approximately”? Well, the names and numbers of passengers have been changed multiple times since 9/11. Seriously. Oh yes, the planes were piloted by at least one, and in one case, two former retired military (Air Force) pilots.
At least five years ago, I told my wife, Charlene, that any red-blooded American on those planes would have “butt-whipped” those emaciated Muslim “hijackers” before you could count to ten, and most likely the passengers would have sent them on their way to their 72 virgins. When I read Liam Scheff’s book, Official Stories, I was delighted to find that at least one other person felt the same way that I did.
Put yourself on one of the planes on 9/11. Five skinny Arab terrorists whip out their box cutters and begin screaming “Allah!” The plane is under attack. The scrawny Muslims are apparently attempting to break into the cockpit door and overtake two large, well-trained military pilots. And they’re going to do it quickly enough and with enough “shock and awe” that the well-trained military pilots forget to transmit a hijack alert. Because, on 9/11, not a single pilot managed to find the three seconds necessary to key in their emergency four-digit “hijacking” code, which would have sent an instant, but silent alarm to the ground, causing the letters “HJCK” to appear on the monitors at air traffic control. I guess they were too petrified by the Muslims screaming “Allah,” waiving around their box cutters, and kicking on the cockpit door.
Remember. The hijackers didn’t have any guns. None.
Every red-blooded American in the cabin with the most minuscule amount of testosterone and adrenaline would never have allowed them to carry out their dirty deeds and crash those planes. Three or four guys beat the crap out of the hijackers, while a few fellas and gals thrash another, while the others get walloped by another half dozen passengers, and so on. The worst thing that could possibly happen is that the “terrorists” might slice up your hands and forearms while someone behind them knocks their block off. The plane flies back to the nearest airport and the passengers and pilots drag the bloody, unconscious bodies of the hijackers to the authorities, where they take them to jail.
Anomaly #4 – Cell Phones & Black Boxes
In 2001, cell phone calls from commercial aircraft over 8,000 feet were essentially impossible. Between 2,000 and 8,000 feet, calls were “highly unlikely,” while below 2,000 feet were only “unlikely.” Moreover, even at 2,000 feet (and below), the handoff problem appears. Any airliner at or below this altitude, flying at the normal speed of approximately 500 mph, would encounter the handoff problem. An aircraft traveling at this speed would not be over the cell site long enough to complete the electronic “handshake” (which takes several seconds to complete) before arriving over the next cell site when the call has to be handed off from the first cell site to the next one. This also takes a few seconds, the result being, in the optimal case, a series of broken transmissions that must end, sooner or later, in failure.
Qualcomm solved this problem … in 2004. Three years after 9/11, Qualcomm Corporation issued a press release stating that they had developed a new technology that would finally make it possible to make cellular phone calls from commercial airliners. Using a technology called “Pico Cells,” the system will work as a link between the airliner and ground towers. According to the 2004 press release, it was currently impossible to connect by cell phone in a plane that is above 4,000 feet.
Anomaly #5 – the “Twin Towers”
The official myth about 9/11 tells us that the fire (from the planes and office furniture) caused the floors to heat and sag, which pulled these floors away from their metal trusses. The trusses, unable to handle the strain, broke and dropped the whole floor onto the floor below and the floor below and so on – known as the “domino” or “pancake” theory.
Now, this is where it gets really remarkable. Apparently, this eventually caused both Twin Towers to disintegrate into powder, dust, and twisted metal, without leaving behind their colossal metal cores. We’re told that after the top floors began to fall, that collapse was unavoidable. Really? Hey, we should share this information with controlled demolition companies. They don’t really need to wire the entire building after all. They just need to knock down the top floors and … poof! … the rest of the building will “mystically” collapse. It’s magic! And you don’t even need any pixie dust or fairies!
The crazy thing is that it’s never happened before or since 9/11. Yep, the “Twin Towers” (WTC1 & WTC2) are the only buildings in recorded history to have totally collapsed due to fire along with some minor structural damage. Well, except for WTC7, which we will discuss later. Remember, not just one but three buildings in total collapsed due to fire and some minor damage. In comparison, on October 18, 2004, in Caracas, Venezuela, Parque Central East Tower, a 56-story building, caught on fire. The fire broke out shortly before midnight on the 34th floor, burned for over 17 hours and spread over 26 floors, reaching the roof. It did not collapse. After the fires went out, the building (albeit a burned-out shell) was still standing.
Back to the Twin Towers. The plane crashes resulted in significant fires in both Towers, at least for the first few minutes after the crashes. The fires in the North Tower were considerably more extensive than those in the South Tower, and as time progressed the fires in the South Tower appeared to diminish greatly in severity. This was probably due to most of the jet fuel being exhausted within a few minutes of the impacts. Since kerosene (jet fuel) has a low boiling point and a low flash point, most of it would have evaporated and caught fire quickly.
As you watch the videos, notice the color of the smoke. Dark. Very dark. Dark smoke implies the presence of soot (uncombusted hydrocarbons) produced when a fire is oxygen-starved, or has just been extinguished. Not necessarily what you would expect to see right before a building collapses, is it? I mean, personally, I would expect to see raging 100 foot flames. But no, not with the Twin Towers. The fires were starved for oxygen. They were going out. Then … BOOM! They collapsed. Out of nowhere. At free fall speed.
When you watch the videos of the Twin Towers collapsing, if you’re honest, you will have to admit that the collapses both look like controlled demolitions: sudden onset accompanied by deafening bangs, visible explosions ringing their perimeters, energetic ejections of dust at regular intervals, demolition squibs on the floors below the collapse line, and copious production of dust. A controlled demolition will bring a building straight down, when all the integral supports are blasted away. Kind of like what we saw on 9/11. No, let me rephrase that. Exactly like what we saw on 9/11. A controlled demolition.
How long would a “non-explosive-triggered” collapse take? Some suggest 90 seconds for total collapse of such tall structures. But no. The Twin Towers fell as if in “free fall,” taking only 11 seconds each. For this 11 second demolition to occur, all the internal supports would have to be blasted away; there were indeed reports of loud explosions throughout the building. Numerous New York City firemen, like Lou Cacchioli and Craig Carlsen, have testified that there were explosions: “Bang, bang, bang, bang! … just like a … what do you call it when they bring a building down intentionally? A controlled demolition. Yeah. A controlled demolition.” Multiple explosions. Dozens of witnesses.
Anomaly #6 – Explosions and William Rodriguez
It’s something you won’t hear much about in the controlled mainstream media: a loud devastating explosion in the sub-basement of the WTC’s North Tower before the impact of an airplane that hit between the 93rd and 99th floors.
That was the account of William Rodriguez, who was a 20-year employee of the WTC until the towers were destroyed on 9/11/01. He was later hailed as a national hero for pulling people out of the buildings and saving a number of lives that morning. He was believed to be the last person to escape the North Tower before it fell, and he was photographed with President George W. Bush. Now, the government doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say.
But Rodriquez isn’t alone. There were over 100 reports of loud and powerful explosions around the very base of the Twin Towers shortly before they collapsed. Several times the buildings shook so badly that the evacuating staff inside thought it was an earthquake.
These reports were not from a couple of individuals but from a multitude of pedestrians, camera crews, journalists, firefighters, police, paramedics and evacuating office workers, many of whom have since died in accidents, by illness or suicide.
Anomaly #7 – WTC Building 7 (The Third Building)
Did you know that three buildings fell on 9/11? The collapse of Building 7 is the “smoking gun” of 9/11. WTC7 was a 47-story building that was not hit by a plane, yet it collapsed at near free fall speed around 5:20 PM on 9/11/01. According to NIST, the building “collapsed by fires fueled by office furniture.” No, I’m not kidding. Seriously. That’s what they said. I wonder if he made this statement before or after his partial lobotomy.
The official report is that WTC7 fell in about 7 seconds at free fall speed. I’m sure it was just a coincidence that the building housed Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 23rd floor command center, the SEC and its then ongoing Enron and WorldCom investigations (which could now be buried – literally), the IRS, the Secret Service, and the largest CIA base outside of Langley, Virginia.
The collapse of WTC7 is a physical impossibility, it cannot be replicated experimentally, and it defies the laws of physics. Set aside politics and religion and use the scientific method, then you’ll see that WTC7 must have been a controlled demolition. In light of the free fall and the uniform acceleration of the towers, the only thing that makes sense scientifically is that they were blown up.
On February 9, 2009, in Beijing, China, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, a 44-story building, was reportedly set ablaze accidentally by fireworks. The fire burned throughout the night and early morning for approximately 10 hours, with giant flames reaching 30 feet above the roof. Most of the building was gutted, yet there was no collapse. Seven of these “non-9/11” building fires burned well beyond three hours over multiple floors – some burned for 10 or more hours. None collapsed. In fact, no steel-framed high-rise outside the World Trade Center has ever suffered a complete collapse blamed on fire. The WTC1 and WTC2 fires burned for only 60 to 90 minutes. Yet, along with WTC7, the Twin Towers were completely destroyed – in just seconds.
Did you know that the BBC reported that WTC7 had collapsed … before it collapsed? Yep. They did. It’s on film. You can see it on YouTube. The time stamp is 21:54 (4:54 PM EST) when news of the Salomon Brothers Building (aka WTC7) is first broadcast, a full 26 minutes in advance of its collapse. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.
The fact that the BBC reported on the collapse of WTC7 over twenty minutes in advance of its implosion obviously provokes a myriad of questions as to how they knew it was about to come down when the official story says its collapse happened accidentally as a result of “fires fueled by office furniture.” Is it just me, or do you also almost crack up laughing every time you hear that?
When questioned about their bizarre act of “clairvoyance” (how they were able to report the collapse before it happened), the BBC responded, “In the chaos and confusion of the day, we’re quite sure we said things which turned out to be untrue or inaccurate.” Hold on here! How do “chaos and confusion” explain how the BBC reported on the “unexpected” collapse of a building before it happened? Do BBC reporters have access to a time machine?
Anomaly #8 – The Pentagon
The official story is that the Pentagon was hit by a plane that disappeared into a hole (approximately 25 feet in diameter) at the base of the building but left no mark on the lawn. If we do the math, assuming the entry angle of 75°, the 125-foot wingspan of the Boeing 757 would have made a hole about 175 feet wide (give or take a bit for the wings snapping off) in the Pentagon wall. This clearly did not happen.
The skies around the Pentagon are amongst the most heavily defended in the USA, and the Pentagon also has the most cameras per square yard than any other Government buildings in the USA. No unknown aircraft are allowed within 50 miles of the Pentagon. Period. I’ve flown in that neck of the woods a few times on small propeller jets. Literally, you would be shot down if you didn’t have permission to fly in that restricted airspace. The Pentagon has its own anti-aircraft missiles that should have fired to protect the building on 9/11. Only a military aircraft with a special IFF transponder (identifying it as a friend) would have been allowed to approach the Pentagon.
Jamie McIntyre, a CNN reporter on the scene shortly after the impact, stated that “there’s no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the building.” Just to make sure that nobody learned the truth, the FBI seized all CCTV coverage (86 videos from office blocks, car parks, gas stations, hotels) of the Pentagon event and only released a crummy and doctored 5 frames of time-lapse footage to the press. It showed an explosion but it did not show what exactly exploded! Hey FBI … if you got nothing to hide, why are you hiding something? Just as dead men tell no tales, dead evidence tells none either!
Now let’s talk about the purported pilot of Flight 77, Hani Hanjour. This is a man who, three weeks before 9/11, attempted to rent a Cessna at an airfield in Maryland. Suspicious of his dubious “pilot’s license,” officials at the airfield insisted he take a chaperoned test flight before the rental would be approved. He failed his test flight miserably. He could neither control nor properly land the Cessna. In fact, the instructors at the airfield in Maryland said, ”It was like he had hardly even ever driven a car. He could not fly at all.” And yet, the official myth asks us to believe that Hanjour pulled off a stunt that would press the limits of even the most experienced aviation test pilot.
Anomaly #9 – The “Crash” of Flight 93
The official myth tells us that Flight 93, the fourth jetliner commandeered on 9/11, was the only plane where the passengers actually made an effort to resist the skinny Muslim hijacking terrorists. The brave ringleader, Todd (“Let’s Roll”) Beamer and his no-nonsense call to arms became a defining battle cry in America’s “war on terror.”
They tell us that Flight 93 eventually crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 500+ mph and apparently totally vaporized on impact, leaving no dead bodies or plane wreckage.
Really? In the words of Elmer Fudd, “Good heavens. It disintegrated!”
Just check out the photo below.
There were little bits of metal strewn over a four mile radius, but none bigger than a phone book size? Seriously? I guess this was yet another “first” that happened on 9/11 – this being the first time in the history of aviation that a whole plane has vaporized on impact along with the entire crew and passengers. Wow. I guess the immutable laws of nature, physics, and science are a little bit different in the rural areas of Pennsylvania.
Oh yes, the FBI says 95% of the plane was recovered, but we’ve never seen pictures of this recovered debris. Hmmmm … perhaps they’re “hiding” with the 86 videos of the “plane” hitting the Pentagon?
Anomaly #10 – Osama
Within hours of the 9/11 events, Osama bin Laden was identified (without evidence) as the architect and mastermind of 9/11. On the following day, the “global war on terror” had been launched. And the mainstream media disinformation campaign went into full gear.
Who was Osama Bin Laden? He was a member of a very powerful and wealthy Saudi Arabian family. In the 1980s, he was an Afghani freedom fighter and friend of the USA. Then, by the late 1990s, he was one of the main “terrorist” enemies of America, with ties to al-CIA-duh (err … ummm … I mean … al Qaeda).
The fact is that the US government trained, armed, funded, and supported Osama bin Laden and his followers in Afghanistan during the Cold War. Al Qaeda was created by the CIA in their offices in Washington D.C. with a huge investment of $3,500,000,000 (yes, that’s 3.5 billion) of American taxpayers’ money. But don’t expect the controlled mainstream media “stenographers” to deviate from their Pentagon-generated scripts and connect the dots regarding the “in-your-face” link between the CIA and al-Qaeda “terrorism.” Right up until 9/11/01, al Qaeda was ours; we created it, we trained the terrorists, and we used them! Research it yourself.
Now, concerning 9/11, Osama Bin Laden categorically stated that he did not do it. Let’s hear what the “dastardly” Bin Laden said about 9/11 right on September 28, 2001: “I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself.”
Typically, terrorists can’t wait to take the credit for blowing stuff up – it’s good for their ego, street credibility, and for their movement. Had Osama Bin Laden been the “mastermind” behind the largest attacks in history on American soil, don’t you think he would have been proud of it? A major victory against the “infidels,” a major notch in his belt, a huge triumph! But, no, he denied it instead.
Oh I can hear it now – “But Osama did claim responsibility in … you know … that video.” Ah, yes, there was that good ole’ bizarre, peculiar video that the FBI “found” in Afghanistan. Well, that video definitely did show someone posing as left-handed Osama (who was right-handed, with darker skin, different bone structure, and a wider nose) and claiming responsibility. Check out the photo below. Apparently living in caves and eating scorpions and lizards does a body good. Osama looks younger, healthier, with better complexion, and even looks like he’s put on 20 or 30 pounds. Hey, maybe we all should move to the nearest cave. But even though it looks bogus and smells like a fraud (heck, it totally reeks of fakery), since the government told us that was Osama, I guess it was. They wouldn’t lie, would they? Naw….
“Will the real Osama please step forward?”
Anomaly #11 – Bush
Remember the video of President Bush when he was told about the second plane hitting the Twin Towers? He was at a school reading a story about a pet goat to a classroom of children. He remained sitting there, book in hand for several minutes, doing absolutely nothing, looking rather befuddled and uncomfortable – a strange reaction to just sit there, doing nothing, from a President who has just been told his country is apparently under attack from terrorists. An expected reaction would have been to stand up, dismiss the class, walk out of the school straight away and head back to base in Air Force One to coordinate movements.
Why didn’t the highly trained men of the Secret Service (whose job it was to protect President Bush at the school) quickly whisk him away for his own safety? Wouldn’t their first priority be to protect the President, just in case there were planes heading for the school?
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. President Bush has stated on two separate occasions that on the morning of 9/11, he saw a plane hit World Trade Center 1.
The first occasion was on December 4, 2001, at a town hall meeting, aired live on CNN. Someone asked, “…how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?” Bush answered, “…you’re not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card – actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower – the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, ‘There’s one terrible pilot.’ And I said, ‘It must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there – I didn’t have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, ‘A second plane has hit the tower. America’s under attack.’ “
The second occasion where Bush mentioned this was at a town hall forum in California on January 5, 2002. Bush told the crowd, “I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff – well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on...” You can still find the quote on www.whitehouse.gov.
Whoa! Hold on a second! There is a problem with the above statements. Can you guess? Yep, I think you got it. There was no live video footage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn’t be. Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until after the second plane had hit WTC 2.
So, Bush told us a whopper lie … twice! Liars always get their stories mixed up, don’t they? “Would you like some fries with your whoppers, Mr. Bush?”
9/11 Summation
James Corbett said it best: “Preserve the crime scene. Follow the money trail. Establish the motive. Look for those with the means to pull off the crime. Any criminal investigator will tell you that these are the most basic principles of any investigation. But none of them were followed on 9/11 … Fundamentally, 9/11 was a crime. It was a particularly horrific crime, one that played itself out like a high-budget Hollywood blockbuster over the course of three terrifying hours on live TV, but a crime nonetheless.”
According to Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky, “The tragic events of 9/11/01 constitute a fundamental landmark in American history. A decisive watershed. A breaking point. An era of crisis. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.”
The filth who planned 9/11 (no, I’m not talking about Osama) knew that it would evoke such a visceral response of hatred and anger, and tears that all logic, lucidity, clarity, sanity, and restraint would give way to sanctimonious, irrational revenge. They counted on it! They wanted it! They needed it.
And they got it!
They got the event they needed to unite Americas with the common goal of “go kill ‘em all – all the terrorists.” Who is “they”? The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was a neocon “think tank” riddled with soon-to-be members of the Bush administration. Their primary goals were “massive expansion of the US military” and “increased centralized power for the CIA, FBI, and NSA.”
One major obstacle was that, before 9/11, over 90% of Americans were against wars of aggression in the Middle East. In its own words, what this country needs is a “catastrophic and catalyzing event,” kind of like a “new Pearl Harbor.” Voila! Along came 9/11. After 9/11, all they had to do was tell the media whores who the “bad guys” were and then they ran with it. If you dared to question the official story, you “hated America” and were a traitor. Bush told us that “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.”
The rest is history.
Meanwhile, the US government is busy at work behind the scenes stripping us of our Constitutional rights under the guise of protecting us from the “terrorists.” This is not a “left vs. right” issue. It’s a “liberty” vs. “tyranny” issue.
But using false flag terror as an excuse to increase tyranny is nothing new. In the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn - “A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.”
The purpose of 9/11 was manifold:
To spread fear.
To distract the public about critical missing Pentagon trillions.
To create a new “power elite” in as few hands as possible.
To crack down on civil liberties
To increase “police state” activities
To create a wider swath of powerful new “enemies” and shadowy groups able to attack us here in America.
Then to create a powerful pretense to attack the new “enemies” and gain possession of their resources.
That’s right … 9/11 was used as the pretext for war in Afghanistan, Iraq, for the PATRIOT Act, the Homegrown Terrorist Act, the NDAA, the drones patrolling the skies of the USA, etc. Basically, the pretext for the obliteration of the Constitution and urination on the Bill of Rights!!
After 9/11, the mesmerized “sheeple” were plunged even deeper into their “doublethink” and “cognitive oblivion” since 9/11 was trauma-based programming. But there’s good news! Refreshing news! In the end, 9/11 caused a bud to bloom in the portion of the population that is still sane, who have resisted the mainstream media’s lies, propaganda, and allure.
Those with “eyes to see” eventually realized that 9/11 was undoubtedly a contrived media circus – the mother of all “false flags” – glaring “PR theater.”
Too scary? Can’t believe it? Please don’t crawl back into the box. Despite what the mainstream media tells you, ignorance is not strength.
I was approached by one of my colleagues in 2007 asking me if I was still working as a piloting expert on crash cases. I told him I was still working on cases. He asked me if I had looked at 9/11 from the lens of a crash investigator. I said no. He said I should and walked away. It took 60 minutes of analysis to determine that it was impossible that a 757 aircraft hit the Pentagon. First, there was a jagged hole that would not fit the diameter of a 757. In addition there were unbroken windows next to the hole where the wings would have it. Plus no engine holes, the densest part of any plane. The 9/11 Commission Report stated that the plane was going so fast and had so much fuel the plane disintegrated on impact…a physical impossibility. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only change form. The only things found in the hole was a 757 wheel and tire and a rotor disc that came from an unknown origin. It did not come from the jet engines or APU. You should see seat frames, luggage, miles of wire bundles, landing gear, pieces and sections of the fuselage and cockpit…nothing. The only bodies in the hole were the unfortunate people working in the office. Continental Airline 757 sim instructors attempted to fly the profile of the supposed aircraft and they all crashed, further raising suspicions. There are over 100 surveillance cameras around the Pentagon. Plus anti aircraft capability. If you watch the doctored single video the explosion is white hot. Jet fuel burns orange hot, another problem. As a former combat fighter pilot and patriot I was initially shocked and angry over completely trusting our government. Not anymore. One day the truth will come out. Most likely after everyone involved has passed…
One thing that’s always bothered me about the 911 video of the plane hitting the tower is the way the wings just sink into the side of the building instead of being knocked off. How can a hollow wing penetrate through steel beams? The video can't possible be real according to the laws of physics.
The second thing that doesn’t make sense is how the building turned to dust as it fell. Are you familiar with the theory behind directed energy weapons? Judy Wood wrote a book called Where Did the Twin Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 911. She makes a strong case that a directed energy weapon is the only thing that could have caused the towers to turn to dust the way they did.